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    Monday, November 23, 2020

    Artifact - Artifact 2.0 Beta | Hero Demo Puzzles | Kanna

    Artifact - Artifact 2.0 Beta | Hero Demo Puzzles | Kanna

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Artifact 2.0 Beta | Hero Demo Puzzles | Kanna

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:15 AM PST

    Quantum mechanics in dota world?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:59 AM PST

    [TLDR: Dota universe is huge and messy full of plot holes, with quantum mechanics we can speculate the lore better. It allow us focus on making a great story, without worrying potential inconsistencies. Multiverse, Schrodinger's cat, Wave function collapse, etc., go wild.

    Disclaimer: English is not my main language and I'm in no way an expert in lore or quantum mechanics. I wrote this without proof read and proper research, just sharing my thoughts. Please forgive my cringey, uneducated, unoriginal take. Happy anniversary everyone and stay healthy.]

    It's Moonday my dudes!

    The anniversary is around the corner, I've been thinking about past 2 years. I played dota for years, never paid attention to the lore, until this tweet . I love time travel multiverse stuff (slacks PA loregasm is so good!), so the tweet and the Prelude comic was cool. While it canonized many things (eg. lore behind cosmetics and arcanas, Underlord or Sorla Khan's attack on Stonehall, etc.) there are still plenty of loose ends. I used to think infinite parallel universe is too cop out, but it is allowed in quantum mechanics. If applicable in dota world, it potentially clears up a lot of contradictions.

    Grandfather paradox:

    If I understand the Prelude comic correctly, these Houses able to change the history to nudge the timeline in favorable direction. Now they found the ideal scenario where veiled sisterhood comes into play. Chain of events leads to destruction of city of Ember, presumably someone from there related to the Grandmaster deleted from existence. This type of story easily caused the grandfather paradox. But with quantum mechanics, then veiled sisterhood is in a superposition of both did and didn't entered the story. This infinitely branched the timeline.

    Timeline 1: veiled sisterhood didn't involve --> Underlord attacks Stonehall --> bad ending -->

    play Artifact

    Timeline 2: veiled sisterhood involve --> Sorla Khan attacks Stonehall --> good ending --> Jolixia makes new cards

    Jolixia and the Grandmaster able to notice the changes, but to an outsider of the Houses, the photo will always be without the relatives from city of Ember, and the red book will always been Sorla Khan attack Stonehall. This brings us to the above tweet.

    It's Schrodinger's Rewind-time:

    If the ancient is in superposition of succeeded and failed rewind time, this allows events post-war. Outcome of the war will not matter. If rewind success, sure let's queue into smurfs again. Rewind failed, guess arc warden won, let's face the confluence. What is this confluence? The threat in ES arcana? Diretide 2? Dota Alyx? Yoinked heroes from dota 1? Gambler!? Doesn't matter! How Jolixia determines a good ending? Is she preparing for the confluence? Or something that will never explained so we can keep making expansions leading into it indefinitely? Sure! Did LC beat Sorla Khan since she's not in the war? What happens if Sorla Khan added into Dota 2 later? It's fine! We can add new arcanas, personas, voice lines, events etc. without contradicting existing lore because Schrodinger's cat!

    Dota 2 = simulation:

    Recently I stumbled upon this German series – Dark (Netflix). It was the most 5Head shit I ever seen. Heavy spoilers ahead and I sincerely felt it is too good of a show to be spoiled (pray that the spoiler tag works). Dark utilized time travels, quantum mechanics, parallel universe, simulated reality. I mention this show because I see many similarities in dota world. I won't explain the plot, but I could parody it – Dota 2 is a reality simulated by Jolixia's reality, probably as experiments before lock in the good ending. That's why Artifact frequently draws. It can surrender too, it's just simulations. Dota 2 characters might not realized they're in a simulated reality. Maybe the ancients knew after countless of rewind? They want a way out, off the loop, and off the simulation? Also, how heroes remembers past life? Deja vu? Void spirit has been watching from the side line, did he noticed? Let's go deeper, dota Underlords game is simulated within dota 2, simulation within simulation! The games are actually stories play out in "The Early Bird". What's with the wacky scenarios and meta pop culture references in bp awards line? It felt wrong even using multiverse to explain void spirit involved in street fights. UNLESS, "The Early Bird" was not quite a newspaper, but more like "Marvel What If…?" The confluence is the crossover event among the 3 realities!?

    Moral of the story:

    Void spirit can't see past the war, he dead? Trapped? Or because Jolixia have yet lock in a post-war timeline? Can she see the future or only major event points? What if future Jolixia decided veil sisters is a mistake? There'll be no paradox because science, the point is they tried hard to prepare for what's to come, in this timeline.

    If today we send a message back to Nov 28 2018 telling the devs about 2019 Artifact, what will they do? Thank goodness we are not all powerful beings who can access the past and future knowing our destiny beforehand. Whether the world is deterministic or many-worlds interpretation is correct, it doesn't matter. We should believe there's a timeline where we're jacked, not only that but we wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes, after lifting TI10 trophy. And we tried our hardest NOW and onwards to ensure that become our timeline. Going into the future blindly seems not so bad. Judging from the frequent patches of Beta 2.0, I think the devs know what's up :D

    Some inspiration:

    Slacks and Anger's vids of course, Dark (Netflix), Tenet (a movie about determinism) I'm a sucker for click-baity youtube vids, but I'll share 1 that I felt is good: Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here's Why

    submitted by /u/notdendimon
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    what card games do you guys play while waiting for this to get good?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:24 PM PST

    I've been playing lots of lor but idk if i like it too too much, it kinda bores me, any other suggestions?

    submitted by /u/xenith811
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    Is it possible to join the beta?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    I've signed to the beta for the second time on Artifact's main site. What are the rules? Is it random? Or maybe it's closed and I cannot join?


    submitted by /u/_IAmMichael
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