• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Artifact - NEWS!! Valve now believe Artifact should be promoted as if it were a normal game

    Artifact - NEWS!! Valve now believe Artifact should be promoted as if it were a normal game

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    NEWS!! Valve now believe Artifact should be promoted as if it were a normal game


    Valve has said in a recent interview that they are going to quit being assholes amd are going to actually promote Artifact. They are going to spend 150.000$ in April and same amount in May. They have unfortunately say that they will never hold the 1million tournament because they have successfully manage to avoid it.

    This change of mind come from the Valve research team discovering that marketing actually works, they could not believe but found out randomly on the internet a few thousand of papers that confirm the success of advertisement. It has been a crucial discover for Valve. Because they have always believe the marketing was as fake as moon landing but no, it wasn't only the moon landing is fake.

    Happy April's fool everyone. If you seriously believed that Valve would do something as crazy as advertisement you are completely going NUTS.

    submitted by /u/Longkaisa
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