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    Saturday, July 27, 2019

    Artifact - I played Artifact today...

    Artifact - I played Artifact today...

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    I played Artifact today...

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    my opponent got vesture of tyrant out of golden ticket, so i abandoned.

    long haul clap

    submitted by /u/TriHardforLife69
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    How does Artifact's subreddit compare to other subreddits of games that are dying or dead?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 06:45 PM PDT

    Since it has been four (?) months since Valve made that statement about how they intent to "relaunch" Artifact from the ground up, how does this subreddit as a whole fare compared to other dead/dying game subreddits? And by that, I mean subreddits of games that either have been shut down (i.e. Paragon, LawBreakers), announced that they would be shut down, or games that will no longer be updated or have not been updated in an extended amount of time. (i.e. Dirty Bomb)

    For me, it seems like it is rather peaceful here in terms of that, compared to things such as people being hostile to Epic on r/paragon, people saying that they miss the game on r/lawbreakers and r/radicalheights, (although I'm not sure how many of those people would actually be still playing the game had those not been shut down) and places like r/RCTW being flat out dead. Maybe it's because Valve didn't shut down the game yet, which gives people hope, and at least it allows people that still like the game as it is right now to play it, compared to what happened to Paragon and it being shut down completely.

    The occasional Artifact meme here once in a while is nice to see too, as an outlet of some positivity with how badly this game turned out.

    submitted by /u/Enstraynomic
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    Today I Made This Spartan Artifact S H I R T .

    Posted: 27 Jul 2019 09:05 AM PDT

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