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    Sunday, July 14, 2019

    Artifact - Path of the wise

    Artifact - Path of the wise

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Path of the wise

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    I'm Russian and very angry.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    When the game was just announced - I spent enough money to promote their community on a popular Russian site. I'm not new to this business and have a community with 50K members on Hearthstone. Contests, advertising and more - all of it was worth the money. In the end, it was all for nothing. Time, money, nerves. I lost 90% of my previous audience because everyone just stopped playing Artifact and left the community. I had nothing to post , because even in the official Twitter last post - in December (!) ( not counting the letter in March). How the fuck could you hope that this would actually work? I'm not talking about the moments of the game, I'm talking about the information boycott. WHY? At the same time - I like the game even in this form. I was curious. Probably the game will be redesigned, and may even be successful. But there is a good Russian saying: A spoon is dear when lunch time is near. I can only imagine how much money and time was spent on this larger resources. But it doesn't make me feel any better. And yet I'm still waiting for Artifact 2.0. Maybe I'm an idiot?(sorry for my bad English)

    submitted by /u/Dirty_Heel
    [link] [comments]

    A Comprehensive Guide to Mono Green (Part III: Key Cards vs. Tech Cards, Oh Yeah, And Items Too)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    This post is LONG because I really went in depth.

    I will have a TLDR at the bottom though for major points. Some cards simply require a description of why they are good or bad while certain cards need to be considered in comparison to other cards. As a result, the categories will descend from most useful to least useful and then there will be a couple separate categories comparing special case cards. Item discussion is at the very end (spoiler, items are super straight forward unless you're running revtal convoy meme deck).

    Must-Have Cards, 3x Copies, No Questions Asked

    Mist of Avernus (3 mana) This card dominates draft and it also dominates in constructed. By no necessary for mono green to win, but why make life hard. Take the free wins and watch your heroes upgrade from Green to Red to better than Red in the games that you don't insta-win from this.
    Unearthed Secrets (3 mana) It's card draw. A lot of card draw. Super nice if you can proc it in lane 1 because that lets you draw cards to use that same round in lanes 2 and 3, but place it where you expect to get the most value.
    RUMUSQUE BLESSING (3 mana) THIS NEEDS TO BE IN YOUR DECK. STOP MAKING THE MISTAKE OF NOT USING THIS CARD. IF YOU'RE RUNNING MONO GREEN USE THIS CARD. IT'S NOT JUST FOR DRAFT, IT'S ACTUALLY BETTER IN CONSTRUCTED. TRUST ME, USE IT, AND LEARN HOW TO USE IT WELL. The biggest mistake I see from other players on the rare occasion they play mono green is not running this card. This card is the bread and butter of mono green; only slightly outshined by the two cards above. Turn 2 (mana 4) revolves entirely around using this card optimally. This is a permanent HP buff on heroes. This puts melee creeps at 7 hp, out of range of At Any Cost. This card scales with armor, combo-ing with Treant, arm the rebellion, and Enchantress. This card scales with healing, improving the value of consumables, Omniknight, Enchantress, and Soul of Spring. This card used late game single-handedly turns an Eclipse from clearing a lane to killing nothing. This card more than doubles the HP of rampaging hell bear. Do I need to continue? Use this freakin' card. Every. Single. Deck.
    Roseleaf Druid (4 mana) This is the only signature card I'm adding to this post. I'm adding it simply to remind everyone of how amazing this card is, and because Treant Protector is the one green hero that should be in 100% of mono green decks. This card has 2

    Useful In Almost All Mono Greens, 2-3 Copies

    Intimidation (5 mana) This card is borderline must-have. It's a finisher card for mono-green and arguably more important than even Emissary of the Quorum. Most of the time you want to be saving this card to the end when it can lock your opponent out of a lane so you can land the finishing blow on a tower. This card also has the niche use of moving your own units to another lane. Because you can't control which lane the target moves to, this is best used on yourself only in last-ditch efforts or to get a hero out of an annihilation lane. One of my favorite combos is to gust multiple heroes in a lane, then intimidate the enemy hero that receives Jasper's Dagger. This card is a win condition.
    Selemene's Favor (4 mana) The classic ramp. Less useful than it appears which is why I only run 2x copies in my main deck. Getting Emissary or Thunderhide Pack out on mana 6 is quite nice but mana 6 is also when the other 3 colors come online. Annihilation is in play, Red heroes can duel, berserkers, or enough magic to shut down the ramped lane, and black can coup or cross-lane kill with gank. As a result, playing on normal mana curve tends to be almost as fast as ramping. Having 2+ selemene's favor in your hand when your hand is small feels really bad and can actually be game losing if you have nothing to ramp to. Ramp is still ramp though, and this card will always be useful.
    Corrosive Mist (5 mana) I actually recommend only using 1x copy of this card in a lot of your mono greens, but I think it's useful in almost all scenarios so I'm including it in this category. Green doesn't generate much gold so often times it's okay to lose your own items with this card because your opponent will be losing something much more important. The best use of this card is taking out blink daggers. All other colors and deck archetypes rely quite a bit on blink dagger. Mono green with proper deployment does not need blink dagger mobility nearly as much as anyone else. Taking out blink tide or Blue blinking into annihilated lane is huge.

    Common Tech Cards, Situational Based on Own Deck Type And Match Up, 1-3 Copies

    Caught Unprepared (4 mana) I had real doubts about this card but shoutout to iCMatthew for showing me the light. Do a little celebration dance if you ever draw this card by turn 2 (mana 4). In many instances this acts as extra Gusts and sometimes it's even better. Forces opponents to potentially buy items they don't want or place items on suboptimal targets. Also causes opponents to play around this at times. Really shines vs. mono blue. It's a tech card because other deck types need the space for more synergistic cards. Additionally, this card can feel super dead late game when items are abundant and lanes are stacked with multiple heroes.
    Cheating Death (4 mana) Believe it or not, this card can still get great value. Amazing tech card vs. red. It can keep a minion blocking something like a bristleback in lane indefinitely, forcing the opponent to waste a spell on it or simply concede the lane. This card denies a heck ton of gold and lets you go wide. Combos very well into a mist of avernus lane, and if you happen to get initiative it can guarantee safety from a locked out lane. This won't be saving you from annihilation of coup anytime soon, but the threat of it will force your opponent to burn initiative cards earlier than they want, which is a huge win for mono green. Only a tech card because it's less valuable vs. blue and sometimes struggles to get value. Also requires giving up initiative more often than not. I recommend running 1-2 copies of this.
    Corrosive Mist (5 mana) Listing again because running 3x copies is a hard counter to blue/black econ or any econ if for some reason you know that you will be facing econ.
    Roseleaf Rejuvenator (7 mana) Great stats and great heal. 7 hp swing + however much damage you block with the creep itself. This card is how you take back a lane that should otherwise be lost. Use it to surprise opponents that have all but left a lane they expect to be won. Being at 7 mana is also real nice and is sometimes worth ramping to if for some reason you're also running stars align. This is a tech card because not all decks have the space for this. At 7 mana it also competes with Hand of God and once you hit 8 mana you'll find it hard to play this when you have the big boys and girls in hand.
    Path of the Dreamer (3 mana) In theory this card can be amazing. In practice you end up placing it in the wrong lane or the opponent just switches out of that lane. Great card in decks that are looking to stall and buy time for emissary/mist. DO NOT USE WITH RAMP. I know it sounds nice to use with stars align because it makes stars align not a dead card late game. IT'S A TRAP. This card has anti-synergy with ramp. Use for stalling, nothing else. Roseleaf Rejuvenator is 20 million times better in the "standard" deck type, so only tech in this card for heal/stall decks.
    Soul of Spring (4 mana) I used to really like this card but the more I played it, the more I found it didn't get as much value as expected. Still quite good and the 4hp swing (potentially 8 or 12 hp regen if you play multiple cards in a lane) can often save heroes and adjacent creeps from dying. 1x copy is a nice tech in any deck. 3x copies is useful in heal/stall decks. This is a broad tech card that works against any match up. Tech in or out for personal preference.

    Uncommon Tech Cards, Very Situational

    Arm the Rebellion (4 mana) Great card for buffing a big creep lane and especially good when it buffs a wolf or druid. However, this is a bit of a win-more card. Tech in if you feel like your creeps need a bit more umph in game or if you simply like to see mega-big creeps.
    Defensive Bloom (4 mana) 4 cost for two creeps with 8 HP makes for great blocking. Extra value if paired with mist of avernus or arm the rebellion. The issue is that simply blocking isn't really useful for green. Use this in a stall deck.
    Defend the Weak (2 mana) Extra armor to neighbors is really nice especially against permanents like Conflagration and March of the Machines. Turns any hero into a Treant Protector but it can very be hard to find a spot for this card over other, more powerful, cards.
    Divine Purpose (7 mana) I have never used this card myself. It seems redundant an impractical to me but I can see how it would get value. Feel free to experiment with this because it can be a good card, but I personally will not be using this anytime soon. Hand of God is usually good enough and by late game you can often get tanky heroes using stonehall cloak, Emissary, and Rumusque.
    Rebel Decoy (3 mana) It's like phase boots but slightly better but also takes up a deck slot. Tech in if you have bad flop luck.

    Meme Cards, Still Have The Slightest Value

    Revtel Convoy (5 mana) If you hit 20+ gold this is like a mini Thunderhide Alpha that you get much earlier. This card can actually pressure lanes quite well and force big cards like annihilation just to deal with it. Big down side is that you need to never spend gold. Run this in a meme deck that runs 3x corrosive mist and an item deck consisting of 3x obliterating orb, 3x golden ticket, and 3x Traveler's Cloak. Never buy items unless obliterating orb is needed.
    Altar of the Bad Moon (4 mana) This is an Omni sig card that doesn't work on heroes or player-made creeps. In other words, it's pretty bad. I can usually find a spot for 1x copy of this in a stall deck. Mostly a meme though, avoid using.
    Curse of Atrophy (6 mana) The only 6 mana green card. If this said modify with -4 damage to all enemy heroes it would actually be useful. Having a mana 6 card can be quite nice though. Use in a meme deck that runs full armor and stall to troll your opponents. Splash in seraphim shield for full meme.
    Homefield Advantage (4 mana) Combine with Curse of Atrophy, Enchantress sig, Cheating Death, Defend the Weak, and Divine Purpose to really piss off your opponents. On a real note, this is borderline uncommon tech and could be used in place of cheating death for certain match ups. If you're playing mono red and they don't have a wide board, this actually just shuts down Time of Triumph. It's kind of insane when it works.

    Trap Card, It's A Trap!

    Stars Align (1 mana) Oh stars align... Where to start. Don't get me wrong, this card can get some serious value. Pair with selemene's favor and you have a thunderhide alpha out on mana 5. But trust me, in everything other than a full on ramp rush, this card is a BIG TRAP. If you play enough games with this card you'll quickly realize that most games it sits in your hand all game being useless or comes too late. It's inconsistent and it takes up your precious 40 deck slots simply to give mana for 1 turn. Those 40 deck slots (really only 25 because heroes) are super competitive and this card just does not make the keep. HOWEVER, my ramp deck list does use this because obviously ramp needs ramp. As I have stated though, ramp is inconsistent and volatile. This card feels super bad if you don't have an 8+ creep to pair it with early on.

    The Dark Pits of Mono Green, Never Use

    • Avernus Blessing
    • Bellow
    • Champion of the Ancient
    • Cleansing Rite
    • Divine Intervention
    • Iron Branch Protection (This is the actual worst green card in the game)
    • Juke
    • Restoration Effect (Borderline meme card)
    • Smeevil Blacksmith
    • Steal Strength (Surprisingly bad)
    • Vhoul Martyr

    Comparing the 8+ Creeps - In general, it's worth using a mix of all 3 in standard mono greens

    Emissary of the Quorum (8 mana) Thunderhide Pack (8 mana) Thunderhide Alpha (9 mana)
    This is the weakest creep when played but aids the lane the most. It's biggest issue is requiring a turn to use it's ability and needing a wide board to be useful. The good part is that if you place this in a big lane you can actually leave that lane with all your heroes and potentially force out annihilation on a 0-hero lane. This creep when it gets going is your 6th hero and useful in "The Fake Out" mentioned in Part I to threaten 80 on ancient. Use 1-2 copies unless playing heal/stall, in which case you NEED 3x copies. This card has the lowest potential of the 3 but the most starting value because it comes on mana 8, has 14 attack, and hits for 6 siege. Unlike Emissary of the Quorum, this card WILL KILL A HERO on mana 8. This is huge because it puts instant pressure on the lane. The 6 siege also means that it's always hitting tower. By mana 8 towers should be under 30 hp, so thunderhide pack will require a response from the opponent. This card is worth buying Fountain Flask for. Spam Chat Wheel and laugh in your chair when the opponent kills its own hero using Duel or Gank on this beast. Thunderhide Pack in most games will be more useful than Emissary or Alpha. If you're making a "standard" mono green deck and having to decide how to balance between these 3 cards, start by using Thunderhide Pack the most and then adjust the list as you get a better feel for mono green. The big boy. I don't like running more than 1 copy of this but sometimes I'll put in 2 copies. He hits for 25 and he has 25 health. This thing WILL NOT DIE unless your opponent has annihilation or slay. This beast of a card is perfect for surprising your opponent with a quick 80 on ancient or simply finishing a normal tower in a lane that seems stalled out. The big issue is creep blockers, but there is a way around this. I actually like to fake out my opponent by purposely placing this in front of another creep. Now it's the opponent's turn and they either have to pass or use up their mana. Once their mana is gone I slap on phase boots and swap this bad boy into the clear. Chen steal and intimidation can also ensure that Alpha goes through. This card is useful to have at least 1x of in most decks because it will win games. However, it's the least important of the 3 big creeps.

    Comparing the 4 Mana Creeps - You want to run 1-2x copies of the 4 mana creeps in most decks

    Rampaging Hellbear Selfish Cleric Satyr Duelist
    AMAZING potential but TERRIBLE starting value. This card is mostly summed up by the latter. 3 HP just doesn't cut it and the opponent will have answer even if you place this next to Treant. Really requires Rumusque Blessing and Treant to get value but that's hard to pull off. When played, it doesn't trade and in fact loses to pretty much every non-melee creep in the game. This means you have to play it after opponent spends mana and in an open slot. It can force a reaction from the opponent but usually the opponent can deal with it without wasting many resources at all. Cute tech card, but Satyr Duelist outshines this 9/10 times. I have mixed feelings about cleric. It definitely competes for at least 1 spot in almost all decks. The self-heal every turn is nice and a great tech card to deal with Kanna or Venomancer. 4 damage is usually enough to take out any creeps, letting it trade into stonehall elite or even beat them with hp regen/rumusque. Rumusque is a great card to combo with. Best starting value of these 3 creeps but lowest potential. Unfortunately, this card won't be drawing attention and resources from you opponents, which is something you do want from running 4 mana creeps. On average, this is should be the go to creep of the 3 listed here. 5 Hp let's it survive much longer than the other two and beat (not trade) into creeps like bronze legionaire, stonehall elite, and oglodi vandal assuming you have drow passive. This card grows in damage too over time, requiring an instant response from your opponent unlike savage wolf. If Satyr Duelist ever takes out a hero it has more than paid off its price. This card is great because you don't need to worry nearly as much about placing this safely. Start with this creep when trying out mono green and then transition to selfish cleric or hellbear when you're ready. Or just stick with this because it's better.

    Items - Essentials

    • Stonehall Cloak (3x) - Counters all deck types. Unlike other decks that want to deploy a hero every turn for mobility, mono green does not want heroes to die. This is the most important item item in your deck and placing it early is crucial. It improves the value of all your healing and when your heroes all have 20 HP, you no longer give a f*ck Mabout Eclipse, Duel, Berserkers Call, Gank, ToT, etc. This card wins games. If you ever corrosive mist your own stonehall cloak instantly uninstall the game if you haven't already.
    • Jasper's Dagger (2x) - Pierces and cleanses. 2x copies is the perfect amount. Not much to explain here. Hold for late game when playing against Tide Hunter or Beast Master.
    • Blink Dagger (1-2x) - Mono green is the deck that might get the least value from Blink Dagger, especially if you deploy properly. Still it's blink dagger and you should use this like any deck uses it. One little trick that mono green can pull off (although this won't be used frequently) is blinking a hero that has Hand of God or Cheating Death on it. Great to ensure that you stay relevant in lane 2 or 3.

    Items - Tech

    • Stonehall Plate (1-3x) - Much worse than cloak but it's fun to have 6 armor heroes.
    • Obliterating Orb (1x) - SUPER SUPER good vs. blue and black decks. Much better than Demagicking Maul because it can't be blocked and doesn't require you to have a hero in the lane. 9 gold is a lot but you're not running any expensive items.
    • Stonehall Pike (1-3x) - Run in heal/stall decks or in standard if you feel good enough with deploys to cut out blink dagger.
    • Phase Boots (1x) - Useful for swapping heroes out of danger or into combat. More useful for swapping creeps into the open.


    • Fountain Flask/Healing Salve - Buy if you have a high HP hero that's currently on low health or if you have an important creep you need alive. Otherwise, save gold for stonehall cloak.
    • Potion of Knowledge - If you have less than 4 cards in your hand you need to buy this card if it shows up. Prioritize over any other item if you are in this scenario and without reliable card draw from unearthed secrets. Stonehall cloaks and blink daggers keep your heroes alive but card draw reduces RNG. Minimizing RNG and maximizing consistency is how you turn mono green from a meme to a dream.


    Stars align is a trap card. Use 3x copies of mist of avernus, unearthed secrets, rumusque blessing, and stonehall cloak in every single mono green deck. Thunderhide Pack gets more value on average than Emissary of the Quorum or Thunderhide Alpha, so use mostly Thunderhide Pack as your finisher card until you get more used to playing mono green. Card draw reduces RNG, so prioritize Potion of Knowledge if it comes up in the shop and you are low on cards.


    Part I: Core Gameplay

    Part II: Heroes and Deck Types

    Part III: Key Cards vs. Tech Cards, Oh Yeah, And Items Too

    Part IV: Match Ups

    submitted by /u/CandyMonster_
    [link] [comments]

    .... The wiki doesn't even have the Cards in it anymore.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 03:30 PM PDT


    Database error in every category, so you can't even go to look at the cards without knowing their names.

    submitted by /u/Slarg232
    [link] [comments]

    A Comprehensive Guide to Mono Green (Part II: Heroes and Deck Types)

    Posted: 13 Jul 2019 11:41 PM PDT

    I'm going to start this off by sharing my main deck list and breaking down why I use these 5 heroes in my most competitive deck (cards will be broken down in Part III). I will then go briefly go through all the other green heroes and their niche uses as well as some other potential mono green deck types.


    This deck runs Treant Protector, Lycan, Omniknight, Drow Ranger, and Chen.

    Treant Protector: This hero is actually a must-have in all mono green decks. He is by far the most versatile green hero with the best signature card of all the green heroes. Not to mention his passive is bonkers. Set up wolves, roseleaf druids, or even rampaging hell bear next to this thing and enjoy. Whatever lane this hero is in, is usually the lane you want to be placing mist of avernus. Roseleaf druid is also bonkers due to the ramp and high HP, and you should generally play this over savage wolf if you have to choose between the two.

    Lycan: Lycan is an obvious choice, but to write it out, he is useful for his signature card "savage wolf" but more importantly for his passive. Giving +2 damage to neighboring units often provides just enough fire power to either kill off a hero or destroy a tower. It also allows your creeps to one-shot your opponents creeps. This is big because it allows your board to get much wider while keeping the opponent's board small. One-shotting creeps has the added benefit of lowering the value of prey on the weak should you come across Kanna. Savage wolf doesn't need much explanation. Drop it safely in lane and watch it grow into a big bad boy. Don't be afraid to use this as a blocker or removal card though. Savage wolf is not as good as people think and therefore means that Lycan is not necessarily a must-have hero in mono green decks. Opponents will often deal will wolf early, and many games you'll find yourself choosing to play other cards over wolf early, such as All Seeing One's Favor or Roseleaf Druid.

    Omniknight: Omni is the only hero guaranteed to survive the flop without your opponent playing cards. His real value comes from his signature card All Seeing One's Favor. This provides +2 regen to the entire lane. This is incredible and lets all your creeps and heroes trade much more effectively. This card negates chip damage from ignite or conflag and lets your board stay wide and healthy. If you're having to decide between playing this card or another card, this card will almost always be the correct answer. His active ability is kind of meh though which renders him almost a must-have hero but not in every mono green deck type.

    Drow Ranger: We all know gust is great. We all know the passive +1 globally is great. But do you really know how great the +1 passive is? It's amazing and reason for any mono green player to keep Drow alive as long as possible. The +1 damage lets Roseleaf Druid trade into Stonehall Elite. It lets Savage Wolf one-shot creeps. It gives Omniknight 6 damage, which is crucial in two-shotting heroes like Bristleback. Yeah, Drow is good. There a few deck types where she arguably doesn't make the cut, but missing out on the +1 damage feels so bad.

    Chen: Stats are average. Active ability is strong but at 4 turn cooldown only gets used once per game and sometimes only on a melee creep. The real value comes from Hand of God. Hand of God protects against everything except annihilation, Coup, and slay. It also heals everything to full. This is MASSIVE. In the last post I mentioned how mono green lacks big spells. Well, this is one of the two exceptions (the other being intimidation). This card is worth holding initiative for and will keep your massive board going just when your opponent thinks he/she will clear it. Chen is not a must-have hero in all mono-greens because his stats and ability are average, but Hand of God is your power spike and your window of opportunity to devastate the board before your opponent hits the important mana 8.

    ***Now onto the other heroes. Most of these have niche uses and so I will just quickly discuss what's suboptimal with each but why they might be used in a specific type of mono green. The following heroes are ranked in order from most viable to least viable, but this ranking is not an accurate picture because you're only using each hero in specific deck types.***

    Magnus: Slightly above average stats which makes him usable on the flop, but it's awkward because Lycan, Omniknight, and Treant Protector are all better flop units. Recommended not to use in most mono greens because his sig card Empower is not a big play maker. I have theory crafted that Magnus could be very good in a mono green rush deck though. In general, outshined by other heroes and should not be used by inexperienced mono green players.

    Enchantress: Subpar because of bad HP stat. Allows spells to kill her, ignoring the HP regen. HP regen is also redundant with Omniknight signature card. Her sig card Verdant Refuge is a nice stalling card, making Enchantress a top 5 hero when running a stall-like mono green with path of the dreamer and roseleaf rejuvenator. Having a mana 5 card is nice but not that nice because you're still prioritizing important 4-cost cards on mana 5 anyways. Overall, worse hero than you would expect.

    Abaddon: Despite signature card aphotic shield being able to remove Time of Triumph, it is otherwise a terrible signature card. It can be nice to cleanse stuff like bristleback sig, but it feels bad having to spend mana to use this card instead of playing something useful like roseleaf druid when you can just use jasper's dagger to remove effects. Active ability is good though and makes him pretty tanky. GREAT tech hero if you're planning to go up against mono red. Otherwise, he shouldn't be finding a spot on your roster for mono green. However, consistency wise he's still worse than the main starting 5 I listed above even against mono red.

    Fahrvhan the Dreamer: Bad in constructed because Treant Protector just does everything better. Usable in a full stall deck that runs Enchantress and Treant Protector for a full armor deck. Otherwise garbage but not worse than the following.

    Dark Seer: Worst sig card out of all the green heroes by far. Even worse than Viper. Somewhat balanced by having a pretty amazing active ability. Plop him in a winning lane and surge those thunderhides elsewhere once they finish off the current lane. Arguably viable for starting 5 in mono green ramp decks, but still a bottom 3 mono green hero.

    Viper: Signature card Viper Strike is quite bad. It can sometimes bait out an early jaspers dagger or TP from the opponent though, which can be considered a win. Passive is actually decent if you can flop right into another hero. Super good against LC since it'll double proc off retaliation. Overall, only useful in a full meme stall deck that runs curse of atrophy and massive amounts of armor.

    Rix: For a long time I honestly really thought Rix had potential to make the roster on a mono green deck in theory. His passive is great against mono blue and ensures you almost never get locked out of a lane. He provides the option to toss on a Bracers of Sacrifice and Revtel Signet Ring for great clear. He has a silence at mana 5. Also great for ramp to ensure you can get off the ramp combo. Here's the thing, his stats are TERRIBLE. He usually just ends up being a gold farm for the opponent. He can't even one-shot creeps without Drow. PLUS, mono green really really REALLY does not want to be running bracers and revtel signet ring in its item list, which throws his secondary use out the window. DO NOT USE THIS HERO IN MONO GREEN. EVER. EVER. SERIOUSLY NEVER. Use him red/green ramp. Use him in black/green econ. DO NOT USE THIS HERO IN MONO GREEN.

    Deck types

    So there are really 3 main deck types mono green can run.

    1.) Standard

    2.) Heal/stall

    3.) Ramp

    I'm calling the first type standard because it's the most consistent mono green deck type and I don't really know what else to call it. This is the bread and butter of mono green and will find the most success the most consistently. This deck generally runs the 5 heroes I mentioned at the top with room for teching in abaddon, enchantress, or magnus if you're feeling spicy. It does not use much ramp because it focuses on value and consistency over high risk/high reward. This deck type relies on patience and straight up good gameplay to beat out the opponent. With strong finishers like thunderhide pack and intimidation, this deck is able to beat pretty much every other deck type on a consistent basis without having to rely on gimmicks. This deck embodies almost everything explained in Part I: Core Gameplay.

    Here's my go to deck list for "standard." https://www.playartifact.com/d/ADCJX8IPrgCg08MDDC7AkYGA1cIh1OBDIsLggEFKQFEuwNRTGlmZSA0LjE_

    The heal/stall deck type is a weird one but relies on stalling out your opponent until you get your emissary of quorom. This deck type really needs to run 3x emissary but SHOULD NOT run any ramp cards. Ramp cards are for speed, this deck is not about speed. You're stalling with path of the dreamer to heal chip damage, while armor keeps your board wide and healthy to block your opponent. You're stalling to build time for emissary and mist to do their work. This deck is susceptible to rush decks, but can be more forgiving against other deck types because it buys a lot of time for you to find what you need. This deck does rely heavily on making sure no tower goes down early, especially against blue who can double bolt late. Spread your heroes out and defend all lanes.

    Here's an example of how you might build a heal/stall deck:


    The last deck type is ramp. This is the deck type used by most new mono green players because they see how good ramp is and ramp is used in many other colors that splash green. HOWEVER, ramp is actually super volatile and inconsistent especially in mono green. This is essentially a rush deck that lives and dies on finding a combo. You have 6 ramp cards out of 40. If you don't get those early they will quickly become dead cards in your hand. This deck is not consistent and not recommended, at least until you get more experience with mono green. If you want flashy plays and feel-good moments, run ramp in mono green, but you will be disappointed many games and will be screwed over by arrows. This deck type is most susceptible to arrow and creep spawn RNG. If you like that, go right on ahead.

    Here's a version of ramp I theory-crafted. Warning: this is the one deck I have not personally tested yet. Magnus is a little risky and could be replaced with Omniknight.



    Treant Protector, Lycan, Omniknight, Drow Ranger, and Chen are the best heroes for mono green and what I would consider standard. Other deck types that might make use of other heroes are heal/stall and ramp. However, ramp is a volatile and inconsistent deck type that I do not recommend for mono green.


    Part I: Core Gameplay

    Part II: Heroes and Deck Types

    Part III: Key Cards vs. Tech Cards, Oh Yeah, And Items Too

    Part IV: Match Ups

    submitted by /u/CandyMonster_
    [link] [comments]

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