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    Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    Artifact - Fake depth -- impression on 2.0 from a long hauler

    Artifact - Fake depth -- impression on 2.0 from a long hauler

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Fake depth -- impression on 2.0 from a long hauler

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    I've been giving negative comments on the major changes of 2.0 from day one (and of course got a lot of downvotes). I got beta invite a couple days ago and I've played a lot these days. Unfortunately, 2.0 is as disappointing as I expected.

    What's the core value of Artifact?

    I understand that everyone has its own thoughts on Artifact. But, to me, Artifact is more like Go (the ancient Chinese board game, a.k.a. Wei Qi). You play back and forth with your opponent, focusing on NOT letting your opponent carry out its plan, rather than carry out your own plan. I call it "interactions". Artifact is a game with tons of interactions and I like it.

    Take Hearthstone for example. In HS, you have much less interactions with your opponent. You can not respond to your opponent except "secrets". That's why there're many OTK (one turn kill) decks, which you can win the game for sure if you've got all the key combo cards.

    That's why I love Artifact 1.0. If I want less interactions, less depth, I'd just play HS.

    What did people complain about Artifact 1.0?

    1. Pay to win
    2. Ladder & Progression
    3. Arrows
    4. Initiative

    I think most of us agree that the business model of Artifact 1.0 is just too greedy. And we players need ladder and progression system.

    As to arrows, I think the problem is not arrows themselves but players have too few ways to deal with arrows.

    Cards like "new order" in Artifact 1.0 are used to deal with arrows, but it's just too expensive. 1 card for 1 arrow. If we add "echo" effect (from HS) to it, it'd be much better, just like how "Culling blade" works in 2.0, i.e. you can cast the same spell multiple times in a round.

    And keywords like "trample" or "feeble" can also help players deal with arrows.

    Another thing people complain a lot, is the initiative mechanism. Many people in this sub think it's too hard or something. But to me, it's the most fascinating part of Artifact 1.0. The "initiative" in Artifact is the same concept as "sente" in Go. It means you make a move which overwhelmingly compels your opponent to follow up. In most games of Go, People who maintain "sente" most of the time will win. And it's just the same in Artifact 1.0.

    Is 2.0 more complicated?

    I've seen controversies about whether 2.0 is more complicated. It seems to some people in this sub, that 2.0 is much more complicated. But if this were true, that means the purpose of the dev team is completely failed. Because they remove infinite slots/hands and combine 3 lanes into 1 big lane just to reduce the complexity of the game.

    And that's the core problem of 2.0. The dev team want it to be simpler to appeal to "casual players". But they do it by making players feel the game is more complicated. Actually, both the dev team and 2.0 players are right. 2.0 does feel much more complicated than before, because of all 15 slots on screen at the same time, and different resolve order and card draws each turn, and the auto-battler style shop, etc. But it is indeed simpler, because in 1.0, the initiative is so important and resolves in 3 lanes are separate, there're tons of phycological games going on, and you have to think really really deep.

    So 2.0 is more complicated in feeling, but simpler in mind, which I think is not good for this game. Because when "casual players" see so many stuff on screen, most of them would just quit. Long haulers who prefer 1.0 like me, really want infinite slots/hands and 3 separate lanes back, and we're not satisfied with 2.0.

    DCG market is over saturated.

    If I want a "casual friendly" card game, I'd just play HS or LoR or Shadowverse, etc. I don't think Artifact 2.0 is able to win casual players over. Artifact needs to find its own position in the market.

    submitted by /u/smthpickboy
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    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    I don't like it.

    Buy item needed for this round, can't use it till I get rid of cards (and my initiative).

    Game is fun.

    Overdraw mechanic is not.

    submitted by /u/TheRabidWeasels
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    Drafts keep randomly closing.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    3 in a row in 5 minutes. One was when game was loading, two others was deep into the drafts.

    submitted by /u/Still_Same_Exile
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    Artifact 2 will be the defining event of 2020.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    When people remember staying inside during the events of 2020, the memories of the virus or the riots will be secondary to the real reason they stayed inside: playing Artifact 2. It is the event that renders all others redundant.

    Valve has come under criticism for not acknowledging the Black Lives Matter movement, as is fashionable for every corporation to do. Perhaps the most prominent example of such in videogames is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which recently displayed a Black Lives Matter message before the title screen and in place of every loading screen. It is simple to explain the difference here: the people playing CoD actually have lives, which cannot be said of the "people" playing on Dota or Dust II unironically in 2020. Valve has long been a proponent and exemplar of the post-lives-mattering world vision, especially when it comes to their fans.

    Artifact 2 is designed with the foremost intention of invalidating every specific complaint everyone ever had about Artifact 1. When they are eventually allowed to play it, those who hated Artifact 1 will either love Artifact 2 or they will eke out some vague gibberish reiterating their resentment of the whole title, behind which you will again readily see that they are dumb, and poor, and do not care particularly much about card games or things that are not immediately popular, which is the background (if not the entire essence) of their complaints about Artifact 1. But the game will now enable them to remain poor, at least, which is very important to them.

    The key risk of Artifact 2 failing is that it throws down such a gauntlet in terms of design and monetization (no buying cards), such a massive flex, that it may be unanswerable, and maybe most will not even try to answer it since there is no marketing to confront them. But ultimately I believe in the goodness of the human spirit and that progress is possible, so I expect every life that matters to be playing Artifact 2 by the end of 2020. If this doesn't happen, and Valve abandons the game again, you know what to do.

    Thank you, and God Bless America.

    submitted by /u/IshizakaLand
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