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    Artifact - Shitpost

    Artifact - Shitpost

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game


    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Main Complaints, also some positives

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Already sent this to the dev team in-game, but i'm posting it here cause whatever.

    Main Complaints:

    • Auto Combat Isn't Fun Probably the least likely to be changed, and probably my biggest complaint, but this is really what makes it feel like you're just along for the ride. A2 has much better player agency than A1, but I can't shake this auto combat that just feels bad/unsatisfying.

    • Lanes feel cramped/go wide strats aren't satisfying I'm sure this could be fixed in some way without changing the game too much, but go-wide is not a satisfying strategy in A2. Sure I can put a Selfish Cleric (name?) in front of the creep spawn, and get a bunch of 1/1s, but that caps out at 3, if I have a hero + cleric in the lane. It never really feels like i'm overrunning my opponent with a hoard of creatures, and makes creature generators unexciting.

    • Sluggish Responsiveness Yeah I know this'll probably be fixed, but i'm not going to assume anything. Overall clicking around on hero abilities and playing cards and having those full 1 second pauses between things happening is annoying. To be clear, not talking about card animation lengths, those are fine, but playing a card and then waiting a second for it to pop up, and then waiting another second for it to start it's animation feels bad. I like watching cool animations, I don't like waiting for them to start.

    • Limited Mana Already been talked about plenty, but I do think we should have more mana to work with or some actions shouldn't cost mana.

    • Towers feel squishy I feel like in the interest of having shorter game lengths they made towers squishier. Personally I feel like it makes 90% of games end just as they're becoming epic. Not gonna pretend they could just buff towers without affecting overall balance, but I wouldn't mind it.


    • Better than Artifact 1.0
    • More player agency
    • Powerful/Interesting feeling heroes
    • Better/Interesting Card Design
    • Hero draft is interesting/fun take on drafting
    • Limited Mana (I know I know), it makes decisions more meaningful, but still feels a bit too limiting. Make item activations free maybe? Certain item equips are free? dunno.
    • Doesn't feel like I'm getting fucked by RNG every game
    • Music, well done yo
    submitted by /u/Neveri
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    CMV - Level 5 items ruin the game

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Dagon, Radiance, etc. are not fun. Once one gets them it becomes a game of running away from the bearer.

    submitted by /u/Gandalf196
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    Sugestion: make the random itens come from a shared pool

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    This would be positive two ways I can think of:

    1 It alows counterplay. By Buing itens ahead of your oponent you could deny him access to the ones that counter you. It would still be bad if you got unlucky in the item RNG, but no longer just a matter of when your oponent gets the item

    2 It would punish players relying too much on the randomly generated itens since by doing so it would make it easyer for your oponent to gain access to the itens he added manualy

    There is also the minor advantage that both players would be subject to the same RNG. Got too many low cost itens clogging up the shop? Same for your oponent. Randomly got access to a game winning 5 tier item? So did your oponent, etc.

    And there are no disadvantages I can think of

    submitted by /u/Halt_The_Bookman
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    Your ideas for "game-breaking" cards

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    I just saw the thread about the update speed, and it resonated with me a lot. I just checked, and I already have 45 hours of playtime in Artifact 2.0... But I also haven't played it in the past two weeks. Don't get me wrong, I really like the game, but I was really looking forward to that beta phase where things can change a lot.

    I know a lot of you want to see fundamental changes in terms of game mechanics and such, but I'm mostly looking forward to new and experimental (crazy) content during a period where it can easily be scratched. Which is why I'm starting this thread, to hear some interesting ideas from you guys.

    Do you know that Magic: The Gathering has a creature that literally prevents you from losing the game (it even specifies that your opponent can't win it, just in case they have some alternative win condition). So if for some reason, you're playing a deck that has no creature removal, and your opponent plays this, you can pack it up.

    Obviously, MtG is packed full of solutions to that card, and it's been around for decades. Artifact 2.0 probably isn't ready for a "you can't lose this game" card.

    But still, I'd like to know if you have some ideas about game-changing cards that could be added (and removed) during this beta period? If anything else, just to entice us to play the beta more and try ridiculous combos. You could even make it so these cards can only be played on one or two days a week (that way you don't break the game for everyone, and you don't split the player base in terms of match-making).

    Here are some of my ideas (these aren't necessarily crazy or powerful, just cards that do a bit more than add/substract stats):

    Invasion of the Mind-Slayers: Improvement. CD 1, Mana 1. During the next round, don't draw a card, deploy a 5/1/5 Mind-Slayer in this lane.

    Ritual of the Flayed Twins: Improvement. If there are 5 melee creeps in this lane, slay them and deploy the Avatars of the Flayed Twins. (Two 7/0/14 with: When a unit dies in this lane, fully heal Avatar of the Flayed Twins.) [Good luck getting 5 melee creeps in a lane.]

    Flock of the Martyr: Spell. Slay caster. Deploy 4 melee creeps in this lane. (Just to enable the previous card. Could also be nice when you have a caster-creep, or in addition to Kanna/Prellex.)

    Portal to the Mirror Dimension: Improvement. When a unit is deployed in this lane, swap its attack and health.

    Monochromatic Curse: Improvement. At the start of the round, turn units in this lane the color of its left-most colored ally. (To prevent units from being colorless. Also only lasts for the round, so nothing is permanently altered if it leaves the lane or the improvement is destroyed.)

    Scourge of the Dogmatic: Spell. Crosslane. Pick a color. Deal 1 damage to heroes of that color. Repeat for every hero of that color. (Finally a good reason not to play single-color decks! Also, a pretty bad spell.)

    Keenfolk Automaton Factory: Improvement. Charges 0. Keenfolk Automaton Factory has 1 charge for each allied improvement in this lane. At the start of the round, deploy a X/0/X automaton in this lane where X is the number of charges on Keenfolk Automaton Factory. If you have the maximum number of improvements in this lane, deploy a X/2/X Automaton instead.

    Improvising Spellslinger: Unit. 1/0/3. At the beginning of the round, add an "Improvised Bolt" to your hand. [Improvised Bolt: Spell. 1 Mana. Ephemeral. Deal 2 damage to a unit.]

    Improvising Spellmaster: Unit. Caster. 1/0/7. When you cast a spell in this lane, Improvising Spellmaster casts an Improvised Bolt on the closest enemy unit (left-priority).

    Mastery of Explodomagic: Enchant Caster. Charge 1. Damaging spells cast by this caster deal an additional damage per charges on Mastery of Explodomagic. If a damaging spell cast by this caster deals more than 10 total damage, add a charge on Mastery of Explodomagic. (Yes, this is Zeus produced by Michael Bay.)

    Prophecy of the Mighty Rainbow: Improvement. At the start of the round, if you have a hero of each color in this lane, create a pale copy of it in all adjacent lanes. Then, destroy Prophecy of the Mighty Rainbow. (Pale copies don't have abilities, are colorless, and just copy stats. Adjacent lanes makes it more valuable on the midlane, but also more easy to prepare for. Cards like "Team Fight" and "Hymn of St. Crella" combo well with this, but you need a rainbow deck.)

    Oracle's Twisted Insight: Spell. Look for a card in your deck and put it in your hand, destroy all other copies of that card anywhere. (Yes, including your opponent's deck/hand. Now, there's only one Annihilation and it's all yours!)

    submitted by /u/randomsiege
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    Artifact 2.0 - My Personal Review

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    I like it. It's fun.

    submitted by /u/corban
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    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    What if courier has 6 inventory and hold item cards before they can be equipped to heroes? This could avoid some of the overdraw.

    submitted by /u/kyruswraex
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