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    Thursday, September 24, 2020

    Artifact - Artifact Beta 2.0 Patch - 9/24/2020

    Artifact - Artifact Beta 2.0 Patch - 9/24/2020

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Artifact Beta 2.0 Patch - 9/24/2020

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    I did it?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    A short survey: have you played Artifact 2?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Mods, can we just burn this sub?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    I've been following the beta discussion for the past few months now and this place is actually one the most useless and worse gaming subreddits. It was already pretty awful before 2.0 was even announced, but every week you just have completely incoherent arguments for the game. Yes, I understand this place is not a monolith, but this place will never be satisfied. One group wants to go back to A1, another wants to stay with A2, and another wants to go a completely different direction. It was a mistake to take input from you monkeys in the first place. Valve should've either kept it mostly inhouse or just provide an occasional survey to ask what people liked and disliked about A1.

    At the end of the day, two out of the three groups I mentioned will have to suck it up and realize what you want is not going to happen if this game is to come to fruition. The sooner we can have a majority backed opinion on how we want the game to go the sooner Valve can actually start to develop in confidence. But at this point every week they get contradictory feedback. How the fuck is any developer supposed to make anything when their audience can't decide what the fuck they want?

    "Hey, I liked Artifact 1, can we make it like that more?"

    "Hey, I like how Artifact 2 is going, keep it up!"

    "Hey, I didn't like Artifact 1 and I don't like Artifact 2. Why am I here? I have no fucking clue, but I just want to complain and for you to take my feedback."

    I personally thought Artifact 1 was the best card game already, despite its flaws. However, I like a lot of the changes they made with A2. The three boards at once is probably the only thing I'm still debating about with myself. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but different for sure where I'd need more time to decide. (p.s. I know so many of you shitters were just whining that three separate boards was too confusing to spectate on Twitch, so now here we are with one big board! Still whining though!) But other than that a lot of changes are good or minor enough that I don't think will matter in the long run (mana, card draw).

    Artifact was intense, challenging, and thought provoking. When this game first came out all this sub kept talking about was player numbers and still is talking about. It's a self fucking fulfilling prophecy. You keep saying the game has low numbers then people coming in who are interested are not going to stay. It's literally as simple as that. I'm not saying for you to lie about numbers, but to act like that is important right now is just such a waste of time and doesn't help in the slightest unless your goal is of course to see the game fail. Sorry, but if you think that it was/is going to be as popular as Hearthstone in player numbers or Twitch numbers, shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of this place. You're a delusional dumbass if you think a game is only good based on that. Artifact is not going to be the same as Hearthstone. There are things about Hearthstone that are good, but if you just want a game where you can zone out, play card with the number 5 when you have 5 mana, autopilot for five minutes on the toilet and then close it, then this game is not for you. No, I'm not being elitist. These games are just for a different audience. I think Dota 2 is vastly better than Fortnite, but it will never be as popular as Fortnite. Oh well! As long as it has enough players and comes out with consistent updates, then that's all I need.

    So, for each group of players in this, stop fucking whining and actually provide useful info for once in your dickshit lives.

    For Artifact 1 fans, explain which parts you liked and come to agreement with Artifact 2 fans.

    For Artifact 2 fans, explain which parts that changed are good and explain why.

    For the group that wants something completely different, you better have a good fucking reason and provide actual useful commentary other than "i dOnT KnOw i jUsT ThInK ThIs gAmE Is kInDa bOrInG RiGhT NoW HuRr dUrR. iF StReAmErS WeRe pLaYiNg tHiS I WoUlD ToO ThOuGh hUrR DuRr".

    The point is, have some actual fucking consistent feedback to take to developers otherwise this game will never get anywhere and everyone will be disappointed. If mods want to actually do something useful, they can make weekly discussion threads on X topic and then by the end of the week we'd hopefully have some actual settled ideas on what is good and bad that we can send to Valve.

    I know there are some good people here who actually make good content or discussions. To those folks, BIG UPS! To the rest of you babies. Eat shit. :)

    submitted by /u/ChemicalPlantZone
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