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    Saturday, December 29, 2018

    Artifact - Artifact officially leave top 100 most played steam games.

    Artifact - Artifact officially leave top 100 most played steam games.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Artifact officially leave top 100 most played steam games.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 02:27 PM PST

    Artifact officially enters top 100 most played steam games

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 08:16 PM PST

    FYI: Hand Sort also sorts your opponent's hand. You can use this to figure out colors/cost of cards in their hand.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 11:04 AM PST

    Just found this out while testing today, this can't be intentional.

    submitted by /u/TinMan354
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    Top10 players to watch in 5001$ Draft Challenge together with coverage

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 08:50 AM PST

    Top10 players to watch in 5001$ Draft Challenge together with coverage

    Edit: Update 21:45 CET

    Hello everyone! My 5001$ Draft Challenge just started, and I have to say I am once again very pleased with community response to this. Field is stacked with pro players from all games, Artifact streamers, good players from qualifiers and biggest grinders with highest limited ranks. My pick for TOP10 players to watch are these (in no particular order):


    You can spectate the bracket by just copying this code anywhere in the artifact client: ATC_63603_730077994

    I am streaming and casting the event on my normal channel.

    Together with my gaming house we will be making extra updates here. If you want to watch somebody in his tournament deeprun, here will be all the links to guys streaming. We will also try to post some extra info about the bracket and stuff like that.

    Running streams now: swimstrim, GaaraBestShaman, Freddybabes, TerrenceMHS, ZoochZ, Cirouss, TheEnclasse, YouBetterKnowMe, Artifactzone

    If you are playing, good luck! If you are watching, hope you like this. No matter what, thanks a ton for your support guys, appreciate it.

    Round1 has started:


    Gameking currently 1:0 with rainbow deck: https://www.playartifact.com/d/ADCJUgAJ7kCSBcCjrhdJN0BSkEPQhlCBjABhw0CCANYOAEIBRETDWoBFw__

    Round 3 has started


    Round 3 has ended, TOP64 advances to the next round and drafts again. Here is the screenshot after 3rd round


    TOP8 has started


    Followed by TOP8 bracket:


    And the winner is KG. Doudou!


    submitted by /u/StanCifka
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    Valve, please make a card collection Album

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 08:17 AM PST

    It would be really a nice feature to come up with a special section in the game menu called Album where one can see a beautiful album like representation of cards owned (someting similar Heartstone has). This is a ccg and an album of cards would be a sweet eye candy addition.

    submitted by /u/rainman387
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    Just hit 200 hours of Artifact. This is my feedback

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 11:46 AM PST

    1. On Arrows and Creeps: Anybody saying this isn't a big factor in matches is not being honest with himself. I've won and lost too many games because of arrows in different stages of the match. Can't forget one I won because my opponent's heroes kept turning to face a random creep 2 rounds in a row. 3vs1. Felt like surrendering out of pit. The game was marketed as low on RNG and heavy in strategy, and this is a deciding factor.
    Suggestion: Make arrows switching to tower cost 2 mana (if unit has nothing in front) and creep redeploy 2 gold.

    2. Duplicate and Limited cards: There are a bunch of cards I feel should be limited to 2 and sometimes 1. If you see any TCG, you'll notice this is almost unavoidable as certain combos tend to be too strong when abused. I think cards that limit your hand should be limited. A normal game is 6-9 rounds, and when you have cards that lock you for 2-3 rounds and are used in combo, that is rather un-fun. This also goes for certain items. 3 Vestures or Horns of the Alpha are borderline ridiculous. Specially with how easy it is to make gold with some decks and item cloning on top of that.
    Suggestion: Limit certain cards. Specially certain items and the ones that can lock the opponent's hand.

    3. About mana: Mana is too much of a precious resource on this game. It basically spins around it, so I personally believe that mana restoration cards should restore their value, not the whole pool. Aghanim's Sactum, Satyr Magician and Incarnation specially, shouldn't provide an infinite pool of such resource.
    Suggestion: Make Aghanim's Sactum, Satyr Magician and Incarnation restore 4, 5 and 9, once per round instead of the whole pool.
    Just my humble opinion. This game has a lot of potential, but needs some balance and be less RNGy as promised. I'll keep playing and be hopeful someday, somehow, this is looked upon.

    submitted by /u/MakubeC
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    The back and forths in this game are so strategically exhilarating.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 12:11 PM PST

    You think you've lost. 14/5/23 enemy Sven in the first lane. You respawn Treant there to protect your ancient, fiddle phase boots and decoy to turn the -34 into a -9, enemy finally gives you initiative even if Treant dies. Clutch gust in lane 2 to salvage the situation.

    You think you've won. Blink treant mid with 5 allies, empty enemy side. Opponent respawns 4 heroes mid, roars 2 of your heroes to 3rd lane, and back to the drawing board.

    You think you've lost. But equip Abaddon Lycan in 3rd lane. Respawn Drow in first lane. Play a dork to block Sven's fatal damage. You have a killer play in 3rd lane.

    You think you've won. But enemy plays siege, Sven has fatal again. You're forced to play your 25/25 to block which would otherwise have won on 3rd lane. Mid is losing hard but you're biding time with a second Cheating Death.

    You're not exactly sure what's going on anymore. Then your opponent surrenders.

    submitted by /u/TheReliableTruth
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    I won the 128 player join.gg draft tournament today. Want to give a shoutout. Info inside.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 05:35 PM PST

    Well it was technically only 116 players I think, but it was a lot of fun. They've been running a 128 man tourney every day at 11:00 am Central Standard Time. Winner gets a $10 steam wallet prize. The format seems to change up each time a bit, until they figure out what works best, but today it was 3 rounds of swiss format. Then the top 64 advance and then you redraft a new deck and enter bracket format. My opponent didn't show for my first swiss game, then I lost one, then won one to advance. I then drafted a lot of good green cards as well as heroes and was able to make a 3 green 2 black deck. The bracket was single elimination until only two were left and then a best of three. I did not lose any games with the new deck and was shortly given $10. So i made like $2 an hour! Here's their website where you can join the tourneys, the deck I won with in the end, and the link for info on today's tournament. Hope to see y'all in there, I think my wife was almost annoyed I was playing for so long, but thankfully the kids napped for most of it.

    Edit: My biggest issue with my deck was deciding whether to put drow out on the turn, so that I could get her buff sooner, or to bring debbie out to try to snipe some damage onto the towers. I opted for the latter and it seemed to work out for me.




    submitted by /u/Micotu
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    Thing I want to see in Artifact

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 04:12 AM PST

    Victory Screen

    submitted by /u/TomatoSpirit
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    I can't ever get the 100 damage achievement (and 7xp bonus) because people surrender once I get the second assault ladder up.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 09:44 AM PST

    BR aggro deck does that a lot, and I keep losing the bonus once I set up lethal. FeelsBadMan

    submitted by /u/mopusagnum
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    I don't play this game too much so i'm not that great. but i just got what i think is my favorite win. Felt so dirty too.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 11:06 AM PST

    Draft prizes improvement suggestion

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 04:42 PM PST

    Current prize structure and values for both prize structures:

    Wins 0 1 2 3 4 5 Rake
    Distribution 25% 25% 19% 12% 8% 11%
    Phantom 0 0 0 0.99$ 2.98$ 4.97$ 9.08%
    Keeper 0 0 0 3.97$ 5.96$ 7.95$ 7.5%


    1. The distribution assumes a 50% winrate which is the average in the population.

    2. Rake is before considering market tax when selling packs content. (rake is fee for anyone unfamiliar with the term)


    Suggested new structure (changes in bold)

    Wins 0 1 2 3 4 5 Rake
    Distribution 25% 25% 19% 12% 8% 11%
    Phantom 0 1/10 ticket 1/4 ticket 0.99$ 2.98$ 4.97$ 1.98%
    Keeper 0 1/10 ticket 1/2 ticket 3.97$ 5.96$ 7.95$ 1.57%


    1. Partial tickets will be awarded using the card recycling system. For example winning 1/4 a ticket will be as if you recycled 5 cards. Edit: Another better option is for them to be given as random common cards, thus potentially also helping players with smaller collections.

    2. I think adding partial ticket rewards is a good solution to make not hitting 3 wins feel less bad while still keeping Valves rake positive.

    3. Valve rake is lower this way, however, let us not forget that if we add the 15% on the packs, the rake is still pretty good for valve (compared to the poker world for example), and if more people play it, they actually could be making more money this way long run. Lastly the addition in prizes is paid in tickets which when used, get raked again which further mitigates their addition.


    TLDR: Add partial ticket prizes for 1 and 2 wins in draft while keeping rake positive so the structure is still viable for Valve.

    submitted by /u/BenRedTV
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    Advanced Use of Card Mechanics

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 09:33 AM PST

    just wanted to share these 2 card mechanics that might not be obvious.

    • you can use double edge on an enemy red hero. this will give him the -8 armor and he might die to a (2 damage) creep on turn 1 for example.

    • you can also use aphotic shield on an enemy hero. this can be used to purge cheating death for example (but be careful the hero will also recieve the other positive effects).

    this is my first week of playing. if you got more tips post them here.

    this reminded me of the deep interactions of dota 2 so i felt like sharing. :)

    submitted by /u/MarquisPosa
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    Animations shouldn’t stop while alt-tabbing

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 08:43 AM PST

    Sometimes I just want to do something else while the opponent is thinking his strategy for his next 25 turns, but I can't see when he has done thinking without alt-tabbing again

    submitted by /u/fuomag9
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    Is this really working right? Valve?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 06:20 PM PST

    We need music pack in "Artifact" too.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 05:30 AM PST

    Since, artifact is a dota card game. In dota we have alot of music pack that we can change. After playing artifact for a long time, the artifact background music makes me want to sleep.

    submitted by /u/mmhisidit
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    Artifact does not make me want to support it

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 06:36 AM PST

    It does not make me want to spend money on the game.

    Right now i made a good amount playing prized and selling everything i get, my initial goal was to get a full collection without spending more money after the initial purchase, but right now im very conflicted and wanting to use this money to buy things in other games and not in Artifact. I've spend some good amount on game like Dota 2/Warframe/Path of Exile, mostly because of their pro-consumer monetization aproach, but i dont see it in Artifact, and so i dont think they deserve any money.

    All games that i usualy spend money are free-to-play or one-time-purchases (Guild Wars 2), and you get some overpriced cosmetic shit that makes no diference at all, both to help the developers, incentivazing more games with those monetizations, and to have something cool, be it my hausing (PoE/Warframe) or my character.

    In Artifact it seems that the game is trying to take money from me and not making me want to support it, and thats bad.

    submitted by /u/Ginpador
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    Meepo Magic vs Mono Blue with Analytic Commentary (Tournament Game)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 06:38 AM PST

    construction rank 71~71 record

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 09:56 PM PST

    Valve: Changes have been VERY encouraging but it's time to go all in with the new direction you started in patch 1.2. End this economic experiment and make the Valve game we all want to be hyped over and tell all our friends to join!

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 09:51 PM PST

    There's a reason this subreddit was so active, and honestly too full of overhyping, for so long before the game came out. The hunger for this kind of game is there, give us the economic model that makes us proud to talk people into trying. Make the game free to play, give the competitive gamers a ranked ladder and end the punishing ticket/gauntlet reward system.

    Give Artifact the economic model it deserves. It's too good for the current state:

    • The features and number of game modes are unmatched by its competitors.
    • Valve has shown commitment to a balanced meta with both nerfs and buffs being given.
    • The game addresses many of the issues card games have had in the past such as first turn advantage.
    • The game is a new, unique take on the card game genre not just a re-skin and renaming of a prior game. Initiative, interaction across lanes, hero redeployment are among the new unique mechanics which give a new twist to this old genre.
    • The game is skill testing and lets you improve your winrate overtime by actually practicing and refining your skills.
    • The constructed meta is full of potential especially with a bigger playerbase to experiment and in the future with more cards.

    Do it Valve, we WANT to become your greatest advocate and you know from previous titles that the money will come.

    submitted by /u/TimeIsUp8
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    Mac Artifact crashes after Alt Tab

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 05:19 AM PST

    I know I know Mac user playing games but it is EXTREMELY annoying to have to restart the client ever time I alt tab.

    volvo plz fix.

    submitted by /u/Tayaker
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    There needs to be rewards for two wins in gauntlets. I love Artifact but the feeling of spending time and money to end 2-2 is too soul crushing.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 02:29 AM PST

    I love this game, I really do. But getting two wins in any of the gauntlets is such a horrific feeling. I play games to escape from life and try to feel happy for a while, I am willing to put significant time and money into entertainment. I just went 2-2 due to an internet disconnection and I seriously never want to play Artifact ever again, my whole evening feels wasted and I feel violated. Of course I will play again I know this is just a temporary feeling but I know eventually enough will be enough, thankfully I am not at that point yet.

    Please Valve, many of us are willing to give our all to this game just let us have a positive experience

    submitted by /u/TimeIsUp8
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    Things that I would like to see added to this game

    Posted: 28 Dec 2018 11:28 PM PST

    • Multicolor color cards (both Heroes and spells).
    • Colorless cards (does the same job like other colored utility spells, but with lower efficiency, can be played by any hero)
    • Ability to reshuffle item shop for gold (didnt see what you wanted, pay extra to take another look)
    • Modal cards (choose X options out Y choices)
    • The ability to play the whole match in zoomed out mode
    submitted by /u/trulez
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    There should a weekly thread to discuss and share decks

    Posted: 29 Dec 2018 04:26 AM PST

    From budget decks to expensive decks Constructed decks to drafting decks.

    submitted by /u/TahaKotlin
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