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    Thursday, December 27, 2018

    Artifact - I think we start to see a pattern here

    Artifact - I think we start to see a pattern here

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    I think we start to see a pattern here

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 02:16 PM PST

    Dota 2 is the most successful game Valve has ever made. Artifact, the Dota 2 card game, ignores every one of its lessons

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 09:42 AM PST

    The challenges that Dota 2 faced mirror those of artifact. Dota 2 released in 2013, four years after the launch of its greatest competitor, leage of legends. At that time, the market had already begun to saturate with competing titles like Heroes of Newerth that saw little success. No one was sure that Valve would be able to compete. When Valve announced that Dota 2 would be free to play (unlike HoN) and sell no ingame advantages (unlike LoL's heroes and IP boosts for runes) people actually believed they were nuts. Go watch Total Biscut's old videos or read any old articles. The world had decided: Dota 2 was a loss leader (example). It wasnt meant to make money. It was meant to get people to install steam. Today, everyone knows they were wrong. Dota 2 is a huge financial success and paved the way for other companies to implement cosmetic only free to play as their games model. Valve learned that they could disrupt a competive market that they were VERY late to by offering a better deal to the consumer than anywhere else.

    When Overwatch was released, Blizzard developers only barely were able to convince the Activision money-men that cosmetic only monetization was worth trying. After strong community backlash, the concept was greenlit, and Overwatch was saved from paid heroes. If you think this would have happened without the existence of Dota 2, youre insane. If you think this didnt happen at all, look into the pre-launch controversy. While no statements were made prior to the launch that new heroes would be paid DLC, it is clear from lack of clarifications that this was on the table for a long time. Overwatch continues to be a huge financial success

    Today, Epic Games has leaked a 3bil in profit (not revenue) owed mostly to Fortnite BR, another cosmetic only free to play game. Like Dota 2, Fortnite used cosmetic only free to play to enter a market controlled by a competitor (PUBG). Unlike Dota 2, they crushed the competition into near irrelevance.

    Artifact released in 2018, four years after hearthstone. By this time, several other competitors like Gwent and Shadowverse had already entered the market. Ironically, the only thing Artifact took from Dota 2 was the intellectual property. Dota 2 is a pillar of the PC gaming F2P world. The marketing for a living Dota 2 cardgame writes itself. It's the perfect pairing. Cosmetic cardbacks. Cosmetic gameboards. Alrternare card arts. Spell effects and animations. Foils. Imps. Voice packs. Announcers. It's all so obvious. Instead, it was all traded for AxeCoin. This time next year, people will still be playing Dota 2. No one will be playing Artifact.

    submitted by /u/KingOfLedRions
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    As a beginner who never was good at card games but still liked them, the Call to Arms preconstructed decks event is a life safer.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 05:03 PM PST

    I think my winrate is like 20% or something across all modes.

    I was losing harder and faster each time I tried making my own decks (I.. have a 0% winrate VS Standard Difficulty bots) or playing Draft modes and it was getting frustrating.

    The Calls to Arms event allowed me to enjoy playing Artifact with a variety of balanced and well made decks VS (and this is very important) people with other preconstructed decks so my inability to build decks was not a disadvantage in there! And I even won 2 games there so far!

    I really love it and hope that even after the event expires there will be an option to use the old preconstructed decks with the new ones in the new future events as that will make matches have more and more deck varieties with each new event.

    submitted by /u/Ananased
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    Ways to prevent bad deployment / arrow rng

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 04:41 PM PST

    So a lot of people say that you can always do something to deal with the rng in this game. But I also found there are ways you can kinda prevent those scenarios in the first place.

    I've thought of 2 ways of doing this.

    Way 1:

    When adding creeps into a lane (that's already filled, so no empty spaces where to put your creeps) try to place the strong creeps in opposite sides, not one next to another.

    For example, in this image (https://i.imgur.com/ZsNLSTr.jpg) I have a Selfish Cleric with 7 damage in the left and a melee creep in the right. I want my Selfish Cleric to hit the tower and not another creep, so I should place the Roseleaf Druid on the right, not on the left.


    Imagine I never get a creep in front of the Cleric, then he should be hitting the tower, right? Nope, there's a chance an enemy creep will spawn in front of one of his neighbors. If it does, then there's a chance for the arrow to curve to it (25% per enemy in front of neighbors). So, if I place the Druid to the left, I'll be adding an extra neighbor for my Cleric which means I'm giving the arrow an extra chance to not hit the tower (provided there are no creeps in front of the druid in the first place).

    In the following image (https://i.imgur.com/ldZdCZV.jpg) (from Purge's video on deployment), if i were to place the Prowler, I'd want it to place it on the right, not on the left, even if that means that extra 1 damage from the Prowler will be wasted.

    Way 2:

    This one happens a lot when you play with cards that deal damage before the Action Phase (March of the machines, Ignite, Conflag, Luna / Veno, etc.).

    So you have a weak hero like CM and a melee creep right in front of him. The creep has 4 hp and CM only has 3 attack. You also have Ignite in play. You think to yourself: "If I equip this short sword I'll kill the creep right now and there won't be a creep in front of me next turn. I also get the 1 gold from it". This is true, but you are putting yourself in a bad situation. If you don't equip the sword, you don't kill the creep. So next deployment phase there won't be any creep or hero deploying in front of CM because there's already one which is about to die to Ignite. So CM is safer by not killing the creep than by killing it. To put it in another way: use the enemy's creeps as shields so the enemy heroes don't deploy in front of your heroes.

    I'm not saying these are 100% ways of preventing bad RNG, but they'll lower the odds if you take them into consideration. Do you have other ways on preventing bad RNG?

    submitted by /u/DotaDuckRabbit
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    This feels prettttty goooooood

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 07:14 AM PST

    Artifact is a great game, but I feel something is lacking

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 04:07 PM PST

    I've played Artifact for a week now, really like the gameplay but I believe the game needs a small push to make it even more enjoyable. My suggestion:

    TLDR: I think it would be great for Artifact to have the progression system part of Dota+: the leveling up of heroes and stat-tracking relics.

    Currently, the progression system of Artifact which has been implemented is bare and baseline at best - to be honest (and I think everyone here will agree), it should really have been implemented at launch

    Hear me out: I'm not suggesting any crazy inane changes (no winning games grants you free cards/grants you points to buy packs; nor Artifact+ subscription gives you unlimited free prize play) - really nothing that fundamentally changes the economy nor the fundamental philosophy behind the game design.

    Two things I envision for Artifact+:

    • color-leveling (leveling up colors when you play a deck with those colors).

    For example, playing a Monoblue deck would grant you 100% exp towards blue; and playing a RedBlack deck grants you 50% exp towards red and black each. Experience points build towards shards, which can be used to purchase more exclusive voicelines, stat-tracking relics (see below), and maybe even cosmetics in the future?

    • stat-tracking relics for hero cards and signature cards. After purchasing stat-tracking relics with the points you receive from leveling up the colors, you can equip/slot your hero cards with these stat-tracking relics, and will be active in matchmaking games.

    For example, Zeus would have two Thundergod's Wrath stat-tracking relics: one that "Tracks how many enemy heroes you have killed with Thundergod's Wrath"; and another that "Tracks how much hero damage you have accumulated with Thundergod's Wrath. A Legion Commander would have a relic that "Tracks how many duel wins you have". The possibilities are endless

    Importantly, none of this changes the core gameplay, economy, nor game design in any way.

    Some of you might bring up the perennial reply, quoting how people nowadays are clinging onto the reward-loop and are "dopamine addicts", but that is kinda how the gaming world works nowadays. Most successful modern games have embraced that fact and have therefore enacted systems in place to build on that inclination - you have to look no further than the widespread prevalence of Dota+ subscribers, and I'm sure everyone here has heard of at least one other person who has quit Artifact after spending all their tickets, because they simply feel there is no reason to continue playing without any semblance of a reward (the current XP we get from winning games is a pittance)

    The core gameplay of this game is absolutely great, way better than Hearthstone, but Hearthstone is able to keep players hooked in part through its progression system (and in part its casual gameplay). Pretty sure if Artifact has a better progression system, it would be very competitive with Hearthstone. Great game overall, just lacking the pull to keep players from wanting to play again and again.

    submitted by /u/zennonlwr
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    To you, mono blue player who just kicked my ass...

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 02:51 PM PST

    ...and apologized for damocling my last tower. You don't have to! Great game, using custom text chat to comment plays, no BM at all! See you around!

    submitted by /u/spacewig
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    Senfglas on the current state of Artifact

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 02:22 PM PST

    That is a wonderful Poster! Excited for this one!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 09:34 PM PST

    New graphics looks quite nice

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 07:36 AM PST

    Each game took like 40 minutes, but this draft was hilarious fun to play.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 04:01 AM PST

    Out of curiosity, was was improved in beta we should be thankful for?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 05:22 PM PST

    Heard beta started over a year ago but I wasn't part of it. What's the main difference between beta and the 1.0?

    submitted by /u/writerinaction28
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    Artifact crashing

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 07:14 PM PST

    Artifact crashing

    Hi all. So I'm having some issues playing Artifact.

    Essentially the problem is after an hour or so playing the game crashes - after that, it is extremely slow to load and has a cumulative effect of crashing sooner and sooner afterwards, this continues even if the computer is restarted.

    I reinstalled the game and initially, it worked fine but now it's following the same pattern.

    I'm running an i7-6700k and a GTX 1080 - CPU and GPU temperatures seem fine (more to the point I am not getting this issue on more taxing games). Other thoughts:

    1. Someone said (not sure where) on here that as the game cannot run full screen, only in borderless windowed that it screws up a setup where you are running monitors with different refresh rates (my 165hz gaming monitor vs. a secondary 60hz monitor). I unplugged the second monitor it and made no difference.
    2. Does the high refresh rate cause an issue in itself?
    3. I have verified game files.
    4. The fact that it initially works and fails after a new install kind of implies that the game files corrupt themselves somehow but I'm no expert and that is pure speculation.
    5. I contacted Steam Support and they gave me a bunch of generic instructions (I also like how they said to contact a "local PC technician")

    Very annoying.

    Anyway if anyone can help I'd be grateful. Really like the game, obviously, you know, if it works it would be way better.

    submitted by /u/mazefreak123
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    Minor quality of life changes

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 04:33 PM PST

    It would be nice if...

    • I didn't have to press draft after spending a ticket, it could just auto enter me.
    • I could add cards directly to the bench during draft by marking them with right mouse button (and them being greyed out or having a different colored frame.)
    • Right clicking to bench two different cards didn't count as a double click on the second clicked card.
    • Deck filter reset between different uses. Having common filter on from recycling can be confusing when building a draft deck.
    • A marker was added to multicasted cards while in hand so I can tell them apart from other copies of the same card. (It is beneficial to cast them first since the opponent can see them).
    • Some information was added about how many items were purchased and how much total gold was spent the round it was purchased to all item cards in opponents hand.
    • The opponent hand text on golden ticket items said "Created with Golden Ticket on turn XX" instead of Drawn.
    • I could see my opponents entire name somehow and not just half of it and ..., maybe hovering over it?
    • I could inspect lanes during hero deploy. Or at least not have creeps blocking the improvements.
    • My towers exploded instantly when I surrender so I don't have to wait for animations.

    I am sure a lot of these have been mentioned before, this is just my list. Do you guys have other minor changes that would improve your experience?

    submitted by /u/kdaffpaff
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    What do or don't you like about Artifact?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 09:00 AM PST

    I don't play Artifact or any other card game. I play Dota on the weekends like any other 2k scrub. I know artifact has been struggling with its player base and I want to know what everyone's big complaints are, as well as what people like about it. I just started watching Slacks' Deckpacito series and it actually looks pretty fun. I am considering picking up the game, but it's a fairly large investment for me as I have other expensive hobbies and a new kid on the way. I want honest opinions about the games current state. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/moon_breed
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    Looking for good videos to improve my drafting.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 02:03 PM PST

    I've done a lot of drafting and watched a lot of streams/Youtube vids. What I'm looking for is some advanced tips.

    Do you know any good place to start? I feel like there is a sea of beginner friendly content put there that is way too basic.

    submitted by /u/Mishmyaiz
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    Trunkroll Complains About Bad RNG, The Rest Is History

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 08:06 AM PST

    I have been bleeding money with a 56~ percent winrate in prize draft

    Posted: 26 Dec 2018 10:53 PM PST

    Third image is Prize draft winrate

    Second image is keeper draft winrate

    First Image is my main deck sorted by cost. My most "valuable" hero is meepo. And most valueable item is blink dagger.

    I have spent $40 in addition to the purchasing price of $20. My steam account has around $10 in it from selling cards. My collection is worth less than $5. So I have lost $45 from playing Prized draft though I have a positive winrate. Also, I do realize I play way too much.

    The script I ran to get my winrates is from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/a9v9on/i_made_a_script_to_tell_you_your_win_rate_is_and/


    edit: so I have 300 wins and 239 loses in prized draft. I played too much :(

    submitted by /u/Everlastinglol
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    How do I survive the drop against red/black?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 12:24 PM PST

    Sadly I have been trying to play blue or blue/black. Cant ever survive the flop right now against things like Phantom Assassin, Bristleback, Axe, or Legion Commander.

    Suggestions on counters?

    submitted by /u/Depriller
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    That one Rix player

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 07:52 PM PST

    After hearing a few times on Swim's strim that green is a dead color I decided to test out Rix in a different archetype with possibly the most commonly used green cards (ramp). Many players don't understand how strong fast deployment is vs mono blue and the late game. This deck has been crushing mono blue so far. https://www.playartifact.com/d/ADCJUwRZLkChgQOGTC7AkaCm0GRk2YBgQ9iAQSqAkgrAkhSZWQgLSBHcmVlbiAtIFJpeA__

    submitted by /u/Kewlcid
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    is it possible to counter Mono Blue...

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 09:43 PM PST

    since it is the probably the strongest deck atm is there a solid deck which is able to counter it?

    submitted by /u/ItsKoro
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    A review of PPDraft, as someone with 30+ PRuns and 150+h played

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 04:38 PM PST

    So i wanted to share some of my experiences and toughts on Draft in Artifact with this sub. The numbers on title is because, somehow everyone who voices a opnion here is taken as a novice/HSfan/etc.

    Also i like the gameplay aspect of Artifact, no point in going into it, im here just to talk about draft mechanics.

    So, just to get it out of the way, let me start out pointing why i didnt write up my winrate (its 62% btw)... winrate in PPDraft (Prized Phantom Draft) is useless, the way the rewards are laid out your wins util 3+ are meaningless. Ex: someone with 0-2 0-2 0-2 5-1 can go infinite, while someone with 2-2 3-2 2-2 3-2 cant, and the first has 41% WR and the second 56% WR.

    Now lets get up to the game before going back to rewards. The draft itself is really good, the way it flows with you picking 2 cards per pass and the 5 packs you open, as everything in this game its really polished and "feels" good to draft.

    The cards you have to choose on the draft is where the problems lie, i have been very critic of some design decisions surrounding the card design on artifact (https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/a7nuo0/artifact_card_philosophy_how_we_can_see_the/) there are some really weird things going on and you can feel in the draft format more than in the constructed. Some cards are straight up broken in this mode, while some others are useless, this makes the "decisions" you make not really "decisions", youre just looking trough the garbage and picking whatever stinks less and sometimes you find a diamond there, you dont look for sinergies, cards that do well with other or anything like that, you just pick what works and dont pick what is shit. Its too bilateral to a game that tries to be "deep" and "complex".

    Now, on why those cards are broken. The game itself seems to be made for a back in forth gameplay, but along the design it seems that game were taking too long and they just put in cards that can end the game (ToT, Incarnation, Emmisary, etc). Those cards are too powerfull when you compare them to other cards, and they dont even have any cool/complex effect. These cards are also Rare, wich means that youre not suposed to play around them or you will lose too many game to people without them. So, in a game that was suposed to be "competitive" you can draft cards on random (aka less than 5% chance) that can end the game out of nowhere if you draw them, another 33ish%. Thats is a problem.

    Heroes also are a big problem in this mode, having good heroes, specialy ones with good signatures (Tinker, Legion, Kanna, etc) break the game. Drafting forces you to play with subpar cards and those heroes put 3 excelent cards in your deck, Tinker is a good example, having him is like having 3 Conflagrations (an excelent card) in your deck, thats insanity. The worse part is when you see those heroes in the start screen on the oponent side, it feels so bad knowing youre probably going to lose and have to sit playing for 30+ minutes. To make things even worse, those heroes are rare, so the odds of you getting them is low, but the odds of encoutering them in your road to 5 wins is not that low.

    We can resume those two points in a single conjecture "The power level of cards varies too much.". This needs to be adressed somehow and pull them close togheter to reduce the RNG and increase the effect of player skill.

    The game itself is mostly fine, i dont think arrow RNG is a big deal, you lose some games because of it, you win some, but they are not something you see all the time. Two things you see all the time and are governed by RNG is Shop and Draw.

    The shop is broken in Draft, theres a single item there that breaks it almost every game, Town Portal Scroll. This item can win you games you shoudnt win, just because you got it from the RNGesus and your oponent didnt. Srsly, this item is the one that won me more games in Draft than any other and it comes from an RNG, you can get 2-3 in a game or none. Its a item you cant play around (its almost impossible to take tower without putting your heroes in a lane) and you cant count on it, you cant prepare for your oponent having it, etc... you just lose/win out of thin air. It feels terrible when at late game your enemy gets one and is able to take one stranded hero he has. Also because of the lack of movement/TP some cards become WinCoins, cards like Intimidation and Roar can strand heroes on useless lanes forever, and you cant do shit about it without RNG help.

    Draw RNG is tied to the power level of cards, in a match youre going to draw around 1/3 of your deck, unless you draft Blue or some broken cards like Unhearth Secrets, combine this with the power level of cards being to veries and you can lose because you drew all your bad cards or win because you drew your "win now" cards. Fixing the power level of cards will fix this, so no point in digging too much into it.

    Rewards are another problem of this mode, the rewards structure is totaly broken and has been talked about by many, i will not dig into it. All i have to say is, why the fuck you put the only way to get cards in the game behind a mode that punishes players so hard that they want to quit the game? Its like putting a carrot in front of players, but the carrot is above a canyon that you fall and die when you try to get it.

    Just to finish, draft is the mode where the player skill is least impactful, most of the time the match of too similar players is decided by RNG and the gap to be "similar" is quite large. There are games that are impossible to win, there are drafts that are impossible to go to 5, there are draft that should go to 5 and get fucked by RNG, etc. The skill gap necessary to overcome the RNG train is enourmous, i dont think this mode is competitive at all, as in if you put 10 players of similar (aka without the huge gap) skill a diferent players will win every time. Which is strange for a game that is suposed to be "competitive".

    submitted by /u/Ginpador
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    Artifact needs a more dramatic prize structure

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 02:10 PM PST

    In Magic Online, the most competitive mode is a 4 round 8-4 draft. This means that with one or two wins you get nothing, with three wins you get four packs, and with 4 wins you get 8 packs.

    8 packs is a whole lot of packs (worth about $32 in paper magic), so getting a perfect run feels extremely rewarding. You get double the packs for 3 wins, and you get nothing if you do poorly.

    The makes for tense, exciting, gameplay as the consequences for losing a match--and the potential rewards for winning one--are dramatic.

    The incremental reward structure in artifact makes the potential upside of risking your tickets much lesser, making the gameplay less exciting, and lessening the incentive to take the risk in the first place. Getting a perfect run feels like an exponentially difficult task, while the prize for doing so is only incrementally better. The reward does not match the difficulty or the experience of achieving the feat.

    I would suggest that the prize mode should be highly differentiated from the casual mode, such that when you enter a prize tournament you are risking a lot--but winning means a huge and satisfying reward (think 8 packs).

    This is less about increasing player rewards, than it is about creating tension and excitement in the gameplay.

    An option for implementation is to have a low risk, low reward mode for people that want to play for stakes, but who don't want the stress of winning nothing, and have a high risk, high reward mode for competitive players.

    submitted by /u/RushInAndDieDogs
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    Brainstorming Mechanics I Would Like In Artifact

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 12:12 PM PST

    The below are a few ideas of mechanics that I would like to see in Artifact. Please post some mechanics you would like to see.

    1. You can deploy this unit on the left or right side of the lane even if there is an unblocked enemy.
    2. This unit's combat arrow always points straight.
    3. A mulligan system for the opening hand.
    4. Abilities that can only be used in adjacent lanes. Maybe these could be Jungle mechanics thematically.
    5. Items/abilities that reduce unit cooldowns.

    Thanks for looking!

    submitted by /u/StrategicGamer
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