• Breaking News

    Monday, December 31, 2018

    Artifact - We need more players because it's frustrating constantly playing against the best of the best.

    Artifact - We need more players because it's frustrating constantly playing against the best of the best.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    We need more players because it's frustrating constantly playing against the best of the best.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 02:10 PM PST

    If you went down to the local Y to shoot some hoops and the only guys there were division 1 college & ex-nba guys you would eventually get discouraged. Yeah yeah I know, GIT GUD. But realistically some people are always gonna be better than others. Maybe I'm just not capable of playing at an extremely high level. I'm getting frustrated and disenfranchised because everybody that is left playing is insanely good. I don't want everybody I play against to be a pro, it's too exhausting. We need more players to dilute the skill pool asap. I'm gonna quit if I can never win a match.

    submitted by /u/Failsafedevice
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    Played against a guy who got a drow on draft mode yesterday. Still managed to win "somehow"...

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 05:34 AM PST

    Analysis of the Player Base Trends

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 11:55 AM PST

    Analysis of the Player Base Trends

    I created a regression function to approximate the peak players each day. (Day 1 = December 1st). I created 3 functions to model each patch seperatrely.


    Patch 1.0 (Day 0-13):

    It's a generic exponential decay (α e^λ). α represents the number of initial players at Day 0 (α ~= 55,000). λ represents the rate that the α players are leaving. During 1.0, λ ~= -0.13. So that means during 1.0, Artifact was losing about 13% of players each day. If that trend had continued without change, by day 31 (today) there would be less than 1000 players. This model was very accurate with an R2 value of 0.994.

    Patch 1.1 (Day 14-20):

    There were a lot of anomalies during this time and it was a short sample size, so a linear model (α (x - 14) + β) actually wound up making the most sense. First, there are only 7 points of data. Second, the player base increased from day 14 to 15. Third, each day, a roughly similar number of players left, however, each day that number made up a larger percentage of the player base. α represents roughly the number of players who left each day (α ~= -730) and β roughly represents the number of players at the start of the patch (β ~= 11,200). The R2 value for this patch was the lowest (0.931), for reference, the Exponential Regression (that made no sense in context) had an R2 value of 0.901.

    Patch 1.2 (Day 21-now):

    Once again this is an exponential decay, however, there is a slight difference. Unlike 1.0, Patch 1.2 had a β term (α e^λ + β). *Technically Patch 1.0 had a negative β, but that doesn't make sense so I removed that term* So here, α (~4,600) is the number of players on day 21 who will eventually leave, λ (~ -0.27) is the percent of α that leave daily, and β (~7,200) is the core players who will never leave. Because of the core players, Artifact loses a smaller and smaller percentage of players each day. On day 21, it was roughly 10%, on day 31, it is roughly 1%. This model also suggests that if nothing changes, the player base will stabilize at about β core players. This model had an R2 value of 0.9327.

    TL,DR: The player base can be modeled by an Exponential Regression very well. If you continue the trend from Patch 1.0, the game would already be dead. Patch 1.2 was more than just a temporary boost to player numbers and (to some extent) solved the player retention problems. Based on the current trends, we should expect the player base to stabilize at around 7k players.

    submitted by /u/andenrx
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    guess no one plays Keeper draft anymore?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 06:49 PM PST

    was my favorite draft type because it allows me to play different slots in my collection and round it out. USE and it's been about 15 minutes and no opponent. Welp.

    submitted by /u/oreosss
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    This tower has been sitting at 1 life for 4 rounds, never give up

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 09:25 AM PST

    Literally unplayable...

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 04:48 PM PST

    Rank medal feels useless

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 05:06 AM PST

    I can make it as a essay but I'm too lazy so here's a tl:dr.

    A calibration and/or leveling up factor is unknown and felt random. You didn't know what rank is your enemy therefore you questioned why them doing uncommon move. No leaderboard.

    At this point rank medal feels like whoever playing more = higher medal.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_STEAMWALLET
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    Valve Needs to Reveal how Gauntlet Matchmaking Works

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 09:23 AM PST

    Valve's official statement is too vague and also factually disprovable:

    Q. How does matchmaking work in Gauntlets?
    Your opponents are matched based on two criteria. You are matched against opponents with the same number of wins and then within that group you are loosely matched by your Match Making Rating (MMR). (Loosely means matched in very wide bands that will expose you to a variety of types of opponents.)

    I've had several rematches in gauntlet mode after a loss, meaning my opponent should be at +1 win over me. If matchmaking matches based on same number of wins this should be impossible. Other players have reported this as well.

    They also haven't explained exactly how loose MMR works. Many assume there are 3 MMR bands (noob, most everybody, pro), and that everyone can match against eachother except noobs and pros. That seems to be the only way that wouldn't really rubberband you to 50% winrate. My Winrate has been consistent at around 65% and it doesn't feel like i'm being rubberbanded.

    Still, their answer has problems and since the mode costs money to enter it seems only fair that they reveal more details about how matchmaking works.

    submitted by /u/brettpkelly
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    Queue times getting longer?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 06:46 PM PST

    Queue times getting longer?

    My queue times are getting longer, clearly noticeable over the past few days. Makes sense as the player count is dropping.

    I'm so sad to see a game with such amazing core gameplay continue to bleed players. I hope something happens relatively soon to reverse this trend, as I love this game overall.


    Some ideas for Valve to chew on:

    1. Make tournament clock the new standard for all games. Games are too long right now.
    2. Implement more meaningful (and transparent) leaderboard. Maybe like SC2 or similar?
    3. Reduce icons of "overt" RNG. Although Artifact maybe much less RNG-based than Hearthstone, these icons make it seem the opposite.
    4. Implement actual automated tourneys, not the current super-weird implementation (which is not even a tourney at all). For ideas, check out PokerStars or similar.
    5. Improve spectation features. I have several ideas for this, but not writing here as this post is already too long. But this is very important as it'll both help streamers and attract new players.
    submitted by /u/cardgam3r
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    One thing I do really miss from Gwent

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 10:00 AM PST

    On top of features which must be implemented like replays and better tracker for last played cards, I'd like to see "commend opponent" option. Even if it gives nothing, It's still and opportunity to say sorry for luck or thank you for intensive game.

    submitted by /u/Kraivo
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    Artemis - Artifact cards app with no ads.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 06:58 AM PST

    Mono blue mirror match taking soooo long!!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 08:08 AM PST

    It literally took me a year to finish the match. Started on 2018 and ending the match on 2019.. I mean... come on... Happy New Year guys!!!

    Sincerely, Asian Artifact Player.

    submitted by /u/akuyoy
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    Does this game still feel pay to win?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 07:48 PM PST

    Hi, im thinking about buying the game. I was wondering if the grind for cards is the same like hearthstone? thanks!

    submitted by /u/wonghunnid
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    Question about lvl system

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 08:46 PM PST

    Do I get a card pack now per level?

    submitted by /u/antrasta
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    Just a curiosity: Axe Quantity - [1798] / [$179.89] - Price (Mexican Pesos).

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 06:05 PM PST

    Pls explain to me Axe phenomenon

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 09:34 AM PST

    His price to be specific. Currently he is almost twice more expensive than next(annihilation) card on market. But you need only one copy of Axe when you use 3 copies of annihilation.

    As far as i know he is not a part of THE best deck (Mono blue is but Kanna is almost 3 times cheaper)

    There is also most copies of him on market on first page - over 1800 Now. At Any Cost only over 300.

    There is no demand at all for Axe, if you check how many was sold daily it is under 10.

    So why is he so expensive?

    I don't even play constructed, i just wonder.

    submitted by /u/PanTechnik
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    My Take on GR Triumph Ramp

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 08:05 AM PST

    GR Ramp


    This deck is very easy to play. Almost every game plays out in the following manner.

    1. You start the game ahead in either Axe or Bristleback's lane.

    2. You put your turn (Treant Protector) and river (Dark Seer) heroes into your winning lane.

    3. Play a combination of ramp effects to get 8 mana in that lane R3.

    4. Play Emissary or Time of Triumph in that lane buffing 3 Heroes.

    Obviously there will be some variation here depending on matchups, but this is generally how it plays out. Below are some specific card notes.

    Specific Card Notes:

    Magnus: Strong body that can win lanes when buffed and a solid buffing signature card.

    Dark Seer: Great mobility ability and good body. Ion Shell is weak, but can provide good value if you get a lot of arrows targeting one unit. Ion Shell is surprisingly good in the mirror as well due to the cleave provided by Time of Triumph.

    Fight Through the Pain: Save your fight through pain for your combo turn when possible to play Time of Triumph with Initiative. Often you will need Stars Align to combo and will not be able to benefit off Fight Through Pain, but when you can it feels awesome. Other good times to take initiative are before a Berserkers Call or before an Intimidation.

    Intimidation: Primarily running this over Enough Magic because I'm running 3 Green and 2 Red. However, I have used this both on opposing heroes, primarily to prevent Annihilation and on my own heroes to get them out of an already won lane.

    Mercenary Exiles: This is one of the better ways to spend gold imo. You can throw this in your off ramp red lane and spend 8-10 gold and have a massive threat. This card forces a reaction from your opponent, which gives you time and safety to setup Time of Triumph.

    Burning Oil: This is here to counter Prey on the Weak. Hold this card until the opponent plays Prey on the Weak. If they don't have Prey on the Weak, hold this card until you have a good reason to play it like picking off two melee creeps in a losing lane.

    Jasper Daggers: Time of Triumph turns can get countered by Silence and Stun effects. This counters those. Also, you can use this after a big Prey on the Weak combo turn to play Burning Oil through a Silence effect. This often keeps your Ancient alive.

    Demagicking Maul: Good way to slow down opposing ramp and combo decks.

    Blink Dagger: You want lane mobility after Emissary or Time of Triumph and this card provides that. Most of the time, you will only need to draw 1 which is why I'm only running 2.

    Stonehall Cloak: Very efficient health item for its cost. You can run 3 of this over the 1 Hourglass if you want a more consistent early game.

    Claszureme Hourglass: Often denies your opponent the ability to comeback after your combo by delaying Annihilation for a round.

    submitted by /u/StrategicGamer
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    Please add Dark Seer's best line from Dota into the game

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 09:41 AM PST


    I know literally nobody plays this hero but maybe giving him this scathing taunt would be enough to surge him into the meta Kappa.

    submitted by /u/Smacfest
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    Played 18 rounds to finally win. Both used annihilation. btw disarm disable siege check my last lane

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 08:47 AM PST

    AXE vs. The World

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 09:15 PM PST

    Love the dialogue

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 08:57 PM PST

    How To Deal With Time of Triumph?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 04:08 AM PST

    I primarily play a Green deck, and tend to find that the moment this card is played, it's GG regardless of my lane state. I appreciate it's a "late game" card, and is designed to force a lane, but it feels like an "i-win" button at times. One or more Red Heroes deployed with Time of Triumph (especially with multiple buffs) seem indestructible, to the point where they'll always destroy a core. Are there any green cards which remove the buff? Or am I missing an obvious tactic?

    Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/PersistentWorld
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    Maybe the counter should not tick down the first 2 or 3 seconds after the opponent pass

    Posted: 31 Dec 2018 03:44 AM PST

    In tournaments is kinda easy to get to the 0 sec mark. If the counter just froze for like 2 sec so you can play the card without loosing time on the counter, this way it could be used just to think of what plays we need to do instead of passing and playing cards too. Just a little qol change for the tournament timer

    submitted by /u/DocG9
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