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    Saturday, August 1, 2020

    Artifact - Doing Shop without Shop - more natural

    Artifact - Doing Shop without Shop - more natural

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Doing Shop without Shop - more natural

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Following is a slightly modified email I sent to Valve. How would you feel about something like this instead of current shop?


    So the main goals with this suggestion is to make items/shop be a more natural part of the game, and fit a card game more.

    • Starting hand has 5 cards and 2 items. Draw 1 card and 1 item every round.
    • There is space for an Upgrade button if the mana gems are removed (and I think they will be removed regardless).
    • The Upgrade button is a more universal Upgrade button, that triggers and has effects on many other interactions in the game (e.g. a card that adds +2 income gold for every currently upgraded level, etc).
    • Every time you press Upgrade button, you can choose to either draw an item or a card (this is as well needed since we now draw 1 card instead of 1.5, and it helps keeping handsize a bit smaller).
    • Just like now, Upgrades 4 times to tier 5. In addition to 3 gold cost, costs 1 mana as well.
    • Can upgrade many times your turn, has a "quickcast" mechanic, but still having to play a card or pass after. Costs 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 gold (and 4 mana) to upgrade e.g. 4 times, from tier 1 to tier 5 same turn/round.
    • The items drawn have 1(+) mana cost and their total gold cost (including the gold it costs to upgrade the shop first, to play it, and mana), displayed in the title.
    • So playing an item, you at the same time "buy" it, and if shop level is not high enough, upgrade the shop first, all in one play (and then the other cards in hand of that tier or higher drop in price visually).
    • So having a tier 2 item in hand, while shop being tier 1, the 1 mana and 15 gold item would instead be displayed and cost 2 mana and 18 gold to play.
    • Deck consists just like now of 10 cards (but there is really no reason for max limit, but can be like 20).
    • 5 secret shop items (in all 5 tiers) are added just like now (not 11), and visible for opponent in decklist.
    • You can only have 1 max copy of an item in deck, in secret shop, and between secret shop and deck (no same items). This makes items less OP, more predictable and more unique (item bounce mechanic fits great).
    • Items are not drawn randomly, the lowest tier is prioritized, unless you upgraded to next tier and it's not depleted (you will draw cards from upgraded tier until depleted, then lower tier is prioritized, and then the tier above upgraded).
    • First or second tier items can be drawn pretty consistently, 1st or 2nd rounds. But the next tiers are a bit less consistent (since there is equal chance to draw a secret shop item of that tier and your 1 only item of that tier).
    • Hand is similar (but more compact) to A1.0 scrollable hand, so more cards can fit on screen, hand limit of course has to be removed.
    • With Upgrade costing 1 mana, mana pool should probably be extended with Side Mana, how I suggested in previous email exchange, or somehow else.
    • With Get +3 gold removed, there has to be a bit more gold generated somehow, like +1 income gold for both players.

    This completely removes the current shop phase, with items integrated much more into the core card game itself, saving some time and the not exciting and unnatural experience of current shop.

    I think I like this implementation, but of course can't say for sure without testing and probably tweaking (but as you see, many things have to change for this to be a good fit). But I really like the idea of a universal "multitask" Upgrade mechanic/button.


    submitted by /u/Arachas
    [link] [comments]

    Long haul is over

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    Obviously i didn't get a key due to stupid waves instead of open beta with no people interested to play, tnx god i've noticed Battlecon release on steam... goodbye!

    submitted by /u/passworth222
    [link] [comments]

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