We recently got cards that receive additional effect with one more color in lane. This is a good change, but you're still forced to have 2 heroes in a lane, and with limited heroes, the multicolor solution is only 50% complete.
Making duocolor cards that require either of its color is not as simple as you may think. You must consider confusion and unintuitiveness. If you e.g. just did 50/50 colored bars with gradient, the card would be inherently wrongly presented. Implying that you need 2 colors to play this card. (And if you had 2 descriptions/effects for either color, you'd still have similar issue, and less space for each description.) Another issue with this approach, having one same effect playing the card with either color, is how dull it would be. You're basically making a duocolor deck into a monodeck, which as well defeats the purpose of this game's unique colored heroes and three lanes.
So instead including two cards into one, sharing same name, but not necessarily exactly the same art (can use same angle and position but e.g. different time or dimension, or having the second art be what happened few moments later, or be similar in the middle, but then get different). You would simply hover over one of card's sides, with separator quickly moving and disappearing off card's edge, revealing that hovered side's card with full description and art. Similarly during game, dragging and hovering the card over a hero will display that color's full card, just before you play it.
This makes the cards a lot more interesting as well. Consider and choose which effect with same color hero you would like to do, at the same time maintaining color freedom.
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