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    Sunday, March 21, 2021

    Artifact - The Artifact Foundry International going on right now for anyone who hasn't seen Foundry played yet

    Artifact - The Artifact Foundry International going on right now for anyone who hasn't seen Foundry played yet

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    The Artifact Foundry International going on right now for anyone who hasn't seen Foundry played yet

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Bulldog And Raeyei Play ARTIFACT 2.0 (Game 1/2)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 05:44 AM PDT


    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 09:20 PM PDT

    Lady Anshu's FULL voice lines (the only voice lines made for Artifact 2.0, chaptered for those looking for specific voice lines)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:49 AM PDT


    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:36 PM PDT

    Lastest YT video. Some Artifact Foundry right here:

    Will be live as always Monday afternoon for a few hours on it.

    Thanks for checking it out! Appreciate everyone.

    submitted by /u/TTVwindfell_
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    Did Valve squander opportunities to heavily advertise Artifact to revitalize it, when other card games made blunders?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    We all know how Valve is known for doing very little advertising for their games. When other card games made changes that pissed off their respective communities, i.e. Blizzard and banning Blitzchung because he said "FREE HONG KONG", and the battle pass system they implemented for Hearthstone, and maybe how MTG Arena reduced the amount of free rewards you can get, (I think) would it have been an opportunity for Valve to push hard to try to lure those disenfranchised players from those other card games to play Artifact instead?

    Let's say, following the Blizzard Blitzchung scandal, Valve pushes out a huge advertising promotion, showing solidarity for Hong Kong (even thought that wouldn't happen, since Valve is trying to push hard into the Chinese market with Steam China, and Valve doesn't involve themselves politically, I think), and making Artifact 1.0 completely free-to-play. Would that have worked, or was Artifact that flawed to the point that even those campaigns wouldn't have revived the game?

    submitted by /u/Enstraynomic
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    What's the "Constructed Skill Rating" of an average player in this game?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    If you personally dont know what the average is, just comment your rating so we can make an estimate from the comments.
    I am a new player so i was curious to learn that at what point can i be considered avg or around avg...

    submitted by /u/MaddeninG_StillnesS
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    The Seven Deadly Sins of Artifact

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:36 AM PDT

    Artifact failed because, when all is said and done, human beings are very flawed by nature. We suffer from various kinds of character faults that arise from our very nature.

    Artifact Classic and Artifact Foundry did not fail because they were bad games. They failed because we, as a species, have too many flaws in our nature.

    In the case of Artifact, the 7 deadly sins were:

    1. GREED

    Valve is the richest gaming dev in the world. Despite that, it chose the most greedy economic model possible. Buy to play, pay to keep playing, very limited free-to-play grind, and a very greedy ticket system, in addition to the rake on all sales in the open market.

    It seems that even with all Valve's wealth, they could not suppress the overwhelming greed in their hearts. Shame on them.

    It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.


    Valve's pride was monumental. Despite all the feedback that Valve received during the closed BETA of Artifact Classic, it didn't make a difference because of the attitude "We know best. It's the people who are wrong".

    Also, they let their company's fame get to their heads in the closed Beta, acting as if we peasants should be so lucky to receive a beta key, and what a privilege it would be to be blessed by Valve!

    Pride comes before a fall.


    When Artifact Classic failed, and when Foundry's numbers in the closed beta became small, what possible bonuses would the Artifact team receive? None.

    So, acting like most humans act, they chose the $ sign by moving to other, more profitable games.

    They could not simply be satisfied with their base salary. No! They had to chase additional bonus money, and to hell with this beautiful game.

    4. LIES

    Let's call a spade a spade. Valve lied to us when they promised a $1 million dollar tournament. They said it would happen. It didn't. They could have chosen to have honored their promise. They did not. Hell, honoring the promise would have gone a long way in reviving the game whilst they fixed up the monetisation and progression model.

    Although I am an atheist, I must respect Jesus Christ when he said words to the effect of: "Who is better? The person who says they will do something and then does not do it, or the person who makes no promises but actually does the deed?"

    5. SLOTH

    Valve was lazy.

    Why did Valve not do obvious things to generate hype in Artifact Foundry? Laziness is the answer. Whilst working from home during the pandemic, I suspect that they spent time during work hours doing the shopping, going to the supermarket and doing household chores whilst no one was watching, instead of working devotedly, with full 100% attention, and making a success of this game. It's people like Valve who give a bad name to the phrase: "I'm working from home". Yeah, pull the other leg, no one buys that BS that you were equally productive working from home as you were in the office.

    Shame on Valve for not hosting community tournaments during Foundry's beta. Shame that they used MS Paint Art (even for heroes who had existing Dota 2 artwork available), and shame on them for saying "There were not enough numbers in the Beta to justify continued development".

    If Valve cared half as much as Sunsfan and Sir Action Slacks and Nine and Windfell (and various others), the game would have had enough numbers to continue development.


    I don't know if there is word in the English language for this particular vice, but we have all seen this vice in others, when we see people "throw in the towel" or "throw out the baby with the bathwater".

    Valve's decision to throw Artifact Classic in the trashcan and make Foundry showed a lack of determination to fix what was broken and leave in tact what was fine. They basically threw out the baby with the bathwater. They threw out the good with the bad.

    This same trait was again shown when they abandoned Foundry whilst it was still in closed beta.

    7. MORE LIES

    It was not only Valve that lied. According to Reynad, it was the streamers too. Reynad has stated on the public record that many streamers with early access praised Artifact's gameplay to the heavens, but secretly admitted behind closed doors that the gameplay was crap, or problematic at best.

    Whilst some of the streamers therefore have some share of the blame, I say it again: Shame on Valve.

    There you have it folks. The seven deadly sins of Artifact.

    submitted by /u/Chess_Player_101
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