• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

    Artifact - Kanna waits with us too.

    Artifact - Kanna waits with us too.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Kanna waits with us too.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:06 AM PST

    How could i be so blind?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:27 AM PST

    Long have we waited ...

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:30 PM PST

    Valve still cares. Our time will come (from new valve twitter)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

    Nov19th 2018 - Nov19th 2019 almost forget to post this

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:41 AM PST

    Played a game for the first time in ages, shout out to this Long Hauler

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:43 PM PST

    Valve never forgets its games!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:48 AM PST

    Valve never forgets its games!

    Dear long haulers,

    Believe in the long haul! Valve is still alive!

    We're excited to unveil Half-Life: Alyx, our flagship VR game, this Thursday at 10am Pacific Time.

    Can't wait to share it with all of you!

    Twitter feed of Valve.

    Half-Life 2: Episode 2 was released in 2007, it only took 12 years to get some news: the flagship VR game!

    I call it now, Artifact Reborn will be Valve's flagship Augmented Reality game!

    See you later during the long haul!

    submitted by /u/Wokok_ECG
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    LoR vs Artifact

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:57 AM PST

    I've been playing LoR for a few days now. Game is good, but not amazing. The animations get old rather quickly and more often than not you're left with turns where you can't do much. It feels super hands off and slow when you're waiting for your turn.

    Artifact, the items, gold, lanes - the decision making around these things - take up all that boring sitting time. It's incredibly better. The 2 card draw system makes the game feel so much more capable and fun. Never thought I'd call drawing 2 cards fun, but the gameplay is better because of it.

    I genuinely hope we get a redesign that doesn't ruin all the good things this game does. LoR is alright, good enough to play, but I never found it exhilarating or fun.

    I'll play both but artifact draws me in a lot more personally. I kind of expected more from LoR but it feels really tiny, smaller than HS in how it plays. The combat phase is extremely unsatisfying for me. Aesthetically, everything feels bulky and after a while you feel like there are too many shiny things, too many animations, too much glimmer. It tries to mask the rather plain combat. And as much as everyone called Artifact a stats game, LoR is the same, they just mask the stats with spells and shiny shit. It's still +2 -2 with a couple HS techniques thrown in.

    I'm undecided about hero quests / leveling up. On one hand it's a cool engine that creates a backstory to the game, on another it makes some decks over-reliant on it and than not drawing into a champion for 15 turns is extremely annoying. Without this feature the game would be extremely bad. I'm fairly confident that it won't take a crazy overhaul to introduce some engines and mechanics in this realm to Artifact and up its interest to more casual players.

    Oh yeah. And for everyone that said Artifact games are too long? Don't expect anything less than 20-30 min per game in LoR. And you feel every minute of it because of the turn - based system that essentially allows you to counter decision making rather than gameplay. Sounds cool, but in reality it makes the game feel very, very slow and uneventful when you have 2 cards in hand and nothing to do w them.

    Just an opinion from someone who had high hopes about LoR after everyone shit on Artifact. It's a lot of hype. It's not bad, but it's not great.

    submitted by /u/Dtoodlez
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    All mono mono challenge

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PST

    You must play as only one color. The twist you have to put every single card of that color into your deck. Glhf

    submitted by /u/ScubaKlown
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    Will 2.0 even save the game?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:03 PM PST

    I dont think that Artifact will be able to get rid of its stigma no matter what happens. What has to happen that Artifact will become a game that thousands of people play actively?

    Free2Play with all Cards for free and a pure cosmetic-based monetizing with excellent gameplay? I have the feeling that not even this would be enough.

    submitted by /u/Federeal
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    Need some help for the next Mo(o)nday!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:29 AM PST

    As you are aware artifact's birthday is fast approaching and I need your help with this very special Mo(o)nday. I'm not gonna spoil what it's going to be yet but here is what I need from you:

    I need you. Yup... well... something that symbolizes you as a unique long hauler. (For example, I'm a banana.) It can be a character from a show, an object, an regular guy with a shirt with some symbol, some item from a game. Anything you want representing you. (If you want to make it easy on me you can include a picture with your comment.)

    Feel free to describe what you want but try to keep it short. Depending on how many people make a request to be added I might have to cut out those with complicated designs or simplify them in order to make time.

    Best of luck and keep on hauling!

    Edit: I usually don't say this but it looks like I'm going to have to. So many people are commenting but not many are updoot-ing. If you want more people to see this post and want it to stay on the front page for the next few days giving a more people a fair shot, you know what to do. I've already asked the mods of the sub to sticky this but I guess that's not gonna happen. So yeah, hopefully enough people see this.

    submitted by /u/TwistedBOLT
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    This reminds me of Christmas when i was a child

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:17 PM PST

    My parents hated me and all my siblings got these amazing presents and all i got was a voucher for no beating for one day.

    submitted by /u/Pantsu_Desuu
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    My Version of Artifact 2.0

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:13 PM PST

    My Version of Artifact 2.0

    *Remove Equipped item mechanic. Consumable item stay.

    *Remove Item cards slot for deck building.

    *Change Gold system to Fountain Mana.

    *Fountain mana : Any excess mana that you don't use at the end of round gets stored in Fountain mana. Spend Fountain mana in Fountain Phase(shop).


    *Remove creep spawn.

    *Summoned unit always targets front unit.

    *More attack target manipulator cards.

    *Remove gold gain from killing unit.


    *Change shop to Fountain Phase.


    Fountain deck lists:

    1) Hero level slot.

    2) Consumable item slot.

    3) Creep wave slot. Each round add 1 copy of this card in creep wave slot.

    Creep wave card (3 fountain mana) :

    Summon Range creep(3,1). Play: choose attack target. then summon Melee Creep (2,2)

    *Add re-roll.

    Re-roll : refresh Hero level slot and Consumable item slot. (2 fountain mana)

    *After Fountain Phase ends, reset Fountain mana to 0.


    *Unit can level up to 3 times.


    Axe Level 1(example)


    Level 2 (4 fountain mana)

    Gain 2/0/2

    Level 3 (6 fountain mana)

    Gain 3 Armor

    Level 4 (10 fountain mana)

    Gain 5/2/5

    Zeus Level 1(example)


    Level 2 (4 fountain mana)

    Gain Static Field ability and 0/0/3

    Level 3 (5 fountain mana)

    Zeus gains 0/0/3. Static Field deals +1 more damage

    Level 4 (9 fountain mana)

    Zeus gains 0/0/3. Static Field deals +1 more damage


    Visual : Change lane buff to Amulet(shadowverse mechanic) for visual clarity.

    Unit deals damage to tower when in front of amulet.


    Everything else stays the same. and of course f2p.

    submitted by /u/ecceptor
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    I want to like green deck but I hate it.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:36 AM PST

    Only 1 card draw soo making a combo/ramp deck is shitty. Gets rekt by red/black heroes whole game, 0 board clear, can't generate gold becaus can't kill (Soo no Cloak of Endless Carnage can fix card draw problem). And the good cards are at high mana and you lose before you get there. I know the Cheating Death card was pure BS, but there is not a good card from early-mid game.

    submitted by /u/TheOneWithALongName
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