• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 25, 2020

    Artifact - Every time someone posts "Artifact reference???" it's something everyone already knew, or just a generic triangle, but not this time: Momma Eeb's finger while picking a coin has the Artifact tattooed

    Artifact - Every time someone posts "Artifact reference???" it's something everyone already knew, or just a generic triangle, but not this time: Momma Eeb's finger while picking a coin has the Artifact tattooed

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Every time someone posts "Artifact reference???" it's something everyone already knew, or just a generic triangle, but not this time: Momma Eeb's finger while picking a coin has the Artifact tattooed

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

    Wait a minute... Underlords just gave Artifact THE MIDDLE FINGER

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:51 PM PST

    Kanna appearing in one of the Underlords comics

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:37 AM PST

    Debbie's old roommate

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:50 PM PST

    Played artifact on my cake day

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:23 PM PST

    It was honestly a lot of fun. I only played a few rounds with friends but most of them were close games and intense. Upsettingly this game doesn't get the love it deserves, but I'm still here for the long haul brothers and sisters.

    For real though, like who is left?

    submitted by /u/umustalldie2
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    Artifact is the new Half-Life 3, confirmed.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Dear Valve, thank you for Underlords S1! It's honestly a great game, and we wish you the best for future seasons.. Now, can we move on and give the same treatment to Artifact? PLZZ??

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:49 PM PST

    It's also a beautiful game that needs a little love rn.. just a few drops of spit-shine on silly RNG and thorough demolition of the business model should do.. and an improved base set while you're at it!

    I know most of you guys on the current and ex-artifact team are really bummed out by what happened there, but there are so many of us that are really tired of card games where either time or money or both is mandatory payment in order to make any kind of meaningful progression

    Artifact 1.0 may have been perceived as the mother-ship of the lot (even though it was objectively NOT the absolute worst monetization.. just one of the really bad ones).. but all that can change with 2.0.

    I have some suggestions as to how you can build the outer bits.. I'll leave the game-play changes to the streamers "beta testers" you employ..

    1. Give all cards for free to all players.. maybe you can have small single player campaign + tutorial + puzzles to unlock all cards. This way, everyone can play with everyone else at the highest level or as they please..

    2. Card packs are generic loot crates that give slightly shiny versions of base cards. Standard rules apply here.. duplicates are converted into dust. 3 tiers of shiny cards with the highest tier having golden texture + holographic effects.. in this case HQ 3D animations of some kind.. open it up for artists, modders and hat creators!!

    3. Battle Pass for unlocking other cosmetics like card backs, alternate arts, imps, boards, voice-lines, board props, smiley-faces and particle effects! There's tons of things to monetize here!

    4. Constructed and Draft have separate LADDERS and not some pseudo-rank. Show every player's MMR & RANKING in region and global and have leader boards that regularly update in-game!!

    5. Rewards for high performers! Give steam-bucks/PayPal for top players in each region! perhaps small amount of other currency for cosmetics crafting for lower tier players!

    6. Enable Prized Tournaments for Verified organizers! Prizes being cash paid as steam-bucks/PayPal idk

    7. Pathway for Regional and International tournaments.

    8. Tournament MMR maybe?? idk..

    9. Unranked Mode should not have any MMR of any kind to prevent smurfing.

    10. Two-step verification to prevent smurfing.. DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO KILL THIS BEFORE IT KILLS THE GAME!

    11. Have a Turbo Mode for casual players. This mode should NOT count towards any kind of MMR to prevent smurfing!

    12. Arcade so that players can create their very own game modes or even card games!

    13. Local Area mode and easy to set-up multiplayer so we can play on mobile with friends! Try to leverage modern mobile tech that can make it easier to do this sort of stuff!

    14. Improved social features in-game. A way to use NFC to seamlessly connect with players nearby??

    15. Steam Marketplace for hats!!!

    16. Proper in-game spectating (i know its already there) and something like DotaTV to watch highest rank players!

    17. Twitch integration and overlay like the one made for Magic Arena! Perhaps something to prevent stream sniping someway? idk..

    18. Balance the game like icefrog. Preferably clone him or upload his consciousness to a super computer so he can do the balancing for you :P

    submitted by /u/LoL_is_pepega_BIA
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    I was going to point out the colored banners but, red, green, blue and... purple?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Artifact Launch Party

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:12 PM PST

    Is anybody watching this? I am seeing people spam 'Pog Artifact 2.0', even a mod, but not sure what has been said though?

    Is an Artifact 2.0 announcement likely here?

    submitted by /u/Jyssyj
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    Imagine if Artifact had been handled like Underlords

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Imagine if Artifact had been handled like Underlords

    Underlords v1.0 has been released today, and look at the forum: half the posts are about the in-game rewards, people are only interested in the cosmetics which they have grinded for during the beta!

    \"Where are my rewards, Volvo?\"

    I am glad that Artifact is different. Seriously, it is a sad state of gaming if you need to have a battle pass, daily grind, achievements, and cosmetic rewards to be keep a large playerbase.

    submitted by /u/Wokok_ECG
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