• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 15, 2020

    Artifact - Was browsing through the all-time top posts on the subreddit.. I'm literally shocked at how after a certain point, Valve and others managed to successfully f*k up literally everything they possibly could..

    Artifact - Was browsing through the all-time top posts on the subreddit.. I'm literally shocked at how after a certain point, Valve and others managed to successfully f*k up literally everything they possibly could..

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Was browsing through the all-time top posts on the subreddit.. I'm literally shocked at how after a certain point, Valve and others managed to successfully f*k up literally everything they possibly could..

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 03:27 AM PST

    1. Terrible time to announce a card game.. Like how many dota players care about any other game?

    2. Announcing an esports scene and million+ dollar tourney for a game in development with absolutely no community.. forgiven.. its valve after all. Things will be gucci...

    3. Really long closed beta, where most of the critical feedback from players was IGNORED (wtf Garfunkle)

    4. Prospective players thinking competing in tourney would be pointless when playing against players who have been part of closed beta for over a year (though it turned out newer players surpassed many of the CB players in some of the major post release tournaments)

    5. PAX was where the hype hit fever pitch.. there was still positivity and hope in our daily ramblings

    6. The whole streamer/"influencer" hype circus really took it to the stratosphere.. little did the world know; this was a meteor in formation

    7. The whole putting up Artifact codes on eBay for $400 circus (WHERE ARE THE PPL WHO BOUGHT THESE CODES LOL)

    8. The whole social media beta key circus (i was one of the lucky winners of a key.. Should've sold mine on eBay when the going was good. ffs)

    9. The tournament where casters were casting players with 700IQ speed of light plays for a pepega audience. How does this even happen??

    10. Realizing the monetization is NOT buy once and get a lot of cards, but buy once and keep on buying more and buying more. EVEN THESE MONKEYS CAN TELL YOU HOW TERRIBLE THAT IS. I'm surprised some of the smartest ppl in game dev couldn't see this coming.. (fking RG and GabeN)

    11. The whole delayed open beta circus.

    12. The whole community turning into a toxic Fallout Zone post release.. we still haven't recovered to this day

    The only beacon of hope in all of this nuclear catastrophe was the WePlay Tournaments. I still watch the replays sometimes... they are top tier in every regard!

    I pray for 2.0.

    ErikRobson and team -

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    (i apologize if the timeline is off.. i could only put so much together from reddit posts)

    submitted by /u/LoL_is_pepega_BIA
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    Played my first game in months after trying runeterra, realised instantly some of the things Artifact did wrong

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 03:16 AM PST

    Annihilation was the first thing that stood out to me.

    I was in global against some chinese guy with zeus/luna/kanna.

    So I spent the entire game in perpetual fear of Annihilation. Where one wrong move would get my entire fkn lane blown up, and he would have a few rounds free to do stuff.

    It actually wasn't an enjoyable feeling. It was anxiety inducing, like an unfun pit of misery at the back of my mind. Same thing with At Any Cost. The idea that I had 3 boards, and I couldnt go too far in on any single one because if I did he would just blow it up with 0 cost to him, because the card is designed around annihilating boards you dont care about.

    Some of the RNG was annoying too, like I had rebel instigator in a kanna lane. Works out beautifully because he gets to hit a creep, reproduce, then die next round taking creep out with him. Just keeps spawning. But then Luna beams him randomly and the entire plan is fucked lol. It wasn't a very low chance but I can definitely see how some people would be off the rockers when a random thing like that does it.

    I could talk/think about a few other things. But just the fact that 1 game brought it out of me made me want to close it and not play any more. Which I promptly did.

    I hate league of legends, but runeterra is decent, the level-up mechanic for heroes is really cool, whereas in artifact heroes are more about waiting for cooldowns

    submitted by /u/DrAllure
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