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    Friday, February 7, 2020

    Artifact - What is the difference between Constructed and Global Matchmaking? And which one gets me a match faster?

    Artifact - What is the difference between Constructed and Global Matchmaking? And which one gets me a match faster?

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    What is the difference between Constructed and Global Matchmaking? And which one gets me a match faster?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:16 PM PST

    Thanks in advanced for any answers.

    submitted by /u/Yzark-Tak
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    Erik Robson is playing 5D chess in 3030

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:00 AM PST

    With all the animosity and ridicule that Artifact brings, why would Erik Robson keep the fact that he's still working on it in his bio? Well, as I said, he's out here living in 3030. Valve employees can basically work on anything they want. Every Valve game is technically always "being worked on" since employees can come and go as they please.

    So, how does that make Erik Robson a genius just for signaling he's working on Artifact?

    • Game relaunches and is great - Erik Robson is the savior that never gave up on Artifact!
    • Game relaunches and is still garbage - Erik Robson was there, always trying to make it great, but obviously the Artifact team was infiltrated by people that wanted it dead for good!
    • Game never relaunches - Erik Robson never gave up, but he couldn't get his dirty, pedestrian co-workers to invest. All they want is money, while Erik is a true believer!

    Basically, it's a win-win-win for him all for the "cost" of saying he's still on Artifact. I tip the /r/Artifact High IQ Middle School Crew's* fedora to you!

    *(Smug Rag, Blunderbuss Pete, Hymen100, Poodlez, TenHMgd, Uh Oh Spa-kraivio's)

    submitted by /u/cowardly_comments
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