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    Friday, July 10, 2020

    Artifact - Anti-mage persona for Dota 2 page includes comic with Artifact/Underlords lore tie ins.

    Artifact - Anti-mage persona for Dota 2 page includes comic with Artifact/Underlords lore tie ins.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Anti-mage persona for Dota 2 page includes comic with Artifact/Underlords lore tie ins.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Happy wave boys

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    After almost 2 weeks as beta player I can say: Hero Draft is fun and non repetitive

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    [Opinion] My interpretation of my previous poll and the issues with community feedback

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    Some of you may have seen my previous post here, a poll asking what percentage of users on this subreddit still enjoy Artifact 1.0. To my surprise, the majority of voters said that they do in fact still enjoy 1.0. This of course is not representative of the entire 1.0 playerbase as a whole, but of perhaps those most dedicated to the development of the game--the people who would seek out a subreddit for a game that died months ago.

    So, what does this mean? Well, from my perspective, I think Valve has a unique problem when it comes to player feedback, and it stems from the portion of the fanbase that still find Artifact 1.0 to be fun. Now I am in no way saying 1.0 is objectively bad, enjoyment of anything is a strictly subjective topic. But to see the grand picture, we have to look back at the numbers 1.0 was posting in the first few months. December 2018 saw ~11,000 players, which rapidly dropped almost 75% down to ~3,000 in January. By March, the playercount was down to ~350, and from April 2019 on it never made it above 200 players. Clearly, the overwhelming majority of people who played the game were dissatisfied. However, some small percentage of players found their niche, and stuck with the game. Many of those people populate this subreddit now.

    How does this tie into feedback for the developers? Valve has an issue where they are between two groups--the people who left Artifact because they didn't enjoy 1.0, and the people who stuck with 1.0 to the bitter end. From what I can tell by looking at this sub and reading steam discussions, it seems the latter group is far more vocal about their opinion of the game. And understandably so, they invested time and money in 1.0, and clearly they enjoyed the game, so all these changes made in 2.0 are "detracting" from the vision of Artifact they have built up over hundreds of hours in 1.0. The issue lies here. Yes, many of you likely enjoyed or still enjoy playing 1.0. And you may see the changes that 2.0 is making as ruining the game you have come to enjoy. But I think there may be a harsh reality to accept regarding this group of players, and its that the reboot is not an attempt to appeal to people who enjoyed 1.0. It is an attempt to appeal to the people who thought they would enjoy 1.0, but left within a month of trying it (AKA the majority of people who own Artifact).

    This isn't me trying to say that 1.0 players opinions are invalid, or they don't have good suggestions, but it is directly opposing some of these posts that are criticizing the game for changing the original formula. The only objective thing about the state of Artifact 1.0 is that it could not retain the overwhelming majority of its players for more than 3 months. By most developers standards, that is a failed product. 2.0 is a redesign, a reboot, and it has to make drastic adjustments if it wants to see a drastic rebirth in the eyes of its players. Sure, we could point out x,y, or z small changes to the original formula that would improve the game. But small tweaks and QoL changes are not going to revive a dead game.

    This beta and reboot are such a unique experience. Not often do developers say "hey, our first try at this game didnt go well. Lets try again". Most of the time, things are shelved and forgotten. We have a unique opportunity to use our voices and feedback to revive a game we all want to succeed. Lets all trust that the incredibly talented designers, who are making their living trying to rebuild this game, are qualified to find a way to fix Artifact. Lets all try to come to new solutions to the new problems present in 2.0, instead of saying "go back to 1.0's way!". If we can all come to an agreement that the goal of this reboot should be to bring back those of us who lost interest in under a month, we might actually be able to.

    TL;DR This subreddit is the center for people who still like 1.0. Those that very much enjoy 1.0 might not be the best source of feedback when trying to bring back players who did not like 1.0.

    submitted by /u/Mitochondriu
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    Tournament | Tomorrow UTC 14 | Constructed | Bo1 | 50$

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Constructed, no decklists, bo1. Semifinals bo3. Finals bo5.

    No rules u can play whatever and switch decks.

    LIMITED SEATS (32?) because otherwise i cant TO.

    Join my discord (https://discord.gg/cd3jAg8) to register. First come first serve. PM ME (Nine)

    You must add me on Steam (im in game; Nine)

    I will run tournament from there, you just challenge each other in game and report to me.

    Prize via paypal.

    inb4: this is for 2.0

    submitted by /u/NineHDmg
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    Just got into the beta, where to start?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys, finally made it! I loved artifact 1 and am very excited to get started with this, where should I start? I've already played a few bot matches, but where do I start to get more cards? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Uberrrr
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    Idea for draft mode: While one player is picking heros, other player picks cards.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    This will allow for more control over the deck without making the mode take any longer. Obviously 5 card choices are not enough to fill out your deck so you can auto fill the rest still. Gives you some more control. Also you could probably make a small amount of time for even more card picking, or make each card you pick fill 3 card slots in your deck with that card.

    Just an idea I do not think I have seen it elsewhere.

    submitted by /u/ZoopUniball
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    Has anyone who received 1.0 through a Valve friends and family key received 2.0 beta access?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Like the title says. I received beta access for 1.0 through a friends and family key, and I haven't received 2.0 access yet. I'm wondering if I'm just unlucky or if I'm being given lower priority because I didn't "pay" for the game. I would have paid if I hadn't danced for a key!

    submitted by /u/BaratheonSteel
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    Does the Beta have an in-game player count?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    I checked the community page and there was no visibile player count.


    In steam if the player count isn't shown in the community hub page, it usually means less than 300 people are currently in-game. For example


    I was wondering if there is a live player count meter in-game, incase the community hub page is an exception to the 300 count rule.


    To clarify in case someone gets upset again about a discussion on the number of active players - I asked out of concern about the frequency of Valve sending out invites and the number of people being invited per wave, not about player retention lol.

    submitted by /u/Yelebear
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