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    Artifact - New wave!

    Artifact - New wave!

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    New wave!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    My feedback and thoughts on 2.0

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    First of all, I would like to thank the devs for working on Artifact 2.0. The art style, board design, UI and music of Artifact was phenomenal, and I am happy it is getting another chance to shine. Also, while I do not think Artifact 1 was a good game, it was a very interesting game and I appreciate that.

    For context regarding my view on Artifact: I don't think the monetization was the only problem, and my view largely aligns with this article.

    Also, I have only played hero draft and will not talk about balance.

    Now, to the review!

    The good

    It feels much better than Artifact 1. The largest and best change is that the game no longer feels like a constant struggle with RNG. This makes the interaction between you and your opponent more direct, which is a good thing. I like playing all three lanes at the same time. I think tower and ancient health are such that none of the lanes ever feel completely dead / unimportant. (A big problem in 1 if you had one or more heroes in such a lane.) Initiative is still important, but less so than in 1, as you can always do something in another lane, and I think it is in a good spot now. Most of the games I played were pretty tense and losing feels more fair than before.

    I also really like how you draft directly against your opponent in the new draft mode. This makes draft much more interesting as you can specifically adapt your draft to counter your opponent, unlike artifact 1 draft where you more or less have to target drafts that are good in general. For example Pugna would never be drafted in 1, but might be worth picking up now if you see your opponent going for an enchantment oriented deck (he still sucks though ;). I also like that you draft six heroes and discard one.

    I would like to be able to draft some non hero cards to have a bit more control over the deck, but it is also nice that the draft is fast especially if you have to draft against your opponent every time. Perhaps an idea is to have some draft cycles with only rare / uncommon cards, and then give you pre-selected / free choice of common cards to fill your deck up. This would give you a bit more customizability than the current system, but can still be done pretty quickly.

    I do not miss consumables, nor the 'basic' items, at all. And I like that if you equip a new item to an already filled slot, the old item is returned with a one turn lock. I also like how you have to distribute your mana between playing cards, playing / activating items and active abilities.

    The bad

    I do not like the courier mechanic as it is presented now. It feels out of place and arbitrary on multiple levels. It being a card adds almost nothing to the game (unless I'm missing something?). Also it is a board wide enhancement, where enhancements are typically lane specific. And secondly since it cannot be destroyed by Pugna or by the Maul it is not even a true enhancement? If you want one free item equip per round, why not give each player one golden mana that can only be used for items, and be done with it? (Or, if items with higher equip cost will be added, one "equip item for free" token.)

    I strongly dislike the shop. It is overly complex while adding little depth, and its mechanics feel disconnected from the 'main' game. I do not understand the point of such a messy system in an already complicated game. In particular when to upgrade or get money is almost never an interesting or hard choice. The items themselves are pretty interesting, but I would say there are not enough of them yet. Also, I can only speak about tier 1 / 2 items because the others are so rarely seen / bought that I hardly have an opinion on them. In general I think the game might be made a bit more interesting by making items a bit cheaper, so you have the chance to use more of them, but that is just an hunch.

    I wonder if the devs are not limiting themselves in balancing the items by forcing them into tiers that cost 10, 15, 20 etc. gold. I think it is a symptom of the needlessly complicated shop that does more harm than good. On the other hand it does make it easier to track what item your opponent might have bought.

    I was not a huge fan of the Artifact 1 shop though, and after giving it some thought, I wonder if the shop would not be better if all the items are always available, as it is also in Dota. This can facilitate certain strategies, as you are certain a critical item can be acquired, and make heroes more versatile in general, as you know you can reliably specialize them in certain roles. I assume that the items can be balanced by adjusting the gold cost, and maybe even the mana cost of equipping and or using the item. In Dota, item and heroes are always balanced and designed while taking each other into account, and I think it works. Even if this will lead to default items for certain heroes (as is the case in Dota) I do not think it will detract from the game. Also, since you can only buy a couple of items for all your heroes, the board state in that very moment will heavily factor in what would be the best item to purchase, I suspect.

    The meh

    I am ambivalent about the current blink scroll mechanic. It is nice, but also quite arbitrary and, as others pointed out, a bit of a "win harder" mechanic. I think it might be fine if it was always available in the shop, and simply very expensive to reflect its high value.

    Artifact still has a bit of that fundamental identity crisis, where on the one hand heroes are your most important cards, but on the other are doomed to slowly die to chip damage, their main increase of power is often boring stat buffs, sometimes you want them to die, and the really cool / powerful / amazing cards are spells casted from your hand, and rarely the heroes directly. This however, seems hard to address without overhauling the mechanics completely and adding some experience / level up effects. Adding more active abilities does mitigate the problem somewhat, and I think it is a good addition. That they are always 1 mana does make the game state a bit more easy to track, but on the other hand abilities that are mana and not cooldown limited might also be cool.

    To further cement / increase a hero's significance on the board, you could limit their signature cards to the hero or give other heroes a mana penalty to cast a signature spell? Of course the cards would need to be rebalanced / redesigned to accommodate such a change. However I think this would be less of a problem than in 1, since you now generally have more options available. On the other hand it might remove more fun from the game (by taking a away options) than it adds in hero wow factor.

    Verdict: a sizeable improvement, but not yet a great game

    Request: please add an arrow to indicate which direction combat will resolve!

    submitted by /u/66813
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    A list of unsatisfying games - and a couple of great ones after 80hrs of hero draft

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    A post by EricTams asking for specific games were people "felt" like things had gone particularly poorly made me start recording whenever I had a game go particularly badly - or well - for me.

    Below are the dates/times (match_ids were (a) broken for a while (b) times are easier to copy out!) from my games as me - an A1 player with >800 hours, ~80 hours in A2 and all games are hero draft (constructed vs draft experience should be mandatory on all feedback posts...)

    Unsatisfying games

    • Stuck looking at a 9 drop entire game after opponent +1 cost'd my fist of the allseeing one. 1/7/2020 19:00
    • Opponent resigned before turn 2 started after their Kanna was laned vs my Shadowfiend and SF was going to a boatload of stacks. 1/7/2020 19:28
    • Stuck most of game with 4+ drops; enemy gets out 32:32+trample... I desperately try to hold on.... I start to make comeback... It's close! It's REALLY close! It's... yes, I'm going to do it! I'm going to wi-Opponent says GG and surrenders. sigh 2/7/2020 18:23
    • SF lanes against Kanna. Insane snowballing ensues. 2/7/2020 20:20
    • Blue green deck that doesn't "do" much - no creeps appearing, no damage appearing but 3 stun-glyphs in the deck. I have a problem doing well with green decks generally I know, but it just felt... dull to slowly get squeezed out without much active counterplay available. 2/7/2020 22:55
    • Kanna game goes /badly/. >40 damage WK with death shield while I sit with 2 annilhilations + 2 bolts in hand. 3/7/2020 18:07 https://i.imgur.com/Ucmp6Ds.jpg
    • Fine for me - sucky for opponent I think. Enemy completely unable to get through treant armour/regen/hp and a suicide bombing Anshu. My OD did not hurt the stall strat either... 5/7/2020 19:16
    • Equipped Vesture to Storm; zapped him to the contested lane with my vangaurd WK and instantly lost both items to a corrosive mist. Rage-surrendered shortly afterwards; [only partly] because my gf was glaring at me... 5/7/2020 21:23
    • Kanna + drow. Took my tower so fast. 5/7/2020 23:25

    Great games. Again, all are hero draft.

    • <also above as a bad game> Stuck most of game with 4+ drops and enemy gets out 32:32+trample... 2/7/2020 18:23
    • Green red vs black blue; close run game that could have gone either way for several turns. I was trying to play around a claymore nyx which is pretty terrifying but managed to just about hold my lanes long enough for my lycan/drow enhanced lane to finish it off. Final turn had 5 enemy heroes in 1 lane which I silenced with 2 gusts while I had 3 heroes in that lane trying to desperately protect the tower. 7/7/2020 21:39

    The reason I'm posting these now is because of that last "good" game. The thing that made that game good was the opponent - we joked about the plays we were making, we agreed it was a GG no matter who won, I guess hed had an oath in his hand and that it'd been sitting there uselessly for a draft game, we made fun of plays (eg I silenced the 3 heros but left the CM unsilenced, opponent says "You think CM doesn't matter?!" before playing a powerful blue card.) and it felt great. So many times I feel like I'm playing either an emotionless bot and it felt wonderful to be reminded that there are other people enjoying this game along with me.

    TLDR: The bad experience I've had in hero draft largely come from:

    • Stuck with expensive and/or useless cards (oath, bolt, large creeps) and unable to do anything
    • Snowballed by bad lane matchups or opponent getting some good synergy going (kanna vs SF/pitlord, kanna+drow, bracers+anshu...)
    • Related to the above, being stuck in a bad lane matchup where you would literally take a self-annhilation over letting it continue (mostly Kanna related, see above image as an example)
    • Unexpected punishment disproportionate to the size of the mistake (ie SS into corrosive mist losing ~50 gold of items)
    submitted by /u/sithe
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    I think I found our first 2.0 copypasta

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    As more people get invites, some 200IQ galaxy brains have started showing up in the in-game chat. I just saw a chat message that looked like the Rick 'n Morty copypasta, except they were serious. Behold its splendor.

    Actually if you never understand probabiliy, you need understand win ratio, and you never understand time spent per game won, you don't care about any of those things to user powerful meta decks, that usually relly on good probabily of combination of cards, a well made deck based on strong cards, you will just care for individual games and always be and statistacal loser, by mathematich definition.

    it's not "get lucky, fool", it's "get smart, dude"

    This was in response to someone saying that "The Hunger" tutorial matches are hard if you don't get lucky enough to draft good heroes (which is true btw).

    submitted by /u/DownvoteHappyCakeday
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    Still no beta

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Jesus this sucks, why are valve is like this? I feel so much anger I have to fucking scream and punch everything I want to play the game updated not same 1.0 shit

    submitted by /u/Epistassi_
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    Items I | The Long Haul Podcast Ep. 42

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Is there any permanent reward for joining the beta?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Pretty much the title. I'm pretty busy with irl stuff right now, but quiet liked artifact 1 and am definitely excited for artifact 2

    Just got invitation to join the beta and wonder if there is any reward I will miss if I dont do it.

    submitted by /u/lanimatran
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    Do you enjoy still Artifact 1.0?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    This is not a question as to whether it is a good game or not, I just want to gauge what percentage of the subreddit still enjoys Artifact 1.0. If you still actively play and enjoy 1.0, vote yes. If you have played and did not have an overall positive experience in your time with the game, vote no.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Mitochondriu
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    Are the Devs focusing too much on Draft/Hero Draft?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:23 PM PDT


    All the card games I played I always enjoyed only Constructed Ranked games. And like me most card game players are mostly only interested in Constructed Ranked play as you can see from streamers/forums/youtube etc.

    Artifact 1 also focused heavily on draft and I am just wondering if it's only me that thinks the devs are not putting enough focus on Constructed play for 2.0 since we don't even have a Constructed queue yet but they are already doing surveys on the heroes.

    Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.

    submitted by /u/_Pappa_Smurf_
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