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    Wednesday, April 10, 2019

    Artifact - 100 hours in, first perfect run

    Artifact - 100 hours in, first perfect run

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    100 hours in, first perfect run

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 04:39 AM PDT

    Luna looks strange...

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    Her face looks strange, she looks much prettier in Dota than in Artifact.

    Also since drow remodel, Drow is much more attractive in Dota.

    submitted by /u/Free_my_Daryl
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    Achievements, even without rewards, would make this game more fun

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 04:50 PM PDT

    I know the game probably has other priorities, but might as well put it out there:

    There are a lot of games I play where interesting things happen, and it'd be great to be able to "collect" them. - I played a game in draft where both sides ran out of cards. - I played in a game where I did over 130 damage to enemy towers (took out their ancient while dealing 30+ damage to the other two lanes). - I played a game where I did not lose a single hero.

    I feel like these things should be celebrated and getting even token XP and recognition, as well as tracking these things, would make the game marginally more fun.

    Do y'all have any ideas for what to add? Maybe let's make the Valve's job easier by coming up with content for them.

    submitted by /u/temporalparts
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    Today is Thursday!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 04:46 PM PDT

    That means patch day! á•™༼ຈل͜ຈ༽á•— Hype!

    submitted by /u/Blackmanfromalaska
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    Is there a website that has Artifact net decks or decks?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    All we talk about is "ded game" and that's fine, I play faeria so i'm used to a low player count but I just want to know any website to get net decks or any decks. Thanks

    submitted by /u/bortness
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    Hero Design is Bad and uncreative

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 05:36 PM PDT

    Magnus looks like he got designed within 10 seconds, Lycan, Enchantress and Treant have the same ability just with a different stat type.

    The only good designed and satisfying Hero to play is Luna.

    submitted by /u/zululwarrior6969
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    How hard can it be to create a patch?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 05:08 PM PDT

    Like, for real? How hard is it?
    I don't mean a patch to completely save or change the game. Or introduce a new 40 card expansion and a bunch of new content.
    But just to like give Centaur +1 Attack and then upload the patch to steam. How hard is that?
    Does it take a long time or a lot of energy to upload the patch onto steam for people to download and play? Is the code really fucked up and its a pain in the ass to change simple card values?

    Assuming those things are not true (while they could be true I find them hard to believe), whats preventing weekly quick balance patches?

    Q: What if the game becomes unbalanced with rushed out balance design?
    A: Revert the changes in next weeks quick balance patch.

    Q: What if people stop playing the game cause its unbalanced for a week?
    A: People already aren't playing the game.

    Q: What if there is no one at valve who wants to spend time coming up with balance changes?
    A: You don't have to do major changes. Even just changing 5-10 cards with quick +1 or -1 to various stats/mana would still work. Plus I'll do it for free, just PM me.

    In fact, I'll give some examples right now of quick balance changes.

    Time of Triumph: +4->+8, no longer modifies
    At Any Cost: Changed to "condemn an allied blue hero, deal 6 damage to every unit"
    Eclipse: No longer deals piercing damage
    Stars Align: Changed to "Give all allied towers +1 mana this round"
    Roseleaf Druid: Mana cost from 4 to 5, Attack from 2 to 3
    Chen: Holy Persuasion CD changed from 4 to 3
    The Tyler Estate: Mana cost from 4 to 2
    Cheating Death: Changed to "if you have an allied green hero in this lane, every allied unit has a 50% of gaining a death shield this round"

    Some of these changed are probably easier to quickly do than others and the more complicated ones can be put off for later or skipped over in favor of simpler changes. However, doing these quick little things gives life to the game while we wait for Artifact 2. It allows the community to stay alive and hope to not die out. Worse case scenario you gain a lot of information for balance testing in the future and every balance change can always be reverted. coughcoughbringbackcheatingdeathcoughcough

    submitted by /u/Twitchy666
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    Am i famous now? :O (hope this is allowed ^^? i just thought this was funny :D)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    Just bought all the missing cards...

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    Was pretty cheap.
    Let's if the investment pays off

    submitted by /u/Illuminataen
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    who is "surrey"

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    Just fyi to this dude and everyone else playing, there are literally only a few hundred of us left so if you randomly talk shit for no reason you will get called out

    hope you had fun losing cutie

    submitted by /u/stronghappy
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    Artifact is the only game that has been analyzed longer than played.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 06:08 AM PDT

    Here is the Patch note that would save Artifact.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 07:58 AM PDT

    I know that suggestions to fix Artifact have been discussed to death, but I never seen someone putting together the "Long Haul" Patch note, and I thought it would be a fun thing to do.

    Here is my take on the Big Patch that would save Artifact:

    Business model

    -It is no longer required to pay 20$ to download Artefact, it is now Free to Play.

    -You no longer get any booster by purchasing the game

    -A new in game currency called gold has been added, you can obtain Gold by finishing a gauntlet run, gaining level, winning an official tournament and recycling duplicated cards…

    -The ticket system is completely removed from the game; you can now spend gold to play gauntlet or play an official tournament.

    -Card included in the starting deck are no longer obtainable in booster packs excepted in draft.

    -Gold is also used to purchase cosmetics, here are the following cosmetics available:

    · Imp skin

    · Imp emotes

    · Game board

    · Avatar

    · Random card cosmetic lootbox (it will contain card animation and alternative artworks you can apply on your cards to customize them)

    -Alternative artwork or animation can be applied on cards to increase their value on the steam market, any cosmetics can be sold separately on the steam market.

    -Gaining level doesn't give anymore cards but instead will give you gold with special Avatars only obtainable through levels, every level will give you something.

    -It will be possible to buy gold with real money.

    -In order to make the market possible with cards that keeps their value, we maintain our policy to not give any card for free. Constructed will be pay to play since it will require to buy cards to be played. However, we will make sure that the bottom price of competitive decks is low enough so everyone can take part. You will be able to play monthly events and Draft completely for free.


    -The new expansion "Savage Roar" has been added to the game, it contains 240 new cards. This includes 20 news heroes with 2 different signature cards for each of them.

    -The expansion "Savage Roar" will focus on cards which encourage decks with high amount of synergies as well as 3 and 4 colour decks. It will also include the following new mechanics:

    Reaction: Card with "reaction" can trigger during the opponent turn without requiring initiative. When you have a card with "reactio"n you can toggle the reaction mod when the card is in your hand, if you have the mana to cast it the card will be played in reaction as soon as the trigger condition is met.

    Multi-colour Heroes: Those heroes count as being 2 different colours at the once.

    Multi-Colour cards: Those cards can only be played in a lane when you have heroes with both matching colours.

    -The 44 original heroes (not including the 4 basic heroes) will have a new signature card, so 44 new cards for the "Call to arms" set in total.

    -Item cards received a complete overall to match the new item shop mechanic.


    -The order in which you place your 3 first heroes when you build your deck will determine their starting lane deployment.

    -All the items have been changed, basic items cost between 1 to 7 gold and are the only one you can include in your item deck. Those basic items can be combined when you hold them in your hand to create more powerful items in a similar fashion than in Dota.

    -In constructed play the minimum number of cards included in your items shop is increased from 9 to 18.

    - In constructed play the secret shop has been replaced by a second deck item shop.

    -Consumable items mechanic remain unchanged, but the fountain flask and the potion of knowledge are removed from the game and are replaced by the potion of dexterity, this option cost 1 gold and let you change the arrow of any unit you control.

    -Each hero has an alternative signature card which can be placed in your deck instead of any number of signature card matching the hero.

    -Those signature card must be collected like normal cards and are not included with the hero.

    Game mods

    -Casual matchmaking is removed from the game

    -Keeper draft gauntlet mod is removed from the game.

    -Automated blitz draft tournaments are removed from the game.

    -A new free story mod mixing AI matches with special rules and puzzles will be implemented, this game mod will give you gold and unlock starter decks.

    -The "Call to arms" event is replaced by the "Savage Roar" event, this event will propose a wide diversity of pre constructed deck made of old and new cards.

    -Every month will have a different event with a different formats and rules. Taking part of those event will not require any card nor gold and will grant you gold reward.

    -Prized gauntlet and regular gauntlet are merged in one queue, at the beginning of every gauntlet run you can decide to pay 0, 50, 100 or 200 gold. Depending on how much you paid and how well you do, you will get a proportional reward in gold. You get gold rewards even if you paid 0 gold. We will have a gauntlet for constructed and draft.

    -Expert draft is a special draft mod which is only available for tournament. It works just like a normal draft but instead of drafting from a global draft pool, 6 players are set on a round table and draft simultaneously by passing boosters on their left (on booster 1, 3 and 5) then on their right (on booster 2 and 4).

    -Official automated tournament will be run every day at various hours, size and formats. From single elimination 8 players tournament to swiss style tournament from 6 to thousands of players. Tournaments will be run in Constructed, Draft or Expert draft.

    -Depending on its requirement and its size, tournament will grant rewards in gold/cards/steam money and even real money. Smaller tournaments will give qualification for bigger ones and will grant you titles visible on your account.

    -1v1 draft is now available in social play

    -Custom games and tournament are now available and will have the following new options:

    Fully Customized draft pool.

    Fully customized deck building rules.

    Customizable consumable item shop pool

    Customized cards stat (Attack/health/Armor/bounty)

    Customized signature card rule

    Customized arrow priority rule

    Customized creep spawn rule

    Customized hero respawn rule

    Customized card draw rule

    Customized clock rule


    -It is now possible to interact with imps by clicking on them.

    -Player statistic have been implemented

    -You can now watch replays of your own games.

    -Observer mod is now available; you will be able to watch your friends' game and any tournament game live or by replay.

    -The biggest tournaments are accessible as an observer and by replay if you buy a ticket.

    -Every information concerning tournament is accessible on the client itself, so you won't need any third-party website to subscribe or watch tournaments.

    -Artifact streams list and preview are now displayed on the client.

    -It is now possible to select avatar previously obtained.

    -An Elo based global ranking will be implemented based on tournament results.

    Balance changes

    -Many cards of the "Call to Arms" set have been rebalanced with the following guidelines:

    · The most oppressive cards of the meta have been slightly nerfed (Time of triumph and Annihilation)

    · Heroes that are below the power level of current basic heroes have been buffed significantly.

    · Cards which relies heavily on RNG have been reworked (Bounty hunter, Ogre magi…)

    · Our end goal is to make it so every card can potentially see play in constructed even if they are situational.

    · We also try to make sure that decks mainly composed of common and uncommon cards can compete at the highest level so people can afford to play competitive constructed for a cheap price.

    -Moving forward, a balance patch will happen at the end of every month, this patch will also contain a "Watch list" of cards which is being looked at, so we give maximum transparency on future potential balance changes.


    -On their first login, every player will receive for free: 1 copy of a random "Call To arm" new signature card per boosters they purchased. Consequently, every player who bought Artifact for 20$ will receive at least 20 new random signature cards.

    -Every unspent ticket will be converted in gold.

    -Players will retroactively obtain all the gold/avatar rewards they should have obtained from leveling up since they started playing.

    -Players will retroactively obtain all the gold rewards they should have obtained for playing games since they started playing.

    -Players who connected at least once in the past 3 months will receive an alternative artwork of the card "Lost in time" called "Lost in the long haul".

    Notice that I tried to imagine changes that would be financially viable for Valve, so it's not purely on what would be better from a player perspective. For example, I don't think a full "free to play" model relying only on cosmetics would be even remotely viable for a niche game like Artifact, keep in mind that they would have to compensate everyone who spent money so far, undermining their future revenue even more. I also didn't include all details of balance changes/modification and new cards because I have a life 😊.

    I hope you enjoyed the read

    submitted by /u/Thorrk_
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    I am going to do my first Artifqct stream today. Any tips?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 02:03 AM PDT

    Hey guys. This post may seem like self promote but it isn't.

    I was thinking about started streaming for a looooong time and I've finally decided to give it a go. I wanted toask you if you have any tips for me. Anything you think might help.

    I am still a new player but I already love this game and want to do what I can to keep it alive. One more small stteamer is my way of contributing.

    For those of you that might want to join, I'll start at 12:00 UTC on https://twitch.tv/thecraftergg

    Thank you for your attention. I really hope I will not accidentally attract negative comments and toxicity. I just want to have fun streaming and playing the game.

    submitted by /u/realTheCrafter
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    droos travel for the universe

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 01:04 AM PDT

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