• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 17, 2019

    Artifact - Even though not many people play I still enjoy triple monitor artifact!

    Artifact - Even though not many people play I still enjoy triple monitor artifact!

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Even though not many people play I still enjoy triple monitor artifact!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:02 AM PDT


    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    Hi redditers who still care about the #notsodeadgeam.
    We are Ikarus Artifact, a Vietnamese Esport organization who still believe in this magical and wonderful yet a little bit deadgame.
    Without a say, we are hosting a Draft Tournament this weekend!!
    Do you believe in your luck, faith and trust? Of course not. No matter how well thought your deck is, you will still get beaten by the guy with 2 Axes.

    So embrace your luckiness, and join our tournament. Make our #notsodeadgeam great again
    For more detailed information, here is the tournament link: https://liquipedia.net/artifact/DAEDGEAM_Cup
    The tournament will start this sunday, 9:00 GMT +7. Due date for deck submit is 23 : 00 GMT +7

    You can join the tournament by clicking this link: https://www.playartifact.com/tournament/?invitekey=16848226342693847536
    Thank you all for your attention, hope to see you guys at our tournament
    Our fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/ikr.artifact/

    submitted by /u/633Paandaa
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    Artifact was an overwhelming, stunning SUCCESS.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    Hear me out.

    Between 1 and 2 million players each paid $19.99 for Artifact.

    Do the math and that is somewhere between $19,990,000 and $39,980,000.

    Add to this the MILLIONS from in-game purchases & market transaction fees.

    The end result is likely around $50,000,000 in profit.

    Furthermore, no Artifact updates are required. There's no need to pay for devs, customer support, advertising, or tournament prizes & organizers.

    How can anyone argue that Artifact was not a successful endeavor? Valve can now use this money to create new games.

    submitted by /u/philmn
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    bonito no ?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    Met a fellow redditor today playing Golden Slammed deck

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    On my lunch break I usually play a couple matches of decks that people recommend on Reddit. To my surprise in the versus screen was a mirror match up of the same heroes. Right after the flop I was met with a hello fellow redditor also using the Golden Slammed deck. It was a really fun match with tons of 25 gold items and pay days going off with causal conversation. I really hope Artifact can get to the level of enjoyment I had today when the 2.0 comes around. #KitchenTableMentality

    submitted by /u/ScubaKlown
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    My Theory on Artifact

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    Artifact was a flop, let's not kid ourselves. Valve has one (three) ways to fix this issue. They already have 3 artifacts, in HL2, L4D2, and Portal 2. Great games, and have had sequels requested for years. When they said "A few months" that was a lie. They could just remove the in-game purchases and be good, giving a special item for players that spent certain amounts of money. Instead, I believe that they have a very special announcement about artifact.

    The logo itself gives us some clues. There are 3 sections to the logo, maybe referring to the the three artifacts being put into one thing, say a golden box?

    The international 9 is coming up, the biggest esports event of the year. One of the best places to reveal every gamer's dream. A box of 3 3s (hence TI9). All players who purchased artifact will receive a chance to play it early, and get any special items or perks to having spent money on the game.

    Hold on ladies and gentlemen, the real artifacts are being reborn.

    submitted by /u/BP_goldilox
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    ABL Today?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:45 AM PDT

    Tried in the dumb question thread... Is there a new week of ABL starting today?

    submitted by /u/djrillox
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