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    Tuesday, April 2, 2019

    Artifact - The 19th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Artifact - The 19th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    The 19th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    Ready the questions! Feel free to ask anything (no matter how seemingly moronic).

    When the first hit strikes wtih desolator, the hit stirkes as if the - armor debuff had already been placed?

    There's no desolator in this game yet.

    submitted by /u/VRCbot
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    Whatever It Takes

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 05:00 AM PDT

    Plans for the significantly long(er) haul

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    I do have a slight tendency for textwalls, but I'll try to keep it short and to the point.

    So a few days ago we got some news, yes, THAT post. You all know which one I'm talking about. I've discussed the implications of the mysterious redesign recess we are now entering with quite a lot of Artifact players and ex-players in the last couple of days. Some were filled with hope for a brighter future after reading the news, and some(ok, most..) saw it as a final blow and decided to abandon ship for good, or at least until the significantly long(er) haul ends.

    To me, as someone that really loves the game as it is, with all its flaws, it seems like if we want to enjoy our stay with Artifact during this updates-barren period, we need to find a bit more creative ways to get content. A few of the things that, for me at least, was really missing in Artifact, were an ~MMR based ladder, some sort of daily/weekly quest/reward system, and regular "official" tournaments (preferably with prizes, of course!). It is clear now that we will not be getting these features from official sources anytime soon. So what can we do about that?

    Let's start with regular tournaments. A few months ago one crazy and delusional person, /u/mkbit (aka Opsy, for those who know him from ABL), decided that instead of running a few tournaments a week, he's gonna have one every hour, five days a week. I was extremely skeptical that this would be possible.. where will he get admins to run it? are there even enough players to play in a tournament every hour? today, after about 800 hourly tournaments and over 16,000 matches played, I believe he was right. Yes it is possible, and it happened because of a community that was willing to dedicate time and efforts to maintain this madness. Volunteer admins, players that took initiative to backup when admins were missing, a Discord bot to automate much of the heavy lifting of result-tracking, and of course, the tournament participants all joined together to make this fever dream a reality. ABL has just finished its second month of leaderboard season, and its third main event with a respectable (for a dead game) 2,000$ prizepool.

    Next on, a ladder. In the first two months of ABL, the Discord bot was running a ladder of sorts. Problem is, the ladder was affected by the amount of time spent playing far more than by how well you did, since points were accumulated by getting high placements in tournaments, summed over all tournaments you played during the month. I've been fooling around with implementing the TrueSkill rating system in the bot, and after a successful pilot period over the past few weeks, and a very cool site built by /u/RYPGlenn, we are proud to present you the very first(and hopefully not last?) Artifact MMR ladder:


    I'll let the site speak for itself (check the info page!), but if you, like me and the bunch of other delusional lunatics over at ABL, are intending to stick around with Artifact during these trying times, you are welcome to pay us a visit, play a few draft tournaments, perhaps even conquer the top of the MMR ladder, who knows?

    And again, thanks to all the awesome volunteers at ABL for admining, coding, math(yes, this is an A) adventures, and everything else involved. It has been a really fun couple of months.

    Textwall out.


    P.S. You might be wondering, what about the third point I mentioned I was missing - quests and progression system. All I can say for now is... stay tuned:)

    submitted by /u/cat0ftheyear
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    The Dark Future of Artifact and my Thoughts [SirActionSlacks]

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    burnmelt's big book of memes

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 09:00 PM PDT

    Just wanted to post the latest versions of all of my decks in one place. Some of these are works in progress. I do intend to create more as new and more wacky ideas come to me. Decks are listed in order that they appear in my collection.

    saw a shadow - A second attempt at making 3x Assassin's Shadow work in a deck.

    All about that love ball - I just wanted a deck with ravenous mass.

    Great oath experiment - Experimenting with various ways to play the oath.

    shadow of the assassin - A first attempt at making 3x assassin's shadow work in a deck.

    Siege experiment - Tried to make 3x path of the cunning work.

    Trickle down economics - Just wanted to ruin someone's economy deck. Main components are corrosive mist, revtel convoy and ravenhook.

    magic is bad - Fuck mana. Key components are censors, tyler estates, mana drain and routed.

    black splash OD podcast challenge - First attempt at a deck with 4 black heroes and OD for the ASAP weekly podcast. This one didn't work out too well.

    Golden showers - My second attempt at bounty hunter + payday deck into wrath of gold. This one kind of works.

    Lingchi death by a thousand cuts - Use minus armor and a bunch of instances of 1-2 damage at a time.

    Many armors - My first bounty hunter + payday into wrath of gold deck. This one does not work very well.

    Operation screw one lane - My second attempt at the 4x black heroes with OD deck for the ASAP weekly podcast. This one actually worked fairly well.

    The great meepo siege - Made this one for /u/Swellzsong. Use meepo with assured destruction to blow up a lane.

    Feed mass a salad - I really like ravenous mass.

    Lions, Divines and Bears - I also like Rampaging Hellbears. Ramp into using divine purpose on a bear.

    Suicide - My very first meme. Use path of the dreamer to cancel out damage you're dealing to your own towers.

    zerglings - Get lots of melee creeps, rebel instigators and red mist pillagers. A tri-color swarm deck.

    TLH podcast - rebel instigators - The long haul podcast came up with a deck for playing 3x rebel instigators. I have 100% win rate with it.

    zergy son of zerg - A red green zoo deck with emphasis on green.

    Creeps are the heroes - Help a melee creep ascend to god like status.

    competative? - Been working on trying to make a competative and viable mono-green deck.

    Growing Pains - My first mono green deck. Everything grows stronger as the game goes on.

    Heroes are the heroes - What if mono green played without creeps?

    Sidekicks are the heroes - Let the green creeps be the heroes, and heroes be the supports.

    There are no heroes - DINOSAURS

    Zoo - My first attempt at a viable mono green deck, it turned out OK.

    eat the rebels! - Rebel instigators and Red Mist Pillagers make babies. Ravenous Mass eats the babies.

    TLH podcast - rend armor original also TLH podcast - rend armor modified by me - The long haul podcast experimenting with a deck based around 3x rend armor. I added my flair to it in the second version.

    Cleave and cleave - Sometimes you just wanna cleave.

    My two cents - Everything is on sale, 2 mana and below!

    Rend and cleave - Rend armor, and cleave.

    Rogue knight at your service - Just wanted to see how strong I could make Sven.

    Zerg - Most of the red creeps, with green heroes to buff and keep them alive.

    Anti-armor zerg - Give the enemy armor, use rend armor on them, then deal lots of damage at the start of each turn.

    SPAM - Just play all the blue cards in OD's lane this 61 card deck.

    rolling storm - A deck based around 3x rolling storm. Originally made for the ASAP weekly podcast.

    rainbow meepo - A rainbow meepo deck. Ramp into incarnation, spam your meepos and time of triumps. Its pretty bad.

    eating ourselves - Yet another love ball deck.

    Eating ourselves v2 - Same as the above, but better.

    Pew pew pew no tinker - Just wanted to shoot a bunch of lightning. Also 3x path of the wise. Never won with this deck.

    I'm thinking about making a deck with 6x hellbears, but haven't decided what else should be in the deck yet. Maybe more divine purpose? I'm open to ideas.

    submitted by /u/burnmelt
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    Artifact Should have done 'Card Styles'

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 06:51 PM PDT

    I would definitely have paid for some cool animated cards if Valve had made the base set F2P and created a market for awesome, shiny backgrounds/animated effects like MTGA is doing.

    Hell, they could probably just rip off this idea right now and would get a playerbase again if they made the entire base set free.

    submitted by /u/Steel_Reign
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    If Artifact was supposed to be the Half-Life 2 of card games...

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 09:54 PM PDT

    Does the "significant amount of time" update mean that Artifact is now the Half-Life 3 of card games?

    submitted by /u/dxdt_88
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    I'm from an alternate Universe where Valve was smart and had multiple Public Betas before the Game Launch and listened to Players Feedback to actually create a Game the Fans would like. Here is some info about our Artifact.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 08:54 PM PDT


    -Artifact and all Cards are available for free.

    -There is still no trading, but you can gift 5 Foil Cards a week to your friends.

    -Much lesser RnG and since Cards are free Valve can regularly balance Cards without affecting their overall value.

    -Artifact surpassed Dota and CS:GO in no time.

    -Valve is very transparent and releases regular Developer Vlogs where the Devs talk about the most recent or upcoming changes.


    -All Cards are Free but have Animated Foil Versions with unique Ability animations.

    -There is a Cash Shop where you can buy different Companions (Imps), Skin Boxes, Table Skins, Card backs and more.

    -Due to Artifacts success the first Artifact TI is around the corner. There is a Battle Pass that increases the prize pool and gives you sweet rewards based on your Level such as Companions, exclusive Card Skins and Backs, hilarious Chatwheel Lines and more.


    -There is a pretty depth leaderboard system that resets every 4 months. It has multiple filters that allows you to see the overall Top Players, Best Players per Color, Best Players with static Decks etc.

    -Instead of just giving them numbers, Players are put into Leagues each Season. There are 10 different League Tiers and you receive Rewards based on your performance after the end of every Season.

    -Winning Gauntlet rewards you with a currency that can be used to buy Items from the Cash Shop.


    -After the first Artifact TI in about a month, Valve will release the first expansion, which will be available for free for everyone. This expansion will become available on the Artifact Test Client right after ATI.

    -The first Pro Circuit Season will start after ATI. There will be 4 Minors and 4 Majors + TI.

    -The Mobile Version of Artifact will be released in about 2 months.

    submitted by /u/SomeRetardedChild
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    I wonder if people who complained about this are still playing the game.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 07:32 PM PDT

    what do you guys do while waiting for the update?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    any card games that are recommended (mtga, gwent, elder scrolls)? I would like to try something else while waiting

    submitted by /u/empoleon1988
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    Artifact OST

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 11:03 AM PDT

    While Artifact may not be the greatest success in the gaming industry, soundtrack in this game is absolutely beautiful, does somebody have a full soundtrack file and is willing to share, so I can enjoy this masterpiece while waiting for update?

    submitted by /u/Lohanni
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    Draft Structure Feedback

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    Edit: HS has been changed since I last played, so this is more in reference to their old system, sorry about that! I still think my main point about Artifact stands.

    Hey ya'll I had some thoughts on Artifact's drafting that I wanted to share. Basically, I think Artifact's draft falls somewhere in between Hearthstone's Arena mode, and Magic's Sealed mode in terms of quality, and is way, way below Magic draft. It's something that could be quite easily improved, and I think that would go a long way towards improving the gameplay and variety we see in limited Artifact. Here's my reason for thinking this:

    The biggest factor in quality of a limited format is how much information you have during deck building. The more information you have, the more opportunities you have to leverage that information into interesting and helpful decisions that will improve your deck. The more opportunities for interesting decisions you have, and the more meaningful those decisions are, the more fun the format will be.

    On the absolute low end of this metric is Hearthstone Arena. You only see 90 cards, and you see them 3 at a time. You also have to lock in cards 1 at a time, before seeing what the future sets of 3 will contain. This pushes the format away from synergistic interesting decks, and forces it towards mid-range fests where you are heavily incentivized to pick cards that are generically powerful on their own, because you are very unlikely to build any meaningful synergy within that system, and you have no way of knowing when you'll have that opportunity at that more synergistic deck (duo to your very limited information). Almost every decision you make while building an Arena deck is an easy choice, and most average level players would end up making nearly the same deck from the same card pool.

    Magic sealed is similar. You're also seeing about 90 cards, but in this case you get to look at your whole pool all at once. You have access to the same number of cards, but you have much more information. This allows you a little more leeway in deck construction. You still tend to see mostly midrange-controlly decks, but there tends to be some interesting decisions in deck building, and you can gain a much bigger edge in deck building in this format than you can in Hearthstone, and that's just from having a little more information.

    Magic draft is by far the best out of all three of these. First of all, you're seeing hundreds of cards (360 in the pool, you won't see them all but you will see way more than the other two formats I've gone over). At first glace, it seems like you would have a similar information problem to HS Arena; you don't know what cards you're going to see until you're passed the pack, right? Here's my main point: Magic draft has SIGNALS. You can deduce what kinds of cards you're going to be passed later in the draft, based on what you see early in the draft. Were you passed two excellent blue cards on pack 1 pick 5? It's pretty likely that blue is open to your right, and you have an opportunity to exploit that information by pivoting into blue.

    Magic draft has aggro, midrange, control, sometimes even combo. Within those archetypes there's often multiple color combinations that are viable and play very differently. You are hugely rewarded for paying attention to the information you are fed, and it has a huge impact on how the games play out and how powerful your deck is.

    That brings me to Artifact Draft. While you do see a large number of cards, this format DOES NOT HAVE SIGNALS. It has the same information problem that Hearthstone Arena has; there is no way to deduce what kind of cards you are going to see in later packs, or even later on within the pack you're drafting. This lack of information leads to most decks being mid-rangey "good stuff decks", which almost always contain three colors of heroes (you can see this if you scroll through the winning deck lists in ABL events. The top 4-8 is typically heavily 3 color, sometimes with one or two 2 color decks from lucky individuals, but not usually).

    My understanding is that this system was conceived in order to guarantee that every player got a hero from every pack. If you haven't picked a hero near the end of a pack it just starts feeding you packs with heroes in them, which is obviously incompatible with the idea of getting passed packs from the same players throughout the course of a draft, which is what creates signals.

    Artifact could easily fix this. If you remove the "hero in every pack" rule (which is very simple because we already have access to basic heroes), you could then change the system so that each pack comes from the same players. It can even still be asynchronous, you can either make all the packs come from the same person, or make it so you're passed packs from player A in packs 1, 3 and 5 and player B in backs 2 and 4. Either way is fine. A system similar to this is implemented in Eternal, and it's a lot better than Artifact draft.

    TLDR Artifact draft doesn't have signals, which means you have less access to information while drafting than almost any format in any game, with the exception of Hearthstone's awful limited format. This can easily be fixed (at least in terms of game design, idk about the coding complexity) by removing the "hero in every pack" rule, and it would make the format WAY better.

    submitted by /u/Aaronsolon
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    I hope one of the things they are working on is a Twitch extension

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    I think I fall into a small category of people who learned what hearthstone was and what the cards do from the twitch overlay, and when MTGA was released I was pleasantly surprised to find I learn without having to look up every card.

    If we have to wait a long time for the game to resurface, I hope it does so with as many modern tools to help it succeed.

    submitted by /u/cAntSpEaLL
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    Steam Workshop for Artifact / Custom cards

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 03:29 AM PDT

    So I was in the toilet and come up with this idea. What if they give us an option to make cards and release them in the workshop. Of course, they will be only available for custom games which gives nothing as a reward( Like the original game :) ).

    submitted by /u/DNihilus
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    Secret Shop Podcast #26 - ded gaem

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 04:02 AM PDT

    Anyone experiencing instabilities?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    Since the weekend sometime the game crashes when I get in to a match. It's not a big deal - although is a pain in the ass - since I can reopen it and reconnect in time to play the 1st round, but it's definitely not nice.

    Today I experienced another problem: I was 4-0 in a Standard Phantom Draft, got in to a match and the game crashed. When I got back, there was no "Reconnect" button and the Gauntlet showed 5-0, but when I clicked on "End Gauntlet" I didn't get the +1 on the "Perfect Runs" counter. I redrafted, lost a match and went to play a 2nd one. When the opponent surrendered I clicked on "Back to Menu" and the gauntlet was still 0-1, so my victory didn't count.

    Anyone experiencing similar problems?

    UPDATE: I uploaded my matches to RedMist and the victory wasn't there. Rebooted the pc and when went into the game again the victory appeared. Anyway, it is annoying

    submitted by /u/JustAnotherUser4
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