• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 5, 2020

    Artifact - Anybody have an idea what culture this design belongs to? The pegs are wooden.

    Artifact - Anybody have an idea what culture this design belongs to? The pegs are wooden.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Anybody have an idea what culture this design belongs to? The pegs are wooden.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    Long Hauler Flairs and Moderation Changes

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Hey there Long Haulers!

    After some discussion with the mod team we wanted to let you know that in celebration of the long haul finally coming to an end, we are to introducing a new flair for those of you who have been patiently waiting for this day! For a limited time only you will be able to choose between two special long haul flairs graciously designed by /u/TwistedBOLT!



    Furthermore after receiving some fantastic feedback from the community about how we as mods can better serve you, we are announcing a couple of immediate changes in how we perform our job as moderators:

    1. We will strive to be more transparent with thread removals in particular threads that have hit the front page. To accomplish this we'll be including removal reasons for frontpage/popular posts. If you see a post removed without a reason, please message the mods via modmail (or alternatively in our Discord server, though modmail is preferred) so we can make sure that we address it.

    2. While individual interpretation of our rules and any posts which may or may not violate them will be hard to make uniform, we want to improve consistency of our application of the rules. In that light, we're implementing a three strike policy which all of us will follow to ensure consistent enforcement. It will work as follows:

      * First Strike: 7 day ban * Second Strike: 30 day ban * Third Strike: Permanent ban 

    Note that certain posts could warrant an immediate permanent ban, including but not limited to: doxing others, participating in a brigade, unapologetic racism/sexism/etc., death threats and posts that incite violence or encourage other illegal activity.


    We are always open to more suggestions/constructive criticisms, please don't be afraid to contact us with your thoughts! We look forward to seeing you in Artifact 2.0!


    Thanks for reading!

    /r/Artifact mod team

    submitted by /u/matpower
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    Today, I was reminded by the RemindMe bot of this thread.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Today, I was reminded by the RemindMe bot of this thread.

    A year ago, there was a thread claiming that Artifact 2 would never see the light.

    Someone called "karma_is_people" argued that Artifact 2 would be released. It turns out he was right.

    I don't think Valve will ever 'rerelease' this game.

    The RemindMe chain.

    I remember using the RemindMe bot a lot back then, so I am expecting more messages from the past in the coming weeks (or even months).

    PS: do not downvote people with whom you disagree. In my case, I think I downvoted because he was calling people stupid. ;)

    submitted by /u/Wokok_ECG
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    Against All Odds - A Community Custom Card Set!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    So, I've been playing LoR a little bit, and I've identified two major strengths that Artifact needs to overcome in 2.0

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 08:06 AM PDT


    Champions in LoR are extremely build-around and are often the focus point of the deck, where as in Artifact 1.0 Heroes are mostly Creeps that allow you to cast spells. Compare LoR's Champions to Queens in Chess; fun and dynamic. Artifact's Heroes are like Kings; important but boring.

    LoR's base set feels like a coherent base set, while Artifact's "base set" feels like the first part of a three part expansion.

    Reading Material

    On a whim, and because I had a friend who plays LoL/LoR, I decided to download LoR and give it a shot while waiting for news on Artifact 2.0. While it's close enough to be similar to Artifact and it's definitely hitting the same buttons I admit that I'm probably going to drop it if Artifact 2.0 is anywhere close to decent. That isn't to say the game is bad, but I vastly prefer to odd/eerie DotA universe over the Wai-fu LoL universe. Anyway, while playing the game, I noticed two major things LoR had that Artifact 2.0 needs to focus in on in order to take out the competition.

    1) The base set of cards is extremely coherent. In LoR, I look at pretty much every card and can instantly think of fun applications for it, even if it's not a great card. A 0 mana 0/1 that deals 1 damage to "Tower" when it dies and has the keyword "penalty" of dying at the end of turn can be used with another card that pulls off the keyword and puts it on an enemy, or "When a unit dies, deal 1 damage to Tower", or "Bring back all Keyworded units that died this game", or so on. Is it good? Absolutely not. But I can look at the card and instantly see 5 different applications for it and understand why it exists in the base set.

    Then take a look at Artifact. The Path of the (Bold, Wise, ect) cards don't have enough cheaper cards to support them and don't do enough to justify running them with more expensive cards, likewise with Rising Anger or Heroic Resolve, "Change Target" cards were put in to fight Arrows which are arguably just a bad design choice in the first place, Keenfolk Golem is just a bad card until Madness gets introduced to Artifact (Which, btw, LoR already has "When you discard this card, do X" to supplement the discard cards)... I understand that Artifact had another expansion ready to go and they were ready to ship it out, but it still severely hurts the playability of the set we got.

    This isn't even going into the fact that a lot of the cards that do pair well with other cards are just strong on their own. Giving an ally Barrier (Ignore the next time they'd take damage) is just strong even if you don't have Shen (When an Ally gets Barrier, give them +3 attack), this brings me to my next point...

    2) Champions are just flat out better designed than Heroes. Champions can either just be strong cards (Garen, Tryndamere, Bram, Darius) that form the backbone of the deck, or they can have absolutely crazy effects that you can reliably build a deck around (Kalista, bring back an ally who died previously and they take damage for Kalista this turn, Anivia, who deals 2 damage to every enemy just by attacking and when she dies she turns into an egg to come back next turn, Shen, mentioned above) and you can reliably either put Champions who just synergize with the deck into whatever you want to build, or build an entire deck around the Champion. That is not even going into the fact that if you draw a Champion while you already have that Champion in play, you get a different card that shuffles another Champion into your deck.

    Contrast that to Heroes, who often only have one ability, mediocre stats, and eat up 15 Card Slots in your deck. Is anyone actually excited about the deckbuilding potential of Lion or Ursa? What about how certain Heroes are specifically designed to be weaker than others like Keefe? This is all not even going into the bad-to-decent Heroes with bad-to-decent cards, and how if you want a certain card (Mana drain) you have to take a Hero you might not even like or want for that particular deck (Lion).

    I will say that I absolutely hate the Level Up mechanic though. That can die in a fire.

    I just feel that the base set needs to be much more cohesively designed in 2.0 and that Heroes need to become better designed. I blame the base set on Garfield entirely, as it feels like the first set of an expansion in MTG with cards that clearly work with something that isn't there, with purposely designed "bad cards" to be pack filler. In a base set, that is complete poison since there is only one set to showcase the game and put its best foot forward. On the subject of Heroes/Champions, if I could make a chess analogy: Heroes are like Kings, really important but ultimately boring pieces, Champions are like Queens, really powerful and fun pieces but it's not the end of the world if you lose them, and Artifact 2.0 should make Heroes Queenly Kings.

    submitted by /u/Slarg232
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    Suggestion: Valve make an app for twitch that lets viewers see the card close

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    When you hover over cards in magic (other card games have something similar) you can see card closer.


    If you hover it you (viewer) can see it closer. It does not matter if card is on field or in streamers hand. You can also see amount of cards in deck if you hover it as well as graveyard. It would be really nice if artifact 2.0 shipped with an app like that. Especially since there will be new/changed cards and noone will know any cards.

    PS: Valve on a completely unrelated topic to anything that might or might not happen here is my steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/id/skybook123/

    submitted by /u/skybook123
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    How come Treant and Timbersaw are in this game, yet there's no trees mechanic?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    why can't i post this what. oh apparently it needs a body smh

    submitted by /u/sadtaco-
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    It's mo(o)nday my dudes!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Pavtan vs. RazDva | Winners' Bracket Round 2 | ACS - Artifact Championship Series Season #2

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Life of a game: Artifact

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    I just finished watching Life of a Game: Final Fantasy XIV, and I noticed a lot of parallels between the failure of Artifact 1.0, and the failure of FFIV 1.0. I figured I'd talk about them here, but also go over things that Square-Enix did that caused their game to be succesful.

    After the re-release, SQENIX gave a presentation at GDC and went over what they felt were the biggest causes for failure, and they were so similar to Artifact that if the same slides had been presented by Valve, you wouldn't have known they were made for a different game. They said that working at a successful company with a lot of successful games caused issues in development, like pressure to live up to past successes, being afraid to change in response to the current market, and thinking that they won't fail because they've always been successful before. They also focused on less important things, like graphics and sound, and ignored feedback from beta testers about how boring the game was because they thought they knew better. Sound familiar?

    Now for a couple of things they did to re-release the game as a success. They got rid of the director who was in charge of the initial release. Valve didn't renew RGs contract, so they're off to a good start. Next, they created dedicated forums to post feedback during the beta instead of trying to collect information from a ton of unofficial forums. In Underlords, Valve put a feedback button in game that would send messages straight to the devs, and we can assume Artifact 2.0 will have something similar. Valve is 2 for 2 so far, looking good. There are a couple of things SQENIX did that it doesn't look like Valve will do though.

    They knew they needed to rebuild trust, so they commited to a content update schedule, and any delays were communicated to the playerbase. Valve is notorious for "we'll let you know when it's done", and even when they set dates for their online games, like they do with Dota 2 ranked seasons, they rarely stick to them or provide any communication about delays. I think the normal Valve policy of no communication can really hurt them here because any silent delay will be met with people wondering if the game was abandoned again. Next, the director of the game took personal responsibility for all issues and decisions, allowing the devs to focus on work instead of dealing with an angry community. This is another thing Valve doesn't do because their "flat" hierarchy means no single person is responsible for a game, so every dev ends up catching flak, even if they didn't do anything wrong themselves.

    So basically there are a few things Valve is doing well about the re-release (that we know so far), but there are some issues that they'll have to deal with once the game releases. The way SQENIX handled those issues requires an organization that is antithetical to how Valve operates. Hopefully Valve finds a way to re-gain the trust of people who bought into the original game and were dissapointed at how quickly it was given up on, and the lack of communication about it. Maybe in a year or two, Artifact will have its own "Life of a Game" video.

    submitted by /u/lkasdf9087
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    BabyBokChoy88 | Winners' Bracket Round 1 | ACS - Artifact Championship Series Season #2

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Card: Pollution

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Best mode for fresh starter player?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    I just bought the game this week and I'm wondering what is the best mode for starter players? I didn't knew it was a pay to win (until 2.0 beta) so I'm looking modes that could give me more valuable cards without paying :)

    submitted by /u/naferla
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