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    Monday, April 6, 2020

    Artifact - Looking Forward, Looking Back

    Artifact - Looking Forward, Looking Back

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Looking Forward, Looking Back

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Artifact is going brr soon again

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    The email is working!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Me and the dudes on Mo(o)ndays

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Thank you valve

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Thanks for not giving up and thanks for communicating.

    submitted by /u/NineHDmg
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    so.. where is it?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    The placeholder card art needs to be given to players who participated in the beta.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    It would certainly catch the attention of your opponent when a stick figure just took out their tower

    submitted by /u/trevtrev45
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    I just realized the sheep is tied to the stick..not being impaled by it

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Valve Reveals New Artifact 2 Cards

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    best part of all this is the placeholder art

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    New card speculation

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    So this is obviously going to be speculation and probably wrong since we have only seen 8 new cards, but I figured I'd make a post dedicated to discussion of the new cards so it doesn't get buried in the rest of the news. For brevity original Artifact will be called 1.0, and new Artifact will be called 2.0.

    Keyword differences. We don't know if some of these were going to be in future sets, or if they were created for the rework, but we'll speculate anyway.

    • Sacred Arrow says "Choose Caster", compared to 1.0 cards like Duel that say "Choose a hero". This could mean that a new mechanic was introduced that changes the effect of a spell based on who is chosen as the caster, or that a hero doesn't need to be present in the lane where it is cast.

    • Sacred arrow has the "Cross Lane" keyword, but it also has the arrows at the top next to the mana cost. In 1.0, the arrows meant it could be cast in any lane, so the Cross Lane keyword would be redundant. A possibility is that the arrows next to the mana function the same way they did in 1.0, and the Cross Lane keyword means that the caster and target unit can be in separate lanes. That info is kind of redundant for Sacred Arrow, but card templates need to be consistent.

    • Wraith King's ability has the "Deploy" keyword. My theory is that this is a hero specific keyword that triggers only when a unit is placed during the deployment phase (if it still exists). This would mean that temporary removal effects wouldn't proc the deploy effect. This theory is backed up by this line from the description of "Bounce".

      Bouncing returns a hero to be deployed next round, or a creep to the hand.

    • Sticky Greevil has the "rooted" keyword. All we know is that it prevents movement to other lanes, we dont' know the duration, or if it prevents attacking like it does in Dota 2.

    • Sticky Greevil also uses the words "combat target". In 1.0, cards used the term "blocker" to specify what a unit was attacking. I think this is mostly a semantic change, because the description for Sticky Greevil says that blocking still exists.

      With the increased amount of movement in the game, a cheap blocker like this little guy can really gum up your opponent's plans!

    • Morphling Whelp uses the "Play Effect" keyword. This is likely the creep equivalent of "Deploy". What's unclear is if the effect triggers before or after the unit hits the board. For example, if played across from Defenestrating Ogre, would it become a copy of Defenestrating Ogre as it's played, then bounce it when it hits the board, or would it hit the board, then copy the abilities, wasting the bounce effect.

    Layout changes. The cards look a little different, whether it's cosmetic or gameplay related, we don't know.

    • Hero cards don't have the hero icon like they did before. We know that "hero" is still a distinct class of cards due to how the Bounce effect works, but we don't know how different heroes are from 1.0.

    • None of the cards have armor. This could just be a coincidence, 1.0 cards without armor also omitted the armor field, or it could mean that armor as a concept was removed in favor of an MtG like attack/health statline.

    • Sheep Stick appears to have a mana cost, and it's active also has a mana cost. This could be redundant info, or it could mean that attaching the item costs 1 mana.

    Wild theory time. Based on Sheep Stick appearing to cost mana to equip, I think it's possible that the turn will end when both players pass, OR, both players are out of mana. An old problem was that people would grief the game by equipping items and using free abilities in order to drag out the game, trying to get you to quit from boredom. By giving items a nominal mana cost to equip, it becomes less of a stalling tactic, both from a gameplay and griefing point of view. Now you can't hold onto your high cost trump card, equipping items until your opponent is out of mana to respond.

    submitted by /u/lkasdf9087
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    I got a response from ArtifactBetaFeedback@valvesoftware.com

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    In my opinion, Artifact is a lot like a game close to my heart, the Neopets TCG. I made a video essay on it, occasionally comparing the two.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Thinking about how new lane system might work

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    So the only way I can think of it working will be that instead of starting with 3 mana you start with 9 mana, but each cards old mana will be translated to a turn number that is added to it related to the turn number for for instance 3 mana turn 1.

    Then you can also play any card in any lane as long as there is a hero of that color somewhere on the board, so that there is still color interaction with available heroes so you can't just run 4 red 1 blue and then get to play that blue black hole card turn 3 if you feel like, or zues sig with 4 reds on the board, but you are much more free to play cards in lanes even if you might not have the right color there.

    Obviously this is going to make artifact a lot less strategic but if it revives the game it'll be worthwhile.

    submitted by /u/dabige1230
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    60% stats reduction

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Alright my spread sheet haulers let's see what the currents heroes looks like with their new stat lines!

    submitted by /u/ScubaKlown
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    How to tell if/when we get beta?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    I had a PAX West Key, so it's likely I am going to be one of the first people getting beta. How will I be able to tell I can download the beta? Is it just "check every day to see if beta is available?" An E-Mail perhaps? Does anybody know?

    submitted by /u/Trockenmatt
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    More Beta 2.0 news today?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    C'mon Valve, it's moonday

    submitted by /u/guillemena
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    What To Look Forward To

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    My email to Artifact

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 03:32 PM PDT


    I'm responding to your request for feedback regarding Artifact's relaunch. First of all, while I understand you are still at an experimental stage with the new gameplay, I do think that it's difficult to give feedback when we don't know what direction you're intending to take the game. The initial blogpost alluded to "zooming out" the game and giving access to all three lanes at once, and your second blog post shows Mirana's Sacred Arrow include card with the text "Choose Caster". While you certainly understand what is going on and what all these things mean in the context of the new game, it is difficult for fans to give meaningful recommendations that don't risk wasting your time (either by being already addressed or already moved past) when we don't know exactly how much of the game's fundamentals you have already moved ahead on changing.

    Despite that, I will bring up what I consider to be paramount to the enjoyment of Artifact and my single greatest fear when I heard about the decision to "give access to all three lanes". Again, this may be completely unfounded or already addressed in the current state of the game- for example, Choose Caster might be a sign that what I'm about to describe is already accounted for, or equally likely you have already decided to throw out this element and it's too late to go back.

    But initiative is undoubtedly Artifact's greatest strength, and I would be heartbroken to see the game shed it. Initiative, the decision to pass on a given lane to hold your 1st play for the subsequent lanes (usually with the intent to take out an opponent's crucial Hero and cut off their access to that lane altogether) gives the game a wonderful tension of risk-and-reward, that constantly pits players with the decision to see how many of their opponent's they're willing to wordlessly bear in return for that golden opportunity to take control of the next lane. While it can be frustrating to lose control of a lane, to get "shut out" as you mention in your blog post, I argue that this all-or-nothing aspect of the game is what gave Artifact such a presence to those who actually stuck with it. In a nutshell, this admittedly punishing system made every card in your hand a potentially game-deciding factor-- so much unlike battlers like Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering, where in terms of game theory the path to victory often lies in droll mana maximization, rewarding anyone with a good deck to simply play as many of those good cards as they can in a turn, Artifact avoided this pitfall. In Artifact rather than a suitable-yet-linear game of resource maximization, there was always an extremely compelling psychological component to the game that made it so much more than just about making good trades across the board. The fact that each play you made was a gamble hedged against your opponent that they wouldn't pass and steal your initiative in the next lane put you into a psychological battle with your opponent where every decision, no matter how trifling, was either a signal or a bluff with grave implications on how you interpreted these to deduce the shape of your opponent's hand. Thanks to the importance of the initiative system, Artifact's unique cadence of gameplay hinged on this tense psychological element of pushing-your-luck where every decision had the potential to be game-defining

    Punishing, yes, and frankly even mentally-exhausting. Living on the verge of win-or-lose on every play certainly lead to many comments (not criticisms, simply observations) on week 1 by me and fellow redditors that this game had a tendency to burn one's brain after just one or two games. But that kind of deep mental exertion was something unlike any other card game I've played, and I say that as someone who has loved Magic and Hearthstone for a time as well. But Artifact was different. Thanks to the paramount importance of initiative, Artifact had an addicting thrill behind every turn that I don't think I'll ever forget, and that's something I really hope you developers can appreciate as well. While learning to play around initiative, rather than simply jamming every card in your hand every turn, was certainly a growing pain for some players, I think Artifact did a great service to the genre by inventing it's gameplay around an entirely new paradigm. Any game that breaks conventions will have a learning curve, yet I feel the importance of initiative was never obtuse for even a casual player to grasp and it's immediate, front-and-center impact on gameplay made it's significance exceedingly apparent to even first-time viewers as well. And once a small time was invested into learning the decks of Constructed, the turn-by-turn fight for initiative becomes the crux of the action that guides your decision-making and leads to the most exhilarating moments of seeing if you can endure an onslaught from your opponent in lanes 1 and 2 to go for the game-winning play in lane 3.

    I want you to make no mistake. Artifact was rarely criticized for it's gameplay. Some levied that it was too RNG-heavy, but this is a common ego-protecting refrain in any card game. If you still wish to retool the gameplay aspect of it, surely some superficial changes to some of the more egregious elements of RNG alongside some rebalancing would be enough to re-market it to the audience again. Frankly, the issue of Artifact was never something as graspable as gameplay problems, but a deep-seated problem in toxic reddit culture, growing resentment at Valve, and some marketing missteps. This is a problem I don't envy anyone attempting to tackle, but I applaud you remaining developers for not giving up on this fantastic game. But I deeply beg of you to not give up on this game, the Artifact that we fans still fondly remember and truly love. I believe you already know that Artifact has a deep wealth of untapped potential, and I hope you will allow to fully realize that potential in it's original vision, rather than making bit-by-bit concessions and slowly morphing the game into something stray and haphazard that it was never intended to be, chasing after a bitter and toxic market that in all likelyhood will mock and deride the game a second time without even giving it another thought.

    Thank you for this opportunity for us to give you our thoughts. I truly appreciate you taking the time to hear out the community's thoughts, as varied and contradictory as they are. Despite that, I cannot wait to see what the future of Artifact has in store for us.

    Sincerely, A Loving Fan

    submitted by /u/765Bro
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    Please don't forget about the 652 club.....

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Please don't forget about the 652 club.....

    With all the talk about artifact coming back in 2.0 they mentioned for their loyal fans giving something special..... it better be something more than being special....


    the person that spent 200 dollars



    submitted by /u/Wouldratherplaymtg
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