• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    Artifact - Please remember to be critical about what they're showing us.

    Artifact - Please remember to be critical about what they're showing us.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Please remember to be critical about what they're showing us.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Just figured I'd remind the entire sub of a very important fact: prior to 1.0 coming out everyone was telling Valve how amazing the game looked, how awesome it was to play, and how Valve was making the best card game ever.

    90% of the responses to Moondays have been that everything is 10x better than what it was, and the other 10% have been "It's not 1.0, so it sucks". The last thing we want to happen, either the devs who are working hard on Artifact a second time or us Long Haulers, is for everyone to be too afraid to say anything and the game comes out only to flop again.

    submitted by /u/Slarg232
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    So... it looks like we have every major mechanics covered... Beta next week?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ Volvo give Beta ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

    submitted by /u/Novameh
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    All-Hero Challenge Day3: Dazzle

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I designed 36 new Heroes inspired by MtG's War of the Spark Expansion. Here are the Green Heroes

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    Return to Artifact

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Hi fellow long haulers,

    I've not played Artifact for a while, but was regularly checking info on the long haul. Today I've played my first three games of the year and had a blast. Artifact 1.0 is already that good and I'm so hyped for Artifact 2.0!

    By the way, what do you think of the mana for the whole board change? Will it make mana issues similar to losing a hero in the lane on 1.0 so one lane you cannot cast anything?

    Hope to see ya all in the beta!

    submitted by /u/Herchik
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    Mechanics! | The Long Haul Podcast Ep. 30

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Request for Preview Season!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    There were more than 280 cards in Artifact´s base set. Worst case scenario for Artifact 2 Beta Release would be... 3 months? That´s still only 90 days.

    Could we start the preview season today, and start seeing one reworked card per day?

    I know there´s probably a lot "in flux", with changes being made to cards, but some, like the ones you´re showing in these articles, are probably stable enough.

    It´s one of my favourite things about new sets in CCGs, that slow but steady drop of new data.

    You know you can do this, Valve. And with each new weekly article you explain a new set of mechanics-keywords which enable a whole other week of daily reveals.

    I think it would be the epitome of this new communication method that you´ve started employing, which most of us are enjoying greatly.

    submitted by /u/Tenchuu
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    Anyone else feel like there's a better word than "Quick"?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    Feels like the sad cousin of MTG's "Instant"
    What about something more Dota esque like "Refresh?"
    Or even better how about "Rearm"

    Edit: Someone also mentioned "Haste" which I like because of haste runes in dota.
    Edit2: "Initiate" really clever with this one too.
    Edit3: u/SwaggerBear put up "Quickcast" - I really like this one. #1 for me.

    submitted by /u/KidGrit
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    A Suggestion About Include Cards

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Since we still haven't gotten much information about signature cards outside of their renaming to "include cards," I guess now's the perfect time to toss out an idea/ speculate about them.

    Essentially, the idea is that your deck must have 10 of your heroes' include cards, but with the regular 3 copy maximum for each. You'd end up with a distribution of include cards such as 2-2-2-2-2, 3-3-2-2-0, 3-3-3-1-0, etc.

    Some pros I've considered about this system:

    • More flexibility in hero picks since players are able to drop one of their heroes' includes entirely, if desired

    • Fewer include cards in the deck means there's more room for cards of the player's choice

    and some cons:

    • if certain strong-bodied heroes are still balanced by having weak include cards, this could make them extremely dominant as slot fillers

    • some decks might want all 15 include cards

    and then one thing that could be positive or negative depending on opinion:

    • Players would no longer have perfect knowledge regarding 1/3 of their opponent's deck from the intro screen like in 1.0
    submitted by /u/Treemeister_
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    Hero cards customization

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    What do you guys think about customize your heroes like in dota2? I mean, it would be sick a luna with golden imortal throwing golden eclipses

    submitted by /u/Rartirom
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    Would be really cool for people who bought the game last year and Longhaulers if they get some kind of commemorative Infuser, so they can add special holo effect to their cards.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    The importance of community

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    I watched this FGC video today about the importance of community, particularly in regards to semi-competitive gaming and esports. Since we're probably going to be getting an influx of players into what appears to be a competitive game, I think it's relevant to the people here, even if the content doesn't have any direct connection to Artifact. A part that particularly stood out was how it can be difficult to balance the need for openess to increase the size of your community, while also "gatekeeping" enough that the group doesn't get hijacked by people that don't share the same values the community formed around.

    submitted by /u/lkasdf9087
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    What will limited look like? What is hero draft?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    I mostly played limited in Artifact 1 and thought it was pretty awesome compared everything else that's out there on the card game market - especially considering that this was just the base set. So I'm very curious about what kind(s) of limited modes we will have in 2.0.

    They mentioned Hero Draft in the latest blog post saying that it draws from both players' card pools. But what is Hero Draft? And will it be the main "limited" mode of Artifact 2.0?If we ignore the newest info for a second at just take a quick look at the possibility of the old draft mode (or some quite similar version of it) still being the main limited mode, it seems to me that this would be possible despite the fact that they don't want to sell packs anymore. You could still have "packs" created just for the sake of limited, which then would be only phantom draft. One question would then be, would card rarity have to be kept in the game for this as well? Probably yes? But would that alone justify keeping rarity as a concept? And what is the gameplay/balancing impact of this? The old school approach to rarity and its impact on balancing was one of my main problems with Artifact 1.0. This got a little better with the balance updates, but it couldn't really be solved because it was also tied up with the old school business model.

    But now let's speculate a little on Hero Draft. The fact that it draws from both players' card pools heavily suggests that this a two-player "heads up" draft from a shared pool, which would make it very different from any draft mode I've seen in card games, including Artifact. It could work similar to Captains Mode in Dota with players taking turns to ban and pick heroes. But then the big question is, what about all the non-hero cards needed to complete the decks? Maybe you don't draft those but add them freely from the allowed card pool after drafting. This process could be time-consuming, since you would have to do this for every match (which could be more than Bo1) but the game could save your previous deck with these specific heroes making the process quicker. Then you might just want to switch out a few cards depending on what you think you're up against. This would be an interesting constructed/limited hybrid, but it would maybe be closer to constructed. In which case, would we be getting other modes that are more like classical limited? I believe more "true limited" formats still have their strengths in keeping the playing experience more novel and varied.

    Lastly I want to add that I originally expected something like this version of Hero Draft being the main competitive mode when Artifact was first announced. I was expecting the game to be f2p like Dota and have Dota-like balancing, meaning that pretty much every card in the game would be at least situationally competitive. In short, I was expecting something that was even more innovative and Dota-like than Artifact 1.0 was. Not that I was unhappy with the more traditional card game and game modes that we got. I was one of the few players who thought Artifact 1.0 was the best card game for me compared to its competitors, despite all its flaws.

    What do you think? Could the old draft mode still work with some tweaks? I guess that was my expectation before we got any info on 2.0. But the wording that draft (at least Hero Draft) cares about "you and your opponent's card pool" suggests otherwise. What do you think Hero Draft is? Could we be getting multiple draft modes? If so, which one will be the main competitive one?

    submitted by /u/Gold_LynX
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    Some players ignored initiative

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Other players felt that controlling initiative was the main strategic concern, so we don't think this is a change that should be taken lightly. This disconnect may be responsible for the communication breakdown we see playing out in the community.

    submitted by /u/NineHDmg
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    An Idea for the Item System

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    In Artifact 1.0, items are typically never replaced once equipped on a hero. Designing the item system in a way that enables and encourages frequent replacement of weaker items with stronger ones gives a greater feeling of significance to heroes as they are continually being strengthened throughout a game.

    Here are a few ideas on how this could be implemented:

    • Make cheap, weak items plentiful and easy to obtain. Your heroes can be quickly decked out with cheap items, which are then slowly replaced with stronger items. Having a large variety of cheap items also allows for quick customization of hero stats.
    • Heroes are gifted a cheap, weak item when the die, so they come back stronger and the item slots are more quickly filled.
    • Heroes only have one item slot, so it is easy to equip all heroes and then upgrade the equipped item over the course of the game. (I do not like this option since it limits hero customization and removes item combos, overall decreasing the significance of items in the game.)
    submitted by /u/Jugglernaut_
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    [Petition] Add a "Doggie" card to the 2.0 release.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Have it be cute, and make it be almost like the game's mascot.


    submitted by /u/Sonalator
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