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    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Artifact - You’re gonna make me say it?

    Artifact - You’re gonna make me say it?

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    You’re gonna make me say it?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Uniting Long and Short Haulers - We can coexist

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    The new "Finite Board" will make the game more far more complex.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Additional placement rules

    Deploying a hero on top of another hero will bounce the old hero to deploy next turn.

    Deploying a hero on top of a creep will destroy the creep.

    When you play a creep card you can choose the exact slot in the lane to deploy it into.

    Playing a creep on top of a unit will destroy that unit.

    From the Deployment Deep Dive post ^

    Important note: In this post I'm primarily focusing on playing creeps and deploying heroes with regards to concept I'm trying to flesh out.

    Assertion 1: In Artifact 1.2 - At almost all stages of the game, each individual lane has less than 15 "available unit slots" for creeps. For the first half of the game - its usually less than 5. This has to do with the fact that you couldn't play creeps "in-bewteen" existing units, and that aside from unblocked spaces - you had to play them either to the left or right of your existing units.

    Assertion 2: In Artifact 1.2 - Every creep card placement is restricted to the current lane's "available unit slots" and mana.

    Assertion 3: In Artifact 2.0 - Because of the quoted rules above (creeps destroying units), when playing a creep card during a your turn, you will have exactly 5 placement options available in every lane with a hero of that colour. In most cases this will range from 10-15 choices. (baring cards that alter these rules and lane mana restrictions) (Mono decks with 3 heroes out would always be 15)

    Assertion 4: In a 1v1 turn based game (such as chess vs GO) A higher number of possible actions available per turn creates a more complex "net" of variables and yields a "deeper" level of strategy. We can see this when hearing about building AI systems to defeat the best players in said games. Because the initially high number of possible moves that GO presents, the net of strategy/outcomes are exponentially wider than in other games. This is why it took us so long to build an AI that could beat the best GO players (see the documentary AlphaGO for more information)

    Assertion 5: In Artifact 2.0 - There will be a dramatically higher number of "possible actions per turn" because of Assertion 1, 2 and 3. And because of Assertion 4, the game will be more strategically complex, requiring more thought and predictive ability when planning out the progression of the game.

    Explanation: I have heard a bunch of different redditors say "They are removing the infinite board; and by doing so are dumbing down the game and making it for casuals". I am really starting to believe the opposite is true. I hope I made it clear with the logic above - the new system does not limit your possible actions per turn - it greatly increases them (mostly in terms of creep and hero deployment). This - coupled with a trend towards creep manipulation and "cross-board" mechanics in card design - leads me to believe that the game will be wildly more complex that it was in it's previous state. Yes we are loosing something particular to the original game - the infinite board was part of the games initial character - and it matters that we are loosing it. But I really do think we are gaining an untold amount of complexity.

    Also: I could totally be wrong as well! I would love feedback on the logic above, if i'm missing something or am wrong in some way please tell me. But assuming creep play is still a significant part of this game, I think there's something to what I'm saying. I really want to explore this thought with the community, and come to some solid conclusions.

    edit: Removed some parts that were needlessly creating friction.

    edit2: u/LazyBaneling pointed out that you still need hero colour to line up with creep colour when casting spells. So my third Assertion probably looks more like 10 available slots for 2 colour decks most rounds (5-10 for tri colour). So definitely variable, but still - those same rules apply to 1.2 so I think it works out to have a similarly significant uptick in complexity. But yeah an important detail I missed. I've edited it a bit to correspond with this.

    submitted by /u/KidGrit
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    So tsunami just made a Slacks bot that learns from Slack twits and recreates something he might have tweeted and it's the greatest thing ever

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    What we lose in "Infinite Board Size" we gain in "Fixed Board Slots"

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    I know a lot of people are bummed that artifact is losing it's (unique) feature of not limiting board size. But the depth we lose from the removal of this feature, we gain as depth in unit positioning.

    It's now not only a choice of "At which board I place this unit?", but also "Where inside that board I place this unit?".

    Let's say for example, sniper active ability is shooting 3 slots in either direction. So as the player with sniper, Do I place him in the middle to be able to reach all 3 boards? do I place him at the side to cover more of two lanes?

    As his opponent, I also have interesting decisions, in thinking about the mentality of my opponent. I think that my opponent will place his sniper to cover one of the side lanes and the mid lane. In which slot this will be? Can I place my bounty hunter there to discourage sniper board coverage?

    This is just an example, but it demonstrates that this is not the same game we played before. Positioning is more important than ever, so now instead of "3, infinite size boards", we have "15, 1 sized boards, grouped into 3 sections".

    I am excited.

    submitted by /u/blisf
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    Trip down memory lane... Sort by all-time top posts and relive the nuclear salt-mine that was (and still is) r/Artifact. But things are changing..

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    I went through the Twitter feed for the Artifact account.. man the hype for this game was totally up there.

    Artifact 1.0 will go down in history as the greatest card game that never was.

    Still one of the most unique games to be released, I love how Valve dared to do something different amidst the hordes of mindless MtG and HS clones, but ultimately didn't do enough to really take off the launch pad... The crash was as glorious as the rise.. R.I.P Sweet Prince. You will forever be loved, and eternally hated.. . . .



    From the ashes of utter disappointment.. From the depths of depravity, a giant stirs. The peasants gossip as they always do, rumors stirred in the dark. When the Prophet warned of his coming, they laughed. When he begged the king and council to take heed, they swept him aside as a lunatic.

    Heh. They never listen.. Eons passed. Out of the black depths, there was a thunderous crack in the fabric of space and time. The Magic shuddered with fear, the Legends squealed like cowards they are the Great Stones rumbled from the cosmic shockwaves that emanated from the Beast. And all it uttered were Two. Simple. Words.

    "Under. Construction"

    The peasants and fools laughed as they always do. For they are too small in intellect to comprehend what's coming.

    The Team of knights, tucked away in their little Fortress of Solitwode still curse with every breath at mere mention of his existence. A solemn reminder that they were never the favored child.

    Even the kings and queens remain indifferent to the Faith that had promised salvation..

    But the wise ones knew. In a temple high pon the mountain steppes, they remain. Where the unspoken dark arts are still practised, these heretics are shunned by the worshippers of false Gods. The Gods that promise there would NEVER be Blizzards or Riots, those that promise the streets would flow with wealth and wine, and that rulers would be just and fair, and neighbors would be kind and forgiving.

    The wise ones knew of their lies. They knew the rabble would be too caught up in empty words and sweet talk to see the demons in the dark. For they knew what it means to walk through the Valley of Cheating Death. What it means to endure on the brink of Annihilation.

    The journey to the peak made them strong. The burden they carried made them invincible. The burden of knowing. The art of Harnessing the raw Power of RNGesus and infusing this tainted ink into every fabric of their being. Only the masters of the Dark Arts could taste from this Fountain of Youth. They were called the Inner Circle.

    But little did they know, there was a price for this kind of power..

    The great doors of the Inner Chamber creaked, light filtered in through the dust. The wind rustled through the cards on the table. The Brothers of the Inner Circle were mildly annoyed at this disturbance. They turned to see who it was. The figure seemed vaguely familiar..

    It was the Prophet. He had returned from his long journey, weary and worn. But he could not wait to refresh himself.. he spoke with haste, "Brothers! Hear ye the voice of our Lord and Savior!? His Angels come! His kingdom be reborn! This is OUR time. The World is full of corruption and disease. Every Faith tainted by the Red Devil himself. Brothers, our Faith is pure and strong. Let us show the children a path to salvation! IT IS OUR TIME BROTHERS. JOIN ME. LET US RETURN TO THE WORLD & BRING LIGHT. THE BEAST AWOKE,, HIS FURY NEED TEMPERING...Why don't you budge!?"

    Silence. His brothers gave him a blank stare and returned to mulling over their precious cards.

    The Prophet realized Quantum Randomness had addled their brains. What was the point of Immortality when there was no humanity. How could those drunk on power feel the love of the Saviour?

    He could not spare any pity for he had none to give. These were dire times. Someone had to guide the fools down below or they would once again turn the Arrival of Light into another Great Calamity. He was surrounded by idiots.

    He looked up and called to the Savior, asking for a divine sign, and collapsed from the mounting mental toll and exhaustion that came from constant rejection.

    .. his dreams were.. weird. He could sense the winds were shifting. Peasants were singing different tunes in the temples. Songs unheard of since the end of second coming of the Second Half Age ..

    He awoke to the sound of wings flapping and friendly squeaks. But he couldn't tell where they were coming from. He looked around. His former brothers still hunched over their beloved cards, singing faintly under their breath ("I am a doggie").

    He pulled open the great doors and stepped outside to be greeted by a clear and beautiful sky.. He could see the foolish peasants going about their day in the valleys below. But the vibes they gave off were different. The Saviour had returned to show his greatest creation yet. Irony was you had to cover your head with a big pair of glasses. Bah.. he though to himself. Giving the blind sight by covering their eyes . Truly He works in weird ways.

    He heard the sound of wings and squeaks again. Nox and Lux flew down and settled on his shoulders, still fighting over whatever imps love fighting over..

    For the first time, in a long time, the Prophet felt something different. There was hope. Though the Faith was weak and still needed mending, the path to salvation was once again opening.

    The Beast that would awaken needed a strong hand to guide it, for the Lord has tempered it with 100 drops of sweat from his glorious brows, 100 strikes of his Great Crowbar at 100 times Earth's Gravity for 10000 years in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. It was flowing with Overwhelming Power. Similar to the power that created the last Great Calamity.

    There would once again be chaos and fear, but deep down, the Prophet felt like the Lord had something this time that he previously lacked... Love. Love for his ignorant children and Love for his creation.

    Unlike the last time, the ensuing wars and carnage between Gods would create a world where peasants can live in true peace. Their Hats would be wm embroidered in the finest silk and their hearts would be full of joy and love for the Creator... Or.. things could be a whole lot wo... NO. Not this time. This is no time for doubts.

    The Prophet drank from the last remaining pools of Power within him and turned towards the Temple as Lux and Nox hovered in the air with excitement!

    The Ancients have spoken. The battle will begin.

    "It's time to wake these fools the FK up."

    submitted by /u/LoL_is_pepega_BIA
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    A crazy idea: Stealing lane positions into another lane

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Adding Channeling as a Mechanic and Re-working Stuns

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Assuming the moment to moment gameplay works the same in terms of passing priority back and forth. I think adding channeling as a mechanic would be beneficial to the game. You could create some interesting situations for players to react to.

    Take Enigma for instance, his Black Hole ability from Dota stuns every unit in range even through spell immunity for a long duration. The drawback is he needs to channel it, so if anyone outside the black hole can interrupt it can easily be wasted.

    Let's say you cast Black Hole and it stuns 3 slots in front of him for the entire round or until interrupted. Let's say he gets all the heroes in that lane with it, locking the other player out of the lane. The other player would have the opportunity to interrupt Enigma by say Leaping to that lane with Mirana. This would take 2 turns of priority however, leaping to the lane and casting arrow to stun enigma.

    This would create a situation where the Enigma player has two priorities to cast in other lanes while the other player is dealing with Black Hole.

    This is sort of a convoluted topic to bring up discussion about but in general they could make it so stuns don't last the entire round but rather a certain amount of priority passes. This would add depth to timing and allow for things like channeling abilities to be included. Variety is the spice of life when it comes to card games, so anything to add more variety is cool by me.

    submitted by /u/Neveri
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    Artifact 2.0 Hero PreMEMEview: Wraith King

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    This will be a mechanic (hopefully). How should it work?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Let's imagine Artifact go out this Sumer and the nextes 2 heroes that launch in dota launch as Well on Artifact and Underlords

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    What do you guys and girls think ?

    submitted by /u/Wazdakk
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    What You Do Not Realize About Artifact Math

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 05:14 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    • Add items and some cards (for example a musket) BATTLE damage. This will allow them to be combined with passive abilities like Ursa or Viper.
    • Cards affecting store prices
    • Not all heroes must have exactly 3 of their cards, maybe some will have 1 strong or 5 of some cards and so on, may be heroic items
    • Add gold for each round, not just for kills. This will make more decks playable. In Dota this plays a important role.
    • Add the effects of "possible death", that is, when "if the battle had passed now, the enemy would have died" (crossed out in red). For example, give the Bloodseeker the opportunity to move on lines with heroes crossed out in red (this would make him look more like the one in DotA)
    • For one or two victories in the draft give a third or a quarter of the ticket, otherwise it turns out up to 3 victories, that is, up to 60% of victories you get nothing at all
    submitted by /u/DavidDinamit
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    I now hate the 'realistic' POV Artifact has, kinda hope it changes

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    I never played much card games online before Artifact, so I didn't notice it as much.

    But they clearly went for a 'realistic' vibe with their graphics and stuff, which is why when u play a game, you dont see the board from a birds-eye-view, but its slanted quite a bit as if your sitting down watching the game. Underlords does this as well.

    Runeterra/hearthstone instead do a more birds eye view angle.

    I dont really like this angle anymore. In fact, so much of the graphics are designed to make the cards/game feel 3d and real, support the idea of being an actual tcg online and not just 2d images and stuff, like cards bouncing when u play a thunderhide, but honestly, i dont really care for it anymore.

    What u guys think?

    submitted by /u/ForsakenWafer
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