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    Saturday, May 9, 2020

    Artifact - If artifact 2.0 is to work they need to launch the game with mobile like Runeterra did. over 5mil downloads already for mobile

    Artifact - If artifact 2.0 is to work they need to launch the game with mobile like Runeterra did. over 5mil downloads already for mobile

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    If artifact 2.0 is to work they need to launch the game with mobile like Runeterra did. over 5mil downloads already for mobile

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Found in a thrift store, could this perhaps be a native American artifact? Painted in leather

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    A take on Rix in Artifact 2.0

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    A take on Necrophos in Artifact 2.0

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Explorers Time Gear

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    Just my 2 cents for how shop could work

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    So greetings, I haven't really posted here in a while, but I've been reading everything patiently awaiting every info Moonday and eventually the beta.

    I know this post is another one in the pile of "how to change shop", but I feel like my suggestion is worth hearing out. So here goes:

    Most posts works with the presumption that we have a 9 card item deck. Since cards will (most likely) be attainable through gameplay and there isn't a cost issue here, we can change the item deck to contain 6 items of every tier. You start getting random "auto-complete" items only when you have less than 3 remaining.


    • It isn't a huge change from Valve's current tiered system so it isn't too hard to implement/rebalance.

    • You are in control of your items, if you have 6 at worse you need to reroll once to find the item you're looking for.

    • No random items in most tiers like the "current" system leading to more consistent and strategic games/meta.

    • It retains the tier system that valve seemed to like because it allows higher tier items to be more epic/powerful.


    • Big items decks. For 5 item tiers we talking 30 items (three times as many as before).

    I hope my suggestion will see some discussion, because I truly see it as a very good solution. Thanks for reading!

    Edit1: if you want to make the items less consistent/more relying on rerolling you can make the shop offer 2 items instead of 3, so you can easily retain that reroll mechanic/feel in the game.

    submitted by /u/Sardanapalosqq
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    A take on Void Spirit in Artifact 2.0

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Item Mechanics

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    Item Mechanics

    Item Mechanic Rework

    (This is not a Shop rework thread; you can hold on the pitchforks for the moment. Also, I already e-mailed Valve about it but wanted to know what you guys feel about it)

    I love items and I am very excited to play with the amazing items showed in the latest blog. My idea is not to change the items themselves, but the way you play them.

    Mechanic change: Items are equipped directly to Heroes instead of going to your hand.

    In the shopping phase you just drag the items to the Heroes you want equipped as long as you have enough gold to pay for them. Items can be equipped to Heroes in play or coming into play that round. At the start of the round there would be a visible indicator around each new item equipped, letting your opponent know about the changes (or have some cool equip animations).

    I believe there is a lot to be gained with this mechanical change and the parts we do lose did not really make for a better gameplay experience in my opinion.

    Gameplay would be streamlined, with the focus shifting to Hero and Card management.

    Items remain an important part of the overall strategy but stop interfering with the moment to moment gameplay.

    No more Pass Pass Pass Pass just because your opponent bought the entire Shop. It's unfun gameplay for you and for your opponent.

    Now I know you're thinking: We lose the counterplay/surprise factor, the ability to respond to my opponents attack item with a health item of my own.

    We do lose that particular style but counterplay/surprise still exists, it just happens at the start of the round.

    Let's illustrate my point by looking at the new items revealed: Equipping Root Boots to a well-positioned Hero gives you immediate counterplay, and you can be sure equipping a Necronomicon will definitely surprise your opponent and actually work even better since the effect is immediate and you don't have to wait a round to trigger Demonic Archers.

    You also lose "Math Games", trying to figure out what the opponent bought by calculating how much they spent, his items decks, etc. For me that wasn't a fun gameplay and I suspect it wasn't fun for the majority of players.

    Also, not only is the moment to moment gameplay faster and more fun but games will probably have less rounds since you don't need to choose between spending x Mana to equip your items or spend a round just upgrading your heroes, you just play your Spells/Units and manage your already equipped heroes. Furthermore, Mana on items doesn't feel intuitive or elegant in my opinion.

    Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/Oblit3rate
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