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    Friday, May 29, 2020

    Artifact - Next wave of invites on Monday

    Artifact - Next wave of invites on Monday

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Next wave of invites on Monday

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Please for the love of God, invite more folks today!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    It would be great to play some games over the weekend! I understand rolling out the beta slowly, but this trickle of invites has been really frustrating. Folks have been waiting for 1yr+, we're ready to play!

    Edit: and test I promise!

    submitted by /u/rstrube
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    Community Appreciation Thread

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    I realise that this is unfortunately something that will change as the community grows (hopefully) over the course of the next few months, but one thing I have really been loving about the beta is the community of players. Almost every player I've interacted with so far has seemed invested in the game and its growth. I've always been really saddened by great games that have incredibly toxic communities and even if this is fleeting, I'm really loving the positivity.

    I think similarly, the same can be said about the current Reddit community. I know a lot of people here have been waiting for so long for Artifact to be revived, and I can at least say that I don't think you've waited in vain. Please keep suggesting ideas and planning combos and things while you wait. Artifact is a really complex game that rewards ingenuity and creative ideas. Its gonna be a long time before the meta settles and I'm looking forward to seeing all kinds of weird decks until then.

    But most importantly, keep being positive and supportive of the development team. I believe in supporting devs that are willing to admit that they made mistakes in the past, and work towards fixing those mistakes. So many things in the beta are direct fixes to complaints that the community had in 1.0. This is not to say that the devs should be praised at all costs, but I personally believe that they've done an incredible job.

    Good luck to everyone with the new wave of invites. I know some of you have really been in it for the long haul, and some of you are going to have to haul a little longer, but I really look forward to seeing all of you in Artifact. Never forget that Artifact Lina beats Arcana Lina.

    submitted by /u/Gryphon140
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    Artifact 2.0 Hero Matchup Chart

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    I love alternate win conditions. Haven't seen much discussion around this card yet.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    Anger, Cymen & Kiwi take a deep dive on 2.0's brand new heroes while they wait for beta access

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Compact mana display, more room for (1.0) hand (suggestions)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I think mana display can be made more compact, not displaying individual gems, but maybe one big gem that empties in proportion to current mana (solves an issue with current 13 max gems). /u/EricTams approves!

    This would make more room for cards in hand as well. Currently, there is max 10 cards, and the rest (with items) is stacked in an inaccessible tab (they become available in the order you drew them as you play your cards). This is not a great implementation. With the extra space new mana tab frees (as well no need to have Fountain graphic overlap hand, hand can be expanded more to the right), I suggest going back to similar to 1.0 scrollable hand (it would work fine on mobile as well).

    New mana display with space freed.

    Current mana display.

    Artifact 1.0 scrollable hand (but even more space for hand in A2.0).

    submitted by /u/Arachas
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    When do you think sites like Artibuff, DrawTwo.gg and ArtifactFire will come back to life??

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    I want to netdeck my way to a million bucks!!

    submitted by /u/LoL_is_pepega_BIA
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    Artifact 2.0 Beta | Mono Blue Time of Triumph

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    What are the new card pack contents like?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    I know, it's beta so it will probably change, but I'm trying to get a feel for the direction Valve is taking the card unlock grind. I saw that we aren't guaranteed to get heroes in packs any more, but is the rarity distribution the same as 1.0? Also, is there duplicate protection, or can you end up with more copies of a card than you can use?

    submitted by /u/DownvoteHappyCakeday
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    is there somewhere to read patch notes?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    i'd like to read them when they push updates

    submitted by /u/miked4o7
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    2.0 Items and Teleport Ideas

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:34 AM PDT


    I've watched a lot of Artifact 2.0 streams recently. Overall I love the changes, although I couldn't help but notice a few that look very unnatural, more like a band-aid for some better system that's being developed. Namely:

    • equipping items costs mana
    • Courier card
    • Blink Scrolls.

    I think I have better solutions to replace those band-aids.

    I derived my inspiration from Dota, so those mechanics would make sense to the people familiar with Dota-like games.

    I tried to list key aspects of the changes I have in mind in short thesis statements so they're more comprehensible.

    Items System

    • Items no longer cost mana to assign to a hero.
    • Items are no longer stored in your hand.
    • Instead they're stored in a special place called "Stash".
    • Any time you can click on your Stash and see the items inside.
    • You can't click on enemy's Stash, but you can see the number of items inside

    (so you can learn how many items the enemy bought during the Shopping phase)

    • In Deployment phase, you can give items to the heroes you're deploying or return their items back to the Stash without restrictions.
    • There's a "Courier" button that allows you to deliver an item from Stash to any hero on a lane.

    (we could have 3D couriers delivering items!)

    • "Courier" button can only be used once per round and counts as an action.
    • If the item is being equipped to a slot that already contains another item, the latter is returned back to Stash.
    • Item's active abilities can't be used in the same round the item was equipped (even if it was equipped during a deployment phase).

    This prevents unfair combos like "Get Initiative -> Equip Apotheosis Blade -> Deploy -> Use the Blade" and provokes forward planning.

    Teleport Scroll (TP)

    • TP is an item to replace Blink Scroll.
    • TP can be bought from the Shop for 3g. Each buying phase player can buy 1 TP.
    • Each hero has a special slot for TP.
    • Being an Item, TP can't be used the same round it's equipped.
    • Teleport Scroll has text "Consumable. Channeling: Teleport to a free spot on current or adjacent lanes or to the Fountain.". Consumable means: "An item is destroyed when used". Channeling means: "Caster cannot attack, cast spells, use abilities or items. Interrupts if the caster is stunned, rooted or killed. Resolves after the combat phase".

    I think it's crucial for TP to allow teleporting to the Fountain, but I'm not sure that making Fountain a legitimate target is a good idea from a mechanical standpoint. May be existing Bump mechanics can be utilized. For example, instead of choosing a free spot, player chooses caster's current spot, and the hero basically bumps himself to the Fountain. But I'm not sure how to phrase it properly and make obvious for the player.

    • Both TP caster and target location have animation during channeling.
    • Different TPs happening at the same time differ in color.
    • Channeling can be canceled by caster, but the item disappears anyway.


    I understand that the changes I suggest are very significant for Beta version of the game and there's very little chance that Valve will take interest in them. But I thought about them a lot recently and need them out of my system. Hope to have some interesting discussion about my ideas.

    submitted by /u/Suobig
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    Idea of Mechanism - Draw Cards of Hero

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Any fast way to level up?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I haven't even gotten all the packs available by levelling up yet. Are there Steam group with people who are interested in levelling up? Problem is with the starter deck and matched with level 100+ it's just impossible to win.

    submitted by /u/i_m_not_special
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    Rating Artifact 2.0 Beta Heroes - Part 1

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    What if in the deployment phase we could move our heroes?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    I was thinking... What if in the in the deployment phase, besides you deploy the fountain heroes you also could move the lane heroes? All the heroes moved remain in the current lane, and will be disabled (silenced and in combat phase they only receive dmg) until the end of round, after combat phase they move to the new lane.

    submitted by /u/Koumori_San
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    Can we talk about Bolt of Damocles?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Bolt of Damocles

    10 Mana Blue

    Reveal when Drawn.

    Deal 15 damage to caster's combat target. (can hit towers)

    First, I want to say I love what the card is trying to do; it can't directly hit towers, but it will if a blue hero is left unblocked. The fact that it is revealed when drawn gives a very clear message as to what Valve is trying to do: One player gets a huge, huge effect that can easily take off half a tower's health, but it's telegraphed to the other player and they can scramble to prevent it from happening (Most obviously putting high health Creeps in front of the blue heroes). I think there's a problem with the execution, though:

    Problem 1: If the Bolt player has initiative, there was nothing you could do about it anyway. The telegraph is just there to be a giant middle finger and say "Yup, he drew it, you lost now".

    Problem 2: If the non-Bolt player has initiative, they can only do one thing to prevent the spell from going off. They can block a single blue hero, but not two or three, meaning that the "counterplay" becomes worthless since you can't do enough via game mechanics, not via just not having the cards you need/having the right deck.

    Problem 3: There really isn't anything stopping the opposing player from just copying/stealing Bolt since it is revealed, which would be frustrating when/if the meta settles and suddenly people playing Steal decks know to wait and steal your win-con.

    Like I said, I really like the idea of there being spells/creeps/Improvements that are so backbreaking that they are revealed and the opponent knows they have to play around them, as it allows for those cards to exist and not be extremely overpowered because you didn't play around the fact that the opponent drew their win condition. In practice, at least with Bolt, it doesn't look like it's going to hit the mark.

    I haven't played the Beta yet, but here is what I would at the very least keep in mind to test out (since Lina and Rix, Oathbounded are showing they are experimenting with stuff still):

    • Bolt of Damocles is Locked for 1 on draw. This allows the opponent to know to play around the card and gives them ample opportunity to try to prevent it from happening, while also allowing the Bolt player an opportunity to prevent the opponent from doing anything about it.

    • Because you missed the opportunity to use the card you just drew, you draw an additional card.

    • Because it's revealed and locked in your hand for a turn, the opponent cannot steal it out of your hand, but can still copy it.

    This would apply to all end-game cards, like say a 10/5/15 Siege 5 Roshan with some other ability that was Colorless, or a Black card that starts stealing gold every turn. Just spitballing. You draw them, they get locked, and the opponent gets the opportunity to know that "Hey, I gotta deal with that NOW or it's going to hurt", be that blocking every Blue hero, finding a Kill Spell, or spending all your gold on un-optimized purchases.

    I just feel like that would be much more in line with the spirit of giving it Reveal, so it's not just "I drew it, it's my initiative, 15 to the face".

    I wanted to post this instead of e-mailing it because I wanted to know if I was the only one who thought this way, and I'm sure they're getting enough e-mails as it is from the actual beta-testers.

    submitted by /u/Slarg232
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