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    Wednesday, May 6, 2020

    Artifact - Artifact's Secret Shop - Top notch game feature and feedback/suggestion for simpler shop with more agency.

    Artifact - Artifact's Secret Shop - Top notch game feature and feedback/suggestion for simpler shop with more agency.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Artifact's Secret Shop - Top notch game feature and feedback/suggestion for simpler shop with more agency.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    Hi all. I want to preface by stating English is not my first language. Also, I noticed I use 'gamestate' and 'boardstate' interchangeable and when I say 'you', I mean the player (yes, you ;-). Lastly, I don't claim to know it all. I am just a guy who is very interested in (board)game design. It is all my personal opinion.

    The Secret Shop. One of the things that makes Artifact so insanely unique, awesome and directly my favourite. It is the Secret Shop (and the fact there is movement) that gives this game this boardgame-like / strategy feeling. It is this reason I feel I want to contribute to this discussion.

    When I saw their thought direction, I was not really excited. With what they proposed, more complexity than this game needs gets added. With these suggestions, you are making options in the shop that are influencing the shop. You are playing the shop. You are planning the shop, aiming on future goals (items) to achieve. And this without certainty that you are achieving them (you don't know the amount of gold you have three rounds from now for example, or rather you want to avoid that this planning is necessary). All of this decision-making leaves the boardstate, and revolves entirely in the shop.

    I believe the main goal of the store should be to give players options to react to the gamestate, instead of planning towards a gamestate. Planning towards it creates a gameplay actively involving the shop in your gameplay agenda which I believe you want to avoid. You should play the gamestate, not the shop.

    In my opinion, the complexity should by lying with: - which items you bring into your shop. - if and where to put in your resources (which item to buy, if any at all at any point in the game).

    I am advocating to have all your options available in the shop. This means having the nine slots of items you chose to bring present (in a 3x3 grid or something). Full information on which items are present for you to buy, how much gold they are etc. If you play a more aggresive deck focusing on the early game, you might want to bring more cheaper items focussing on closing the game early, more slower decks bring defensive tools to their shop. Swarm, tall, death shield, flexibility and all other sorts of strategies you try to achieve with your deck; have a big and foremost interesting selection of items to choose from to add to your Secret Shop should be enough complexity, freedom and fun. With this, you can react to the gamestate with full control (no options hidden) and choose to use resources or keep them for a bigger impact later on.

    Secondly, the consumables I would also just have all available for the player to buy. Personally, removing Shop Deed (the game doesn't need such a mechanic in my opinion), there are 6 consumables. Cards that help you out in the moment, not permanent (also a reason to abandon Shop Deed). 'Draw a card', 'heal a unit by 6', 'return an allied hero to the fountain', what is the point of having these cards if they are not at all times available for the player to choose. Limited by resources, the game should have these items available to buy at all times.

    (In regards to the new 'blink scroll' moving a hero to another lane, I suggest add it to this consumable items pool).

    Thirdly, the random shop option. I think it is perfectly fine to have an always rotating can-be-anything item slot. The boardstate might need more defensive tools than you initially had planned and the random shop gives you an alternative option there, sure that is cool. Keep that little extra spice in there. It is fun.

    Fourthly, the 'hold' option (which they were not too happy with anyway) is no longer needed when all your prechosen options are available to you.

    Lastly, they suggested an option to receive some gold (invest). You might not perform well, you are low on gold, no reason or able to buy something from your shop. To be honest, this suggestion is one of the things I like alot. Keep it.

    I hope the developers realise that the shop does not need an in-game gameplan. You playing with heroes, allies, movement, casting etc. is enough gameplan as it is. Allow this gameplanning to flourish with additional (prechosen) options from the store to choose from, giving players full agency over it. Choosing (pre-game and in-game) amidst this agency is enough complexity.

    Thanks for the read and please discuss further. Actively help sharing your thoughts about what suggestions you like or dislike.

    submitted by /u/youchoose22
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    Anger, Cymen, and Kiwi discuss... the Secret Shop? - Secret Shop #05

    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Is the item shop, as a deckbuilding mechanic, best for the game?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    I'm sure this has probably been discussed, given the newest blogpost, but my search returned nothing super concrete, so I'm just throwing this out there.

    A lot of the posts right now seem to be the overcomplication of the shop (which, I happen to agree with generally), but I was curious about something even more simple/basic than that.

    Do you, as a previous player and a potential future player of the game, think that the act of building your own shop to buy from, is a net-positive, negative or neutral experience, and could the game be better if you didn't have to do it? Would it be worse?

    I've just been thinking how the shop works in dota. You bring five heroes and you use the shop to increase your own strengths and respond to weaknesses you see when your enemies team is revealed.

    In artifact your ability to respond to enemies strengths is limited heavily by the deck you built already (a d some rng items), which is almoat always going to be built as a way to enable your heroes, and not fight enemies.

    Could it be better if the shop was just open from the start? Restricted by cost only? Am I a lunatic and way off base? Is my lack of knowledge about fun game design shining through?

    submitted by /u/Monochromize
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    I really don't get why there are so many hates around the new shop

    Posted: 06 May 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Apologize in advance for my grammar. English is not my first language.

    I think this new design does solve the problem where players felt compelled to put in cheap and boring items. A lot of the cool items are only accessible to econ decks or just not cool enough to make the cut. The new system alow the devs to make the higher tier items way more powerful and fun and they won't appear in the shop early to block off your option so that you can actually put them in your deck.

    As for the blink scroll. I admit it felt a bit weird at first. But this mechanic isn't unprecedented. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) elder scroll legend have similar system where a player is awarded when enemy reach a certain health the first time. I think we need to stop thinking artifact as DotA made in to a card game but a card game just happened to use DotA's lore and universe.

    TLDR; what I think of the new shop is not important. What's important is that we give this shop a fair chance.

    submitted by /u/Evogtihe
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    How flexible will the beta of 2.0 be?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    It would be nice to know how the developers will handle feedback during the beta especially with core mechanics of the game.

    We have heard from many sources that during the closed Artifact 1.0 beta, Valve did not listen to feedback and pretty much refused to change anything significant in the game.

    I think that's why people are quick to judge the new changes from the blog posts, because e.g. once the new shop is implemented game over; only number tweaking is allowed from now on.

    Artifact 1.0 was a colossal failure and we are lucky to be getting a 2.0 so I believe it should go both ways:

    i) Players should not be afraid to give negative/constructive feedback (don't worry guys, it won't scare the developers away if you don't like an idea)

    ii) The people working on the game should accept the fact that they might have struck out once again on certain aspects of the game and should be prepared to make changes based on what the community says.

    submitted by /u/Undercover_Ch
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    Another Secret Shop suggestion.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Hey guys, like everyone else, i have my own opinion on the Secret Shop. Although i didn't dislike their version, i would love to see it be more close to the Dota version. I discuss a little bit why i didn't like it below. Sorry about my english, not first language =p

    This post is my feedback email to Valve. I would love to have your feedback on this version of the Shop.


    There is a wall of text bellow, since you guys probaly have a ton of feedback to read, the first 2 lines bellow this one is a resume of everything and the most importante lines have this symbol **($)**:

    To keep the item progression feeling without giving to much depth to a secondary part of the game, it's better to have item progression instead of shop progression.

    Secret shop should not be a random item from collection, but a random special item. It would make more sense with the combination mechanic mentioned above.

    One problem with this shop design is that it feels complicated to a new player. One of the problems that i had with Artifact is that most of the times i wasn't able to recognize what caused me to lose a game. When you have a lot of small decisions to make, it's hard to see where your strategy fails. The invest and upgrade part of the shop seems like unecessary depth to a secondary part of the game. Based on that, i have a few suggestions to the item shop based on your goals.

    Instead of upgrading the shop, you could upgrade the items, like in DotA. One way to implement that is to make the items combinable. By doing that you make the item tier feel more organic, and is more easy to the enemy to keep track of your progression. When building a item deck, the player would take in consideration what late game items he wants with his heroes. I write below some core mechanics of this item shop.

    A tier 2 item could be a combination of 2 tier 1 items.

    A tier 3 item could be a combination of 2 tier 2 items or 1 tier 2 with 2 tier 1.

    2 tier 2 item could be used to make a single tier 3 item, or you could have a tier 2 item that is stronger than normal, but don't have any combinations to form a tier 3 item.

    You could change the amount of combinations that an item makes and base the power level on that. It gives you more flexibility to design items, but also gives you depth and prevents stronger items to appear too early.

    Your item deck size could be around 8 cards, with 15 T1 cards to choose. You can put only T1 cards in your item deck. Then have around 23 T2 cards and 12 T3 cards. That might be a lot of item cards, but it would give a lot of variation. You could also have a 6 card item deck, 12 T1, 20 T2 and 10 T3.

    Example of combination:

    Staff of Wizardry(atk) + (T1)Ring of Health(Hlt) = Force Staff(atk)

    Staff of Wizardry (atk) + (T1)Ring of Protection(Arm) = Meteor Armor(Arm)

    Force Staff + (T2)Meteor Armor = (T3)Meteor Push

    Meteor Armor would do 1 dmg and stun if its a creep

    Meteor Push would do your new force staff effect, stun(if a creep) and do some damage.

    The status combination dont need to be 1 to 1. If the staff gives +2 atk and ring gives +2 regen. The combination could be +2atk and +1regen.

    ($)The implication of this is that when i see a Staff of Wizardry, i can image what tier 3 item he might be going for based on his heroes but wont be so sure because there would be a lot of possibilites. When i see the Force Staff, that makes more obvious where he might want to go from there. Upgrading the shop gives me no insight on what the opponent is doing. All the item combinations should be made on the Hero, although would be cool to see an item(one of those random ones) that allow the player to combine items in hand.

    ($)With this you keep the feeling of building your heroes up, you can't start overwhelming because you have to build the items on the board first and you can adapt to the situation, because you can make different items depending on what the enemy team is doing.

    ($)Upgrading items like that allow the player to decide through where he wants to start his upgrade. On the example of the force staff, if i need more regen now, i can start with the ring, but if i need more dmg to kill a hero, i can start with the staff.

    ($)With all of the above in mind, i think its better to start seeing, if not all the item deck, at least half of it, with every item appearing at least every 3 rounds.

    Suggestion for random items on the Secret Shop:

    1. One item to combine in hand

    2. One item to decombine a Tier(X+1) item into 2 Tier(X)

    3. One item to be a wild item. If you want to make the force staff, but dont have the Ring of Health, it can serve as the Ring of Health. You can only buy one of those per game. Only T1 wild item(maybe). It costs more than any other T1 item, or you have to pay X more gold when using it. It would appear a selection screen to chose what item you want it to be before combining.

    4. One item to summon a unit 1/1. After you buy this, it reappears later with increased cost but summoning a 2/2 instead.

    5. One item to take an item back from someone.

    6. One item to reveal an item on opponent hand(it serves to think about possible combinations that the enemy could do with items that he have on board)

    7. One item to draw a card (that existed on 1.0)

    8. One item to block an enemy board space for a turn.

    9. One item to increase the amount of items you see on the shop.

    The secret shop could offer those random items based on the amount of gold you spent on the shop and others items wont appear after you expend some amount. The wild item could only appear after you expend 30 gold and the draw a card won't appear after you expend 50 gold. With this mechanic, items that would be useless on the first turn, like the combine in hand or block a board space, won't appear turn 1, and you have a more controlled environment of randomness(known as good RNG).

    I noticed the intention of you guys to eliminate the specified item slot on heroes. With the combination mechanic is more viable to have more than 1 type item equiped on a single hero.


    Items should combine to make the item progression more organic.

    Secret shop should upgrade separately, based on how much gold you spent and they would function as action effects instead of equipable items.

    Sorry if i killed the english grammar somewhere, not my first language =)"

    submitted by /u/Robertossj4
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    I’ve been away for a while. Is Artifact 2.0 actually happening?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    And if so, where can I get a rundown of proposed changes?

    And is Dota Underlords going the way of Artifact 1.0?

    submitted by /u/Roco32373
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    It is ok to start playing Artifact now?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    Hello. i wasn´t a huge card game´s fan on the past, with the exception of yu-gi-oh, i never was into those games,like magic or recently Hearthstone. But, watching some videos, i´ve got some curiosity towards Artifact. I noticed that when the game launched, it have some things that some hardcore players loved but didn´t sold so well so they kind changed the whole game with some patchs. I, who never played Artifact before, could enjoy this game now in 2020?

    submitted by /u/CassidyRebirth
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    What I remember, and what I'd like to know.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    I know they're working on redesigning the gameplay, and probably already changed a lot of these listed, but I wanted to share my feelings and memories playing this game.


    1. Lore and game theme is based off Dota.
    2. Expansion on Dota lore.
    3. Looks pretty polished.
    4. Developers continue to support it.
    5. ... I tried playing it again, and honestly couldn't think of anything I enjoyed at the moment other then these reasons...


    1. Playing the game is heavily dependent on heroes.
    2. Start is random, along with hero/creep placements.
    3. Having a weak hero spawn in front of a strong hero can lead to a huge advantage/disadvantage.
    4. All previously mention leads to either an all in on 1 lane, and abandon others, or abandon 1 lane and overrun 2.
    5. The previous combine with the current item shop, leads to lane switching items being broken, and an unbalance between 2 players... not to mention how heavily luck based it is.
    6. Heroes cost nothing to spawn, and are needed to play other cards; which is why it's ridiculous when seeing 2 cards with similar abilities, and 1 clearly more stronger in stats and/or ability.
    7. Game design and heroes aren't memorable.
    8. No interesting features to get players to continue to collect or learn the game.
    9. Game has tough competition, and currently trying to be revived from the dead.
    10. Not available for mobile devices!

    I'd love to see this game grow, and actually make me proud to tell others I play it... but honestly I had no fond memories... they weren't horrible, but just nothing worth mentioning. I've recently been playing LoR, and I fell in love immediately. It's not gimmicky like Artifact, you have way more control, and there are so many ways to win.

    I felt like Artifact was so limited, and wasn't as balanced at all. I immediately complained to my brother how the 3 lanes worked, and how much more important the 1st lanes are, compared to the last ones. When I play LoR,

    Please fill me in or tell me about what you think about this list. I don't follow all the news here anymore, and would love to hear some good news, because I currently don't see how things can change so dramatically, without being too similar to what's out there already.

    submitted by /u/Venichie
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    Possible Shop and Upgrade - Recipe ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Plot twist: there's no such thing as having "negative armour" in 2.0 and the debbi ability is a reference to towers having 2 base armour.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Just a random theory craft but I thought I would share in case I turn out to be a prophet.

    submitted by /u/KidGrit
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    Stat reduction is a big mistake

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Because of it balancing cards becomes almost impossible. Every change is a huge one - taking away 1 attack or health means taking away 20-25% on average for most heroes. This applies all the same to creeps, items, and spells. This is a fundamental problem - constant imbalance without any way to fix it.

    Because of it armor system was killed. It is still in the game, but works in a weird and ugly way, as previous simple and intuitive system is not compatible with stat reduction.

    I think all of this would be very obvious when the beta begins. What are your opinions about stat reduction? Would you like to see this change reversed?

    submitted by /u/ZSharkk
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