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    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    Artifact - Artifact Beta 2.0 - Hero Polls And Discord Channel

    Artifact - Artifact Beta 2.0 - Hero Polls And Discord Channel

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Artifact Beta 2.0 - Hero Polls And Discord Channel

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Let's Go! We're Ready to Catch the Next Wave!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    I'm tired of playing card games with rudimentary addition and subtraction of numbers. When is Artifact going to print cards that require fourth dimensional calculus or cards to test your understanding of the general theory of relativity? I want a whole set designed around rigid body dynamics

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    Fking hell. Why does every card's effect gotta be +1 this or +2 that.

    Only that Maelwrawn card requires multiplication.. and that too of the number 2. By itself.


    I think Artifact's design caters only to casuals who've barely finished third grade..

    Mensa International demands a greater challenge!!

    submitted by /u/LoL_is_pepega_BIA
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    I'm afraid I don't have much time left.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    Eric Tams: "no new wave today" (Sorry folks!)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    New Patch

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    It was Mo(o)nday my dudes!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    Artifact 2.0 is a game of frustrating contradictions

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    It feels like playing checkers using chess pieces, but without a king / queen.

    Theres just so much stuff to watch, and so much to do, but nothing that feels like it matters. Up to 30 cards in play with status, plus items, plus passives, plus hero skills, plus towers/tower HP, plus tower buffs, plus cards in hand, plus cards in enemy's hand, plus gold, plus heros about to spawn. But then I'm expected to play 1-2 cards and maybe 1-2 hero skills a round. It just feels so insignificant.

    And then a hero moves slightly, or kills a creep blocking it, and thats the game winning play.

    All 3 lanes resolve combat together, so there is no time to process what all just happened.

    I can place my hero adjacent to a 1 HP creep, but can't hit it. They might as well be across the map unless I've got a spell.

    Or I have a hero in tile 5 of board 1, and theres a creep in tile 1 of board 2. They're displayed directly next to each other, but they might as well be worlds apart cause I can't hit it or nuke it. I have such little autonomy over my heroes once they're on the board. Even pawns have more options in chess.

    Artifact 1 felt very rewarding when you got to play -- each decision felt like it had huge weight. But it was just so damn frustrating to not be able to play cards most of the time. It felt like the majority of the time was spent not playing the game. You drew 2 cards, had 3 boards, so you were just watching your opponent play for giant chunks of time because you needed initiative, or just didn't have heroes (or the correct hero) in that lane. This game you can play cards, but you don't care. There is no weight behind decisions because they impact so little of what you see. There is no UMF.

    And even if you put impactful cards in your deck, you're only gonna draw maybe 10 total if the game goes up to 8 mana (start with 5, draw 5 more). That is only 1/4 cards if your deck. Your decisions just don't matter.

    I honestly dont' know if the game can be salvaged without another build-up from the ground up. Some immediate things they could do:

    1. Lower mana costs on most cards down to 0, or 1 mana.

    2. Players at least draw 3 cards per round with plenty of ways to manipulate mana cost and to get more cards.

    3. No more 3 boards. Just give each spell a range or reach. Reach 0 = straight ahead. Reach 1 = adjacent. Reach 2 = up to 2 tiles away. If people wanna stack all heroes together, let em, they'll just be more vulnerable to AOE.

    4. Go crazy on abilities. Like green rix shouldn't have a cooldown on his death buff. Make ravage have a 2 or 3 turn cooldown.

    5. Some sort of option to control my heroes outside of playing more cards. The hero abilities help, but not enough. If nothing else, give each hero the option to move once to an adjacent tile each round, spending 1 mana per move.

    But even with all of the above, it doesn't solve the problem of not having a unit or hero to identify with. Even monster train has a "champion" unit to help with this. Any tower defense game has choke points leading to a base you want to protect. TFT has their little courier character you should care about. Artifact 2.0 has 15 tiles with tons of rules about whether or not you should care if they're filled or empty.

    submitted by /u/burnmelt
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    Hero Polls And Discord Channel

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Visual suggestion: When combat starts, any units with Quickstrike should visually attack their target first before everyone else

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Title. Basically just to have a very clear visual demonstration of what Quickstrike does.

    submitted by /u/TheSnowballofCobalt
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    So yeah about the discord channel...

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    So yeah about the discord channel...

    Really good diverse discussions take a look



    submitted by /u/TRGVash
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    And people say 2.0 is not fun

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Are Mo(o)ndays Dead?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    Yesterday was the first Mo(o)nday since Beta 2.0 started that we haven't had:

    • A Mo(o)nday Reddit post
    • A new blog post from Valve
    • An update to the game
    • A wave of invites

    Is... Is it over?

    Mo(o)ndays, I mean, not the long haul. We all know that will never end.

    submitted by /u/BollardGames
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    Would Tutor-like effects be welcome in 2.0?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    For those who don't play magic, Tutor effects are cards which let you search for a card in your deck. Some examples are Diabolic Tutor or Grim Tutor.

    There has been a lot of talk about making decks more consistent, whether that be drawing more cards or lowering the deck size limit. I wonder how tutor like effects could factor into this discussion. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/squiDcookiE
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    Beta players, do you have any heroes that you ALWAYS pick in live draft when they come up?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    Just wondering if there's a consensus on what the best heroes are right now for live draft.

    For myself, I can never pass up Ursa (overpower is too good) or Death Prophet (live draft opponents rarely have an answer for exorcism). Sven is also quite close.

    submitted by /u/sunaurus
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    Crazy idea, what if we could select "Stances" for Heroes and Creep that are on the board?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    After reading this post about the second impression of artifact 2.0

    I've been thinking, and is true that a lot of the decisions that in other games might be decisions (like Blocking in MtG or Attacking in hearthstone) in Artifact is kinda done autoamticly, making that feeling that your decisions are only playing cards.

    And I was thinking, and please, don't take the suggestion word by word, but a general idea that maybe could fit Artifact if done by profesional hands.

    What if our cards had Stances? And I'm not trying to give the game to much complexity.

    Let my try to explain myself.

    Imagine that there is 3 stances. Offensive, Neutral and Defensive

    In Offensive stance:

    When they attack in the Combat Stage they might have trample, so excess damage goes to the tower, if hitting a Neutral Stanced enemy or another offensive.

    But it will be like normal combat if they are hitting against a defensive enemy.

    In Defensive stance:

    They don't attack, but instead stay defending.

    So if there is no enemy, they don't hit tower, or if another defensive stanced enemy is in front they don't do damage to each other.

    Damage recived by Neutral stanced cards is reduced, but by offensive stanced is like normal combat, Both would be damaged equally, and will prevent the excess damage of the offensive stanced card to go through.

    In Neutra stance:

    Is like the cards that we have right now. They just attack normaly.

    If hitted by a offensive stanced card, excess damage will go through, but it cannot be damaged by a defensive stanced card (since defensive cards cannot attack).

    Changing stances could be done manually without using any resource by both players at any point between combats, it won't use initiative or anything. You could change it as many times you want on the round before starting combat phase. Edit: Also, stance cannot be seen by the other player obviously I forgot to include it.

    I know it not might be a good idea, but I implore to think about the concept. Maybe that will solve a bit the problem expressed on that post, and take away the feeling of combat beeing automatic. That way or with a similar system, can be put a layer of decision on how combat will resolve. Also maybe some creeps might be able to only be in one stance, or two, while heroes can rotate in all stances...

    While making the game a bit more complex, I think it could be an idea to work on to solve that problem.

    Share your thoughs, negative or positive, or another way that you might think to solve the problem.

    submitted by /u/TanKer-Cosme
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