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    Friday, June 5, 2020

    Artifact - I'm waiting patiently, I swear.

    Artifact - I'm waiting patiently, I swear.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    I'm waiting patiently, I swear.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    New Artifact Beta 2.0 patch detected: 2020-06-06

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    Looks like there was a ninja wave...

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Just opened up Steam and it was in my library, wasn't in there earlier today. Proof. My birthday isn't until Monday, so thanks for letting me play all weekend Valve :D

    submitted by /u/DownvoteHappyCakeday
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    Artifact Beta 2.0 update for 6/5/20 (6/6/20 UTC)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Via the Steam Community:


    • New Deployment buttons.
    • Fixed a bug where displayed player ranks capped at Herald 3.
    • Added options for tower health, ancient health, and card draw rate to private lobbies. They can be found through the Advanced Settings button.
    • Added popup notifications for rank changes.


    • Smoothed out the rate you unlock heroes. The old method caused a glut of heroes to be awarded in the very last pack. Now you should roughly see one hero unlocked per pack.
    • Made the default card draw for constructed play in private lobbies 1.5 (one card then two).
    • Temporarily pulled some of the card draw engine cards to get cleaner data about the default rate (Cloak of Endless carnage, Unearthed secrets, Omexe arena).
    submitted by /u/wickedplayer494
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    Why I like the new mana system, and what I'd like to hear from those who don't

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    (15ish hours played in 2.0 so far)

    I know there has been a lot of requests for going back to separate mana pools but I have some potential counter points and I'd like to hear what those people think.

    With the dramatic increase in mobility, a shared mana pool makes more sense. If we went back to 3 separate pools but kept the mobility the way it is, you would be dramatically incentivized to push all 3 lanes because otherwise you're losing mana and therefore value each turn. 3 pools made sense in 1.0 to a point because of how difficult it was to move your heroes around, and because of this you had to commit to which lanes you wanted to win relatively early in a match.

    Overall I think this is better in 2.0. The higher mobility leads to rarely feeling like you're trapped in a lane and allows you to react to your opponent more effectively. It also interacts with the decision to take two towers or the ancient in an interesting way. With a shared pool you can easily provide more help to a single lane push as you have more mana to offer it, but are obviously then leaving yourself more vulnerable otherwise, so the decision to attempt to win in one way or the other comes with an interesting conversation based on the game state. With 3 pools that conversation is much simpler and is relegated to more so just a race, which way can I do more damage.

    Overall I think my point that I'd like commented on is this: A shared pool offers a greater degree of investment vs return. 3 pools inhibits this feeling and removes some level of decision making, therefore creating a more boring experience.

    I'm not saying this is the way it is so deal with it, not at all. I more so would like a counter point to these as I've only really seen "I want 3 pools back!" without much explanation as to why, that's all.

    submitted by /u/squiDcookiE
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    Hybrid Mana system

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Recently there has been discussion in the community about the mana system. Some people like the new implementation while other find it too restrictive.

    Granted most of us have not played the beta (myself included) but, just from watching a couple streams, something definitely feels off.

    I would like to suggest a hybrid system and see what everybody thinks about it. Since I know Valve reads reddit (and this is more of a discussion), I am not going to e-mail them.

    The hybrid mana system:

    • Players start with 2 mana on the first turn and gain 1 mana each turn;
    • Towers start with 1 mana on the first turn and gain 1 mana each turn, but cannot go over 3 mana;
    • Each time a card is played, the tower mana is used first (depending on which lane the hero that casted it is located);

    Advantages with this system:

    • Players can make strategic decisions on whether they want to use the mana available on a tower or buffer it to play a stronger spell on a following turn;
    • Big spells become more viable since you don't spend your whole mana playing them on a 3 Mana Tower lane (and they can be played sooner now on those lanes);
    • Having 2 different mana pools opens up design space, with cards that augment or refill your tower mana or even negate or steal your opponents tower mana;
    • Lanes regain some of its flavor and the game somewhat returns to its roots, becoming less generic and more unique (although LoR has a somewhat similar system regarding spells);
    • Hopefully the need for the courier is gone;
    • Potential for allowing the return of the 2 card draw system that people seem to like (needs testing ofc);

    Let me know what you think of it.

    submitted by /u/Oblit3rate
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    Artifact 2.0 Beta | First Impressions Review

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Ninja Wave

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    Looks like Valve forgot to scale down Shadow Fiend's stats

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I am the worst Artifact player

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I am currently 0-6 against the AI in the last mission of the campaign.

    submitted by /u/Sprezz42
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    how are excess cards handled?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    i haven't seen this covered at all. i personally don't mind how hearthstone does it

    submitted by /u/miked4o7
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    Hunger 4 Tips

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:14 AM PDT


    Finally beat Hunger 4 ending the game with 4 Meepos and 3 Arc Wardens and heroes with crazy stats. Having the additional hero bodies helped a lot because you need continued presence in each lane. This allowed me to "devour" by bouncing heroes with heroes during deployment, and not lose hero presence in each lane. Meepos don't die if bounced, since it's not considered a kill, and can be deployed next turn. Only sad part was I thought that Arc Warden clones would have his stats also, but sadly, they don't. Putting strong items with active skills on him is still worthwhile though, especially with Refresher Orb.

    Useful items:

    Early Game:

    • Barbed Mail - For absorbing damage, clearing creeps. Taunt is really useful for defense.
    • Midas Greaves - To get more gold and buy more important items!
    • Phase Boots - For when you need to move your hero to block more damage, or move into a more advantageous position
    • Ring of Basilius - For gaining creep advantage. The more creeps you have to occupy slots on each lane, the better for your defense!
    • Blade of Vigil - Honorable mention, for clearing enemy creeps. Reducing every bit of damage is important!

    Mid to Late Game:

    • Crown of Undying - For more bodies to block damage
    • Helm of Dominator - For stealing creeps
    • Apotheosis Blade - For removing annoying tower enchantments like Barracks, Weave, etc and destroying the enemy's late game items, which can be really important
    • Jasper Daggers - For piercing. Tower has an annoying 20 armor. Disclaimer: I didn't get to buy this to try, but I'm assuming piercing works against towers also

    submitted by /u/red_wrath
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    The feedback I submitted on 2.0. Possibly some hot takes but I stand by them

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    It is going to be interesting to see how Valve deal with the transition

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Valve have always been a company that treated their customers with fairness (to a reasonable degree anyway), and as it stands right now, it is most likely that Artifact 2.0 is going to be F2P.

    So how are they going to treat and handle their customers who bought Artifact and a bunch of cards? The only thing I can think of is giving out what ever cosmetic that will be in the game for free to previous owners. But the issue is, not every Artifact owner invested in the game to the same degree, as some of them paid a lot to collect cards. So it would be interesting to see how Valve is going to handle this problem and make their customers happy.

    I'm honestly surprised that Artifact is still available for purchase all things considered. I remember when Team Fortress 2 went F2P, it was free for about a week before it officially went F2P, and they gave people who purchase before that it a bunch of cosmetics.

    submitted by /u/lebbitor
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    Has there been any news about people who spent money on cards and packs when the game came out?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Tbh I'm not salty if the money I put into the game ends up wasted, I'm just curious if I can expect anything from it.

    submitted by /u/SuperParadox
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