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- He Has Done It
- SirActionBetas
- Artifact Beta 2.0 - Patch - 6/26/2020
- Did you get in today?
- Valve if u dont wanna pay for voice acting in artifact 2 u can use this instead
- After having been in the beta for 9 days here are some unsolicited deck pics (codes) for you with some guides. The first guide got a bit longer than expected so I made some short ones for the other decks which can be expanded upon later if you'd like.
- Made a bot, who will check if u got beta and email u. Check every 20 mins.
- Steam grid poster I made for those in the beta :)
- What is your ritual?
- My big rework idea
- Make artifact great again… or at least for the 1st time
- Bring Artifact Beta 2.0 on mobile!
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:52 PM PDT
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Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:53 PM PDT
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Artifact Beta 2.0 - Patch - 6/26/2020 Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:49 PM PDT
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Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:36 PM PDT Anecdotally today seems like a bigger wave. Just checking to see if the numbers back that up. [link] [comments] | ||
Valve if u dont wanna pay for voice acting in artifact 2 u can use this instead Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:42 PM PDT
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Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:44 PM PDT First off I want to say that I have been enjoying the game a lot. I barely played any constructed during my time in 1.0 since I enjoyed farming cards in draft mode but in 2.0 I quickly got into constructed and haven't touched Hero Draft since day one. I can't say that I haven't stooped to netdecking in card games many a time before but being in the beta fairly early and not really researching decks much other than from my own matches I have had a ton of fun building my own decks and trying to optimize some cool concepts of my opponents that I faced along the way. I am sure that there are still some improvements to be made, but I am pretty happy with what I have come up with so far. Let me know what you think. I might set up some streaming as well to show the decks in action. The deck codes can be pasted and viewed here, if you don't have beta access already: Wanting to figure out some of the most broken and fun combos in the game I figured building around Arc Warden was a good place to start. I know I'm not the only one who has taken a stab at an Arc Warden gold ramp deck but I think my list might be a bit different from what has been posted earlier. I am not saying that it's better for it, but I'll try to explain my choices a bit. Here's the list: RTFACTJbkIP7kCoBdhB+YBBMoFtL0CTF4ET2MBAwpqAY2aMAEWcwZjBQK+BIdBVyBCbGFjaw__ Heroes: Arc Warden - The plan is to take advantage of black's ability to generate gold fast to give him items to copy with the clone. Spark Wraith may seem a bit situational but it can be pretty annoying for the opponent to deal with. Our Boy J'Muy is used for his include card that can refresh all Arc Warden's items and make him able to make a new clone. And J'Muy is well statted for a blue hero so he is ok on the flop. His card draw is also decent since the deck runs a good amount of low cost cards and you need key combo cards to go off properly when you get your items. Bouty Hunter: Mainly used for his ability to generate extra gold. Shadow Walk is good for redeploying him and PA so they can kill more heroes. The untargetable part of it can also come in very handy at times. PA: Great hero killer and flop hero. Also the best hero to use with Gank. Coup de Grace can be a bit lackluster (especially compared to Artifact 1) and it can discard some of your key combo cards. I think it's generally best to save it for the late game where it will have the most impact and then you can try to save some less needed cards for the discard. Nyyyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx: A great round three deploy with his vendetta ready for more hero kills. Spiked Carapace is also pretty insane, especially at just one mana. I think it might get nerfed to 2 mana. Deployment: Bounty usually wants safe lane to make sure he procs his Track. PA is good for mid where you also want her to face the opposing hero for a turn 1 kill. J'Muy is usually on hard lane duty where he has to hope for PA to come save him with a Gank. Other cards and gameplan: So the plan is to kill heroes and ramp gold with the black cards. I chose not to use the old favorite Iron Fog Gold Mine from Artifact 1, since it feels bad to spend 4 mana on it. Revtel Investments' 2 cost makes it so much easier to play and it generates a lot of interest since this deck tries to ramp up gold early. Notice that it is also a greevil deck, featuring 6 greevils, and I don't even think it's a meme. The blue Determined Greevil is already good enough by itself to be included in most blue decks since it thins out your deck, is very flexible at one mana and is a great blocker in a pinch. The Thieving Greevil helps ramp up your gold early and gives the blue one pillage as well. From blue we get some AoE control tools as well as the combo cards that are the main purpose of the deck. Regarding the AoE I opted for 2 Annihilations - with the single mana pool in 2.0 it's not nearly as good as in Artifact 1. But it is still a good stalling tool and you can use a clone to cast it some times to make it less costly. I don't really know about the 1-offs of Tower Barrage and At Any Cost but I figured it's good to have some different options and it let's you threaten having different types of AoE in your hand. The blue card slots are pretty sparse since we're only running two blue heroes and need slots for the combo pieces. The dream is to get Blink, Vesture, Horn on Arc Warden ASAP and then clone him and use Body Modifications on the clone to copy all the items to J'Muy as well. J'Muy's signature lets you go off making more clones and more 8/8s where you need them. Using all these abilities costs a lot of mana so I am trying out one Essence Font as well, just so you can have that dream turn filling pretty much the entire board with clones and dinos. I would say the Tower Barrage, At Any Cost and Essence Font are slots that could be replaced with something else. I've been trying out several others for example Compel. In the beginning I used And One For Me as well thinking this was the way to copy items, remembering it from Artifact 1, but when I discovered that Body Modifications was a card and how it interacted with the clone, I realized it was so much better. Items I haven't mentioned: Midas Greaves for the early gold - this let's you get some extra gold from your first Arc Warden clone as well if you put it on him to swap out later with Vesture. Demagicking Maul - I don't know if it's that good in this deck since you kinda don't want to spend the money on it. But it is your only source of enchantment removal (before Apotheosis Blade). Apotheosis Blade - if your opponent is also doing degenerate late game stuff you can ramp up to this and take out whatever annoying big Vesture wearing carries they've got going. The last card I want to mention is Escape Route which has really grown on me. It seems so much better than in Artifact 1. The mobility it gives you is great to let your black heroes face up against heroes they can kill and let your weak heroes escape bad match-ups. On top if that it gives you great control over how your heroes are split, especially later in the game, and even more so in the current patch where you don't get Blink Scrolls before taking out towers. It might even be a 3-off and it can allow you to maybe skip the blink daggers. I think I will playtest that next. My other decks with short explanations Buff Ramp / Push Mid (red/green) A deck that lets you ramp into early power plays like an early Stonehall Conscriptor into Emmissary and Selemene's Favor into Time of Triumph. Mid game you can put a lot of heroes mid to get the most out of your buffs and then use blinks and Dark Rift to TP out to the other lanes - Potentially after dealing a ton of damage with No Hesitation before you TP out. The items included here, like the 3-off Phase Boots might need some tweaks but the point is to make your heroes mobile to take advantage of their AoE abilities. RTFACTJQEJZLkCguABBPATBS0CsLsCaAKEn4METwWsAlSIuwKwBVAgA0J1ZmYgUmFtcA__ The Three Wise Guys: (blue) Yup, a mono blue deck without Annihilations. The plan is to spam a lot of cheap blue spells to gain advantage from all the abilities that proc when you do so. This means you can put up more of a fight being able to net many hero kills throughout the game and not having to wait for those big Annihilations or Eclipses that mono blue usually relies on. It does have double Thunder Storm combo as a top end though. RTFACTJYATO7kC0wSCwQVqF3+9AlNJAkEEDwUtAq0BpwFLibQKmb0FOAEKVGhlIFRocmVlIFdpc2UgR3V5cw__ Timely Exorcism (black/blue) Set up multiple Fractued Times with Ogre's Multicast and get a bunch of Exorcism procs off every turn. Crystal Maiden lets you do this on turn 7 already since she gives you mana back to proc Exorcism 2 extra times the turn you play it. This version is also running the Greevil/Investments package from the Arc Warden deck since you can proc Investments multiply times as well. If you get SF enough big items he can be an alternate win condition in himself. RTFACTJRYIO7kC1QRpEpbhDAWkvQKQjF0FT6EEuQFgB6MDKAG4BYcxAQcCRlQgQmxhY2s_ Tusky Tusk (red) My current take on a Tusk combo deck. The plan is to gain some early advantage with your strong red heroes and beef them up so you can keep taking the fight to them. Then you go for a big finishing play preferably with Tusk attacking multiple lanes in one turn with No Hesitation. RTFACTJeML5LkCBIEhAU-9EgUnuwItAWgBQUpUQkETBQikApRBTwKoCCUDXjMIVHVza3kgVHVzayE_ Ramp Exorcism (black/green) Adding green to the mix lets you play Exorcism a turn or two early for tons of value. It has a couple of other spells to ramp into if you don't draw Exorcism and the Ironwood Heart can turn one of your green heroes into a big carry as well so you can have multiple Silver Edge wielders come late game. RTFACTJesIvLkC-RIEVjQC7QkFoL4CSRJCAQRPBSsBvQGUGGABrwa1A6YBAnAHRFAgR3JlZW4_ Carry SF (black) A pretty straightforward mono black deck that plays on several of black's strenghts. It has hero kill spam, gold ramp and Exorcism and lets you create 1 or 2 monster heroes that end up carrying the game. RTFACTJXMIf7kC+hIEljAD8QgFtL0CjF0FTyYBircBmngBYQejA2gBHmoFKAEJQ2FycnkgU0Y_ Climb the Ladder (black/red) I figured I'd better throw in an aggro deck in here as well. I tried to make a different one from the ones I've seen played quite a bit featuring rapid deployment heroes. PL and Beast Master lets you develop lanes and the black heroes try to dodge and hit towers. With Roar and Arrow the deck has a lot of stuns to stop your opponents from developing a defense in the later turns. RTFACTJaQJLbkC3QT1EgWiAnwIZrsCLQGZUIFDWwMEHGQCVLsITQVBqgNsAlIvQiBBZ2dybw__ AoE Black / Death Ball (black) A bit of a different take on mono black featuring some less played heroes. I've had a surprisingly high win rate with an earlier iteration of this deck playing Lich instead of Storm (and thus living a bit more up to the AoE name). This is my current list. I want to try out to figure out if I can make Storm work. The deck has a lot of mobility and AoE effects that go well with the minus armor. Also, I am testing Necrophos as a turn 2 deploy to let him come in and get the best use of Scythe. RTFACTJXMJ67oCBH0OMQOW4QwFoL4CCVQFTwUhAQeDtwGaeAEhBzECkigBHnsEDygBCUFvRSBCbGFjaw__ [link] [comments] | ||
Made a bot, who will check if u got beta and email u. Check every 20 mins. Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:52 PM PDT ur account's game page should be open, like this U can use any email, it has nothing in common with ur steam email. Bot will just send notification there, as soon as it will detect beta on ur acc. After beta ends I will remove this table with all this data. Bless u all with beta UPD: I fixed the bug, im rly sorry for miss leading =(((((((((((((( [link] [comments] | ||
Steam grid poster I made for those in the beta :) Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:27 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:07 AM PDT I have started searching Artifact 2.0 in the store several times a day in the hopes that mighty gaben might notice me and let the looooooooooooong haul come to an end [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:26 PM PDT Factions Factions would be the new addition to Artifact deck building. Factions would be chosen in the deck builder and are restricted to the colors of your heroes. The number of heroes of the color does not matter so if you have just 1 hero of any color you gain access to all factions in that color. Each deck can only have 1 faction. Factions would give many powerful effects the first of being Faction Creeps. Faction Creeps Faction creeps are the replacement for melee creeps. In the current iteration of artifact melee creeps feel out of place and filler compared to everything else. They are just 1/1 and die more often than not just die every round to another melee creep not interaction with the rest of the board. Faction creeps solve this issue by having more diverse and useful effects. Faction creeps are determined by the faction that you are in. Here are some examples. As you can see most of these creeps die in 1 turn and kill on average 1 unit same as current melee creeps but are more flavorful and can be played around in more interesting ways. The DotA symbol is there to show those are not regular creeps but faction creeps. Faction Abilities Faction Abilities come with the faction you choose. Each faction has at least 3 abilities. An example trio of for a red faction would be
While most likely creep and hero stat values would have to be changed to include this it would add more things for player to play with during the game. Wargoals Wargoals are things a player may do during the match in order to gain a reward. Wargoals are split into two different sections, major wargoals and minor wargoals. Your major wargoal is bound to the faction you choose. These should be big and flashy making the players want to accomplish them but at the same time not always be game ending. Examples of a major wargoal for the red faction would be After you kill a tower permanently give all allied heroes +2 health/armor/attack Example of a major wargoal for a black faction would be When you have a tier 4 shop all enemy heroes are permanently tracked and enemy creeps have +2 bounty. In contrast minor wargoals should be small boosts when you hit more niche conditions. The amount of minor wargoals you have are determined by your factions minor wargoal slots. The minimum amount is 2. The minor wargoals you can choose are restricted by your colors but there should be many neutral wargoals that can be used by everyone. An example neutral wargoal would be After an enemy tower is destroyed gain a blink scroll An example of a red minor wargoal would be The first time this game an allied red hero has 10+ attack create a 0 mana duel in your hand. I think all of these features will fill in the holes of 2.0 where you feel like you aren't working towards anything and can be used in a way to indirectly buff cards that would be too strong if buffed on their own. [link] [comments] | ||
Make artifact great again… or at least for the 1st time Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:46 AM PDT Your Artifact 2.0 Beta is a disaster. It is ugly visually, mostly cause everything is extremely small (I don't even mean cards designed in Paint, so don't say that visual part is not done yet). First Artifact had a perfect triple line feature. Now it is an awful and primitive implementation of that ingenious idea. Here I offer you an idea of how to revive Artifact. I. Solving the problem of arrows If a hero or a creep at the deployment stage has no opponent in the opposite direction and has one to the left or to the right it gets a random arrow. There are three different ways to avoid RNG here based on the idea that arrows will be sold for gold. 1) All arrows (for heroes and creeps) cost 1 gold. 2) Arrows for creeps cost 1 gold. Arrows for heroes cost 2 gold. (Probably the most appropriate way) 3) All arrows cost 2 gold. Surely, these solutions must be tested. In the result of the tests you should also decide whether the players will be able to buy arrows at any time or only after the deployment stage (as an additional stage where you can lose or gain initiative). II. Solving the RNG problem for red-green ramp Remove the card "Stars Align". Just remove it from the game. Add some creep giving +1 mana (besides Roseleaf Druid). For example 1/4 for 3 mana. Change manacost for Emissary of the Quorum from 8 to 7 so the red-green ramp player would be able to play a deck-building card earlier but make it weaker as you did in Beta 2.0 – forbid it to buff itself and give 1 armour instead of 2 for example. Make green decks stronger by giving more opportunities for card draw. III. Don't touch standard creeps RNG deployment. Leave it. There should be some random that does not destroy the game but makes it much more saturated and live instead. Ask anyone among strong Artifact pro-players – none of them will say that they lost a game cause of creeps deployment. They will find their own mistakes. IV. Add more activities for casual players and rating leaderboard. Add a decent deep tutorial and a campaign mode with various achievements. It is completely obvious that you must make rating system but you haven't done it. The player's rank should be visible directly in the game – specifically on the face-up side of the card (above the image and under it where the attack and hp values are located) and on the face-down side. Probably the last one is not required, maybe the face-down skins are better to be sold for money or to be gained as achievements. V. Make the game free-to-play with some cosmetic stuff sold for money. What should be bought for money? 1) Skins for little dragons (sitting at the bottom left and at the top right), you should also make much more funny animations for them. 2) Game-boards with different environment. 3) Some special phrases, for example additional unique hero lines during their signature spells (and creeps as well). 4) Skins for all cards. You can paint a set of various designs for every card in the game. Of course, they should be similar to standard ones to be easily recognizable. It is obvious that you won't make as much money with Artifact as with CS:GO or Dota 2. It's not such a massive game just like chess is not as massive and popular as football. However, if you revive Artifact you will get back your reputation and users' respect after the huge failure. Give Dota players unique skins - call them to play Artifact. Invite ex pro-players to tournaments. Start with small ones, collect statistics and think about ban system to prevent mono blue – mono blue duels in grand finals if this will be too common. It was realized well enough at Artifact Championship Series S2. Make small balance changes every 2-3 months to change meta if meta becomes too boring. Work with the game you have. Don't come up with some uncertain 2.0 verison. Artifact is the most skill-based among card games. It is more dynamic and live than chess. Do not let it die. [link] [comments] | ||
Bring Artifact Beta 2.0 on mobile! Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:25 AM PDT I will play much more of only I be able to play Artifact Beta 2.0 on my mobile phone. Also it seems good to beta test mobile version also. [link] [comments] |
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