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    Tuesday, June 23, 2020

    Artifact - I love how somehow we as reddit always come up with the 100% correct opinion about balance changes. Valve is sure lucky to have us.

    Artifact - I love how somehow we as reddit always come up with the 100% correct opinion about balance changes. Valve is sure lucky to have us.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    I love how somehow we as reddit always come up with the 100% correct opinion about balance changes. Valve is sure lucky to have us.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Artifact Beta 2.0 update for late 6/23/20 (6/24/20 UTC)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Via the Steam Community:


    • Multicasting a color swapped card now gives you a card of that color, rather than the card's base color.
    • Aghanim's Sanctum now shows whether or not it has been used this turn.
    • Repeatable spells, Spell Steal, and Void Theft no longer use overdraw.


    • Hero death effects, such as Lady Anshu's Devoted Disciple passive, no longer trigger when the hero is being replaced in the deployment phase.
    • Summoned token units, such as Horn of the Alpha's Thunderhide Pack, now devour other units in The Hunger.
    • Fixed a bug where Meepo would occasionally not animate to the correct combat position during Poof.
    • The Tyler Estate no longer triggers itself when played.
    • Fixed right clicking on avatar image in chat causing chat to scroll up.
    • Fixed a crash caused by Dark Rift moving to an empty lane.
    • Fixed a crash on Mac.
    submitted by /u/wickedplayer494
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    Wife hates card games, but is having a blast with this one

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I've tried to get my wife into Magic for years, but its simply never grabbed her. It's too slow and there's too big of a disconnect between the action in your mind, and the action on the table. However, she does enjoy Dota and Starcraft and games like that so I was curious whether Artifact 2.0 would grab her at all. Turns out she really digs it and said its the first card game she could actually see herself playing more than just when I ask to play together.

    Just wanted to offer that as there has been a lot of negativity about the game on here, and her experience gave me hope that there are a lot of people out there who may enjoy the game later on in its development once more eyes get on it.

    submitted by /u/squiDcookiE
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    Black | The Long Haul Podcast Ep. 40

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    I keep seeing negativity here lately, so here's some positive feedback

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    People have been pretty torn about their opinions on Artifact 2.0, the current ongoing poll has almost exactly 50% of people who enjoy it, and other 50% who would have preferred if Artifact 1.0 was just tweaked instead. I got into the beta about 5 days ago, and as someone who knows negative feedback is always louder here's my positive take on it on why I enjoy the experience so far:

    1. Planning and executing your plays feels very satisfying and fun. With the vast reduction of RNG and introducing more free and unconstrained mechanics, the pathway of number of steps you need to take to achieve a goal becomes so much more fulfilling to execute. Some would say this makes it predictable, but only in a sense like chess is predictable. You still need to predict what your opponent will do as well. While this may not appeal to everyone, I'm having a blast with it.
    2. Games feel like they grant a lot more player agency and decisions even if you play a lot less actual cards overall. This is because you get locked out of playing completely a lot less in comparison with 1.0, you are only really unable to play anything if you mismanage your mana and reach 0 before you should. And with the current experimental Courier, even that's not the case since you can save a free item for last.
    3. The aforementioned free and less restrictive gameplay is really a selling point for me, as it's also the DotA way that I really enjoy. Making each hero individual at the cost of balancing difficulty really makes a game fun, and Artifact is truly heading in the right direction there with the hero remakes. Heroes feel really exciting to invest in and play as, and there is actual counterpicking now (in draft at least).

    Now here's some things I don't like, to even this out with constructive criticism, since I do believe they still have a long way to go:

    1. The mana system is still clunky. I can see the necessity of a single mana pool and how it brought about the current gameplay identity of Artifact 2.0, and I don't believe they should go back to lane per lane gameplay and mana. However, something still needs to be done with the current mana system to make it less restrictive and linear, and I can see they are working on it with the courier temporary solution (although this is another thing I'm not really a fan of), so it can still be brought to something more enjoyable.
    2. The card draw mechanic of drawing 1 then 2 really feels like a patchwork solution for me and I really dislike it, but drawing 1 card per turn is again not enough as it is truly too few cards. While I don't mind the direction Artifact went in regards of playing less cards and doing more board actions, I also dislike having less options and drawing cards I need from the deck less reliably. The mulch keyword is aimed at alleviating this, but I still don't think it's enough.
    3. The creeps (basic ones) feel a bit off and seem like they are lacking something. While they aren't irrelevant and do server a purpose, they feel super bland and hardly ever worth investing. Some slight changes to them that make them more dynamic or at least make them stay on the board longer (on their own without armor auras from heroes) would be welcome.
    4. The games are a bit long, but also feel short as you rarely reach high tier items and cards which are basically finisher moves most of the time. I know this incredibly hard to balance, but it just feels bad having all these powerful late game options and having to use them rarely, or just once in a game where you do get to use them.

    So these are the general first impressions after 20 or so (draft) games from me. I am immensely enjoying the experience for now, and honestly believe that they are on the right track and that moving back to Artifact 1.0 would be a mistake. Even asking reverting back to 1.0 is counter productive. You should completely voice what you don't enjoy about the game so that the devs can work with that and see to fixing it, and if they can't than it just might not be a game for you, but don't keep asking for an old game that failed tremendously in almost every aspect.

    submitted by /u/Unfawkable
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    Valve, please don't let the opinion of reddit affect your decisions with artifact 2.0

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    I have seen many comments on here complaining about 2.0 because "it's not that way in artifact 1.0"
    / "The reason why artifact 1.0 was fun was because of the three separate lanes" / "unlimited deck size is better"

    There is also currently a poll showing the majority of r/artifact would prefer an expanded 1.0 rather than a 2.0.

    Artifact 1.0 failed for a reason, the game was not fun for the majority of players, if we take the advice of people who enjoyed it (a very small group of people who are a poor indicator of all gamers) then the decisions made will be a turn off for the majority/casual players.

    Reddit suggestions have killed games before, I don't want to see it happen again.

    I love Valve, and a love card games, I really want Artifact 2.0 to succeed.

    submitted by /u/ishigggydiggy
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    Recent events have shown why Artifact is better than Dota 2.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    Can't have a pro scene filled with predators and enablers if you don't have a pro scene in the first place.😎

    submitted by /u/wertwert765
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    Suggestion: Pick your Hero arrows before each combat (after both players pass).

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Chump-blocking feels really bad when you are an attacker. There is nothing enjoyable in building up a strong hero and then having him be blocked by random creeps.

    The lanes would also feel less clunky and you wouldnt need to change places just to attack the unit next to you.

    At least this way, you can have some agency on how your most important unit battles, thus making combat feel a little less automated.

    It could be done pretty quickly, in the order leftmost hero to rightmost and vice versa.

    submitted by /u/Undercover_Ch
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    Can someone please clarify what is currently placeholders?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I got access to the beta a while back but it currently just looks so bad I don't want to spoil it for myself. I know that the current state of beta is not for me, I don't like placeholder art, etc.

    I'm more curious about the board, mana icons, and towers though, the current ones are placeholders, right? I remember they mentioned in that unlisted video something about this but I have not seen any discussion about it and could not find anything on this Sub-Reddit when searching.

    Really looking forward to start playing once they iron out the game a bit more :)

    submitted by /u/_Pappa_Smurf_
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    It's only me or golden cards must be rarer than purple? It's confusing me every time.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    I play many RPG games before and like 95% of then have orange/golden color for most rares items... Why Valve make purple cooler than golden?

    submitted by /u/RubyArtishok
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    I always wanted an option to play Dota 2 without teammates. A game that would allow me to control all 5 heroes. It wouldn’t be exactly like Dota 2, but it would have its own competitive elements while retaining as much of the the original Dota 2 as possible

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    I was hoping that game would be Artifact. But it wasn't. It's not Dota Underlords either.

    I think this kind of game would always be sought after though. I wouldn't have minded if it was in card game form but it's still not close to Dota.

    Remember the concept of the original Artifact predictions? When you pictures the actual map of Dota 2 and sending your hero's to farm camps and allocating your resources like you would a strategy game? Fuck I wish we had something like that than Artifact or Underlords

    submitted by /u/TryingMyHardestNot2
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