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    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Artifact - Valve, it is strange to invite people into the beta through an e-mail message, but give 0 notifications when you are actually invited.

    Artifact - Valve, it is strange to invite people into the beta through an e-mail message, but give 0 notifications when you are actually invited.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Valve, it is strange to invite people into the beta through an e-mail message, but give 0 notifications when you are actually invited.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    No casual player will check their library every day/wave, so in the end you'll have literally 0 feedback from these casual common players. I'm following this sub for updates but I still missed my invite! And it's here in my library, without a single notification, for uncertain amount of time and it is pure coincidence I've seen it.

    submitted by /u/coonissimo
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    Hero Draft is not a good measure of the game, and it could hurt 2.0's future

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Hero draft seems like a cool way to get Dota fans introduced to the card game genre. You pick 5 heroes, and get random cards so you don't get bogged down by deck building. Easy, pick up and play fun that requires little prior knowledge of the game.

    However, hero draft is an awful way to introduce the game to card game fans. Every strength artifact may have over other card games is muted or outright removed in hero draft. All your non-signature cards are random, so you can't build into high intensity plays, you can't create fun synergies between the colors, you can't work towards a control win condition. All you can do in hero draft is rely on cards that are all-purpose ok, which are usually boring stat boosts.

    The cool stuff the devs have been working on for 2.0 like the scheme and reveal keywords are near useless in hero draft where you can't build a deck to support any archetype.

    I know valve wants an introductory mode ready for launch, so they want to focus feedback on hero draft to make sure the game is fun for new players, but the beta is going to be the way many are re-introduced to the game and it would be a real shame if they dropped the game based on their hero draft experience.

    submitted by /u/KeyStomach0
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    Felt pretty smart using enchant here

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    20 decks to play in 2.0’s Constructed

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    The decks and descriptions (corrected for readability and details) are provided by beta-testers: Nine, Swellzong, and Stormlike.

    You can view the decks either inside the beta-client or using this website.


    The Long Haul Podcast founder.

    Aggro Mjolnir


    This is an all-in aggro Mjolnir deck. You rush Mjolnir round 5.

    You have to plan shop upgrades and aim to have 30 gold to upgrade shop to 25g items. Then insta buy Mjolnir, and use Gank, Nyx's ability and Duel to activate it as often as possible.

    Late Game Control/Gold


    This is a more late-game control gold deck. Sorla feels not great, so you can switch it, but for the most part, you have to go for Greaves asap and delay the game until Apotheosis and Dagon actives.

    You could probably add Death Prophet instead of Sorla.

    Ramp Anti-Ramp


    This deck tries to ramp and deny mana at the same time. Pretty poor. Unfortunately, mana denial is pretty bad right now.

    Exorcism Ramp


    This deck ramps to Exorcism. Very strong when it works. Very dependant on drawing Exorcism.

    Notice that Cloak of Endless Carnage has been temporarily deleted from the game (but you still can use it: the game doesn't check if the list contains errors, hence possible to run even 35-card ones).

    Red/Green Ramp


    RG ramp is viable, you have strong tools. Unfortunately, TOT is absolute trash, so ideally you need other tools like big creeps. it's a good experimental decklist for now.

    With the recent draw rate change to 1.5 per round (3 per 2 rounds), it's fine to switch card draw spells around.

    Rapid Deploy Aggro


    Rapid Deploy decks are very viable aggro decks. It's definitely going to be a strong archetype. Very hard to fight them right now.


    Mainline Ancient Wars #12 and Long Haul League S4 Constructed champion; Meepo Magic inventor.

    One-Punch Man (gameplay)


    Using centaur to give trample.

    Tusk with Claymore and other +attack buffs to get insane damage on him and 1-shot tower with trample, or his signature, or Rix Oathbound's Enchantment.

    Green/Black Counter-Ramp (gameplay)


    Omniknight can protect your own heroes with Exorcism from being targeted or can dispel enemy heroes who have Exorcism or other good effects like ToT and blue buffs.

    Outworld Devourer lets you ramp 1 mana very consistently so you can play your big cards earlier.

    Shadow Fiend and −armor items work well with his ability and Exorcism.

    Lich is used for card draw and also to clear easily with −armor items and Chain Frost.

    Blue-Black Econ (gameplay)


    Econ deck that saves up for Horns/Darkblight Shields. Upgrade the shop every turn to get there fast. You can buy 1-2 Midas Greaves early game if you have crazy amounts of money and you can still upgrade the shop in the same turn.

    If you end up having Darkblight Shield on a hero with Ignite, the enemy can almost never enter the lane.



    Mono-Blue control deck that pushes tower damage with Objective Vision. Stonehall Cloaks to get more hp and clearing out heroes before punching the tower.

    Black/Green Econ (gameplay)


    Get money and hit face with Revtel Convoy :) Use clear spells like Gank, Knives in the Dark, Chain Frost when they try to block it.


    WePlay! Artifact Mighty Triad: Agility semifinalist (Jan 2019).

    Some of the lists below use 35 cards instead of 40. The game will still allow you to play, so you may keep the listed versions as they are.

    Mono-Blue Control


    An attempt to make the old Mono-Blue, except this one has Time of Triumphs (could be converted to blue with Vanessa's ability).

    Nyx/Arc Econ


    You level up the shop, earn a lot of gold, and buy Silver Edges to kill the whole board with Arc Warden.

    J'muy's signature is used to refresh Nyx's and Arc's abilities.

    There are combos such as:

    • Phantom Assassin + Gank;
    • Gank + Spiked Carapace (this one kills heroes even under ToT);
    • Arc Warden + Artificer's Mail (allows to duplicate blockers and spam your own hand to lessen the chances of discarding a valuable card with Coup de Grace).

    A very good deck, possibly the meta on release.

    Red/Black One-Punch Man


    Another Tusk's One-Punch list. It also uses Debbie + Insidious Plot (its damage is increased when hitting towers with negative armor).



    Classic ramp updated for 2.0.

    One-Punch Man (Combo)


    One-Punch Man built in a more combo way, less aggressive.

    Selemene/Necro Combo


    A broken list. Uses combo of Necro's signature and Incarnation of Selemene. Allows to infinitely grow Resonant Construct and Path of the Cunning.

    Combo w/ Vanessa


    More of a fun deck: 59-card combo with Vanessa. Due to its flop heroes, it allows you to play 6 mana on the first turn (3+3, e.g. double Foresight).



    A fun rainbow list with greevils.

    Shadow Fiend Carry


    Another fun deck. Features carry Shadow Fiend.

    Source: PlayArtifact.ru — CIS Artifact Community

    submitted by /u/wockeez2706
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    Another wave just happened, check Steam.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Thus my long hauls ends brothers \[T]/

    submitted by /u/OrlandoNE
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    My thoughts on Artifact 2.0

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    I'm creating this thread to hopefully start a discussion with people who are already in the Beta to share their thoughts

    I OK-ish liked Artifact 1, but was not the biggest fan of constructed in that game. The optimal play was often skipping several of your turns, and making the opposite player being unable to play cards. In general there were a lot of problems with it, but it was OK fun to play with friends from time to time, even though matches dragged on and could be frustrating

    However, i feel like Artifact 2.0 is a direct downgrade. In this version, it feels like im often playing a seperate game from my opponent, nothing i do feels powerful, and the game is very tedious. I had a hard time going through bot matches, and my brain almost melted of how boring i thought PVP matches were.

    The biggest issue for me is how the game fundamentally works. In any Card game i've played, you always feel like you're building either an engine or a direct threat to your opponent. Everything you do feels like it matters in one way or another. In Artifact 2, this is entirely thrown out the window. You could (and often do) play matches on literally opposite sides of your screen. I'm not sure what should make me care that my opponent gave +3 attack to one of his guys on the left side of the board, when all i can do is interact with the middle and right side. This was somewhat an issue in artifact 1, but it's become 10x worse in Artifact 2 since any lane can be played at all times

    Another issue is the way turns work. I thought Artifact 1 was somewhat slow with switching between players all the time, but Artifact 2 feels even worse in this. The switching turns is not neccersarily bad, but it slows the game down to a crawl when there are many options to consider. a "turn" where both players end up spending all their mana could often last minutes.

    Finally, nothing you do in this game feels good. In the Pokemon Trading Card Game when you get your Blastoise out, it's amazing because you can suddenly break the rules of the game and use as much energy as you like on your pokemons instead of 1 per turn. In Hearthstone it feels amazing when you pull off a crazy combo that clears the opponents board and fills your own. In Artifact 2, everything feels 1/3 as good, because of the 3 boards. I can use all my mana on destroying every minion, but nobody really cares because there is still 2 more boards left to play.

    Overall, I'm really dissapointed and had hoped for something better. Hopefully the game improves as it's nearing release, but as someone with 83 hours in Artifact 1, it tells me a lot when i've played 7 matches of this and think i had enough.

    These are my current thoughts on Artifact 2.0. I would love to hear you guys opinions, and see if im the only one that feels this way. This post is not intended to bring more negativity to the subreddit, so sorry if it feels that way

    submitted by /u/Metalhand1000
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    I started a drafting series on youtube for Artifact 2.0! I like drafting mode!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Feel free to check it out! I try to do as much narration as possible about what strategies. I am thinking about! (it is not always easy) I have classical music after the first video! I go by the name zoopub on youtube and twitch I am certainly not good yet but at least I start ranking up!



    DRAFTING MODE IS A GOOD IDEA! (giving my personal feedback on the mode now)

    I enjoy the game so far and I think fun placeholder mode untill a more competitive limited mode comes out. It is actually way more competitive/fun than some people make it out to be, and an excellent way to learn all the cards especially in a limited format (no crazy synergies, but you can still sync up hero abilities!!) I also like that each slot in your draft has a role that only certain heros are viable, so even pugna who not many people like including me, can still play an important 5 role in a red deck. (Im just speculating not endorsing this strat ) It took my a while to get competitive in the mode i went 10-40 in my first 50 games but i still had a blast and learned a lot. (before they balanced the matchmaking) It feels really nice when you have an understanding of everything going on. It has a nice game flow and you really do feel like your commanding a moba match. Anyway cheers let me know if you have any questions!

    Also I noticed a big turning point in my gameplay when I noticed I needed to make sure I was doing plenty of tower damage, It is very important. "control" will only get you so far.

    I am not saying Draft mode is the best mode ever, nor does it replace other competitive limited modes that I enjoy more, but I think it certainly has its place in the game, and I have enjoyed it for beta testing/learning purposes!

    submitted by /u/ZoopUniball
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    So I was aiming for level 200 to unlock the Lich icon in 1.0...

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    And I got in!! I guess im 1-14, didn´t have it 14 hours ago so I guess that we had a new wave...

    Good luck to all 0-15s


    submitted by /u/djrillox
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    Hey valve, it's me, ya boi. Do you think you could start doing invites once a week instead of randomly? So I don't have to check my steam every day to get my hopes dashed? Cheers

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    Or just ya know... Invite me <3

    submitted by /u/4headEleGiggle
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    Howdy folks

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    Im making a video essay of dota, artifact and valve but I need some more information on the artifact scene, if anyone wants to help out dm me. Ill give you all the details. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/SF-13
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