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    Sunday, June 7, 2020

    Artifact - Stream with Artifact developer Eric Tams

    Artifact - Stream with Artifact developer Eric Tams

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Stream with Artifact developer Eric Tams

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Artifact 2 will be the defining event of 2020.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    When people remember staying inside during the events of 2020, the memories of the virus or the riots will be secondary to the real reason they stayed inside: playing Artifact 2. It is the event that renders all others redundant.

    Valve has come under criticism for not acknowledging the Black Lives Matter movement, as is fashionable for every corporation to do. Perhaps the most prominent example of such in videogames is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which displays a Black Lives Matter message before the title screen and in place of every loading screen. It is simple to explain the difference here: the people playing CoD actually have lives, which cannot be said of the "people" playing on Dota or Dust II unironically in 2020. Valve has long been a proponent and exemplar of the post-lives-mattering world vision, especially when it comes to their fans.

    Artifact 2 is designed with the foremost intention of invalidating every specific complaint everyone ever had about Artifact 1. When they are eventually allowed to play it, those who hated Artifact 1 will either love Artifact 2 or they will eke out some vague gibberish reiterating their resentment of the whole title, behind which you will again readily see that they are dumb, and poor, and do not care particularly much about card games or things that are not immediately popular, which is the background (if not the entire essence) of their complaints about Artifact 1. But the game will now enable them to remain poor, at least, which is very important to them.

    The key risk of Artifact 2 failing is that it throws down such a gauntlet in terms of design and monetization (no buying cards), such a massive flex, that it may be unanswerable, and maybe most will not even try to answer it since there is no marketing to confront them. But ultimately I believe in the goodness of the human spirit and that progress is possible, so I expect every life that matters to be playing Artifact 2 by the end of 2020. If this doesn't happen, and Valve abandons the game again, you know what to do.

    Thank you, and God Bless America.

    submitted by /u/IshizakaLand
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    We need to be less hostile towards criticism

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    So people are getting invited left and right, and even though it appears most people are content with the changes there are quite a few who are not. We've seen several posts appear, some of which constructive and some of which not, that claim they did not enjoy Artifact 2.0.

    If we keep collectively downvoting these posts we'll shun them from the subreddit and create an ecosystem of memes and positive posts(like what happened to r/LegendsOfRuneterra - which is all memes now), but I think right now would be a great time to have a dialogue instead.

    Just don't immediately downvote posts expressing critique. If we want Artifact 2.0 the best game it could be then we should try to look at it from all sides.

    submitted by /u/Gloriouspieps
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    Meanwhile over at SUNSfans twitch chat

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    Finally got the game! Here are some first impressions and a link to my stream!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I have been part of this community since play artifact (the non official artifact reddit for artifact before this one) was around and since i got a copy of the 2.0 beta a few days ago i decided i should share some of my first impressions of the game. I have experience in MTGO/MTGA/Scrolls/Hearthstone/eternal/gwent. Please stop into my twitch stream to ask questions and talk about the game. https://www.twitch.tv/zoopub I plan on playing this game a TON because it actually is ADDICTING which is the best news :) (i read the rules, i think its ok i put my twitch stream link here but i can take it off if thats a problem i do not think i have ever shared it before and they have it on the right of the reddit a lot)


    1. The game runs GREAT no real bugs in terms of functionality mostly just interface stuff missing which is kinda neat to see mostly. I got my notepad taking notes :)
    2. They added so many new cards it feels like an expansion set. The card counts are probably very similar but it does feel like a whole new set because all of the cards are reworked, but many are similar to before. Some cards are gone.
    3. All of the heath and attack values have been reworked. Lanes now have only 5 slots each. Much less rng with creep/hero deployment/and targeting. You play all lanes at same time before combat. All of these changes have worked together to create a more manageable experience. I thought this might feel 'nerfed' or something, however this is actually my favorite part so far. Controlling the board now makes sense. Honestly this is the most exciting part is to actual have a board in front of you where you are making meaningful decisions. I felt like this was lacking in all the rngness from before in 1.0 (and i liked the rng xD)
    4. Reworking the mana/card costs. Again this just makes everything feel more meaningful and manageable. I feel like i am making a meaningful decision with each card and the costs seem more reflective of the impact in the game (and we are not even at the balancing stage yet, its just the way it feels in game) Also the mana cruve makes a ton more sense now. even though you still start with 3 mana the way mana is distributed to all lanes just makes everything feel better somehow (its hard to put into words) Thankfully they kept it so most cards are dependent on having a like color hero in that lane which i think is still really good for deckbuilding and was a great idea from the original.
    5. They kept almost everything i wanted to them too from 1.0 All the hero chat wheels are there. The art direction and menus are all the same. Most of the art is retained but it seems they have some improved art but i could be mistaken (not talking about the placeholder art which is also REALLY FUNNY xD, i love it!) They have a really good idea what did work and what did not.
    6. The pacing is GOOD. Ths should be obviously because you have much less mana and play on all the lanes at once. But it just feels much FASTER, something i didn't really give much consideration, but if feels great.
    7. Only basic and commons when you start hero drafting! (in the hero draft mode they are trying, it is pretty fun) You earn more cards as you go! You pool from both players cards so if both players are new you have very basic cards. Im not sure how i like this way of doing things but i do like learning how to play this way, and the grind is kinda fun. Just not the best for competitive drafting i think, but thats fine! It also seems like the mode is ranked so im starting to take it more serious and less experimental.
    8. Red and Black cards seem just as important as before. Red -> Black -> Green -> Blue in terms of strength of laning. Im sure the cards are also better the other way around! Pa is super strong though with 8 damage on hero turn one. Bounty hunter as well has 7 so is good. The lanes have defined roles thanks to deployments not being randomized. Which is going to make more meaningful decisions with deck building.
    9. Chat wheel buff because you have your whole cast of character on one stage :D :D :D honestly one of my favorite parts i often am loling at the heros. AXE HAS THE BEST CHAT WHEEL!
    10. The store feels good! The mechanics seem a little unclear right now and it is populated very randomly but I think the direction is better than before, just need a little more understanding on how it works exactly. (odds and how its populated, but in terms of gameplay and flow and impact it feels very very good)

    I am not one to shy away from negative feedback but for this stage there is a lot to be excited about... ill try to keep posting more insights here! :) I do give my endorsement that game feels very clean and enjoyable enough to allow as many people into the client as possible, especially long haulers! They will love it!

    submitted by /u/ZoopUniball
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    A discussion on Replays

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    I am truely glad they implemented replays in Artifact 2.0. It's something that should have been in the game since the start. For those not in the Beta yet, the replay functions almost like a full video of the game where you sit through the time taken for players to consider their options and see them hovering over different cards. You do have the option to skip to the start of a specific round though.

    While the current system does give you the live experience and makes you feel like you're watching the game as it plays out, it is also very time consuming and can be tedious if the players spent a long time thinking. I would like an option where the replay goes on a play by play speed, where there's only a slight delay between each action.

    I'm curious if other people feel the same way.

    submitted by /u/TheMaverick427
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    Artifact 2.0 cards are complicated?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    First, I truly still believe Artifact is the best card game, I understand that this is only a beta, so my goal is just to try to highlight my concerns with Artifact 2.0.

    I find understanding cards effects is much harder compared to Artifact 1.0 when I started playing it, or to any other games like Hearthstone or LoR. Most cards has many effects/conditions that I think it will make the game harder to understand, not mentioning the way it is descried on the card.

    I have 234 Hours play time in Artifact 1.0, so I think if its that hard for me it will be harder for new players who just started to play Artifact for the first time, for example, on many cards I had to read it multiple times just to understand its effects, you will find 5-6 lines of descriptions on many cards, when you reach the third or forth effect of the card, you already forgot its first effect.

    Artifact is still one of the best cards games I played, I just hope the developers don't rush the game, because some players will lose interests in the game if 2.0 did not reach their expectations when they start playing it.

    submitted by /u/jaraxxuas
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    unlocking cards and constructed in Artifact 2.0

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Hi, sorry, this is a dumb question, but I can't figure out how to play constructed in Artifact 2.0, and if/when I will unlock the full collection. I can see players looking for people to play constructed against in chat, but I have not found the option to play constructed :(

    submitted by /u/BottleAged
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    Increasing Starting Mana

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    I think starting mana will be 5 or 7 and increasing by 1. Maybe that will bring back 2 card draw. I want 2 card draw back because its unique and 40 cards per deck and drawing by 1 each round seems we have overload decks to me. What you guys thinking ?

    submitted by /u/michaelrose7777
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    are there good sources for card review?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    i saw kiwi saying she did one with somebody, but i can't find the video

    submitted by /u/miked4o7
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