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    Artifact - patience from long haulers

    Artifact - patience from long haulers

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    patience from long haulers

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    just got in so i make this quick one while waiting for install

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    My very first game in the beta, and it's against SUNSfan

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    Some feedback about live draft

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    The main game mode available right now is live draft where you and your opponent choose what heroes to put in your deck and the game automatically includes the remaining cards.

    As the cards generated are likely to be random (without player agency), this mode is very skewed towards drafting heroes with good stats. 8 out of 8 games I played have red heroes in it. Blue feels especially weak as you don't get to choose what control cards to add in your deck (IDK if annihilation/at any cost still exist)

    Right now live draft is just a red/black red/green or monored fest. Did anyone ever win with a monoblue deck yet?

    Furthermore not all the heroes are available for live draft so we keep seeing the same Axe/Sven/Timber/Treant/PL over and over again.

    submitted by /u/theRealBlob
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    Artifact 2 Beta OST Soundtrack | Campaign & Hero Draft

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    Leaderboard* 107lvl without abuses and SMS

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    What's your opinion about the 1.5 card draw per turn in constructed?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    I really like Valve's approach on this matter.

    "Two cards draw is too many for the single mana pool, and one card draw feel lacking in the later turns. So let's try make it 1.5 instead."

    I think it is the right amount. Now aggressive decks won't run out of cards in hand too fast. By the time we reach turn 10, we will see at least 15 cards being drawn from our deck, and if you play blue control you could draw more than half of the deck.

    Having more cards to play means more options. It's surely a good thing. Why play card games if you have no card in hand and have to rely on luck in topdeck mode? (I mean, when you run out of card and have to play the sole card you draw each round. It felt really bad and is one of the main reason I stop playing some other card games).

    submitted by /u/Man_Santichai
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    Something flickering all over the screen

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Anybody else had anything like this? It happens almost constantly https://streamable.com/r2eogx

    submitted by /u/Hareeb_alSaq
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    Any beta testers on Linux or macOS?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Have Valve released 2.0 Betas for all platforms or just Windows for now? Have anyone who primarily played on another platform previously received an invite?

    submitted by /u/antennen
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    Need some advice peeps

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'd like to get some pointers to get better at drafting. My skill rating is 12, I usually feel like I have a decent deck, but somehow I lose most of my first games after doing well early.

    So what can I do or what do I have to absolutely look out for to get better?

    submitted by /u/Captain_Gardar
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    Something is missing

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    I just cant put my finger on it but i feel like something is missing in this game rn. After ninja wave my brother got the invite and i had a chance to play some. First of all i didnt like the artifact 1.0 so i am not defending it should be like it. But there is some missing pieces. Feels like lack of identity. I dont know exactly but getting bored after three games is not a good sign. Prolly its just me. Gonna experiment tomorrow and my friend coming Monday for further experimentation. I hope to write a helpful review after that. Good luck on next invites!

    submitted by /u/Boushieboi
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    How to implement jungle (and possibly, by iteration, Roshan) in Artifact 2.0!

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    1. Make each lane have 7 slots instead of 5

    2. Only the central 5 slots can dmg tower

    3. The two extreme slots in each lane will spawn neutral creeps every two rounds. These slots make up the jungle. The same creep will spawn for both you and the opponent

    4. You can spend mana to move a unit into the jungle

    5. In the jungle, you can either kill the creeps to gain resources, or you may choose to move into the neighboring lane at the cost of your unit's stats, depending on the creeps abilities (You can't just walk into a creeps house as you please)

    6. Jungle is obscured by Fog of War. Creeps are revealed to you only when your unit enters one of the jungle slots (controversial mechanic that needs testing). Mainly to prevent Chen and HoD being overpowered.

    7. You can move between lane 3 and lane 1 using the jungle (the extreme left and right slots on the board)

    8. if there are two heroes in the same jungle, standard rules of combat besides tower DMG abilities apply.

    9. Tower improvements do not work in the jungle since it's not under a tower's influence

    submitted by /u/LoL_is_pepega_BIA
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    Item and Courier System

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    We know that the courier system right now is a patch, and there needs to be a way to make it better.

    A way to implement would be to have items to be free (right now they cost 1 mana to equip), but to have a courier button that cost 1 mana each turn to enable the possibility to equip items.

    So you buy items, you pay 1 mana for the courier (probably a quicken action) and then you can equip the items to your heroes.

    This would imbalance a bit the equipment of items since they all cast 1 now, but it would be a start that can be further improved on.

    How do you feel about this idea?

    submitted by /u/Kopeje
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    Another (cool) and nice way to do hybrid mana

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 07:36 AM PDT


    Each tower starts with 1 mana, not auto-increasing (max 3 per tower) (if 0, +1 next round).

    General mana starts with 1, increasing.

    After a round, drag unspent general mana to a tower, one by one (add max 1 mana to a tower in a round).


    You can drag max 3 times (most of the time less). Dragging from anywhere on mana tab to tower one by one is very simple and intuitive (click&click is possible too), will work great on mobile as well. Tower mana is spent first, and is stored if not used up. You drag unspent mana after the next round preperations are done (when 0 mana towers already have gotten their +1 added).

    This mitigates mana issues to a good degree, and adds more depth to the game (opponent sees which tower you place your unspent mana, predictions happen, but maybe they baited me?).

    There is small incentive to play cards in every round (since you get +1 to a tower if it has 0), but first few rounds hand rng and need for mulligan still decrease a lot.

    (There are disadvantages with any hybrid approach of course. The UI is more messy, game more complex, not instantly obvious which cards and where you can play, at least for new players.)

    (Yes, this was originally inspired by LoR's spell mana. But works different enough and doesn't seem related.)

    submitted by /u/Arachas
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    My initial feedback (sent to Volvo). Not impressed (yet)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    These are my initial thoughts after playing a few games of artifact 2.0 and also a review that I also sent.

    Anyone else in the beta who have opinions on this or other impressions not mentioned?

    First few game impressions

    1. Profile

      1. Semi hardcore (former?) neckbeard in my 30s. Preference for "competitive" games
    2. Good

      1. I like that I choose how to allocate my resources (mana, cards)
      2. The new shop design is cool. I'm not sure I like the idea of fixed value items/items themselves, but the design structure of the shop is great.
    3. STRONGLY dislike

      1. Games are too short
        1. I don't get to make enough decisions within a single game. It makes me feel much less invested.
        2. Tower HP is way too low. It causes a lot of problems (Heroes with +10 claymore for example will kill 50% of the tower in one hit).
        3. There is no "Tug of war" feeling. Lanes are frequently dominated within the context of a single turn.
      2. Too few actions each combat round. While there are plenty of options (I would like even more so through multiple card draw) I have extremely limited resources to spend them.
    4. Dislike

      1. Creeps are incredibly weak and uninteresting.
      2. Limitation of five units way too small. It vastly limits strategic options.

    Overrall is has the potential to be a game I greatly appreciate, but I think it would require some significant changes in design vision for me to stay around. I hate summarizing it like this because I come off as an elitist jerk, but it feels like it's going the route of a "mobile game" where depth/complexity is sacrificed for the purpose of availability and shorter game length.

    submitted by /u/JudgeAsshat
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