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    Monday, June 15, 2020

    Artifact - It is Moonday my dudes~

    Artifact - It is Moonday my dudes~

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    It is Moonday my dudes~

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Red Hero Review

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    What does a true long-hauler do when the invites are coming?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    More Datamining - Old 2nd Set, Voice Lines, and more

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:42 PM PDT


    While the following files have been taken from the beta files, they are not guaranteed to be upcoming content. There is a lot of old 1.0 files still left in the beta files. I checked with the devs and Eric Tams even said that this is stuff he's never even seen(1, 2). I will keep my speculations in quote boxes.

    Edit: It seems that my puush isn't wanting to upload images too reliably. Ill replace the links with imgur ones where I can. Let me know if you find broken links.



    !DISCLAIMER! This is a very old text file. Eric Tams said its probably from 2018 and that he hadn't even seen it before. It includes 1.0 cards and heroes that are in the 2.0 beta currently, so consider it very out of date at the least.

    Heroes: Belasanno, Emperor Galanius, Mazzie, Spirit Breaker, Abaddon, Dark Willow, Juggernaut, Magnus, Vengeful Spirit, Lina, Oracle, Alchemist, Knogh, Lion.

    Full list with cards and rarities


    !DISCLAIMER! If the set02 cardlist file was old this ones even older. It contains cards used in testing and for dev uses.

    Also contains stuff that look like explorations of what a hero would be.



    I noticed that some of the card designs in the developer_cards file seemed to match up with card art I found previously. I've matched them up here.

    This means that a lot of the card art I found earlier probably isn't for the 2.0 beta!

    Cards and their art all have IDs. 4 Digit IDs seem to be the base cards of 1.0, 10000 thru 10599 seem to be Call To Arms cards. 10600 thru 14157 seem to be various unused card art and 2.0 beta MSpaint art. Note that there is not a file for every single ID; there is 567 card art files in the set01 Full_art folder.


    Hero - 2/6


    After the combat phase, add a <Spiderling> to your hand.


    Creep - 1/1

    Black 1

    Spawn Spiderlings


    Black 3

    Modify an enemy with 'Death Effect: Summon 2 <Spiderling>s for your opponent.'

    Observer Ward

    Common Improvement

    Blue 2

    Play Effect: Draw a card.

    Before the combat phase, reveal a random non-revealed card in your opponent's hand.

    Activate (Flesh Golem)

    Active Ability

    Give all enemies -2 Armor and -2 Attack until the end of their next combat phase.

    Flesh Golem

    Creep - 3/5

    Black 6

    Active Ability (3 cooldown): (24029).

    Future Sight

    Uncommon Spell

    Blue 2

    Draw a card. Lock the drawn card for 1 round.

    Draw a card. Lock the drawn card for 2 rounds.

    Draw a card. Lock the drawn card for 3 rounds.

    Literally A Gold Mine

    Uncommon Improvement

    Black 4

    After you draw a card, get 2 gold.

    Hill Troll Priest

    Common Creep - 2/4

    Green 2

    Play Effect: Heal THIS_CARD_NAME's allied neighbors 4.


    Uncommon Creep - 1/2

    Blue 2

    Play Effect: Disarm THIS_CARD_NAME's combat target this round.

    Bloodied Veteran

    Creep - 3/4

    Red 4

    Armor 1

    Unbloodied Cadet

    Common Creep - 1/3

    Red 1

    After THIS_CARD_NAME takes damage, {give THIS_CARD_NAME 1 charge. If THIS_CARD_NAME has 3 or more charges, transform it into a <Bloodied Veteran> and fully heal it.}.

    Ghastly Eyrie(1, 2)

    Uncommon Improvement

    Blue 2

    After the combat phase, transform allied <Melee Creep>s into <Court Sorcerer>s.


    Found in the file directory for 1.0 card and lore voice lines. Has conditional voice lines if it is played when your Ancient is exposed, or your opponents ancient is exposed.



    These files can be used in various things such as Imp props or card effects such as Emissary of the Quorum's cube.


    Files for what looks to be an event with game modes in 1.0

    • Check out this post by u/isceruth for the most interesting stuff. The following is just smaller, less interesting files.

    • Astrolabe renders(1, 2)

    • Chaos Alter textures(1, 2)

      They both have the same UV layout so it would make sense that they use the same model. Could mean this is something that you can upgrade, or that it changes as you unlock things.

    • A lot of Gem stone textures(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) There are lots of these in various geometric shapes and colors.

    • Astrolabe planet UI sound effects.

      If the planets are buttons you click on I would guess this event has different "areas" of stuff happening on each planet. Could be different puzzles, different card unlocks, who knows.


    • Hacking Mechanic - Found in a text file for status effects such as Stunned, Silenced, Locked, etc.

      Could possibly be the mechanic behind changing a card's color.

    • Card backs and card back icons(1, 2, 3, 4)

    • Kamikazee card sound effect found in 1.0 folder

    • Slip Into Shadow card sound effect from the set02 expansion(1, 2)

    • Ability Draft, found in UI folder(1, 2)

      This doesn't look like anything to do with Artifact but it's there for some reason

    • Various Radiant flags(autumn, blue, coloseum, desert, newyear, spring, winter)

    • world map

      Campaign temp art perhaps

    • 3D map that Ive imported to blender. Source file here

      Looks like its intended to be a board or a tactical map type thing rather than a world sized map.

    • New Mutation card particles

    • Misc sfx(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

      Sound like they're from an RPG. Drew Wolf's website where there is some concept art for Artifact says that the art was made for an untitled co-op RPG. Perhaps Artifact started out as an RPG rather than a card game)

    • Old dev art(1, 2)

    submitted by /u/JakeUbowski
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    What if instead of "Tower Mana", we had something else; "Hero Mana".

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Not sending an e-mail, just kinda spitballing it out in the group.

    Hero Mana solves many issues that Tower Mana does, while still being something that holds you back from casting 20 spells a turn.

    Just as an example, without any sort of "This is how it should be": Red Heroes have 1 Hero Mana as a base, Green and Black have 2, and Blue has 3. Using an ability, equipping an item, or using an item uses up the Heroes' mana, while casting spells (including Signature Spells) uses regular mana. If the player so chooses, they can then start spending "Ancient Mana" to use more abilities/give more items/whatever.

    What this does

    • Hero Mana gives the Heros the ability to equip items and use abilities without preventing you from casting spells. This would allow you to cast a spell using your own mana, and then activate the Heroes as you can via putting items on them or using their abilities.

    • Hero Mana forces you to choose between if it's time to use an ability or equip an item, or even use an items ability. This also allows further balancing by granting weaker heroes more Hero Mana while stronger Heroes are given less. This is not extremely disruptive to the flow of the game, since most of the time your character ability will be on cooldown so you can choose to use the ability and then start equipping, or equip and then use the (potentially more powerful) ability.

    • Since you would be able to drop "Ancient Mana" from the current mana pool into certain heroes to activate abilities, this creates "Carry" roles that you can build a deck around, opening up a form of Econ. You could have an Auntie-Mage or Storm Spirit bouncing around into the different lanes dropping a ton of stuff turn after turn, but you lose pretty much everything for a turn if that character gets taken out.

    • This also helps diversify the different items and what colors want what, while also allowing for more interesting builds. Red Heroes, since they have the one Hero Mana, typically want stuff like Claymore that just boosts stats since they can't activate very many items anyway. Blue Heroes with their whopping 3 extra mana per, are able to equip more usable items since the mana costs aren't as detrimental to them. Then naturally you could start balancing around that, giving characters like Pugna 2 mana or characters like Ogre Magi 1-2 themselves. Then when items like Armlet of Mordiggian gets added in, do you give it to a Red Hero that can handle the health drain but can't do anything else, a Blue Hero to have more attack while still doing other stuff, or a Green or Black Hero since they can hopefully survive or avoid the retaliation respectively?

    • This also opens up design space since you can have characters like Crystal Maiden who gives mana back to the Heroes, while also having characters who steal mana from Ancient or even give mana back to Ancient.

    • Lastly, this also solves the problem of people frivolously using abilities to pad out the turn timer, since if you're going to waste you're "free" ability that has a 3-4 turn cooldown timer, you're kinda SOL until it recharges.

    Edit: The overall goal is to make Heroes more self-sufficient so that you can actually play the cards you have in hand instead of having to "micromanage" these legendary Heroes fighting in the War of the Ancients. Don't get me wrong, some characters, like say Chen, Arc Warden, Meepo, and Enchantress, would absolutely be micromanagable simply because that type of gameplay should exist for those that want it. As of right now, it seems kind of silly that you tap out for 5 mana and your Heroes just stand around doing absolutely nothing.

    submitted by /u/Slarg232
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    Do you think A2.0 fixed its shortcomings?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    This is a question to the beta testers out there. Do you think artifact 2.0 has resolved the shortcomings and failures of the original release?

    Yes the fanboys will love it no matter what (the 1000 that were still playing the game for the long haul) however, there was a reason this game didn't take off.

    Some said it was because it wasn't FTP, okay fine make it FTP. That's not the only reason it didnt take off.

    What did you feel needed to be fixed in 2.0 and do you think they have / are able to address these issues for a re-release?

    submitted by /u/Darwing
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    Should i sell or keep old cards?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    i don't know if 2.0 is going to get a seperate release or do they forge together at one point? So do i keep or sell old cards and i don't want to play 1.0 anymore(even if its just a small amount of money)

    submitted by /u/eXtectiX
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    Artifact 2.0 Beta | The Lost Art

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Just hit Immortal after 90 games, going 64-26 (71%)

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    I think it's a pretty meaningless achievement as of yet, but still made me kind of excited and I wanted to share that.

    If anyone has any questions about the climb, or just the game, I'll be happy to answer below.

    submitted by /u/scantzor
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    Be careful when doing the hero survey, the scores are BACKWARDS. (1 is highest score, 5 is lowest)

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Artifact 2.0 Beta | Lady Anshu (uncovered) voice lines

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Constructed Decks in Artifact 2.0 Beta

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Constructed Decks in Artifact 2.0 Beta

    I have been playing the beta for a few weeks now and have been enjoying constructed mostly. I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of decks people have been creating, so I thought I would share some of my favourite decks I've made and hopefully others can share theirs so other people can try them. My decks are mostly built around trying to achieve some funny combo, so many of them have been including some blue since that is the colour I've found has the most combo potential. I am pretty sure that my decks are pretty bad or at least has room for improvement but I do think they are pretty fun to play. Anyway here are my decks.

    Fractured Exorcism


    This deck is all about setting up multiple Fractured Timelines and using Death Prophet's signature card Exorcism with to basically oneshot a tower or ancient. The point is to stall with some controllish cards like Annihilation and March of the Machines and then do the combo. Have only played a little and I think I've lost more than won with this deck, but at least it's fun.

    Card List: Fractured Exorcism

    Kanna Devour

    Deck Code: RTFACTJXoM4bkCBU+VyQQsGqq7ApFjAXIBpgGtAkhUYwK3BomBsgo4AWthbm5hIGRldm91cg__

    As you may understand from the name, this deck wants to use Kanna's hounds as much as possible. The combo with Kanna, Prellex and Drow is really nice since the hounds can get pretty big. Most of the cards in the deck are about making big hounds or controlling lanes, since it can be possible to get the ancient pretty quickly in the Kanna lane. There are also some cards for saving the hounds like Living Armor and Rumusque Blessing.

    Card List: Kanna Devour

    Tusk Refresh

    The last deck I want to show is, as you can understand from the name, is about refreshing Tusk's Walrus Punch ability (which doubles his attack) to one-shot a tower or ancient. It mostly has cards that can buff in some way (probably too many of them, but as I've said before my decks aren't very optimized) to make sure Tusk gets a lot of attack. It obviously has Claymore as well, and Centaur Warrunner to give Trample. I should probably switch out one either Sven or Ogre Magi for Rix, Oathbound to get his signature card, but that would require changing other cards as well so I haven't done that yet.

    Deck Code: RTFACTJQQMJbkClkvsEwTuCgWnuwK1Ap9jAaQCAbQCYgGyBmwCeAGhAaUFeQF0dXNrIHJlZnJlc2g_

    Card List: Tusk Refresh

    So there are the decks I've made that I wanted to share, I hope some of you can have fun trying them out. Now it would be nice to see some other decks that I can try. Maybe you have the beta and tried making a deck or two? Or perhaps you've just tried an online deck maker to see what you could create? Or maybe you've seen a fun deck on a stream that is worthy of sharing. No matter what you got, I am interested in seeing it!

    submitted by /u/NaitMare
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    I have been trying to love this game, but it's lacking something.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    I get really bored after 1 or 2 games, I have been playing tutorial only and there is so much thing happening and nothing is explained.

    I have a list of thing I hate about the game, should I write it here? or is there a place to show it to the developers?

    I have bought artifact as soon as it got released and I don't regret buying it even though it was a failure or a game. I don't want the beta to be the same.

    submitted by /u/MeNoSpeakAmericano
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    Jebaited by Valve

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:32 PM PDT

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