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    Tuesday, March 19, 2019

    Artifact - The 17th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Artifact - The 17th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    The 17th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Ready the questions! Feel free to ask anything (no matter how seemingly moronic).

    When the first hit strikes wtih desolator, the hit stirkes as if the - armor debuff had already been placed?

    There's no desolator in this game yet.

    submitted by /u/VRCbot
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    Gaben in 2018 "Artifact is the best card game we can build"

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 09:58 AM PDT

    Valve did not only fail with the game itself, but also with establishing a community for a genre that relies on communication a lot

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    A big reason why Card Games became popular in the first place is the social aspect, yet Valve did not even launch an official platform where players can communicate with each other. And no, Reddit is not a proper community platform and neither are Steam or Fan forums. People coming from other games are used to official Forums where you can find people to play with, talk about stuff like Deck Building and discuss a specific topic for longer than 2 days. What ruined the game was not only its Business Model or some Gamedesign issues, but also Valve for never doing any Community work.

    submitted by /u/AkaiMi
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    Dual Wielding

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    On 28/3 I'm refunding artifact you are welcome to join me

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 10:37 PM PDT

    I know it is futile and will be rejected but if we all do it together maybe we can send our message across, there are dozens of us, dozens!

    submitted by /u/Drozasgeneral
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    game worth buying now if i intend to play only with friends?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    we are looking for something to play because not always have time for dota 2 because of work. Anyone who loved dota since wc3 still playing artifact?will it be hard to readjust from arts to card game?

    submitted by /u/Mademan1137
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    At what is arguably rock bottom for the game, I just spent $40 to completely finish my Artifact card collection. That should tell you how I feel about the future of this game.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    Call me an optimist, a dreamer, naive...whatever. I'm sure some of them might apply. I still have hope for Artifact's future. After whatever big updates the devs have planned, Artifact will inevitably go up. Will it ever reach Hearthstone/MTGA levels of popularity and playerbase? No, it won't; it won't get anywhere close. But it will go up regardless, even if just a tiny bit, and it will remain a fun, challenging game. I still view Artifact as a brilliant game that died at the hands of a failed economic experiment and a rushed production deadline; as long as the core gameplay remains, I'll not give up hope that it can still be a good, competitive game in the CCG market.

    Yes, we're all tired of waiting. But, personally, I have plenty of other good games to tide me over while we wait. And I feel that whatever Valve has planned, it will be worth the wait.

    submitted by /u/Musical_Muze
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    Valve is asleep, post games they update to wake them up and update artifact.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    Poll Results/Analysis: What is most likely to get you to play Artifact (again or for the first time)?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 06:08 PM PDT

    If anyone wants to see themost recent stats for themselves, go here: https://www.strawpoll.me/17633178/r

    Or if you want to participate in the poll if you haven't yet, go here: https://www.strawpoll.me/17633178

    I did a dumb and used strawpoll instead of something with better statistics, so the sample size is at least 118 votes at the time of posting. In terms of demographics, this was posted in r/Artifact and r/Dota2 with a 50ish% upvote in this subreddit and a 20% upvote in DOTA's. Of note, there was about 26ish responses when I posted it on Dota's subreddit and I feel they are likely a small majority of the votes at the least (given they're a bigger community).

    As of 5:52 PM:

    • 118 participants want the game to go free to play
    • 116 want the game to have an expansion
    • 105 want a competitive ladder
    • 93 want it to be easier to go infinite
    • 73 want less RNG
    • 65 want the existing cards balanced
    • 50 want a campaign
    • 48 want cosmetics
    • 43 want more casual gameplay
    • and only 22 want a crafting system similar to HS/no marketplace interaction.

    Bc I used strawpoll, I don't know the actual sample size, but I think 140-150ish is a fair assumption.

    Surprising points for me is that RNG and more casual gameplay was much lower than I expected. I would say these and monetization are among the most common complaints I see about the game at its core. And the marketplace interaction was the least voted. Based on the results, I think its fair to conclude that the problem with the monetization isn't Axe or Blink Dagger coin, but with the boundary of actually being able to play the game: the $20 price tag and how hard it is to go infinite.

    In terms of gameplay complaints, I think this one was more obvious. People want more people playing, want more content, and want a competitive ladder. It seems the balance patch fixed at least some of the major issues in the base set and it has become less of a problem for people.

    In terms of non-gameplay components, they seem to be a nice-to-have instead of a need-to-have with the campaign and the cosmetics placing fairly low. Imp hats and card backs and Axe's with less clothes on sound enticing, but at the end of the day, I think everyone just wants to be able to play the game as much as they want and to have more game to play


    People want the game to be free to play and want more content (an expansion) and want to be able to play as much as they want (no ticketing).

    Problems that were previously a bigger focus like the marketplace monetization and core gamplay mechanics like RNG and card balance are less prominent.

    submitted by /u/cbjames
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    Artifact as a Team Game

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    I wish Artifact had been designed as a team game with 3 v 3. Each player controls a lane. Considering dota is a team game, and considering how playing with other people as opposed to just against other people eases the stress of play, I think Artifact could have been a great multiplayer card game.

    submitted by /u/soulfbass
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    Do the streamers that quit Artifact because it "isn't a good stream game" even play offline anymore?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 06:31 PM PDT

    Streamers play games offline that they wouldn't normally stream all the time, but do all those streamers that quit the game with the excuse that it doesn't have viewers even play the game ever anymore?

    At this point the "Artifact is just a niche game for the most competitive players" is a complete myth, hell the sub is getting "My first perfect run!" posts daily.

    submitted by /u/Dungold
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    I wonder whats the reason to play Artifact right now

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    Basically the game is in the same meta since release (4 months without any significant balance changes, lol. Nerfs to axe and drow don't count, smartasses) - boring to play. The current meta is not particularly bad, I think its quite balanced but valve seems to not know that online games needs to be updated from time to time, its not goddamn single player game.

    Absurdly small player base means that matchmaking will be more and more frustrating and same-opponent matches will be more frequent. I believe that in a month it will be problematic to even find balanced match.

    Zero communication from valve is simply pathetic right now. I don't even want to theorycraft anymore, Ill just assume at this point that valve doesn't give a shit and game is dead. If they change my mind I will be happy (spoiler: it won't happen cause valve is muted) I'm done explaining why it is wrong, it could work with Dota because it is well-established game with strong fundaments and they didn't have such big problems with it. Artifact is OVERWHELMINGLY NEGATIVE but they still think its ok to ignore customers and pretend everything is fine. No words.

    Lastly, there is only one base expansion right now, with decent, but pretty small amount of cards. No big space for experiments and funny decks. FOR 4 MONTHS. I wonder how anybody can play with the same cards for nearly half a year. I would have gone mad personally.

    PS. I am still big Artifact fan and I would gladly support it but at this point I dont care, valve literally shits on playerbase so I have no reason to defend them or pretend that things will be better by miracle. I would gladly see playerbase drop to 0 so Valve would need to make some official statement on such catastrophe

    submitted by /u/Vieku
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    The definitive balanced arrow fix ("my two allies are enough!")

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    You are on a battlefield, you see 2 of your allies attacking another unit, what do you think to yourself? "My 2 allies are enough, I'm needed somewhere else!"

    Or as Keefe would say: 🔊

    This rule applies for all automatic arrow assignments. Your units will simply never attack an enemy unit that is already attacked by 2 of your allies, by themselves, nothing else is changed. You can of course override this by giving your units more orders, with cards, items and taunt effects.

    This prevents 1 enemy creep being able to block 3 of your allies in a lane, which we all can agree is a weird scenario to happen. And adds some nice predictability in other scenarios.

    (P.S. No, I don't think the "Valve insider" leak is true at all. It has changes that don't make sense the more you think about them.)

    submitted by /u/Arachas
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