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    Friday, March 15, 2019

    Artifact - Before release, MATUMBAMAN predicted exactly how Artifact would go

    Artifact - Before release, MATUMBAMAN predicted exactly how Artifact would go

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Before release, MATUMBAMAN predicted exactly how Artifact would go

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    The art and sound design of this game is amazing

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 11:53 AM PDT

    Every card feels like it could be sold as a wallpaper and the music is beautiful. I haven't heard a single voiceline that felt out of place, and the imps are... there. I especially love the dynamic element of the music. 9 times out of 10 it switches to "tense mode" right on queue. I can't wait for more cards to be released

    submitted by /u/lactose_cow
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    Valve devs, take my energy

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 02:34 AM PDT

    This sub seems to me to have reached the attitude nadir. Lets flood this sub with positive thoughts and threads until volvo gives us 1.3 (2.0?).

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY DEVS ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    Id happily buy them some food and deece coffee but I don't know-how

    submitted by /u/NineHDmg
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    Please add an emote where the imps dab on Half-Life 3's grave.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    The imps already have animations where they summon items, like Dragon Knight's helmet or a siege creep. Make a tombstone (you can even reuse the model from Dota before Aegis activates) with "HL3" written on it, then have the imps dab while standing in front of it.

    I would pay for such an emote.

    submitted by /u/I-STAN-FOR-ARTIFACT
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    I'm not gay but $20 is $20

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    List of coolest interactions?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 10:20 PM PDT

    200 hours in today and I just got another moment of cool voiceline interaction between lich and vhoul martyr. When you play vhoul martyr in a lane with lich he will say: "do what you must, lich".

    I didn't play death and taxes deck much in the featured mode but so this is the first time i heard it. I thought i pretty much have heard everything but it seems like there is always more.

    is there a list of all the voice lines somewhere?

    submitted by /u/Disenculture
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    Valve entered the mobile market with Dota Pro Circuit

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    They also said there will be Artifact mobile later and I believe this Dota Pro Circuit is a preparation for later other mobile apps.

    submitted by /u/wjwdehao
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    If anyone wants to do some 1v1 draft together lemme know!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 02:31 AM PDT

    Oh wait, you can't do that. For real I'd get about 20 people into this game if you could just take a drafted deck and challenge an opponent.

    Otherwise I love this game. Don't hate me.


    A person drunk enough to really use the 'sincerely' thing at the end of a Post.

    P.S. I love you too happy Friday

    submitted by /u/Mercethecat
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    I really tried to like this game

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    But I regret wasting the money on it.

    First of there is the cash for cards, well, you know what you get into, I guess. But it gets just pay to win for some formats. You can't earn cards (Well it's topped off at a certain level). I still like that you can play for free, like drafting or the event. That's nice!

    The game mechanics itself. I really like the idea of 3 lanes, it's a nice change from most card duel games. The idea of the heroes is also nice. As well as buying the items in between rounds. Letting mana increase automatically (like Hearthstone) was probably needed since there are a lot of card types already, adding cards for mana would clutter it too much. I'm ok with that aspect. I also like that you have the 3 lanes with the 2 different win condition, winning in 2 lanes or winning big in 1 lane.

    BUT. The randomness, my god the randomness. It just breaks this game completely for me. Your initial heroes are random, and could be placed in such a situation that you can't save them at all. Which sucks. Then the creeps, also random, you can't choose which lane you want to go for. You can't choose where they are placed. And you can't choose the attack direction of any unit. This is all random. It removes so many tactical and strategical choices. It would be way better if this had more choice to it. I get it would add more time to the game, but it would add a ton of depth.

    Similar to Keyforge, you can only play cards of the color of a hero in the current lane. I get that, but sometimes you get hampered so much by it. It's not always clear what you can and can't do. And since heroes are easily wiped, in the middle of a lane battle you get blocked to play more cards you wanted to play. It sucks.

    I do like that you play sort of in the same turn. You can't counter anything, like in Magic, but it's not like Keyforge or Hearthstone where you can grab a coffee while your opponent is taking their turn, It feels somewhat reactive in that sense.

    It just made me realize that Magic is still the king in this duelling card game type. It has the suspense by every card you play or want to play. Will the enemy respond? Should I play this now or wait? Should I play this, so he counters it, so I can play my real thing? It just works better in all ways. It has some randomness, but it is toned down a lot. While Artifact is controlled by it, and for a more serious and competitive game, it's not fun. I found it out, since it is based on Dota, where there is no randomness at all.

    I recently found out that Magic the Gathering has release Arena, where you can play online MtG. And they do a lot of things better. You can always earn new cards, each few games you earn new cards. You also have the concept of a joker (like a rare joker, it lets you buy any rare you want). There are some areas still lacking, like the deck editor or playing with friends. But I hope they will improve that, the core is good!

    Just my 2 cents.

    submitted by /u/402PaymentRequired
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    blue&black revtel lane denial deck

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 01:26 AM PDT


    Here is a deck I'm playing with since I started with artifact. I enjoy synergistic win-more effects and stackable abilities. This has both lane denial, a strong late-game controlling plan as well as very explosive finisher. Explosive in both ways, you can win even though your heroes get killed 2 times in a row in all lanes but if you don't have the "powder" for it you don't get very far. It started with locking down cards but this was too inconsistent, so I went 100% into gold producing and before-action-phase effects.

    I tried to have a good curve so that I can use the early game without making the cards useless later one. You can see that the black cards are less reliant on lane placement, so that only 2 heroes are needed. Sometimes 2 is already too much and I play Gondar only for his signature spell. Necro became my choice before other black heroes because his signature spell is cheap as well and he has a strong controlling aspect which is why I also picked Ogre Magi. Lich is nice but the mana curve is already occupied with other expensive spells and the problematic matchups don't help much with him. Lastly Phantom Assassin doesn't work well with our control plan. We already have plenty damage dealing/killing effects and if we discard the wrong card we can most likely concede.

    Luna here plays his very strongly to her strengths because our games can get pretty long. In the early game you can snipe 7 hp heroes as well if you are lucky with At Any Cost. It also works nicely with Ogre and Necro. Earthshaker is good against other control matchups, especially green and green&blue. His spells allows us to win games consistenly even with Emissary on the board. Later on his stun ability can buy us time against red matchups which we can fend off suprisingly well because of our triple Vestures. It's not uncommon to win against Time of Triumph if it was cast in the second or third lane.

    After the staple of blue hardcontrol and our Revtel plan we have 1 cunning plan which helps us in the early game or as a free card draw later on. The glyph allows us to secure lanes, especially with the other 11 lane denial card. 2 steam cannons improve the draw consistency as a late game plan enhancement of pick off. 3 is too much while with 1 I felt I was drawing it too rarely since piercing damage really helps us out here. The Jasper Dagger is against stun effects, Apotheosis Blade and Horn of the Alpha are our finishers. The only Hourglass allows us to lock the player when we want to go off after we bought off the whole shop, which happens every so often. Around 90% of our wins we spend more than 100 gold.

    You can argue that you need more cards which give you initiative. Since most cards are used mostly for stalling, you are fine ending the turn without casting anything though. The thing you definitely want to cast as fast as possible is Hearstopper Aura on Necro.

    Our best matchups are mid range decks like red and green. Blue has mixed results even though we try our hardest to stay competitive. Black aggro is the hardest to fight against, most cards are useless and the hero killing doesn't allow us to generate enough gold. An early Vesture works wonders here but piercing hurts nonetheless.

    Why play this deck? I wanted to create a deck which fucks up other control plans and have access to the really strong item cards. You can stack all the effects which happen before the action phase so that other control players can't establish a board. So this deck tries to be a end all be all of stax and control which simultaneously avoiding the pitfalls of those plans so that regular control decks can't get a grip of our cards. Thank god I only rarely encounter Corrosive Mist.

    submitted by /u/Latirae
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    Looking for people to play 2 random color deck together

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    Title above. I don't care about levels/skill and such, but if you do: I'm draft lvl 71/constructed 0, profile level 31.

    If you're interested and stuff, shoot me a PM with your steam URL. Alternatively, post here and let's create groups and such.

    Peace ^^

    submitted by /u/FlameForgeD2
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    What do you expect for the next balance patch?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 08:17 PM PDT

    I wish they add options or counters against monoblue.

    submitted by /u/El_Gran_Osito
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    3 months after the balance changes, were the nerfs warranted?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    casual here, it might just be me, but I miss the presence that Axe had when he was in a lane.

    I know everyone hated cheating death, but I had no strong feelings one way or the other about this card, how do you guys feel about it

    submitted by /u/Watermelon420
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    Potential of artifact part. 2: Cosmetics of Items and effects

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    How Valve Can Save Artifact - TeamRankStar Edition

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    The reason why people say that Artifact is not fun

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Hello People,

    Looking through the subreddit and divers Steam comments, I realized that more and more people find Artifact not fun blaming basic gameplay features like arrow RNG, item shop, hero system...

    The interesting part is that those opinions only started emerging in the past 2 months. In November/December and even January the overwhelming majority agreed that the basic gameplay was great despite its complexity, but the game suffered from other huge problems such as bad monetization, lack of progression... Even more interesting, you see a lot of people with more than 100 hours of gameplay saying the game is just not fun which is quite hilarious.

    I think this shift in players's opinion is due to a lack of understanding of what is a CCG. People seems to think that a card game needs to have excellent basic gameplay and yet we see very simple games where you have very few control over the outcome of a game having tremendous success. In most games the fun relies on the basic gameplay, but in a CCG 80% of the fun comes from deckbuilding, innovating, adapting, experimenting and collecting. That is why card games relies a lot more on updates than other games, so obviously during a time when updates are on hiatus it's going to suck.

    Players feeling about "Artifact not being fun" is not due to basic gameplay feature like arrow, item shop or whatever. In fact, for someone who is a card game veteran, Artifact has far superior gameplay than most CCGs and yet without content and opportunities to deck build the game becomes far worst than most CCGs.

    Only one set with tons of useless cards and no update for almost 4 months? Look no further, no TCG can be fun after that no matter how good the gameplay is (and of course this only adds to initial issues the game had at launch).

    So my opinion is that Artefact gameplay is already better than most other card games and doesn't need to change drastically, we just need more cards, better balance, monetization and progression.

    submitted by /u/Thorrk_
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