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    Friday, March 29, 2019

    Artifact - Towards A Better Artifact

    Artifact - Towards A Better Artifact

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Towards A Better Artifact

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    Towards A Memeier Artifact

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    See u in 2020

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    As announcement says it will take them significant time to do anything and it took them 3 months to release just the statement so i guess update wont be coming this year for sure

    Till next year folks

    submitted by /u/dozensnake
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    "A Significant Amount of Time."

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 05:46 PM PDT

    Taking a break from Artifact streams - GrappLr

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 06:00 PM PDT

    If whoever is reading this will take one message away from this, it's that I love playing Artifact, and I think it's a great game. I've streamed the game since the first day it launched, and have streamed at least on average 6 days a week until today since then.

    That said and out of the way, I don't think I can keep interest in the current meta for another year +. With the original announcement of a "long haul" (announced 3 months ago), I assumed that we'd see a significant update within 6 months, give or take. That would have been around June/July. Waiting half a year for an update and enjoying the game until then sounded just fine for me.

    I'm still at a point where I enjoy playing artifact, and will probably continue to do so every so often off stream or on stream for significat tournaments, but I can't see myself streaming the game 4 hours a day, every day, for over a year, without any further updates during that whole time, and with probably more and more dying interest from the community. A card game like Artifact, with an established meta, needs occasional expansions, new cards, new mechanics, in order to stay fresh.

    To everyone who's watched me up until now exclusively for Artifact, thank you so much for supporting my stream. I have had an absolute blast hanging out with you guys for the last few months, I really have.

    I'll keep streaming other games, but I can't justify burning out on Artifact for another year + without any new content in sight.

    submitted by /u/GrappLr
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    Can a real beta be implemented this time instead of leaving us in the dark for "a significant amount of time"?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 06:10 PM PDT

    A good way to see how they change is to make a beta for the players who already own the game with a place in game to comunicate bugs and suggestions.

    And not make the mistake of using the "beta" private for a bunch of exclusive "pro" players or personalities and use it for promoting the game (and those with exclusivity to promote themselves)

    Also not having any news for who knows how is not good. We should have a way to comunicate with the team and also to test it so the best game can be achieved.

    submitted by /u/TanKer-Cosme
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    Valve, since we can't expect a big Update for +1 Year, make all Cards available for free and allow people to sell all Cards back to Valve

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    I think this would be a fair solution that would not require too much time. This way the game eventually does not completely die until its relaunch and will always have a few hundred players.

    submitted by /u/Eve_The_Witch
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    Valve, appreciate the communication but really disappointed.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 09:30 PM PDT

    Just release that expansion which you guys had it ready long back, so that the people who still play it and who paid for it have something to play for until you release the better Artifact. I am aware this won't increase the player base for you but, don't we deserve it?

    Remember we paid for it.. don't treat us as you treat "Free to Play" game players.

    submitted by /u/data_hungry
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    My Take on the News -VNN

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 05:30 PM PDT

    See you in 3020

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    What would be, for you, the most important changes to do in Artifact ?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    I'm interested in knowing what you guys think about this since Valve most latest news about the game (over here) : "Instead, we believe the correct course of action is to take larger steps, to re-examine the decisions we've made along the way regarding game design, the economy, the social experience of playing, and more. (...) we're excited to tackle this challenge and will get back to you as soon as we are ready. "

    What are they exactly aiming to fix ?

    What can be done to save Artifact ?

    ... is it possible ?

    Bought the game since launch and saw it's fall but never really understood why it failed the way it did. After all this time, are you able to pinpoint whats wrong and what can be done to get it back on track ?

    TL;DR What are the most important changes you would do to Artifact ?

    submitted by /u/crazy_pilot_182
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    ABL(Artifact bitcoin league) unique players monthly

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    I was told ABL has around 400 unique players monthly. Not bad for single playmode by a 3rd party tournament scene in a "dead" game. Shout out to the ABL organizers ,you guys rock!

    submitted by /u/Calikush916
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    "a Significant Amount of Time."

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    The long long haul, will be back once updated.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    Hey, was a fun ride. I love the game but with the lack of any big tournaments outside of ABL and no updates incoming, I feel like most of you guys and decided I will finally go into sleep mode until I hear back from Volvo. The 1mio+ is maybe, but probably not, happening at TI in August. Probably not even this year or if the game fails after the long haul relaunch, at all.

    Despite all the critics and reddits "toxicity" I actually really enjoyed most of the good parts of the community on discord. Mainline was genius, ABL is great, everyone else helped but vanished and now I feel like we are at a point where as stubborn as I am, it doesn't make sense to wait for Valve. I hope the hyper-long haul means 3months but it could also mean 6months or more. Whatever it means, I will be back once they ship that update/relaunch and gladly play with you folks. Maybe even play some ABL in April for the grand finals but thats about it.

    To everyone who stays active, kudos.

    Sunsfan thank you for your meme song, it fits this moment.


    submitted by /u/Draftaments
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    An idea for the future

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 10:01 PM PDT

    Most likely this is either very difficult to realise or Valve wouldn't even want this type of this, but I had a crazy idea for them to make more money and for us to have a cheaper game, so here goes nothing.

    I'd like Artifact to have weekly sets of rare customs, so it'd be like this:
    1. New sets every 3(2) months.
    2. There's new custom variants for each and every card (of the current set) in weekly packs. ("week 1" pack, "week 2" pack and so on)
    3. Amount of custom cards in the whole game is limited and tied to the amount of packs sold last week (let's say 3% for low hundreds, 5% for low thousands, 8% for mid thousands and 10% for anything more). So if previous week had 5000 packs sold, this week would have 5% of that, which would be 3000 custom cards. Each rarity would also have a chance percentage to be a custom card (higher chance for higher rarity, or the other way around if you wanna be really greedy).
    4. Valve will get all the customs from the workshop. And, what would be even better, they'd have a voting system for the set of weekly cards (more community interaction).
    This way custom card value would be always growing, market would blow the fuck up, and even if you enter the game late - you can still sell customs for a good price if you get lucky (cause each custom is valuable due to rarity).

    I'd like to hear any criticism of the idea or anything you think would make it better, cause who knows, maybe Valve will listen.

    submitted by /u/NiKras
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    B3H Secret Shop Closeout - March 30th - 4PM EDT

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 03:35 PM PDT

    The last B3H Artifact tournament of Q1 2019 is tomorrow. Come play for $50 in these quiet times. The calendar of tournaments for Q2 2019 will be posted on March 31st on the official website here. Since player numbers have fallen, you have a pretty good chance of winning $50. Ez money. Payouts are through PayPal.

    B3H Secret Shop Closeout

    Hosted By: B3H Artifact

    Prize: $50 Winner Take All

    Format/Rules: Draft

    Date/Time: March 30th - 4PM EDT

    Link: https://discord.gg/7XfXKZZ

    submitted by /u/B3HShady
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    Long haul...

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 04:59 PM PDT

    Given that Valve is making significant changes to Artifact, I sincerely hope that when Artifact v2 is ready, they will have a better Beta test plan

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    RE: https://playartifact.com/news/1819924505115920089

    Irrespective of what people think about "major" changes being made to Artifact, once Valve is ready to test these changes, I hope that they include a bigger pool of gamers to their beta testing and not just streamers/content-creators.

    Valve, if you are reading this, include streamers, content-creators, pro-players AND casual gamers to the beta testing.


    submitted by /u/rgkavodkar
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    Best feeling in the world

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    When your playing against a mono blue in global matchmaking and they constantly call you a noob all game and then they lose to their own glyph stunning their hero's into my ToT.

    gg loser

    submitted by /u/ScubaKlown
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    I believe in Gaben

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 07:46 PM PDT

    I feel like there are going to be a lot of people poking fun or claiming that "they were right" about Artifact being a dead game. Even people saying to sell your cards now before the prices plummet even further. The shit posting is hilarious, granted but wholly unnecessary. I have enough faith that Gaben will not let my worthless cards become absolutely worthless.

    Gaben pls

    submitted by /u/getbeats
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    Let's show that we believe in developers

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 07:19 PM PDT

    Recently, the developers told about global changes in the game, so let's go into the game on the weekend and play at least 1 game, showing them that we believe in the game.

    submitted by /u/Snupertm
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    Caught unprepared(green card) question

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Does caught unprepared still stun fully slotted heroes until they equip another item?

    submitted by /u/Calikush916
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    i`m here for looking for a streamer who was a artifact streamer

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 06:16 PM PDT

    hi ,i was watching artifact stream at 2018.11.29 and i watched a twitch streamer but i forgot her name i just know she speak english and she very cute What impressed me most was she wore a white coat and two japanese word on it (ねこ)

    sorry my english is`t very well ,just want to find her stream room

    if someboy knows it please tell me thanks!!

    submitted by /u/kevin930125
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