• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 17, 2019

    Artifact - In 3 days, 3 months will have passed since the balance patch.

    Artifact - In 3 days, 3 months will have passed since the balance patch.

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    In 3 days, 3 months will have passed since the balance patch.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 06:09 PM PDT

    A whole quarter of a year since the last movement.

    On thursday 21st, 3 months since the last tweet.

    I think 3 months of silence is enough.

    This is now not about "how to fix a 'failing' game", but about providing the dynamism that a live CCG is supposed to have.

    On thursday 21st Valve will speak to us, and we´ll get a glimpse of the roadmap.

    Edit: Apparently I got confused. I thought the mass modification of item costs matched the last post in https://playartifact.com. The assertion stands for the twitter, but there aren't 3 months between us and last patch. Bummer. I got excited there for a bit thinking the 3 month date could mean news for us.

    Keep the hopes up! In the meantime join the ABL Chaos Ladder it's really fun!

    submitted by /u/Tenchuu
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    Chronosphere Cup LAN - 10k Prize Pool Denver, CO

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    Hello Long Haulers,

    I understand that the game isn't exactly in its best state right now, but we have already committed to finishing this out, so that is what we are going to do. Maybe if we're lucky we have a fresh patch to actually play the tournament on!


    If you have any questions feel free to dm me on discord @NoControl#6573

    submitted by /u/NoControlGG
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    25$ Winner takes all constructed tournaments- Weekly, Wednesday 11AM PST

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    lets keep this beautiful game alive. tournament link will be found here on Wednesdays.


    submitted by /u/oren88vkiddo
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    Imagine artifact with perfect f2p like in dota 2 or cs!

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    Come on Valve, this game needs bigger community!

    submitted by /u/Mintowyy
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    The Long Haul Podcast: The evolution of Black/Red

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    Episode 05

    A look at the demographics of Artifact according to a recent analysis. We also dive into Black/Red as an archetype and its progression over time since the game came out.

    We record every Sunday at 4 PM CET. Join our Discord Server ; ask questions, join the cast!

    Follow and review us on all major podcast platforms!

    iTunes / Spotify / Podbean / TuneIn / Stitcher / YouTube

    Useful Links:

    Let us know what you think on Twitter too!



    submitted by /u/NineHDmg
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    Mod for Artifact with original card names

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    I know that our game is not in the best condition, but I still want to share my mod for it.

    My mod returns English names for all cards, if you don't want to use the game in English.

    Link: GitHub

    FAQ: in readme

    Install instruction in FAQ too

    Sorry for bad English. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free ask them!

    submitted by /u/GGwpAiushtha
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    Draft - You are presented with S+ hero last round with little to no supporting cards of that color

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 02:26 AM PDT

    Do you take it if you are working with 2 colors?

    Do you take it if you've already established 3 colors up to that point?

    submitted by /u/PooperJackson
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    Balance propose: assassin's shadow

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    Give assassin's shadow a Death Shield so it could be a counter to annihilation.

    submitted by /u/El_Gran_Osito
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    This would be a great time to update Artifact.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    Been playing a bunch of Magic Arena and with the release of the new expac somehow the meta has gotten even more stale. Every competitive deck feels like it pilots itself and there isn't a large variety. One of the things I like about Artifact is there's much more emphasis on playing the game vs building the deck, but it still has the issue of a stale meta.

    submitted by /u/Neveri
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    Potential of Artifact Part 3: Mechanics of the items sold and their update.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    This is the most delusional subreddit I have ever seen

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 04:24 PM PDT

    After 3 months of silence treatment from Valve people here are still for some reason defending them. 99.9% of playerbase had more honour and self-dignity than players that still play the game. Nowadays such behaviour from devs is UNACCEPTABLE and if Valve was some random indie company they would insta-bankrupt after such a failure, the only reason they can do shit like this is because they have billions of dollars and don't care at all. It is very naive to think that Valve listens to any posts that are being written here, especially if most of the posts are:

    -guys valve is cool just wait for overhaul which will make Artishit better than HS!!!11

    - guys valve sucks (these posts are at least true)

    - guys I have won draft with my Meepo deck, check it out on youtube and make sure to subscribe

    - guys I have new suggestion for a card. Valve pls add its very cool

    Seriously reading all of this is quite boring, I come here only for occasional good laughs and to watch this game dying and reaching 0 active players and even more delusional state among sub redditors who think that miracle will happen. Looking at this actitude by volvo, IT WON'T HAPPEN, you cannot compare them to CDproject Red and their Gwent which took 6 months to fix because they are company that actually listens and communicates to their playerbase. Valve only communicates when group of beta testers/buttlickers and popular streamers praise their game (which was a good deception because game seemed really cool at the beginning), if the problems occur they insta quit every forum and pretend that nothing is happening. I really hope people will remember Artifact and the Overwhelmingly Negative ratings on Steam so everyone will think twice before buying another valve game

    submitted by /u/Vieku
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    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 01:38 AM PDT

    This item is absolutely bananas for 10 gold.

    I'm okay with all of the lock cards which cost mana but being completely shutdown by this 10 gold item has cost me more games than RNG ever could.

    There is literally nothing you can do to play around this or prevent your opponent from buying one, and if a good flop permits it, you can have one at the end of round 1.

    submitted by /u/lapippin
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    reynad on his artifact prediction

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 10:46 PM PDT

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