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    Saturday, March 30, 2019

    Artifact - ~ Long Long Haul ~

    Artifact - ~ Long Long Haul ~

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    ~ Long Long Haul ~

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    If you actually like Artifact in its current state, your feedback is the last thing Valve needs for the remake

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    In a large enough population, no matter how shitty something is, it is inevitable that a tiny percentage of people will like it. For example, we have people who enjoy eating feces. We have people who enjoy stabbing themselves in their testicles. And finally, we have people who like the current version of Artifact.

    So for that exceedingly small group, please do everybody a favor and stop giving any kind of feedback or suggestions for the Artifact remake. We don't need to hear from you how the "core" of Artifact shouldn't change. Or how the RNG is "mostly fine". You are the 0.01% shit eaters.

    submitted by /u/palopalopopa
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    Why Artifact's Core Gameplay Shouldn't Change Much

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    [If you disagree with me, fine, but please at least disagree in a civil manner.]

    It's quite popular these days to gripe about the deployment RNG and the arrows and say those need to be done away with. While on the surface it seems that getting rid of those core RNG elements would create a game requiring more skill, the opposite is actually true. Doing away with those core mechanics would make the game more about the luck of the draw. This is because:

    1) Right now deciding which lane to drop a hero into is almost always a hard decision, every turn. You can see where the creeps are going to go, but you don't know placement, so it takes a lot of strategic thinking to decide where your hero might be most effective, what cards are in your hand to support possible plays, if you have initiative or if you can get initiative in a particular lane where you'll need it, etc. If you could choose how to deploy creeps, and if you could choose how your units attacked, the decision making process becomes very simple, the correct play each turn becomes obvious because you know exactly how you can place and manipulate your units. If the correct play for each player is obvious each turn, then the game simply comes down to who draws better cards, or who draws the right cards at the right time. In other words, it becomes all about luck.

    2) There is a huge amount of tension in Artifact about how to achieve victory. Destroy two towers in two lanes, or destroy one tower in the same lane twice. When to abandon a lane to try and make a push in the other two lanes, should you try and hold off your opponent in two other lanes and try and destroy the same tower twice. It's seldom an easy decision because of the creep deployment and arrows. If you didn't need to account for those RNG elements, it would become extremely obvious and easy when you should just push all your resources into one lane. If it wasn't for that RNG, you wouldn't need to think about the victory conditions too hard. If you don't have to worry about taking creep RNG into account to block your units, a lot more games would simply end in a snowball effect where one player gets an upperhand in one lane and just pushes all their resources into that lane. Again, a much less strategic game.

    This isn't to say there aren't RNG elements of the game that could be revamped. I just think that if you take away that core design, you end up losing most of the strategic tension in the game. You take away hard decision making, choices become obvious, decks are much easier to pilot, and the game would just come down to who gets the better draw.

    submitted by /u/Johnny_Human
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    Google Drive folder with all the Full Resolution* art for the cards in Artifact.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    • Full Resolution as in these are the full versions of the images in the in-game files. I know some cards got REAL full images during the pre-release, but not every card did.


    Decided to extract all the full card art from the game files after Valve announced they're going to be revamping the game to some extent. Just in case any current cards and their art got tossed out in the revamp, since I don't know of any comprehensive galleries for the full card art in Artifact. I know of some galleries for the cards themselves, not the art. The white borders seem to just be filler to make each image a standard 1024x1024 resolution.

    Have fun with them.

    Edit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MpfxODeQ4MH95FHbkL2AkUXnI-Zfx5tw and now the music too

    submitted by /u/Bravetriforcur
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    A recap of Artifact's history and Valve's failing to understand consumers

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 04:33 AM PDT

    So the course of this game has become for me a chain of events that keep providing evidence Valve has absolutely no idea how to interact with its audience, or know what they want for a game. I'm going to describe accurately how Artifact has come to what it is now and comment on it in phases.

    Phase one:

    • A cryptic climactic teaser is shown during Dota 2's annual TI event. Everyone looks in awe as clearly this isn't a new hero, and Valve is know for them big original titles and enigmatic behavior surrounding all of them. It turns out it is a card game and the whole audience is audibly disappointed
    • Artifact goes in closed beta and enforces a strict NDA on all video material. The closed beta consists of nothing but people who are in some way affiliated to Valve, or one of their games and have a potential personal interest in seeing Artifact succeed

    First Valve pulls a Diablo Immortal, which luckily for them hasn't become such a reputation maiming meme, by showing us they clearly don't understand what their audience wants. I don't know a better place to show off Artifact, but they should have had the data to tell them what they were doing is not smart. Artifact was off to a bad start.

    The closed beta was a fiasco of enormous proportions and one of the biggest mistakes in the brief Artifact history. The game ended up what it is simply because they picked nothing but yes-men that saw potential bread in this new big thing.

    Phase two:

    • They finally release the actual game with a pay to play model in a genre that has been free to play since forever
    • Despite being free to play everything in the game, from cards to playing certain modes costs money
    • Some cards are deliberately OP, are rarer, and cost way more money
    • You can not obtain any of the game's content despite having paid for it up front

    Just think about this model for a second. I understand what they were trying: Garfield told them "yea durr but member the good old card collection games where card maintain value???" and Valve, having released critically acclaimed titles multiple times, thought today's market would enjoy such a concept. Or at very least have an audience for it("doesn't appeal to everyone", turns out "doesn't appeal to anyone" but sure). I can not excuse them such a horrendously large mist step. Yes, these things were popular once much like sticking your cock between two rocks might have been for the Homo erectus a million years ago. People move on from trends, sometimes because they in retrospect understand they weren't that great at all.

    Phase three:

    • Artifact receives a mixed reception with people struggling to decide whether the quality of the game compensates for the "pay to pay for everything" model
    • The Steam forum becomes a cesspool of people hating on the game, and the moderators happily trigger finger everyone into bans and remove posts
    • People complain about obvious missing features and compare the current game to the "kitchen table with friends"-like game they were promised. They also complain about RNG heavy cards and the horrible balance of other cards
    • Valve is probably looking at all this with the mindset "not everyone will enjoy the game" Richard Garfield put up their ass

    Phase three is where our not-so-bright summer child Valve finally starting to realize they might have made some mistakes along the lines. Which they, and I admit I am proud of them for it, compensate in phase four.

    Phase four:

    • Really steep decline in players. Reviews are becoming more negative. The market is becoming drastically more inactive
    • Certain rare cards have become way too expensive considering how mandatory they are
    • Valve finally realizes the game model isn't right and steps in with Update 1.1: releasing a few missing features(I am assuming these were in progress or removed in earlier development) but also decides they were wrong on the "obviously OP" cards and zero progression
    • Reviews get a tiny bit more positive and the Steam forum significantly more positive for a brief moment in time

    Phase five:

    • Extreme decline in players is now becoming apparent
    • Card value plummets. Effectively ruining significant sums of money for some people, but Valve buys back the most expensive ones. Some cards are still mandatory despite having been nerfed significantly, just proving how bad the balance was before
    • Valve is at this point probably flabbergasted, but continues to release minor tweaks consistently. All these appended with the now hilariously ironic "In it for the long haul"

    Phase six:

    • Player count plummets and gets into the zone of "not worth displaying" according to Steam's API
    • Personguy, who was previously active on the forum helping people with technical difficulties(team lead, for what we know) becomes inactive
    • Valve becomes completely silent for more than two months. And I mean completely silent, even on the previously active Artifact twitter
    • Game just gradually continues to die in all places associated with it: in game, forum, Reddit. Artifact becomes a meme on other subreddits being one of the worst CCGs ever released and poking at the "HS killer" statements from mere months before

    This is the longest phase in the game's history, despite ironically being the least interesting. Valve does not know what to do and shows its true colors in the process, by ignoring the meager active community entirely. At this point the game becomes, quite rightfully, declared a failure, and by others dead. People move on.

    Final phase/current:

    • After more than two months of complete silence and people speculating the game will get a sudden update to save face, Valve releases a public statement: they admit they didn't expect this and will try to fix it over a very long duration

    This statement means a few things. It first and foremost means that Valve has probably not been working on any Artifact related content the past 2 months. Valve is know for "Valve time", and tends to take depressingly long periods of time to finish products or updates to compensate for the usually stellar quality of it. This most likely means we will not be seeing any updates for at least a handful more months, as clearly they consider two months of neglecting the community not a big deal and they speak of "a long time".

    All in all Artifact has become one of the most bright shining examples of a company that has completely lost touch for me. I still have a grain of hope left, but after the latest update they managed to disappoint once again.

    submitted by /u/Gloriouspieps
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    "It's hard to predict what happens with your game after launch as Valve has learned this the hard way..."

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:32 PM PDT

    Do You Guys Remember Purge's Video About Why Draft Costs Money?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:24 AM PDT

    I still watch it while waiting for Slacks' mockery video for the people who thought Artifact would fail.


    submitted by /u/Normalg
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    While waiting for 2.0 the next set of cards are just collecting dust

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    They said around the initial release of Artifact that the new expansion was basically done. I really like the game play as it is at the moment but boy I would love to try out those juicy mystery expansion cards but sadly we must wait for the reboot. LongHaul

    submitted by /u/ScubaKlown
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    1 million tournament Q1 2019

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 11:38 PM PDT

    It should be very very soon but I can't see where to qualify. Help pls

    submitted by /u/Sacade
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    2 streams 1 viewer xd

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 08:42 PM PDT

    Artifact stocks went 20% up in last 10h, what's going on?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:31 PM PDT

    Price of the whole collection went from $50 to $60, seemingly after Valve announcement. What's going on?

    submitted by /u/ssstorm
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    So is the mobile release out the window now?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 06:14 PM PDT

    I stopped playing Artifact mostly because I didn't have time to play on PC much anymore but I was really looking forward to a mobile release. Now that the game's development has been put on hold, does this mean that we won't see a mobile release until the game gets updated a year from now?

    submitted by /u/Zveno
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    My feedback on Artifact, from someone who is a 0.01% shit eater, according to some other post.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    I love this game how it is. but I would love to see it changes to gain more players, but also keep the core gameplay design the same. otherwise it would be totally different game i would actually left if that is the case.

    As for how the game is now, i still play it now and then (never less than 3 hours in the past 2weeks), but it's true sometimes i try to avoid playing the game because it stress me to think about losing a very close match.

    As for why the game is unsuccessful, i think it's partly how the game market has changed nowaday, while both Garfield and Valve have somewhat old fashion style of approaching the players (both the beta, betakey phrase and marketing of this game has been a shitshow).

    One other factor that play a big role in my opinion, is the domino effect. When u hear nothing good about this game before trying it, or dont understand what u see at all, it'd be hard for most people to actually try it out, especially when it's not free to play. there could be lots of people out there where this could be the game for them, but they wouldnt know because of this. and vice versa, this could not be the game for most people in the overhyped crowd that actually tried it out. An other effect of this is that, you're less likely to play this game if you have no friend who also play it, or just to discuss about it (literally my case).

    All and all, i hope someone who works on this game at Valve, who is much smarter than me, can read this feedback and oversee the problem and make the necessary change to make the game better in the future.

    submitted by /u/KronnNguyen
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    (If anyone still plays this game) close one today

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 01:41 AM PDT

    ASAPWeekly Artifact Podcast #18: The End?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    When will Artifact come to mobile?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    Really enjoy artifact but I travel a lot and I'm not always available to be at a computer but I'd love to play artifact on my phone and tablet. I wasn't sure if anybody had an idea on when it would be on mobile.

    submitted by /u/QuikSnoopy
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