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    Wednesday, March 6, 2019

    Artifact - Daily Card Discussion - Roseleaf Rejuvenator

    Artifact - Daily Card Discussion - Roseleaf Rejuvenator

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    Daily Card Discussion - Roseleaf Rejuvenator

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 07:14 AM PST

    Roseleaf Rejuvenator

    Color: Green

    Type: Creep

    Mana: 7

    Attack: 7

    Health: 7

    Rarity: Uncommon

    Illustrator: Jakub Kasper

    Summary: Play Effect: Heal your tower 7.

    Lore: The Treants of Roseleaf and the Vhoul have lived together peacefully for generations. But now interlopers have turned our home into a battlefield. We have made the call to our cousins in the Vale of Augery - the vhoul must be protected... and those that would despoil this place must be destroyed. — Springwind, the Roseleaf Rejuvenator

    • What decks/cards (spells/improvements/heroes/creeps) synergize well with Roseleaf Rejuvenator?

    • What format (constructed vs. draft) does Roseleaf Rejuvenator do well in?

    • What kind of experiences have you had with Roseleaf Rejuvenator?

    • What changes would you make (if any) to Roseleaf Rejuvenator?

    submitted by /u/B3HShady
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    24hr-peak player count drops below 500

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 04:11 PM PST

    Creep Tosser of Hell

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:51 PM PST

    Red/Green Midrange, a Breakdown

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 07:52 PM PST

    The court of ristul, the rumusque, vanessa, pierpont.. BASICALLY the demonic vs the divine ARTIFACT LORE :)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 04:29 AM PST

    A new Approach to the Meta (5-0 constructed)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 04:04 PM PST

    A new Approach to the Meta (5-0 constructed)


    I put a lot of effort into this Post, so please comment your opinion and suggestions so we can discuss it together.

    So i came up with a new idea to include unused cards like Assured Destruction, The Tyler Estate and for instance Ogre Corpse Tosser. And I went pretty well on my first try.

    I know it is not representative and right now you are often queued against players with less experience or game sense so you can win with simple maneuvers but hear me out:

    So first of all I think we can all agree on the fact that Ramp, Mono-Red, and maybe Mono-Blue or some Payday decks are meta right now.

    I called this deck Denied for a reason. Enough Magic!, The Tyler Estate and to a bit Tinker are serving the purpose on not letting your opponent do stuff, while you can get along pretty well below 5-6 mana). I explain the new cards now since EM! other combos like Tinker + Bristleback are obvious.

    The Tyler Estate does a really good job to counter plays from Ramp and Mono-blue, since they rely on there strong late game cards starting turn 5-6. You are getting more value out of those less mana turns because of the good stated heros you have.

    To strenghten the Mono-Blue Matchup even more, I included Tinker, and Assured Destruction so I can get through blocking Creeps more easily (Berserkers Call just isnt enough, at least thats my experience from playing Mono-Red).

    Also it really helps you to get those extra damage you need later on since you are likely to get an early advantage (this is an aggressive deck).

    Mono-Red is a very skillbased Match-Up since you can outplay their weaker heros (Centaur and Tidehunter) but I guess in can come down to the first ToT were the Mono-Red is heavily favoured (but thats what your TTE is for)

    Ogre Corpse Tosser is a meme card but it actually serves well in the 5-mana slot for Red because it blocks really well and can give you cheaky extra damage in your creep crowded lane. I find it most usefull in the matchups against Black and Blue because those struggle the most with removing it and there are usually more creeps alive.

    Now Items:

    Since Tidehunter is a commonly part of mono-red decks Jasper Daggers are essential and you have to save them most of the time to counter stuns or silences.

    This Deck is fairly good at killing heros so you are going to have always some gold to spare. Thats why I included Fur-lined Mantle since I like the immediate +8 health for just 6 gold. Although you heros may survive for a long time where you could get outvalued by Stonehall Cloack, I think the immediate effect is more important.

    To increase mobility Blink Dagger and Phase Boots are essential.

    Just to fill it up I added the low cost Armor but if you have any suggestions you can help me out here.

    Also I am going to try this even more to get more statistics on it, but I guess 5 wins are a sign not to ignore this approach.

    If you want to know more about my card choices and my decision making while playing the deck, i consider myself a decent player (>60% Winrate overall) I am happy to help you out in the comments :)

    Enjoy I am probably answering everything tomorrow 10am MEST.

    Still in it for the long haul!

    submitted by /u/xxthrixxerxx
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    ABL Chaos Ladder hourly tournament is back!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:40 AM PST

    Congrats to @ArtifactFiVE who won the 1st place last season and got 1000$. The new season started today, all of you have until March 28th to collect points in ABL hourly tournament. At the end of the month about top 112 in the leaderboard will qualify for the main event with 2k$ prize pool as always.

    Join https://discord.gg/6PUdk58 for more info.


    ps. I'm really grateful for these organizers (ABL, Mainline.gg, Brainscans.net, and such) who still hold competitive tournaments for Artifact. Lots of ppl, including me, still play the game just because of these tournaments.

    While Valve chooses not to communicate with the players and let the game die down, these organizations are the ones who try to keep the game alive.

    submitted by /u/Man_Santichai
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    My take on the Lifesteal mechanic (4 items + Lifestealer)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:47 PM PST

    Lifesteal items: These all go in the "health" slot of your hero. You trade off raw health for the Lifesteal ability.

    Lifesteal: During combat, Regen equal to a percentage of your attack damage. (Note: This is your RAW attack damage, not damage dealt. This is to prevent Lifesteal from being completely neutered by armour. It also means you do not Lifesteal from other effects, such as Retaliate).

    • Morbid Mask - 5 gold
    • Grants 50% Lifesteal.
    • The basic Lifesteal item

    • Mask of Madness - 10 gold
    • Grants 100% Lifesteal. -1 armour
    • Better Lifesteal, take more damage, ala Dota 2's MoM

    • Satanic - 14 gold
    • Grants 33% Lifesteal, +4HP. Active (2 second CD): Grant 125% Lifesteal this turn.

    • Vladimir's Offering - 7 gold
    • Grants 50% Lifesteal. Grant 50% Lifesteal to ally neighbours

    • Lifestealer - Red Hero
    • Stats: 6 / 0 / 8
    • Passive: 75% Lifesteal
    • Sig Card - Rage (6 mana): Select a Red Hero. They become immune to spells until the end of the next combat phase.
    submitted by /u/Birth_Defect
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    Can I buy Cards for Friends?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 01:12 PM PST

    I know I can't send cards to a friend from my collection, but is it possible to buy cards with steam bucks for a friend?

    edit: If not, is it possible for me to buy steam bucks for their wallet?

    submitted by /u/Aaronsolon
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    A take on Oracle

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 03:10 PM PST



    If the links work, Oracle is translated pretty closely to what he is in DotA; an incredibly powerful support capable of healing allies, hurting enemies, cleansing allies of harmful effects, and getting rid of beneficial effects from enemies.

    The item removal might be a bit much, but I figured I'd get a bit experimental with it. It would be fully possible to have Jasper Daggers in ability form while Purifying Flame would be a cheaper ability.

    submitted by /u/Slarg232
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    Morbid Mask (Lifesteal: When this unit deals X battle damage, heal this unit X)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:12 PM PST

    Does Artifact Cube (Stats script) still work for anyone else?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:57 AM PST

    I'm getting an error message when I try to check my stats. The website says it failed to parse my match history. Tried a couple of times in Chrome with no change. Has anyone tried it recently?

    submitted by /u/jaharac
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