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    Tuesday, February 5, 2019

    Artifact - The 11st Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Artifact - The 11st Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    The 11st Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Ready the questions! Feel free to ask anything (no matter how seemingly moronic).

    When the first hit strikes wtih desolator, the hit stirkes as if the - armor debuff had already been placed?

    There's no desolator in this game yet.

    submitted by /u/VRCbot
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    Artifact Team on the Future of Artifact

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 03:43 PM PST

    USD 30k tournament by NoxFire League

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 07:57 PM PST

    Noxfire League

    The Noxfire League was announced today and will host an Artifact tournament. I know many have questions and I am here to help provide some info. I have been speaking with the organizers and they are focused on producing a high quality event and have been open to feedback. (I am not an organizer though, so this post is not official.)

    I am excited to share some information I know many of you are seeking.

    1) Open qualifiers? Yes, there will be open qualifiers. YAY! \Ê• •á´¥•Ê”/ 2) 32 players for the Main Event (number of slots for players from open qualifiers TBA) 3) Prize pool: USD 30,000

    • 1st: 12,500
    • 2nd: 7000
    • 3rd: 4,000
    • 4th: 2,500
    • 5th - 8th: 1,000 each

    4) Mode: Draft 5) Format: TBA 6) Start date: late Feb 7) LAN Finals: May 3 - 5 in Bulgaria

    • Top 4 (Aiming for top 8 if sponsorship increases)
    • Travel and accommodation will be fulled covered

    Official: Website | Twitter | Twitch

    Follow them for more news! The more support our Artifact communities get, the easier it is for them to acquire sponsorship to run more and bigger events for us. <3

    I am a competitive Artifact player who really hopes we get things going as a community. Always happy to hear ideas and receive feedback. Happy to help and give suggestions to organizers and sponsors (i.e. please always have open qualifiers). email@dpmlicious.com

    Receive news and talk with me here: Twitch | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Steam Group | Discord

    Please share your experience of open qualifiers and your own suggestions here. Let's brainstorm together as a community to help organizers. As someone who runs open qualifiers and hopes to bring some small tournaments, I'd love to hear your thoughts and stories.

    submitted by /u/dpmlicious
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    Probably my best draft ever, no game was even close

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 04:40 PM PST

    Can't find 8 players in Chaos Blitz tournament.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 03:59 AM PST

    Where are all the people now who wanted blitz mode. I was busy last week and now when I returned and tried to play Chaos Blitz tournament, I am finding only myself there. has everyone left the game?

    submitted by /u/arpitduel
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    [PUZZLE] Find the Out - New designer and new puzzle

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 03:44 PM PST

    Hello there, I've decided to try to design one puzzle too:

    Find the out 1: https://pastebin.com/K0ketABR

    This puzzle is based on a scenario I've faced in a draft game, so that if I had played my spells in a different order I didn't have lethal... And then I've spiced it up a bit to make it more interesting.

    I don't know it's difficulty, because I only have my self to playtest, so I hope that it's somewhat fun and challeging. It was also pretty hard to setup, because it needs a particular board state to work and right now that's pretty challenging to manipulate with the tools we have.

    I hope that we find a way to manipulate the AI in cool ways to make those puzzles a lot more interesting... In this one I've experimented a bit, but It's just a demo of what we can do. It's a bit hard to setup, but I think even with the tools we have we can make pretty cool stuff with carefull engineering (The IA is pretty easy to manipulate once you have the board state that you want). It would be cool a more direct control tho, once Valve finally decide to give us the official support for this kind of stuff.




    1. right click artifact in your steam library, click properties, click set launch options, and type in "-dev -console"
    2. get find_the_out_1.txt from the pastebin above, and place them in "../steam/steamapps/common/artifact/game/dcg/puzzles" (if the folder 'puzzles' doesn't exist, create one)
    3. launch artifact, and press the tilde (`) key. It's the key above tab. If the console doesn't pop up, go back to step 1
    4. in the console, type "load_puzzle <puzzle name here>" and press enter
    5. press tilde (`) again to close console as game starts

    If you wanna reload the puzzle, open console again, and click the up arrow to get the same command again.

    if you're still confused, check out anger's quick setup guide! https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/alk1w4/how_to_play_the_puzzle_mode_quick_setup_guide/

    Thanks for playing!

    Looking for more Puzzle Action? Look no further!


    "Puzzle Bag 3" by Anomidae


    "Mana Break" by martianmangaka


    "Dark Night 1" and "Red Mist Survival" by Anomidae


    "All Skill" by Cabled


    "Smash the Ancient" by Anomidae


    submitted by /u/Opchip
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    StanCifka tournaments have full stats on artibuff, including hero pick/win rates and placement

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 07:11 AM PST

    Today’s tournament

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 06:06 AM PST

    Here the tournaments list which start today. I am going to post fresh list daily.

    All upcoming tournaments (that are known to me) you can find on the site.

    Tournament Time Prize Pool Format Info
    StanCifka Qualifier by PlayArtifact.ru 4:45pm CET Qualifier Draft Final Prize: $5,003. Signup link will be posted on Twitter in 15 min before start.
    Chronosphere Qualifier by dpmlicious 6pm CET Qualifier Draft/Constructed Final Prize: $2,500. Signup link will be posted on Twitter in 1 hour befor start.
    Mainlinegg Qualify 7pm CET Qualifier Constructed Final Prize: $500 Signup link will be posted on Discord at 7pm CET

    submitted by /u/hikman
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    Artifact Expandium: 20+ Custom Black Heroes and Custom Concepts

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 04:03 AM PST

    Before anything, I would like to say that I am not a developer nor do I take too much pride over these cards. I don't see them as my creations: they were made with software that is not mine, inspired from a game I didn't develop and use card art that I haven't made nor credited. This is just me sharing my ideas with, hopefully, like-minded people.

    • TL;DR: Click the link and enjoy some custom artifact cards. Come back to this post when you don't understand anything.

    Hello sub, I'm here today to share a little project that I've been working on ever since Artifact was released. Basically, I am sick in the head and ended up making 200+ custom cards for fun and recently I've been sharing a few of them with my mates at Discord. I discovered that I love seeing people's reaction to my concepts that I come up with for leisure, and thought it was a good idea to try the subreddit for a ride.

    To not overwhelm you with too much information, I decided to test the waters with a select few cards. If this gets terrible feedback, then I know I need to start working on my concepts and not post any further. If this ends up being a fun experience, I might just post the rest in succession.

    Today I want to bring you the first collection of the Artifact Expandium: Blue Heroes, which contains the likes of Enigma, Faceless Void, Invoker and more. You can check them out along with quick explanations in this Imgur album.

    And lastly, of course, this is one man's ideas only. Feel free to disagree with some of these concepts, I'm all up for that. I just want to see other people's feedback on what I think would be best for this game with huge potential. Also worth mentioning: numbers are completely subject to change. Some of these might be overtuned.

    With that aside, I would love to know your thoughts. Either way, thank you so much for your time! :)

    Now, there is a lot of information with this expansion, including entirely new keywords and mechanics which might be hard for the next person to understand. However, I will try to do my best to explain what these concepts and keywords mean and how I imagine they would work. No need to keep reading beyond this point if you don't care about any of my delusions, but here they are:

    Different types of damage & damage reduction

    I simply wanted to brainstorm how the game would work with 3 types of damage: Battle, Dynamic and Magic. They are applied depending on the source of the damage.

    Battle damage is dealt directly by units during combat, through Attack.

    Dynamic damage is dealt indirectly by units during combat, through keywords such as Retaliate.

    Magic damage is the damage dealt by all card effects, including units' abilities.

    With this, there are 3 types of damage reduction: Armor, Evasion and Barrier. Armor won't change, Evasion reduces Battle damage only and Barrier reduces Magic damage only. Piercing damage ignores all damage reduction of any type.

    The presence of Dynamic damage removes unintended interactions such as Viper against Retaliate and Ursa with Cleave. A full list of Dynamic damage sources is: Retaliate, Cleave, Siege, Attrition and Transpose. The last 2 are part of this expansion.

    Creeps that are considered heroes

    Some creeps have "considered as a (color) hero". This means that, for card effects such as Coup de Grace, they are considered valid targets. They are still creeps though, so they are vulnerable to Slay and Chen, as well as give creep bounty. The reasoning behind this concept is to use these creeps as ammunition for cards that affect allied heroes, like Sucker Punch and Duel.

    Day & Night cycle

    Much like in Dota, I imagine a day-night cycle to balance some aspects of Artifact. Each match begins in daytime, and it alternates each Deployment Phase. In Day, an extra Melee Creep is spawned for each player. In Night, arrow cards have 100% chance to go forwards. This would alleviate some of the RNG involved with deployment. When Day is swapped to Night during an action phase, all units redirect their combat target forwards.

    Edit: Spelling errors

    submitted by /u/blocklir
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    Artifact causing excessive heating

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 09:55 PM PST

    I've seen a lot of hate for anyone bringing up this issue, "get a better PC LUL", but I recently had my laptop shutdown because of overheating. Every time I play, the fan goes crazy.

    I have played thousands of hours of DoTA2 and never had that problem. I resumed playing Artifact after a gap of 2 months and I thought some of the updates would have addressed it, but the problem is as bad as before.

    Edit: Can people who wish to downvote, please say why as well?

    submitted by /u/sentient_rock
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    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 04:43 AM PST

    Smash Ultimate characters sorted by Artifact colors, based on where they deserve to be

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 12:07 PM PST

    700 players LUL

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 10:02 PM PST

    The game is so dogshit that only a couple of hundred people are playing it lmao , the mods of this sub are so stupid that these idiots remove any negative post about the game lol Retards see the DOTA subreddit and how they handle things

    submitted by /u/highonmusic1234
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    What if Artifact was implemented into the Dota 2 client and couple of modes were made free?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 01:19 PM PST

    There could also be Dota 2 events that could win you Artifact cards and the opposite.

    submitted by /u/777777f
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    How much does hero quality matter? [DRAFT]

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 01:32 AM PST

    I've noticed something interesting while in the stan 5k draft qualifier.

    The game mode was swiss, and around the end of the round i started to do a lotto on the match ups based on the heroes the players had. (when you play swiss you see the players matched, and you can hover over them and see their 5 heroes in a pop up window, and then check their results)

    I found it interesting that i was able to pretty much nail the outcome at least 80% of the time. I'm pretty practiced drafter myself, so that probably helps, and also that this was not just a random winner takes all tourney, the swiss format was a 3 round cut 128 players down to 64 so it was worth to try to win even after 2 losses.

    Anyways i find it interesting and maybe a bit sad, that hero quality dominated the results super hard. It is not 100% and there are certainly cases where a guy with 3 Keefe wins but when some setup is that fishy it then has to be overwhelmingly good card quality. And of course there were match ups that looked really close, but when it wasnt the above two (at least 75-85% of the match ups) it was pretty predictable who won. And it saddened me, because the feeling i get when i see my opponent line up that "wtf" moment has to be true and puts you in a severe disadvantage when you have worse hero quality (and im not even talking about card quality, the runs when you dont get almost any creeps as options in your green deck...) (and yes i ran into crazy decks and won, one of the best ones was 3 LC, Axe, and a green hero)

    So has any1 experienced something like this. Is this even news? Card quality matters in card game XD who knew.

    I think it kind of flies in the face of "skill matters" because when people are around the same skill level card quality and draw rng will dictate the game.

    submitted by /u/Gizdalord
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