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    Friday, February 15, 2019

    Artifact - Daily Card Discussion - Dimensional Portal

    Artifact - Daily Card Discussion - Dimensional Portal

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Daily Card Discussion - Dimensional Portal

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 11:47 AM PST

    Dimensional Portal

    Color: Blue

    Type: Spell

    Mana: 4

    Rarity: Common

    Illustrator: Svetlin Velinov

    Summary: Summon three Melee Creeps.

    Lore: It doesn't matter where the battle rages...the Radiant will always stand up to the horrors the Dire bring. — Prellex, Committed to her Cause

    • What decks/cards (spells/improvements/heroes/creeps) synergize well with Dimensional Portal?

    • What format (constructed vs. draft) does Dimensional Portal do well in?

    • What kind of experiences have you had with Dimensional Portal?

    • What changes would you make (if any) to Dimensional Portal?

    submitted by /u/B3HShady
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    Artifact Support Group

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 04:51 AM PST

    With the release of Artifact approaching three months, and the current state of the game and the subreddit, I thought it would be a good idea to setup an open forum for everybody to come express their thoughts about Artifact and talk about how they feel.

    When it comes down to it, regardless of how you feel about the game now, there's no doubt that the majority of us were very excited for Artifact. Almost three months later, there are a lot of emotions that people are feeling. In light of everything that's been happening, we're going to be holding an Artifact Support Group.

    This is meant to be both serious and fun, but mostly fun. Initially I thought of this as a joke, but then I thought about it more, and I think it could actually be not only hilarious, but beneficial to actually have discussions outside of Reddit about the game. Have an idea about what would improve Artifact? Come share! Need to get frustrations off your chest because you had high hopes for the game? Come share! Dank Artifact memes? SHARE! In reality, this is pretty much an open forum to talk about anything related about Artifact and your thoughts surrounding everything, and could even be a meme in itself. Let's get to the details:

    • This will take place Saturday February 16th at 8PM (2000) EST.

    • This will be held in the official /r/Artifact discord server in the Support Group voice channel.

    • Everyone will be muted initially, and random people will be called one at a time to talk about any suggestions they might have for Artifact, bugs they've experienced, or express their disappointment(s).

    • Hell, or high water, this will be streamed on Twitch. Who knows, maybe Valve will be listening.

    • No excessive trolling, no racism, etc. Follow basic rules of the server. I'm down to get crazy, but not too crazy.

    This will either turn out really good or really bad. Hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/B3HShady
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    I (and I suspect a lot of others) like the game and monetization system fine but are just waiting for the inevitable changes to come (and players to return) before jumping back in

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 08:42 AM PST

    Artifact, to me, isn't a casual pick-up-and-play type of game. Like chess, it requires a substantial mental commitment to be an active regular.

    When it tanked, rather than put that much energy into a game with a super nebulous future, I moved it to my wait-and-see list and switched to other (non-card) games.

    Just pointing out, for what it's worth, that I suspect there's a big pile of dormant players just watching and waiting.

    EDIT: I really wasn't making any kind of comment on the monetization system, either pro or con. I get that it's controversial, it's just not relevant to my participation; the general health of the game is.

    submitted by /u/groovy95
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    Artifact Players at Valve HQ

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 04:46 AM PST

    Wifecoach (presumably Lifecoach too) just came back from Seattle.

    She talked a bit about meeting Valve about the future of Artifact but there were no specifics, anyone here has anymore info about that ? Other players involved, subject of discussion ?

    submitted by /u/SuperPoivron
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    Ilexa, The Radiant Creep

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 04:32 PM PST

    Artifact has an identity problem

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 01:24 PM PST

    I like Valve and I like the idea of Artifact, I have over 3k hours in DOTA and used to judge locals at my card shop for years. However I'm confident in saying this game has no clue what it wants to be.

    Valve says the game is a social experience, except you can't trade and talking is heavily restricted. Valve own the trade system on steam and it's one of the biggest and most secure trading systems there is, yet they've banned it in a CARD GAME of all things. We all know why but people seem to just be "okay" that it is how things are, knowing full well valve could turn on trading whenever they want as they are the ones who banned it.

    Valve says the game is a competitive experience, except your first turn goes like this:

    To start both players will have one of their 3 heroes randomly sent to each lane, from here random creeps will be deployed and each unit will be given random directions in which they will attack from. You then draw two random cards from you deck and play the first lane, here you either cast a spell of your color or pass, then combat happens, you go to the next lane and repeat. At the end of the turn you are presented with 3 random shop times 1 of which is randomly chosen from your prebuilt deck.

    Yes, I know it's "input" randomness and I don't really care, it's still random and most of it shouldn't exist. Was it really necessary for your first three heroes to be randomly placed? You already select which 3 heroes are deployed anyways, why not take it a step further and allow their boxes to represent their lanes, it would create some interesting meta situations where top tier players tried to out guess each others heroes placement. Instead valve went a different route, one that removes a potential competitive experience for a completely random one.

    People that claim the game failed because of "haters" are insane, this game failed because it didn't know what kind of game it wanted to be in an already saturated market full of well defined games. You can't show up late to the party in half a costume and except to win the contest, or even be a runner up.

    TLDR - Valve claims the game is both social and competitive, turns out it's about a 50% chance on each.

    submitted by /u/EdgeJob
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    83dmg Mercenary Exiles almost slaughters ancient

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 04:35 PM PST

    The most irritating thing I find about this game is..

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 09:44 PM PST

    Scenario: When my opponent has lot of items or cards to play and I got nothing to do...

    First of all I am already sad that the game is not going well for me and on top of that the most frustrating thing is I am forced to hit that pass button zillion times while my opponent is showing off his cards/items.

    Can we please have an auto pass option where your turn is automatically passed in a random time between 1 to 5 seconds so that your opponent doesn't know that you don't have anything to play and you can close your eyes (and meditate) until you hear that combat sound!

    submitted by /u/data_hungry
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    I know I am naive but I really expected a patch today

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 11:15 AM PST

    Even something small like balance changes and maybe some quality of life stuff.

    So sad.

    submitted by /u/CaptainEmeraldo
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    The Long Haul: An Artifact Podcast

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 08:10 AM PST

    Hello fellow community survivors.

    Me and my buddy Kerri have long wanted to podcast, so we went ahead and did it.

    We discuss some thoughts on the first episode.

    HOWEVER: this is where it gets more interesting; we will be podcasting every Sunday around 4PM CET. The way this is going down is that we want everyone / anyone who is interested in the game and the community to join our discord server while we record and pose questions or simply discuss the game with us. We want this podcast to be the face of the community.

    With that in mind; i will be posting a PSA weekly to let you guys know when we will be recording, with the Discord links and etc.

    I just uploaded our first episode to iTunes, stitcher, etc validation will hopefully come in the following days/weeks, so you can enjoy it through whatever podcast app you have.

    Let us know what you think, feedback etc.

    WEBSITE / DOWNLOAD LINK: http://thelonghaul.libsyn.com

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/cd3jAg8

    submitted by /u/NineHDmg
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    Everyone right now

    Posted: 14 Feb 2019 12:22 PM PST

    While waiting for Valve to do anything, you should check out Prismata. It's completely free and fair (in MP) and has everything you might want except good art and players.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 09:26 PM PST

    Do you guys think Artifact will eventually have to go F2P?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 09:03 PM PST

    I feel like Valve will make Artifact f2p if the numbers aren't satisfying to them. I've experienced valve make two of their games f2p and all I got were virtual items for actually purchasing the games (and access to the trading market, really not useful if you don't spend money on keys or have much in your inventory.) If Artifact does become F2P, it'd be interesting to see how they reward the people who bought the game. I was thinking of buying the game, but I kinda don't wanna end up having $20 dollars taken out of my pocket like it was for csgo and tf2. Valve should definitely refund people if they make artifact F2P this early, because the game hasn't even been out for 1 year. I get people would rather have a game with a higher population, but it sucks knowing a multi-billion dollar company will take $20 out of my pocket just to revive their game. Do you guys there's any chance it'll be F2P? Is the game worth buying at this moment?

    Edit: Also, I'm sorry if this makes anyone upset. I'm just trying to see if it's worth me spending $20 at the moment.

    submitted by /u/drogchan
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    Thoughts on the different types of RNG.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 08:44 PM PST

    I'm making this post because I'm seeing many people complain about the RNG in artifact causing ruin. I'm curious if all RNG is hated or simply a few types of it. As for my own opinions on each type, I'm fine with some and against others.

    I don't know for certain what to think about this because I really like the idea of it but don't enjoy it too well while playing. The fact that many games can be drastically influenced by this in ways out of our control seems against the games main ideas. For instance, I generally run mono black in constructed and Sorla's arrows in the first few rounds can often decide or majorly impact the game. Just having arrows go straight, doing 12 dmg to tower, can allow me to rush a tower in the first few turns while otherwise it can become hard to win before the other deck hits its timing. With hard hitters and big creeps such as thunderhide pack, you can simply win or lose from having the arrows go against you. I do understand that in many ways this RNG can be circumvented by earlier plays and make the game more skillful but just cause it could be more skillful doesn't mean it's enjoyable. Many newer players are going to experience losing because of arrows long before they learn the complicated ways to possibly avoid it. Since it does create some skill I'm not for completely removing the idea, but I do think there should be more cards dealing with it. Only one item and one black card (think it's just forward charge) that I can think of at the moment.

    Creep Deployment:
    I find myself unsure of this simply cause I don't know a good way to fix it. Allowing players to choose ruins aggressive decks and allows people to commit to other lanes with less punishment. It also makes Kanna worse as her ability would become wholly detrimental. Yet the way it is can still cause prevent aggressive, especially alongside arrow RNG. A few thoughts I've had, while not great, involve partial decisions. Either choose one creep or influence the RNG but still be random. The first is a direct middle between either end but feels odd and doesn't seem like it would be too fun. The second would, preferably for me, work in a way such as giving one lane priority for the spawns but not guaranteed. For instance, choose one lane to have a 50% chance and the others split the rest. This still allows for the original problem but makes it less common so it still isn't great. Overall, I don't know how to fix this so I'm curious what all of you think for this.

    Hero Deployment:
    While maybe not as impactful, this can feel worse in certain cases. Having Heroes who want to stay on board (Luna, Kanna, Drow, and Prellex) for their effect or just to cast spells dying on turn 1 rarely feels good. This gets worse when it's to someone such as Bristleback or if the other lanes would have been safe. It can also be annoying when certain characters would prefer to be in the earlier lanes. Examples of this would be like dark seer with his ability, or if a color is being splashed with an improvement such as ignite or iron fog goldmine. However, my main reason for disliking this is just the opportunity it misses. A major part of competitive Dota exists within the draft itself, and while you can't port that over to Artifact well, you can at least capture a small essence of it. I'd love to see this idea of attempting to counter the other player just through placement of Heroes. The most balanced way I could imagine this existing is by including the creeps and having the order as such. Creeps: 1 2 2 1 Heroes: 1 2 2 1 1 2. In this case, 1 being the first player and 2 being the second. While this would add another layer of difficulty to the game, I feel that it would be pretty intuitive and prevent RNG from feeling as bad in the beginning.

    Hero Abilities:
    This topic mainly refers to heroes such as Ogre Magi and Bounty Hunter. Multicast can win games if it replicates spells such as thundergods wrath and many other blue spells. It can't simply be removed as its idea is a major part of Ogre Magi's character. The main ways I can see the RNG being removed is by changing only the passive or have it only apply to Ogre's signature (this would involve changing ignite as infinite ignites would be even worse). Simply changing the passive could be something as simple as being charges gained every turn that replicate your next cast spell. This could still become problematic as it doesn't fix the main demoralizing problem but just removes the less important activations of Multicast. I think simply making it ignore other Heroes' signatures along with a slight buff to his stats, such as 1 hp, would be best though. The other card I mentioned is Bounty Hunter, whose jinada is mostly not game deciding unless it is turn 1 with a track in hand. For many black decks, getting 15 gold on turn 1 can allow them to snowball to victory. While a solution to this could exist in a way such as making it 4 Mana and give more gold than before, I think it would make Bounty possibly too strong in the later stages of the game. Overall, I don't have too much of a problem with either of these two cards as they don't seem as problematic as the other types of RNG.

    Other Sources:
    There aren't many other sources of RNG to talk about. Card draw is vital to and present in every card game. Cards having RNG built in isn't too much of a problem since cheating death got nerfed and no others are really game changing. The only other source of RNG I can currently think to talk about would be the shop. I think the game would be better if both players got the same consumable. I do believe the secret shop shouldn't be completely predictable so I think if both players simply got an items of equal worth, it would still be fair but also have that current sense of randomness. It would also add another level to holding as you could lose information on the enemies secret shop for the next turn. Even if the shop and the rest of this remains unchanged, I don't think it will change the game too much as these are on the smaller end of impactful RNG.

    I really quick want to say that these are just personal opinions, it's fine for you to disagree with them. Many of these I am still uncertain about, so if you have a reason as for why one of my ideas could be a mistake, I'd be glad to hear it. This post is not only to get my opinions out there, but to see what you guys think and if I should change those opinions. Sorry it got long, but I just couldn't stop myself from talking about all source of RNG once I started. Thanks if you actually took the time to read it all.

    submitted by /u/ochalachinga
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    I bought Artifact today

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 08:37 PM PST

    Can't win a match and there is no level 1 people to play against.

    Well... I guess something like this was expected...

    Any tips before I go back to Hearthstone or whatever?

    submitted by /u/AmnesiaJK
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    We Need Match History

    Posted: 14 Feb 2019 06:58 PM PST

    Just lost a game against an interesting deck. I wanted to compliment him on his deck, so I request a friend invite (the only way to chat after a game.) He declined, so I went to look at his deck. Oops. Too late.

    I'm not asking for something like Dotabuff or anything. I would just like to see the last 10 matches or so and see the decks that we played.

    Also: Why is there no flair for SUGGESTION?

    submitted by /u/Yzark-Tak
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    Need Rewards

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 01:43 PM PST

    For the love of god valve add tiny rewards for doing weekly quests

    submitted by /u/LentilMilkshake
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    Why did Artifact fail, and what can Valve do to save it?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2019 01:31 PM PST

    Free to play set

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 12:49 PM PST

    An idea that came by today while reading the complains to the game on this sub. A card set that would be available by playing and on the market but not by purchasing card packs. This would add a free to play mode to the game but not break the current business model. This would also add a grind system (with rewards)... This card set would fix the lack of rewards / grind in the game and also feel better to the player because grinding plainly for cosmetics isn't fit for a digital card game... What do you think?

    submitted by /u/M46m4
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    Is this like the worst hand possible?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 04:55 PM PST

    Hand of Midas

    Posted: 14 Feb 2019 05:11 AM PST

    UG variety

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 03:25 PM PST

    Is storm the only way to play UG? Is it always kanna ogre treant drow zeus? Could you play kanna as 4th hero and drow as 5th hero? No AAC or no dportal?

    Pre mana 6 has always been tough for storm. Trying to think of ways to ease it

    submitted by /u/brutal-prince
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    I think I know how to fix Artifact. I haven't seen this suggested and it's not too late for Valve.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 06:07 PM PST

    Let me start off by saying that I currently love Artifacts gameplay, but I feel like something is missing and I know exactly how to fix it.

    This post is about the gameplay, which is Artifacts both strength and flaw at the same time.

    Currently Artifact is a card game with Dota characters in it. If you take the Dota part out of the game(heroes/spells/items) and replace the heroes/spells/items with made up stuff not related to Dota, what feels Dota-ish about the game? Apart from the 3 lanes and towers, this game does not feel like a Dota game and this opens up an opportunity for Valve to create something I've never seen or heard of before.

    Artifact is a card game with Dota characters. Instead it needs to be the other way around.

    It needs to be a Dota game with cards. This will attract actual Dota players and will also provide something fresh and new to hardcore card game players. Artifact now becomes a board game/strategy game where every move and decision feels crucial.

    This is going to be a huge wall of text, so please forgive me. I wish I was good at making videos, because this post would really be explained better with pictures and videos, but I'll try to summarize this all in a post instead.


    Picture being able to play Dota but on a board. And instead of requiring 4 other players to make a team to verse 5 other people, it's 1v1 where each players controls all aspects of their 5 hero team.

    The game needs to feel like I am playing a laid back, take your time to think version of DOTA.

    The most important part of all of this is to allow the player to feel like they are in full control. Minimize the RNG as much as possible. Please keep this in mind while reading ahead because I can't stress how important this is.


    The game starts off where you choose which lanes your 3 starting heroes go into. The choice is yours! You can split them into 3 separate lanes. You can place 2 in mid and one left. You can go all in on one lane. This might sound too powerful but it's also a huge risk.

    Not only can you choose which lane, but also which empty position to be placed into. At the start of the game, each lane gets 5 empty positions, with the option of adding creeps from hand to the left or right once all 5 positions are filled.

    If you placed your Ogre Magi infront of the enemies Sorla Khan, that was your own decision, the opponents decision and bad luck. No RNG here.

    Each lane spawns 2 creeps. One melee (2/4) and one range (3/3). Each lane. No randomness. No RNG. Just like in Dota, each lane gets the same amount of creeps each turn. Not even where they spawn is RNG. You choose where your hero goes first and THEN the creeps will spawn in random empty positions.

    The heroes and creeps on both sides come face to face and the players start taking turns in making their moves, just like how they do with Artifact currently. Initiative is still important.

    Heroes can attack any of their enemy neighbors. Just like in Dota, the player has full control of the hero. They can attack whoever or whatever they choose to attack, as long as they are in reach. So in Artifact, the hero should always attack straight by default with the option to attack the neighboring enemy to its left or right. The choice is yours!

    Creeps, however, have a mind of their own. This is where the current arrows should not be changed. Creeps attack whoever is in front of them. If not blocked, 25% left of 25% right. You can't control creeps in Dota (unless playing specific heroes or items) so it should be the same in Artifact. They spawn randomly and attack randomly.

    When you play a creep from your hand, you can choose it's empty position, but can't choose who it attacks. No changes here.

    It's now time to start making moves. First major thing you'll notice is that each hero has a mana bar on it and has its spells/abilities attached to the hero. I don't think heroes should come with signature cards. I believe their spells should be attached to the hero with mana costs and cooldowns. This prevents things like Venomancer casting Eclipse. Feels weird how Eclipse can currently be cast with no Luna in lane. Now the eclipse is attached to Luna and only Luna can cast it.

    Each hero has 4 of its own spells/abilities attached to the card, each one having it's own mana cost/cooldown. Towers don't use mana in Dota. Why should they have mana in Artifact? That's just weird. Obviously there would need to be some heavy balancing around this idea so that strong abilities aren't being casted every second turn etc. Maybe having the strongest ability as an Ultimate which can only be casted once every 4 turns or something like that. But you get the idea. Just like in Dota, you cast the abilities you want, when you want to cast them.

    Each hero has another new button which allows them to move to a neighboring lane. This button can only be used once per turn and the hero can only move to it's closest lane (left lane to right lane is impossible unless using special spells or heroes like Storm Spirit etc). Just like in Dota, you can move to another lane whenever you wish.

    Here's the catch though, you can't cast that heroes abilities in the lane you start off in. Once you cast an ability (please don't confuse this with spells/cards from hand), the move button is greyed out. If you think about it, you've committed to combat in that lane. You can't fight and move to another lane at the same time. Lion can't Earth Spike a hero in lane 1 and then move to mid in the same action.

    Once a hero has moved to another lane, it's on a cooldown and can't be used again until two turns later.

    This gives each hero the ability to move from one lane to another in order to escape death, or maybe assist another hero in the next lane or even defend against your hero pushing hard into one lane.

    The towers attack back! This isn't a major thing but towers attack back in Dota if you are in its range or attacking it. In Artifact, the tower should shoot to one random unit attacking it for only 2 damage. The attack is made at the combat phase and might be necessary due to each lane guaranteeing 2 creeps each turn. Maybe the ancient can attack for 4 damage just like how the Ancient in Dota is stronger. Whatever. If no unit is attacking the tower, it won't attack either. It will assume the combat is not in its sight.

    Both players have made their moves and hit the combat button. These battles continue throughout all 3 lanes, just like how they currently do in Artifact.

    Shopping phase. Here is something I am undecided on. I am thinking that ALL items become available to purchase instead of only the items in your deck randomly showing up one after another. Each player has access to the same items, just like in Dota. The choice is yours to decide on which items are necassary against certain heroes you may have queued up against. Maybe 1 item from the secret shop shows up each shopping phase, but it's important for each player to be offered the same item. No RNG.

    TPs (Town Portal Scroll) can be purchased on demand from the shop, just like in Dota. You can purchase an unlimited amount of these items, as long as you can afford it...more on TP later

    Deployment phase. Choose which lane AND which empty position you want to send your next hero to. No RNG. The choice is yours. Keep in mind that heroes can attack any of its enemy neighbors. This means you could block a creep to tank creep damage but choose to attack another hero to the enemy creeps left or right.

    Each lane has the 2 creeps spawn again. No RNG. Not even where they land is RNG. You choose where your hero goes first and THEN the creeps will spawn in random empty positions.

    FUCK! Your Drow Ranger is being targeted by the enemy LC and is going to die. Good thing you bought that TP in the shopping phase. You use the TP on your Drow, only now TP has a "casting time". Just like in Dota, the TP takes time to cast, it isn't instant. During this time you can be stunned or even killed before the cast gets off.

    In Artifact, you play your TP on the Drow and pass your turn. This is the "casting" of TP. Your opponent is shown you are trying to escape and is given the opportunity to counter your move. Your opponent uses LC's Duel ability to lock that Drow Ranger down, wasting the TP and eventually killing her. This change is essential so that TP doesn't become the most OP item in the game but also forces players to really hold onto abilities for when they might need it.

    These are the basic rules. There are obviously many more changes that will be required but I hope you get the basic idea of it all. The game needs to feel like I'm playing an actual MOBA but 1v1, on a board, with cards.

    I believe if Valve changed Artifact into this, it would blow up! Heck, even if they left Artifact as is and released this version as a game mode, I guarantee you more people will be playing this instead of the main mode.

    Sure, games might be longer than they currently are (or could be a lot quicker!) but games only feel long now because you are playing a card game. Dota games could go on for an hour but no one complains there if the gameplay is exciting enough. If these changes are made, the only people who will complain about the length of the game are the people who this game is not designed for.

    The changes won't require too much time on a design point of view. Most of the requirements are currently in Artifact. Only balancing could take some time.

    I don't know about you guys, but I would play this version of Artifact for a long time. Could you imagine the different hero synergies? The different tactics? Instead of only playing cards from your hand, the board and the abilities matter too!

    Could you imagine tournaments being casted with this? Actual PogChamp moments to get excited about instead of "HE DREW TIME OF TRIUMPH. WHAT A GENIUS"

    I think the more Artifact feels like DOTA the better.

    I'd like to know what you think of this. What changes would you make to add to this? Maybe a jungle to send a hero to? Maybe random runes in the river?

    TLDR; I really suggest reading the entire post, but I'll try and summarize it as best as possible.

    Artifact is currently a card game with Dota characters in it. It needs to be the opposite. Instead, it needs to be a Dota game with cards.

    Artifact needs to feel more like you are playing DOTA instead of just another card game. To do this, some changes need to be made:

    • Players can choose which heroes go where, into any empty position of the lane, just like in Dota
    • 2x creeps spawn into each lane, each turn. Just like in Dota
    • Heroes can choose to attack any of the 3 enemy neighbors in front them. The choice is theirs. Just like in Dota.
    • Creeps have a mind of their own, just like in Dota and use the current arrow system in Artifact.
    • Heroes spawn first (at the players chosen position) and then creeps spawn randomly around it. This eliminates a lot of the RNG people complain about.
    • Creeps played from hand/cards spawn where you want them to spawn, but still use the current arrow rules.
    • Towers no longer have mana. Just like in Dota.
    • Heroes no longer have signature cards. Instead, their abilities are built into the card. Each hero has it's own starting mana and the abilities have mana costs and cooldowns.
    • Heroes can also move from one lane to another neighboring lane, just like in Dota.
    • Towers shoot one random unit attacking it for 2 damage at the combat phase.
    • Shopping phase provides all current items in the game with unlimited amount of purchases. Just like in Dota
    • TP is also available on demand, but is now castable, just like in Dota. TP gets played and the opponent has a chance to counter by stunning or killing that hero (if they are able to). If they pass the turn or make a different move, the TP cast goes off and the hero is safe in the fountain.
    • Obviously a lot of balancing will be required as this is a huge change, but I really believe the game will strive from these changes.

    submitted by /u/tashnag_01
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    RedMist.gg ~ Games played by date

    Posted: 14 Feb 2019 01:02 AM PST

    Artifact being linked to Defense of the Ancients did it no favors

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 05:23 PM PST

    Napkin math:

    Defense of the Ancients 2 has around 1,000,000 active concurrent players, while Artifact peaked at 70,000 (and a big chuck of those came from other card games), at best that's a conversion rate of 7%, which is absolutely abysmal.

    When the inevitable reboot comes I think Valve should just ditch the whole "Defense of the Ancients card game" meme and let Artifact stand on it's own, make it something FRESH and INTERESTING. (I mean mostly the lore/visuals/theme, not gameplay)


    submitted by /u/trulez
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    Daily Card Discussion - The Tyler Estate

    Posted: 14 Feb 2019 02:16 PM PST

    The Tyler Estate

    Color: Black

    Type: Improvement

    Mana: 4

    Rarity: Uncommon

    Illustrator: Dimitar Marinski

    Summary: Both towers have -2 Mana.

    Lore: Most of the magical world acknowledges the authority of the Sapphire Conclave. But in Weeping Rose we govern ourselves, answering only to The Quorum, a senate of 31 powerful wizards. And while Weeping Rose is not home to many rules, the few we have are obeyed without question. Because to fail to do so is to be sent to the Tyler Estate. — Vanessa, 'law abiding' citizen of Weeping Rose

    • What decks/cards (spells/improvements/heroes/creeps) synergize well with The Tyler Estate?

    • What format (constructed vs. draft) does The Tyler Estate do well in?

    • What kind of experiences have you had with The Tyler Estate?

    • What changes would you make (if any) to The Tyler Estate?

    submitted by /u/B3HShady
    [link] [comments]

    Today’s tournament. Feb 15

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 02:36 AM PST

    Here the tournaments list which start today. You can find the tournament time in your time zone on the site.

    Tournament Time Prize Pool Format Info
    VZUH Qualifier 5pm CET Qualifier Draft Final Prize: $38. Signup link will be posted on Discord in 2 hour before start.
    JoinGG 6pm CET $5 Draft Tournaments start every day from Mon-Friday at 6pm CET. Registration on the site
    Bitcoin League Every hour Qualifier Draft Month league with $2.000 final prize. Lobby starts every hour. More info

    submitted by /u/hikman
    [link] [comments]

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