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    Monday, February 4, 2019

    Artifact - Daily Card Discussion - Arcane Censure

    Artifact - Daily Card Discussion - Arcane Censure

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Daily Card Discussion - Arcane Censure

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 01:16 PM PST

    Arcane Censure

    Color: Black

    Type: Spell

    Mana: 4

    Rarity: Common

    Illustrator: Alix Branwyn

    Summary: Modify the enemy tower with -1 Mana.

    Lore: Many different types of wizards fall under my care in the Tyler Estate. I do not bother to learn their stories or their crimes... if the Quorum has sent them to me they are to be treated in the same manner. Harshly. — Silencer, Warden of the Tyler Estate

    • What decks/cards (spells/improvements/heroes/creeps) synergize well with Arcane Censure?

    • What format (constructed vs. draft) does Arcane Censure do well in?

    • What kind of experiences have you had with Arcane Censure?

    • What changes would you make (if any) to Arcane Censure?

    submitted by /u/B3HShady
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    Some words from Kuroky about Artifact

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 01:50 PM PST

    Of 1238 Ranked people on the redmist.gg ladder, I'm ranked near last at #1218. AMA about what cards to never play.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 02:57 PM PST

    276 games 35.5% winrate 3 game winning streak is the best I've done.

    If you want to know what card to draft or add to your deck, with reasonable certainty I can choose the worst option for you.

    submitted by /u/Jabus
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    The Truth.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 07:17 PM PST

    There are 727 people online right now. Do you know what that means? There are 727 sweaty, dedicated, try hards playing Artifact right now.

    Any new player who thinks they'll hop in and try their luck will be absolutely crushed, game after game. This will result in them uninstalling. The cycle will never be stopped.

    When player counts get this low, it's all sweatys, and quite frankly... There is probably no coming back from this.

    I loved this game, but you all need to come to terms with this.

    submitted by /u/ycontrol1371
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    I (Real_MAN) think I'll start streaming soon.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 03:43 AM PST

    Hello, everyone. After doing quite well in Artifact Bitcoin League $2K tournament yesterday, plus watching some encouraging comments in BTS Artifact's twitch, I gain some confidence. So I think I'll try to stream my play in the near future.

    So, if you're interested, please follow my twitter account (https://twitter.com/Man_Santichai). I'll make a poll to ask which hours I should stream later.

    Ps. for those who want to see my last match against Hyped, here is the link. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/374671692

    submitted by /u/Man_Santichai
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    Decided to buy Artifact

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 06:33 AM PST

    Hello everyone.

    After following the game for a while, I decided today to finally buy this game. Before I summon any trolls in this thread, I just want to say that, yes I do know that the game is not in the best state right now, but I believe Valve can turn it around.

    What I want to know from you guys is, what cards to purchase. I am willing to spend about 20€ at first. Would be super nice if someone had some deck ideas


    Thx for all the helpful replies.

    I followed the advise and startet by playing 3 call to arms games so far. (won 2 although I'm sure my opponents let me win) will try draft now thx everyone :)

    submitted by /u/Kroxoldyfik
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    Valve, Speed timer is not enabled in created tournaments, please fix.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 11:38 AM PST

    I am trying to create a tournament like Chaos Blitz but everytime I choose "Speed timer" in the tournament options it does not work in the actual tournament. The only options shown in the tournament settings page is 'tournament' 'standard' and 'inactivity' timers


    submitted by /u/trunkroll
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    Why on earth do I need a web browser to accept a tournament invite?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 10:52 AM PST

    This baffles me.

    I have a code/url with an invite link. But there's nowhere in game to enter it? Instead, I have to log-in to my account using a web browser, find my phone for 2nd step verification, then give playartifact perms for my account AGAIN, which is strange considering its a Valve game not some dodgy 3rd party, and then accept the invite.

    Couldnt find my phone lol. But seriously, give me someway to enter in-game plss

    submitted by /u/MoistKangaroo
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    Tough Choices

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 07:19 PM PST

    suggestion: what if the imps do the chatting instead of towers.... (mind blown)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 04:43 AM PST

    suggestion: what if the imps do the chatting instead of towers.... (mind blown)

    then add some cosmetics imps/couriers/orwhatever they want to replace imps....


    submitted by /u/monstercoockie
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    Username checks out

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 03:06 PM PST

    Where's TI

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 04:23 AM PST

    Valve time etc I know.

    But where when how is TI. I was/am hoping for open qualifiers and limited or mix format

    submitted by /u/NineHDmg
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    [Game mode] I've created a No Flop RNG mode

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 10:16 AM PST

    Hello there, I've made a gamemode for Artifact using Smash the ancient as a template.

    Thx to u/Anomidae for the write up and making the first puzzle.

    No flop RNG: https://pastebin.com/HKnpmA83

    This gamemode let's you select any deck to battle against AI, but there is a twist to the game: no rng flop. So your heroes will flop according to deck order (first hero goes in lane 1 and so on).

    In the gamemode there are a number of precon decks that I've taken from https://drawtwo.gg/articles/drawtwo-constructed-tier-list-1-30-19, but you can really use whatever deck you own or not (there is a guide below on how to change deck codes).

    Tier deck selector: https://pastebin.com/M4rcthUA

    This gamemode uses the same tier decks from the previous mode, but rules are the same of a normal game of Artifact.




    1. right click artifact in your steam library, click properties, click set launch options, and type in "-dev -console"
    2. get no_flop_rng.txt and/or deck_selector.txt from the pastebins above, and place them in "../steam/steamapps/common/artifact/game/dcg/puzzles" (if the folder 'puzzles' doesn't exist, create one)
    3. launch artifact, and press the tilde (`) key. It's the key above tab. If the console doesn't pop up, go back to step 1
    4. in the console, type "load_puzzle <puzzle name here>" and press enter
    5. press tilde (`) again to close console as game starts

    If you wanna reload the puzzle, open console again, and click the up arrow to get the same command again.

    if you're still confused, check out anger's quick setup guide! https://www.reddit.com/r/Artifact/comments/alk1w4/how_to_play_the_puzzle_mode_quick_setup_guide/

    Thanks for playing!




    • Go to any deckbuilder like this one (https://drawtwo.gg/decks/build) and create your own deck
    • Copy the deck code in your clipboard
    • Go to "../steam/steamapps/common/artifact/game/dcg/puzzles" (where you store your puzzles) and open your "no_flop_rng.txt" or "deck_selector.txt"
    • Navigate the config and find a line like this:



    "name" "Mono Blue" // The name to present for this deck in the selector

    "description" "" // Optional description for this deck

    "tags" "" // Optional tags for this deck

    "code" "ADCJeUSNrgCGQyTQ3+9AgySQUEDLgGzAYgEYgGCk5GUjUh5cGVkIE1vbm8gQmx1ZSA0Mg__" // The deck code for this deck


    • Now you just need to replace your deck code with the deck code of the precon deck and change name to the name you want to display in the selector
    • Save the txt and launch the game mode as normal




    • I really like the game as it is and I think any change to RNG core mechanics would basically break the balance of the game... That said it's surely fun to explore the possibilities of changing them. Now flop rng implications on meta and deckbuilding can be tested in game.
    • I don't apologies to Valve if I've made something wrong by giving the players the ability to play whatever they want against AI... But the option was there so I hope it's intended to be used. I don't want to hurt the game or the company in any way.
    submitted by /u/Opchip
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    [Unpopular Opinion] Draft is hard to become a competitive

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 01:33 PM PST

    EDIT : *competitive mode

    Many will think that in draft you have more room to outplay your opponent even with an inferior deck. However, when players are quite even in skills level (like the current pool of player), tournaments are mostly decided by who has the better deck.

    submitted by /u/zell10_10
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    Does Artifact Need a 5th Colour?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 06:20 PM PST

    Just a question more than anything - I don't have anything statistical/anecdotal to share on the matter.

    Do you think Artifact would benefit from a 5th colour from a diversity perspective? Would this enable more deck/hero variety?

    Interested to here people's opinions on the topic!

    submitted by /u/VIPowL
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    [PUZZLE] Puzzle Bag 3: Dark Night 2 and Versus Storm! Two new puzzles

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 12:28 AM PST

    Howdy there, I'm back with a few more Puzzles!

    Dark Night 2: https://pastebin.com/3jcfUKZy

    Versus Storm 1: https://pastebin.com/sE2X5qnR

    These two puzzles work just like usual - you have one lane and one boardstate, and you must destroy the ancient using all the tools given!

    DARK NIGHT 2 Is a sequel to Dark Night 1! Is it harder? Easier? Dunno! The only thing that Dark Night 2 has in common with Dark Night 1, is that it's a puzzle revolving around monoblack needing to hit an ancient. This one is quite tricky

    VERSUS STORM 1 is a new series (whatever the hell that means)! Alternatively, I should have titled this one "evening at taco bell" (if you understand the reference, then you also just got a hint!) This time, featuring red/blue!



    1. right click artifact in your steam library, click properties, click set launch options, and type in "-dev -console"

    2. get red_mist_survival.txt and/or dark_night_1.txt from the pastebins above, and place them in "../steam/steamapps/common/artifact/game/dcg/puzzles" (if the folder 'puzzles' doesn't exist, create one)

    3. launch artifact, and press the tilde (`) key. It's the key above tab. If the console doesn't pop up, go back to step 1

    4. in the console, type "load_puzzle <puzzle name here>" and press enter

    5. press tilde (`) again to close console as game starts

    If you wanna reload the puzzle, open console again, and click the up arrow to get the same command again.

    if you're still confused, check out anger's quick setup guide!


    Thanks for playing!

    Like always, you can feel free to use my .txt files to design your own puzzles! It's fairly easy to do as well. These puzzles should be pretty tight knit, but if you figure out a way to WIN with a damage overflow, then I'm really curious what you did! (by the way, just to clarify, winning a puzzle means you get the VICTORY screen, and only the VICTORY screen.). As usual, please report bugs/errors with the puzzle, and I'll fix whatever I can fix and edit the OP with new versions in case something does pop up.

    Looking for more Puzzle Action? Look no further!


    "Mana Break" by martianmangaka


    "Dark Night 1" and "Red Mist Survival" by Anomidae


    "All Skill" by Cabled


    "Smash the Ancient" by Anomidae


    submitted by /u/Anomidae
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    If the Smash Ultimate cast was in Artifact based on their in-game attributes.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 05:07 PM PST

    Bristle, Legion, Axe, Time of Triumph... every game!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 08:00 PM PST

    On a losing streak in Constructed... I swear every single deck I come across has some or all of those 4 cards. Yes, I run Bristle too, but Jesus, it's like everyone is running the same red deck. Buff, buff, buff, ToT. Nothing you can do. I may be lucky enough to draw one Annihilation (I only have one), but it seems more often than not I'm screwed.

    submitted by /u/VultCave
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    Level Up - Gold Break Points - A Mr.Page Strategy Video

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 07:19 AM PST

    [Puzzle] Damage What You Earn

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 04:49 AM PST

    Have created a puzzle out of fun. Please try them. The puzzle is simple.

    The aim is to destroy two towers by earning LARGE SUM of MONEY!



    1. AI start with no card.
    2. Auto defeat on next round if objective has not been achieve.

    EDIT: Change link because file use wrong name and description

    EDIT 2: Fixed auto win if you place unit (Thanks Anomidae). Made some adjustments for more narrower solution to make it more complicated (Thanks Opchip).

    submitted by /u/gchimuel
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    A feature i may not be aware of or doesnt exist

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 03:15 PM PST

    Trading tix for packs and vice versa,does it exist?

    submitted by /u/Winobaisdark
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