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    Wednesday, February 20, 2019

    Artifact - It's thursday my dudes! Today Artifact will be saved!

    Artifact - It's thursday my dudes! Today Artifact will be saved!

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    It's thursday my dudes! Today Artifact will be saved!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 04:57 PM PST

    All aboard the hype train, there's place for at least 12 people! :)

    submitted by /u/makkea
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    Dota 2 removed the Artifact promotional assets from the fountain area.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 12:26 AM PST

    The prize modes have got to go.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 05:21 AM PST

    They were never executed well. Too greedy. Created bad experience for most players.

    Now they do nothing but divide an already tiny player base.

    Just end them.

    submitted by /u/Hq3473
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    TIL this button allows you to view the comics from the in-game browser

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 10:08 AM PST

    [Interview] RobAJG: "Artifact is just not a Dota game. It’s a game with Dota graphics. That is why so many people were turned off: they expected Auto Chess, something that had a real foothold in Dota, and they didn’t get that."

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 08:41 AM PST

    Putting more OOMPH into Artifact's Combat

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 08:19 AM PST


    I personally love Artifact's presentation. I think many pieces of card-art are genuinely gorgeous, the imps are charmingly animated and there are some spell-effects that are superior to anything I have seen in digital TCG previously.

    Sadly, apart from those few card-effects, many others are lacking. Especially when so many of them only raise a number. It would be nice if more items had some more visual flair when being equipped, like Hero's Cape or Claymore. Or at least animate the number rising, the heart-shape pumping or something.

    My biggest personal gripe, however, is the COMBAT.

    My issues with the Presentation of Combat:

    The way that combat is currently presented can make even the most intense back-and-forth Action-Phase end anticlimactically, as the two rows limply bump into each other.

    A board-clear, literally ripping up half a dozen cards, does have a nice feeling but when there are few or NO units dying...it feels like nothing really happened, even if both players fought hard to keep their units alive.

    I think there are a few ways to make the combat feel more impactful, add more character to units and give that bump a more satisfying feeling.

    Suggestions to enhance the feel of combat:

    As of right now, there is no difference between the hit of a Melee Creep and the hit of a beefy unit or even a highly buffed hero. That is why it feels like buffing attack-values is just another number; because it has no other effect on the feel of those units. There is nothing that makes those units feel more powerful.

    Instead, units could animate differently depending on their attack-value. For example, a hero could pull back further before crashing into its opposing unit and/or do so at a higher speed to visualize that strength! A different sound effect to convey the force of impact (yes, similar to HS) could be used as well.

    Same goes for RECEIVING damage as well. Even if the enemy unit survives the attack, if the damage exceeds a certain amount, it could be visibly pushed back further by the attack, leaving a visual skidmark/scratch on the board for a few seconds. This way, even non-lethal combat will look much more eventful and satisfying. It will show when a unit or hero is left alive by a slither which is often so important. It would be great to see that hero quite literally reeling but still hanging on after that big attack. That would be a more gratifying event for BOTH players to see!

    And then there is Siege Damage. As of right now, there is nothing indicating that a hero is doing Siege Damage to your tower apart from the different attack-arrow. There is no special animation or sound at all apart from the usual tower-reaction which is not being emphasized. Perhaps these units could animate to show them trample over the unit blocking them to hit the tower or there could be a projectile effect.

    All of these enhancements would not elongate the combat animation for more than a split second if all units still attack simultaneously.

    Further DIVISIVE suggestions to Combat timing up for discussion:

    However, if the devs DO decide to spend another extra second on the combat-animation to add character, more options would open up on top of the aforementioned enhancements. I am aware that most people will hate the following ideas since they take more time without adding anything beyond flavor. They are simply alternative ideas up for discussion.

    So instead of a simultaneous bump, creeps may attack together in a first bump, followed by the heroes in a lane. This would add character to the heroes by putting the spotlight on their combat as the central units of the game.

    Another option which would require an extra second or more is to have all units attack in a wave going from left to right on top of the improvements to impact-animations. Picture a wave in a sport-stadium. Each unit would get a split-second spotlight for their attack (around 4 units per second with tiny differences depending on attack value) and decks that go wide would become more satisfying to watch.


    Instead of all units limply bumping into each other the same way, make them sound and animate differently depending on how much damage they deal/receive. Make heroes, big units and wide boards feel good.

    submitted by /u/Cymen90
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    Shunook, Last of the Hunyo

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 04:59 PM PST

    Adding an animation after each full turn

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 08:11 PM PST

    Hear me out. A (less) important issue about Artifact to some people is that there's no oomph or special effects. What if there's a brief (10 second) animation after all three lanes are done where a small fight occurs (e.g. Sven swings at the three targets in front of him)? It may be hard to implement but this would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/Claminq
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    Quality of life improvement for drafting

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 06:26 PM PST

    can we PLEASE have the coin instead of the "Next" or "finished" buttons while drafting? i'd also like to be able to hit the spacebar after picking my two cards to continue to the next pack.

    thanks volvo

    submitted by /u/JonUnit
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    Artifact as it stands: what to keep?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 10:48 AM PST

    I am a daily lurker of this subreddit and I see calls for changes every other day; threads on the changes one would make, discussions about specific features that needs changing, etc. Based on Valve's history, they tend to listen to the community and make necessary changes long-term. They say that they are in it for the long haul and they are probably working on something significant towards the game.

    In the meantime, I haven't seen a discussion on which aspects to keep / maintain for Artifact in its current state. What aspects do you not want to see changed and why?

    submitted by /u/allisma
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    Just hit Level 25, no rewards?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 04:09 PM PST

    So, aside from buying packs, tickets, or recycling cards, there's no way to earn packs or tickets anymore? That seems like a mistake to me.

    I poured through the other levels and really enjoyed phantom draft but never felt like I had the right cards to mess with constructed. I also got tired of losing all my tickets in that prize play against those 40+ my level.

    Any chance this'll be reduced soon? Would love to continue to earn packs just through playing like the early levels. Giving us just icons don't really seem that worth it.

    submitted by /u/Seanbiscuit
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    How do you guys think the game would have turned out of its Buy Once model with ranked Ladder?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 11:20 AM PST

    I have been playing a lot of Dota Autochess lately and upon thinking about it, I would not play it at all if the pieces costed real money. I also wouldn't play it if there was no visible rating.

    By once I mean, $20 for entire set of cards forever and with payable skins. Coming from a MOBA background, I honestly wasn't that interested in buying cards or spending over hundreds of dollars to test out different decks. I am testing out different playstyles/formations with dota autochess and having a fun with it. I would definitely not play it at all if it had any pay to win component

    submitted by /u/TrueHeroIke
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    long haul drafting

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 04:27 PM PST

    finally after my 14th perfect run got to draft skill lvl71. took fukin ages at 70, finally I can consider myself top 1k artifact pro players. might quit my dayjob after all..

    submitted by /u/adukeNJ
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    Minor Visual Suggestion From Someone Who Is Also A Moron

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 05:32 PM PST

    Simply put, have some flair with the attacks, mainly from 3D models.

    Say Sorla's hero card (when it's going to kill a unit/tower) swings way far back and quickly summons a spear in front of it, before skewering the card in front of it.

    Or Axe when he's using his signature card, the opposing units attack first and then a fuckoff big axe spawns and cleaves them right back.

    Or CM throwing a snowball at the opposing unit, only for it to become a giant slow boulder when her attack value passes a certain point.

    LC's retaliate should be her polearm quickly swiping at the enemy as soon as they collide, instead of an empty pause after the initial damage calculation.

    You could go crazy with all of this. I'm not suggesting a full 3D model of Zeus standing on top of the card and bitch slapping the enemy Enchantress, but having a hero card act as a hero would be nice.

    Really it'd just be a lot nicer than just watching cards clash into each other. It doesn't solve the core gameplay issues, but it would definitely make the game feel better to play (from a purely visual standpoint).

    submitted by /u/heater12176
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    Tried Artifact Again Today

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 06:26 PM PST

    Played eight online matches.
    Almost every opponent had a black red deck or mono blue.

    I lost every match with my default decks, always destroying at least one tower, but never quite winning. I've encountered cards that have completely soured the game for me such as seemingly broken cards like gold multipliers, free unblockable tower damage, and seemingly endless damage spells.

    Needless to say, I sold every card and uninstalled for the second time now.

    One question remains however, why are you guys still here? This game is bad and the only ones still playing are those who dropped $100 to buy a good deck.

    submitted by /u/Malleator
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    do people play CCGs in the term long because they find them "fun"?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 02:44 PM PST

    for some games the draw is fun. for others it's challenge and accomplishment. i've spent over 3000 hours playing dark souls pvp with no regard for leaderboards because it's fun. it's fun because the invasion mechanic makes each fight different in a way that matches in a tightly regulated competitive game aren't.
    i've also played about 10000 games of duelyst, a CCG. if it didn't have a ranked ladder i would have dropped it shortly after picking it up. it was fun during the initial learning period but as with any CCG after i developed an understanding of the meta it became monotonous and wins ultimately counting towards something was the only draw to continue playing.

    submitted by /u/1pancakess
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    No longer I'm a normie. Level 25 club bitches!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2019 04:51 AM PST

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