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    Thursday, February 7, 2019

    Artifact - Daily Card Discussion - Fight Through the Pain

    Artifact - Daily Card Discussion - Fight Through the Pain

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    Daily Card Discussion - Fight Through the Pain

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:51 PM PST

    Fight Through the Pain

    Color: Red

    Type: Spell

    Mana: 1

    Rarity: Common

    Illustrator: Forrest Imel

    Summary: Give a red hero +2 Armor this round. 🗲 Get initiative.

    Lore: I've seen a lot of people try to kill Axe over the years. 3 of them even got close. — Goodkind, Bard to Axe

    • What decks/cards (spells/improvements/heroes/creeps) synergize well with Fight Through the Pain?

    • What format (constructed vs. draft) does Fight Through the Pain do well in?

    • What kind of experiences have you had with Fight Through the Pain?

    • What changes would you make (if any) to Fight Through the Pain?

    submitted by /u/B3HShady
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    500+ hours, 71 Rating, Some Thoughts

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:47 PM PST

    Artifact at its core is a beautiful game. Once I finally had access, I was immediately struck by the elegance and wisdom of many design elements: the asymmetry of the lanes and hero numbers; forgoing mulligans, and drawing two cards per round; starting with 3 mana instead of one, etc. I had a sense of astonished wonderment I previously felt when I calculated the math behind Secret Hitler. Planning and thought had gone into this game. It was not the "game design by democracy" I felt other developers utilized.

    I reached constructed rating 71 soon after the release of ratings, and until a couple weeks ago I was making a tidy profit playing prized constructed. I've even started a team league (https://www.reddit.com/r/artifactantigamers) that is about to begin week one.

    All this is to say that I'm surely one of this game's most avid players, but even I am playing less now. I'd like to share my thoughts on various aspects.

    I love the core gameplay, and the priorities for me are "quality of life" features

    I think Artifact is more like a turn-based-strategy game than a "card game", and I love it. Sure there could be more cards and some balance tweaking (blue is the most anti-fun by the way :)), but that's not really what I care about. That's what people who are not playing the game cry about--most of these people do not even like the core gameplay to begin with.

    What I want are things like:

    - Replays. I am a hardcore player and I want replays to study.

    - Friend spectating. The spectating function is already in the game, so what gives?

    - Lobbies with spectators. I'm running an amateur league and we have to use a free-for-all tournament workaround just to have 1v1's with spectators.

    - Smoother UI/rhythm experience. I absolutely support the quickening of the game tempo with animation changes. Why does it take so long for a game to end and let me queue again? The next round's animations have to fire, the ancient has to explode, the victory/defeat screen has to fade in, and then all the experience animations have to play. It is ridiculous.

    - Why did rewards stop at profile level 16? I'm at 36 already!

    - Profiles

    The ladder/ranking system is terrible

    There was a period before the rating system was introduced where I won 90% of my prized constructed games. Around the time rating was added, my winrate was probably 58-70%, gradually decreasing, but still sustainable. Now even I cannot "go infinite" in prized constructed, so I've switched to standard where I generally crush.

    I would suggest doing away with standard gauntlets altogether, adding a real ranked ladder, and keeping prized gauntlets as a special mode. Be generous with ticket rewards to feed the player pool! You can have special unlocked icons or other rewards for playing gauntlets too.

    As for what kind of ranked ladder to add, I've always felt that Warcraft 3's was the best. For people who aren't familiar with it, you had a hidden rating (expected ladder level) and your actual rating. Rating change was based on your displayed rating and your opponent's hidden rating. Rating decayed for inactivity, and there were regular season resets. It was a beautiful system that made it fun to level up, while remaining a badge of skill. Blizzard's tournament qualifiers also used the ladders.

    Rewards such as profile icons remained tied to number of wins, and so could be achieved by massing games. Lesser-skilled players thus also could have something to show off.

    Anyway, discussion about the ladder system/profile system warrants its own topic.


    Finally, I'd like to add some balance whining. I think blue's removal may be too strong. It is also the most "anti-fun" thing for me and some friends. Early turn "board control" can feel meaningless. If it were up to me, I would like to experiment with changing At Any Cost to four mana or reducing its damage and seeing how it affects strategies, and going from there.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/aboxcar
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    'Artifact lost another player!' - enemy rage quit

    Posted: 06 Feb 2019 10:45 PM PST

    Patch waiting room?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:41 AM PST

    It's one of the days that could potentially be patch day, my dudes.

    submitted by /u/Anaximander1781
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    FYI if an enemy is already at -Attack, using routed will give them +Attack instead

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:18 AM PST

    Why I stopped playing Hearthstone for Artifact, and why I am now leaning back towards Hearthstone

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:56 AM PST

    The main reason I stopped playing hearthstone is because of how RNG-dependent and polarizing the matchups were. Some games you knew were won/lost by turn 4 no matter what you did. Some games you won/lost on turn 4 because you or your opponent high-rolled the nuts. As someone who loves playing midrange-style decks, I was typically on the losing side of those games. Combo decks boast the game's most polarizing matchups and have been left entirely unchecked, to the point where, if you're playing any sort of value/control deck, you've effectively lost the game on turn 1 against combo. On the flip side, if you're playing a highly-aggressive deck, you have a very high chance of winning. Hearthstone has become a living nightmare for players like me for this reason. Unfortunately, the devs have no issues with Combo being so prevalent as an archetype because deck diversity is high overall.

    I find games in Artifact to be much more satisfying. I think this is mainly due to the fact that I don't care about winning, I care about playing. A lot of matchups are a constant fight for board through incremental value and clever plays, where decks are, in general, less dependent on draw RNG. Against U/G Storm however, you are literally playing nothing as your opponent dumps their entire hand. Thankfully U/G Storm has been nerfed, however I believe R/G Ramp should be too. It embodies the essence of your typical Hearthstone deck: High draw RNG and a game-winning combo [insert 'another player loses to ramp' here].

    The main reasons I am slowly switching back to Hearthstone is that games are shorter and less demanding, and Artifact hasn't changed much. I'm bored of the meta at this point, there's very little deck diversity and very few archetypes possible with the current set of cards. I really hope a new set is released soon, possibly with some QOL changes to attract players.

    tl;dr Hearthstone meta is full of combo decks, RNG is too often the deciding factor and steals wins. Artifact gameplay is overall much better because there is much less draw RNG and board control is innately favored. However, Hearthstone games are shorter and less stressful, and Artifact needs a new card set or something to really shake up the meta.

    submitted by /u/leggie_blondie
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    Today’s tournament. Feb 7

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:30 AM PST

    Here the tournaments list which start today. You can find the tournament time in your time zone on the site

    Tournament Time Prize Pool Format Info
    VZUH Qualifier 5pm CET Qualifier Draft Final Prize: $40 Signup link will be posted on Discord in 2 hour before start.
    JoinGG 6pm CET Qualifier Draft Daily tournaments start every day at 6pm CET. Signup on site
    Bitcoin League Every hour Qualifier Draft Month league with $2.000 final prize. Lobby starts every hour. More info

    submitted by /u/hikman
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    Would a trade-locked system like PTCGO work?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:04 PM PST

    So in Pokemon TCG Online, you can buy cards with in game points you accumulate, however those cards are locked to your account and can't be traded. Packs that you spend real money on can be. Just wondering if something like this could work, as a way of having a lot more progression for players, but they can't put those cards on the market along side the normal marketable cards

    submitted by /u/flufflypillow
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    Poll: If Valve was to overhaul their monetization system, how would people who have already invested money feel?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:01 AM PST


    I think making the game free to play is an inelegant solution (people duping accounts and botting, i think having access to free account creation in a competitive game is usually not ideal) but I definitely think they should have given players access to all the cards after purchase, following the standard of 'first one is free' and then possibly introducing some sort of monetization system with later expansions. Perhaps F2P is the way to go but in the end, i would like to see how people who have invested into a collection would respond.

    In the end, Valve was just too upfront with their monetization and i think the majority of people don't want to be thinking about money whenever they play a game and why other games that use the disenchanting/card crafting system have seen far more success. We can claim that 'HS costs just as much or more than Artifact if you do the math' but it is not perceived that way and that is really important.

    It is really a shame that players cant acquire cards outside of spending money and i think that 'building a collection' is an important source of that progression feeling. I would love it if Valve could do a best of both worlds where there is a market for people who do not mind spending money as well as ingame currency/crafting system that allows people who do not want to spend money to build their collection.

    Others things I would like to see are 1v1,2v2, and 3v3 drafting. CCGs are built off the social and community aspect and i really think that if Valve wants this game to succeed it needs to somehow utilize that in its game modes.

    submitted by /u/FlameandGlass
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    Brainscans.net 2019 League || Every Thursday GMT & EST Groups

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:05 AM PST


    Sup guys, Garesnap from Brainscans.net here. Tonights our Week 5 of our 2019 League. Would love to see some fresh new faces grace our League. Winners of each group receives 5 dollar Steam Card along with an invite to our Final Event on March 1st. Final Event winner will receive 100 USD cash, along with a golden nameplate in our Artifact Discord server (https://brainscans.net/discord).

    GMT Group has just started, and EST Group will be starting at 6pm EST. Come join us at six: https://www.playartifact.com/tournament/?invitekey=13085147947927607947



    edit /u/blacviruz made a really good point about many players not being able to attend the 6PM EST group. We would consider moving this time back a little bit, if that meant more players were able to play. Take a vote in our poll, or let me know what you think: https://twitter.com/brainscans_net/status/1093618070931886080

    submitted by /u/garesnap
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    Artifact Expandium: Custom Red Heroes

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:29 AM PST

    Before anything, I would like to say that I am not a developer nor do I take too much pride over these cards. I don't see them as my creations: they were made with software that is not mine, inspired from a game I didn't develop and use card art that I haven't made nor credited. This is just me sharing my ideas with, hopefully, like-minded people.

    • TL;DR: Click the first link and enjoy some custom artifact cards. Come back to this post when you don't understand anything.

    Hello again sub, today I would like to bring you the next collection of the expansion, this time with

    Artifact Expandium: Red Heroes, containing custom concepts for Dragon Knight, Pangolier, Phantom Lancer and more. You can check them out in this Imgur album here. Again, a lot of the concepts and mechanics contained in this collection are explained over at my first post here, so feel free to check it out and read through the explanations. You can also find my Custom Black Hero thread here.

    Making Red heroes was always a challenge for me, because Red seems to be the color with the weakest identity. They seem to be based around their strong heroes and manipulating the combat phase, so that is the overall theme I went for when making these cards.

    Thank you for all the constructive feedback, I love to get to know your thoughts and opinions about these cards.

    submitted by /u/blocklir
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    My take on a Corpse Tosser deck

    Posted: 06 Feb 2019 10:24 PM PST

    My current version is on Artifact Fire here. Considering swapping 1 copy of ToT for Bolt, but otherwise not really much I want to change atm. When left unchecked this deck usually ends the game on the third or fourth round. More normally around 8 mana. After that, the deck tends to fall off.

    I wanted to make a deck around Prellex and I kept messing around and then some inspiration from Slack's video from a while ago led me to this list. Turns out Ogre Corpse Tosser is a solid response to tower armor if you have infinite creep spawns per turn.

    Would love to hear any critiques on the decklist, still trying to get used to constructed.

    My most satisfying win so far was playing an Ogre Corpse Tosser in response to Vesture of the Tyrant to win the game.

    playartifact link: https://www.playartifact.com/d/ADCJTQcNrgCTorXBNAFJ7sCkEGjA0JBcgGzAUlKnQ9wAYaBVG9zc2luZyBQcmVsbGV4J3MgLi4uIENyZWVwcw__

    submitted by /u/Feazon
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    Me and my friend played a fun game using rainbow constructed decks

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:11 PM PST

    Savage ravage

    Posted: 06 Feb 2019 11:45 PM PST

    My last 50 victories enemy surrenders.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:59 PM PST

    I never get to give the final hit. Is this rage cuz give you less exp? Maybe should fix that cuz every single game ends now with a surrender, no final shoots X: or some, lose exp if you surrender idk

    submitted by /u/Gundari93
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    Three Enchantresses may have been too much, but two definitely hits the sweet spot

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:42 PM PST

    Three Enchantresses may have been too much, but two definitely hits the sweet spot

    I have 65 hours in this game and still loving it, but this is only my second perfect run (and first with 0 losses). In the process, I beat a Bristleback-Legion Commander-Beastmaster-Luna-Zeus deck that was just STACKED. Enchantress's passive is severely underrated in draft imo, it allows you to survive rounds you really shouldn't have. It allowed me to slowly dominate games from mana 7+.

    Deck Code:


    submitted by /u/Claminq
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    What's your main mode rank? I'm really curious. Mine is 72 Draft - After 230 hours of playtime

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:01 PM PST

    Tournaments all Starting at 5-6 PM CET

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:03 AM PST

    Right now it seems like all the big tournaments/ qualifiers are happening on weekdays around 5-6 PM CET or 11-12 am EST. I realize a lot of these tournaments are hosted by European pro players like Stan cifka but where are the US friendly tournaments?

    submitted by /u/brettpkelly
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