• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 9, 2019

    Artifact - With all the negativity in this sub, can we have a moment of appreciation for the devs working hard to improve this game? Let's give them support!

    Artifact - With all the negativity in this sub, can we have a moment of appreciation for the devs working hard to improve this game? Let's give them support!

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    With all the negativity in this sub, can we have a moment of appreciation for the devs working hard to improve this game? Let's give them support!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 03:45 PM PST

    TOP8 of my Draft Challenge with full decklists

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 05:37 PM PST

    TOP8 of my Draft Challenge with full decklists submitted by /u/StanCifka
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    Finally given up on Artifact for good

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 03:54 AM PST

    Having a closed beta with nothing but yes-men and dota personalities completely warped Valve's expectations for Artifact's launch. The game failed miserably right off the get go and some of the, admitted by Valve themselves, mistakes were reverted. Yet all of them without any communication.

    The thing I hate seeing most about the gaming industry that it went from a pretty close community(old Blizzard eg) to a massive booming market filled with apathetic stockholder-run companies that only shit out games to make money, and won't hesitate to steal your data or seduce you into buying more cut content. For me a lot of gaming has lost its heart and many of my previous favorite companies have fallen from grace. But I didn't expect that from Valve. Valve is a company that is quite bold, both in work ethics as well releases, but somehow managed to put out some of the best instant classic games ever made. From my experience they never really interacted much with the community, but rather listened. This works very well for massive games with diverse players such as team fortress or, to a slightly smaller extent, Dota 2.

    But Artifact was promoted as a game that would only cater to a small amount of people, and a wink to Dota players. It was, from all the interviews, never the intention to make it appeal to a very wide crowd. On top of that Artifact is one of the biggest AAA flops in recent years, seeing one of the sharpest declines in playercount I've ever seen. It has lost all its prominent streamers over the course of a few months and the reviews have reached a point so low it's almost hard to imagine this is indeed something developed and published by Valve. In this case I can't accept Valve's "we listen passively"-stance. I don't care if they took money from me by ruining the value of my cards, I don't care if things like the new expansion are delayed(end of Call to arms should've been ages ago) but I would very much like some insight on what Valve is considering. Which of the complaints are being heard.

    But Valve applied the same old Valve strategy and doesn't communicate at all. They don't communicate with a game that was suppose to be esoteric. They don't communicate despite the community being so uniform in their complains. They just watch how it all burns down reconsidering their options in their ivory tower. I've tried for very long to be optimistic about the game, but Valve does not reward anyone trying to remain upbeat. The playerbase has recently hit an all time low of below 900 concurrent players average and no update has been made since last month the 28th. All those trying to save the game got was more empty promises and nothing of substance. I've come to the point that I don't want to support this game and it's practices anymore. I really wanted to see this game succeed, from the very beginning, but Valve has ruined all my motivation to stick around any longer.

    I'm out permanently.

    submitted by /u/Gloriouspieps
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    Artifact: Coached by Hoej Ep. 2 (Constructed)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 01:21 PM PST

    Has game design genius Richard Garfield offered an explanation or given a reaction to Artifact's failure?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 03:25 PM PST

    Just curious because I sometimes wonder if he is just overrated due to catching lightning in a cup with MTG or if he really is the design genius.

    submitted by /u/TimeIsUp8
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    Roving Highwayman

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 11:20 AM PST

    We cant expect updates at this point, right? Are they going to re-release the game?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 04:44 PM PST

    Judging from the silence and the little hints we have (like that dev email response from the other day) they are not focusing on small patches anymore. And it makes sense. No one will notice something new when no one is playing the game. I might be wrong here but I feel that they are going to take a long time off to fix what needs to be fixed and then introduce the game again. The worst thing of all is that will will never find a single info about it until it happens.

    submitted by /u/Gandalf_2077
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    Cool lethal in Stan's tourney

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 01:22 PM PST


    Edit: i dont know how to embed the video...

    So i had a crazy good finisher and im super happy about it and i wanna share it. It was in Stan's tourney. In the 128 swiss the very last game of the last round. If i lose the series im 95% eliminated, if i win im 100% advancing to top 64 as i was 1:1 overall and this was the third and final series. The last series i was 1:0 (just for full info)

    Anyways, my deck i feel was very risky, i didnt really had much choice when drafting, basically my win condition was to win 1 lane early and win the 2nd slowly and i had at least 3 different finishers. I had 2 Disciple, 2 Oath, and a lodestone demo. As green being very popular with red, i feel like lodestone 1off is really good.

    The breakdown of the video (it is only the last 90 sec, as my setup only records that much):

    So i was super desperation mode, i needed to hit a hole in his defense and win straight up. I was holding him up in first lane, and lost 2nd lane. He had almost assured lethal on 3rd lane. I deployed debbie to lane 1 because i had relentless pursuit, and i could snipe something with it. He took with helm my disciple the round before in the 3rd lane so i had some draws to do punch the hole i needed (namely the no accidents).

    So i was about to snipe his creep with pursuit, because before hand i calculated that i had no lethal even with lodestone i was 1 dmg off if it doesnt calculate -armor, if it does i was like 4-6 off. And sadly his disciple had only -1 armor....(now that im looking back at the footage i dont know why it only has -1 armor).

    Anyways i remembered that my 1 unit offscreen was sorlawho had the gun to deal 2 damage to finish off the disciple, and that gave me lethal with lodestone.

    I then went full autistic with my celebration because i felt a lot of pressure. It was a very painful game, and he was turning it around with the helm, and the surges.

    Ps.: In the qualification i qualified where i had lodestone in hand, and if i win that game in through, but i was 1 off there as well, and i had charge forward (card that gives all units 2 siege) and the caster got mad that i didnt lode, and i told him later that i had no lethal with that, and he was cool. So i felt like this was a good redemption story for that part.

    Im just super happy. My goal was to get out of 128 and i did, i consider my self amongst the best in draft (between the 12 of us still playing)

    submitted by /u/Gizdalord
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    Letter for Valve

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 05:06 AM PST

    Things Valve need to change

    Dear Valve Team I am actually one of those people who never wrote anything on Reddit I didn't even had an account until a few days ago. This is my first post. But I am online everyday and I am reading a lot of Artifact Post and I feel like I have to say something to you guys. First I want to apologize for my bad English it is not my mother tongue but please read it until the end.

    I know you guys are working on a big Patch now and I want to help you guys by pointing out the main complains about the game. Many suggestions are also from the community. I think if Valve wants to save the game they really need a big change. And even if they change everything it could be still to late for them.

    I will write a lot from my point of view but also what I was reading in the Reddit forum. I really love this game and hope it will survive but right now I stopped playing because there are to many things in the game I don't like. I will start playing again when the big patch comes and I hope they correct there mistakes. I want to make a summary of all the important points/flaws the game has. Ok lets Start


    20$ to just play the game is way to much. I got many friends who would like to play or test the game but they are not willing to pay 20$ just to try it out. I think you have to lower the price a lot or even go free to play to save the game. Please stop being greedy.

    Another big think is that prize constructed or prize draft is also behind another paywall. Most people including me are not able to go infinity in draft. So if I want to play prize draft/constructed I have to invest money and I am pretty sure many people will not do it. I have 3 friends who I convinced buying the game but all 3 of them stopped playing Artifact because they lost all their tickets sooner or later. There is no way to obtain new tickets or cards (expect from leveling up but after that nothing more). My friends told me there is no reason why they should keep playing the game. And I think many people are not willing to pay 2 play.

    Better rewards:

    It is so frustrating if you go 2-2 or 1-2 or 0-2 in draft. You just don't get anything for your effort. At least give us maybe parts of a Ticket 1/3 so even if you lose you get a small reward. Or maybe single cards as a reward. Just give something that it feels not you just wasted a ticket and 2 hours for nothing.

    Rank Ladder:

    I heard a lot in the community that a proper ladder ranking system is requested. We want a visible rank ladder it gives us a reason to keep on playing the game. A lot of people desire a proper ladder. I guess I don't need to explain this point so much.

    Not enough ways to earn free packs or tickets or cards:

    After you level up to rank 16 you can't get additional packs or tickets. I think there should be some kind of way to earn at least free tickets. Valve as you can see people are not willing to support your greedy model. So give people a chance to earn free stuff. People who want to buy every card should still be able to do it. But people who are not willing to pay 90$ for the whole set need a way to get free cards, packs or tickets. This will draw a lot of player back to Artifact I think.

    Reduce RNG:

    This is another big complain of the community. I think there are just toooo many rng factors. It starts with heroes deployment. You cant even decide which lane your hero should start and also not the position.

    Arrows are completely random (lost a few games because of rng arrows) and it just feels awful. Instead of attacking the tower and win the game the hero or minions are attacking other minions. It is really frustrating.

    The shop depends on rng. Lost many games because I didn't got a TP scroll. Enemy had more luck and got the right items. Nothing you can do about it but it feels just not right. And it takes the fun away for me.

    Solutions: Just a few ideas to change it. Just let your heroes spawn in the same order as the heroes are in your deck. Or make heroes like cards. They cost 0 can you can decide which lane and which position your hero should spawn.

    About the rng arrows you could give every hero the ability to change arrows once a turn. But you lose initiative. Minions rng stays random. So you would control at least your heroes arrows. Or how about make your hero able to walk between lines. The hero doesn't recover health but can change the line.

    I think you should be able to see all 9 of your items. Why just 1? And consumable items should always be available (maybe with a 2 turn cooldown) or everybody starts with a TP scroll.

    And you could made spawn one minion on a random lane and 1 minion we can decide where is should spawn.

    1on1 Draft:

    It would be nice to play with your friends 1on1 Draft. Why not and should be so hard to insert into the gameplay.


    People need also replays. After a long game it is sometimes hard to remember every step you made. And if you want to improve you need to find your misplays. Also would be nice to save some epic fights you had and watch is later.

    Add statistics:

    Heard that one also a lot in the community. I guess people want win/lose statistics or heroes and cards they played. Maybe also win/lose in draft and constructed? Maybe people can add something if I misunderstood something.

    Buff and nerf cards:

    I know this is just the base card sets but for me it already gets really boring to see the same decks over and over again. There is not much variety in the meta. Almost all the same cards a played and it makes playing so much predictable. When I watch big tournaments the player wins who draws the right cards. And everybody plays the same 2 decks. It is so boring to watch always the same decks. Also in draft you always draft the same cards because most of the other cards are not playable and it makes the game really boring.

    If Valve would nerf cards like ToT (don't know all the card names in English sorry) and buff other cards and Heroes I am sure that we would see also different decks.

    Add new cards:

    I would prefer to balance first the base sets of cards and after that they should add new cards. Maybe it is still to early for a new expansion but I think it would drag back old players and pull in new players. Maybe another chance to save the game.

    Mulligan (I hope this is the right word):

    How about you can mulligan 1 card each turn. You got no cards to play? No problem just put one card back into your deck and drew another one. So you can counter bad draw rng a little bit.


    It should be easier to access Tournaments. Don't want to search on extern websites for tournaments. So annoying.

    Why don't you guys create a few small weekly tournaments with small prize pool. Maybe Packs, tickets or cards as a reward. Would not hurt you guys much but lets people play your game.


    I think many people would love that you guys communicate more but I am also think it will never going to happen. Many people got mad at Valve for not communicating enough. And I can completely understand why people are freaking out. Valve will probably never change but still want to mention it anyways.

    By the way what happened to the 1000000$ Tournament???

    Skins or cosmetic:

    Instead of the greedy prize money models you should take a few steps back. And make it more community friendly. You can make more money with skins or cosmetics (like in Dota) then with tickets or packs. Maybe even make the game free to play with all the cards for free. This will increase the playerbase a lot.


    In the beginning the timer was to long and now it is to short. Most of my matches I almost die because of the time. Maybe increase the starting time from 2:30 to 3:00. Just a little bit more time to think about your turns would be great.

    Gameplay is not fun:

    This argument I heard a lot in the community. I think the core gameplay is fun but need still a lot changes. Many people left artifact because it is not fun (that's what many people said don't know if it is true). Don't know how to fix that problem because for me it is fun if you fix all the points I mentioned above I think that the main player base will return to artifact.

    Make a Mobile version:

    Another big point would be to make a mobile version. Don't have to explain much I think. Many more people would play the game.

    Trading cards with friends:

    It would be nice to feel like a real card game if you could trade cards with your friends. Why shouldn't we be able to trade cards. I think this would be a great function if you guys could add it to the game.

    Make the game more viewer friendly (like for twitch)

    Disable Auto zoom

    So I hope I didn't forgot anything. But I am sure there are more points/flaws with the game. These are the one which came to my mind and I want to fix. I was a big fan of this card game but I reached my limit. I don't recommend your game to my friends anymore and I stopped playing . I even stopped streaming your game. I really hope you guys will fix the points I mentioned above. I am so disappointed in Valve but I still have a little hope left that they will bring a huge patch to change everything to the better. But until then I wait in silence. Hope you guys understood what I wanted to say. Sorry for the long post and spelling mistakes. I am sure there are more flaws with the game if you know more you can add them

    submitted by /u/fettrick
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    Hero concept: Shadow Fiend

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 10:23 PM PST

    This was a joke I made a few weeks ago... Seems like it's really going to happen!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 10:22 PM PST

    I have a hard time getting into Artifact

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 04:48 AM PST

    I bought the game about a month ago and while I think it still has its flaws and it's still in an early stage, it's a great game and I would like to play it more, but I just really have a hard time getting into the proper mindset of the game. Even after the tutorial, watching commented matches and after reading websites like drawtwo, I still have problems winning and building decks that work.

    I understand some basic synergies like Kanna's signature and diabolic revelation, or having phase boots on Treant or Lycan, so I can distribute the bonuses better, but I don't have any clue how any of the other cards synergize. It feels to me like I am missing something great and that there can be many viable strategies and more deck options than Axe, Kanna, Drow etc. but I just don't see it now.

    Do you guys have any tips on which cards synergize well with others or what can I do to get the mindset?

    submitted by /u/AdmiralCita
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    21:9 Still unfixed

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 08:09 PM PST

    21:9 Still unfixed

    Can we get a fix for this please? It still annoys me :P


    submitted by /u/crazy_Physics
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    Animations to celebrate the new year and the Chinese year

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 07:01 PM PST

    Animations to celebrate the new year and the Chinese year

    the option will only be available 1 time as long as you are to win



    submitted by /u/Zfrxnkz
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    I still hold out hope for this game.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 04:28 AM PST

    This game is honestly one of the most interesting card games out there, but still simple enough to play casually. That said I've not played this game in 2 months, I play hearthstone mostly the reason being as a "dad gamer" I get few hours at the computer but a lot of time on my phone. Not only for me personally but I think for a card game a phone version is key. They said at start Artifact was coming to phones, but after this turnout I am afraid this might not be happening.

    If it dose, I hope there are people out there who will give this game a second or maybe a first try!

    submitted by /u/MarvelousPoster
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    Question about Winter's Curse

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 08:13 PM PST

    Why does Winter's Curse have a "Repeat" icon on the text of the card?

    Does each enemy neighbour hit the target twice (ie. four hits in total)? Grateful if someone would clarify.

    submitted by /u/Michelle_Wong
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    Today’s tournament. Feb 9

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 01:25 AM PST

    Here the tournaments list which start today. You can find the tournament time in your time zone on the site

    Tournament Time Prize Pool Format Info
    Fresh Blood 1pm CET $76 Draft Signup on site
    Go4Artifact CIS 3pm CET $50 Constructed Signup on site. Check in 30 min before start
    JoinGG 6pm CET $5 Draft Daily tournaments start every day at 6pm CET. Signup on site
    Mainlinegg Qualify 7pm CET Qualifier Constructed Final Prize: $500 Signup link will be posted on Discord at 7pm CET
    Akshon Esports 9pm CET $100 Constructed Signup link will be posted on Discord in 30 minutes before start.

    submitted by /u/hikman
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    Hero concept: Big Boy Tiny

    Posted: 09 Feb 2019 11:42 AM PST

    More terrible eclipses by Grapplr

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 11:39 PM PST

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