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    Tuesday, January 8, 2019

    Artifact - The 7th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Artifact - The 7th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Link to Artifact - The Dota Card Game

    The 7th Weekly Stupid Questions Thread

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Ready the questions! Feel free to ask anything (no matter how seemingly moronic).

    When the first hit strikes wtih desolator, the hit stirkes as if the - armor debuff had already been placed?

    There's no desolator in this game yet.

    submitted by /u/VRCbot
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    Making $5003 Draft Challenge available for anyone

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 07:02 AM PST

    Making $5003 Draft Challenge available for anyone

    Hello Redditors! My first two tournaments had an amazing feedback, so here we go with the third edition available to anyone! Growth of the bounty is exponention here, first Draft Challenge saw bounty of $5000, second one $5001 and this time we will be playing for $5003!

    On top of that, both finalists in the challenger tournament will get $100 for getting that far.

    If you like these events and would like to help me with them a bit, please upvote this so it gets to the maximum amount of people and the whole Artifact community can enjoy it.

    Once again here is a copy of Ninja's admin info. If you don't want to miss any info about this event, your best bet is my Twitter as I will tweet about anything relevant to this.



    Edit: While this was not a plan at all, drgoni saw this post and send me extra dollars to add to the prizepool, so $50 goes to 3rd/4th place based on the result of final duel. I find this as an amazing feedback from him and the community, so if you wish to support the Artifact competitive scene this way, just private message me on Twitter as we separated some slots for people that want to add extra money to prizepool (all of it will go to TOP8 prizes), and for $100+ support we will send you direct invite as well. Once again, this was not the main purpose of the tournament at all and most likely these slots will be distributed in the end in other qualifiers, but it is great to see this sort of "feedback" and I will gladly support it if anyone else is interested.

    Draft Challenge 3rd Edition

    Tournament information:

    Challenger tournament will be played on saturday, February 9th at 17:00 CET.

    Duel tournament will be played on sunday, February 10th at 17:00 CET. Only winner of Challenger tournament will enter.

    128 slots distribution:

    • 16 slots - Qualifier #1 by StanCifka. On 24th of January there will be a big stream on his channel, link will be available in the Twitch chat. Check https://www.twitch.tv/stanislavcifka
    • 8 slots - Qualifiers #2 by DPMlicious. Qualifiers between 28th-29th of January + 5th-6th of February, check https://twitter.com/dpmlicious
    • 8 slots - Qualifiers #3 by Brainscans.net. Qualfiiers between 22nd-25th of January, check https://twitter.com/brainscans_ne
    • 8 slots - Qualifiers #4 by Hyped. Qualifiers between 25th-29th of January in his daily drafts, check https://twitter.com/Hyped_AF
    • 8 slots - Qualifiers #5 by Artifact Five. Qualifiers between 26th-31th of January, check https://www.weibo.com/artifactfive
    • 8 slots - Qualifiers #6 by eSports Trading. Qualifiers between 1st-4th of February, check Discord server discord.gg/uew9dMb
    • 8 slots - Qualifiers #7 by Playartifact.ru. Qualifiers between 3rd-6th of February, check https://twitter.com/artifact_ru
    • 8 slots - Qualifiers #8 by The Iron Branch. Qualifiers between 2nd-5th of February, check twitter.com/TeamIronBranch
    • 8 slots - Direct Invite for Top 8 from second 5k challenge
    • 40 slots - Direct Invite for selected content creators
    • up to 8 slots - Direct Invite to people who want to support the tournament as mentioned above by Stan
    • X slots - Everyone with Limited Rank 30 or higher (post screenshot under Stan's tweet on 8th of february, right before the tournament) will get a link to small Discord server where the tournament link will be posted to fill in for people who did not check in (usually 5-15 slots).

    Will be updating this with extra info (some dates and organizers might change) and links so you guys know who/where/when will be running qualifiers, but ultimately everything will be up to the organiser making these (format, date, time, slots distribution).

    Challenger tournament will be run in 128 players with following structure:

    • 128 players draft with 3 rounds of swiss followed by cut to top64 (2:1 is guaranteed to get through).
    • 64 players draft with 3 rounds of single elimination, which will leave 8 people in the tourney.
    • 8 players draft with 3 rounds of sigle elimination, leaving our challenger as last man standing.

    Tournament Structure

    Duel tournament, or "Final boss" if you prefer, will be played as StanCifka vs. Challenger. Players will play Best of 15 and will always play exactly 3 games with the same draft deck (Do not mistake with BO3). After those 3 games they will draft a new deck, and whoever wins 8 games first claims the bounty of 5003$! In case that challenger wins, 100$ prize from Challenger tournament moves to player in the 3rd place (player that lost semifinals against challenger).

    Tournament terms:

    1. If you are playing in the tournament, you are obliged to read and know these terms. Please join the tournament only in case you know you will be able to play.
    2. All players are required to be online and in Artifact client 15 minutes before the tournament start as check-in and available in tournament chat at all times. You might be kicked out of the tournament if you do no check-in this way.
    3. In-game tournament client is great but not perfect, and there are a lot of things that cannot be fixed manually. In case of an error we are sorry, but that is all we can do. Default winner of the match is a player that game client decides is the winner. All the disconnects/bugs/errors are ignored unless both players agree otherwise and the change can be made in client.
    4. After the round starts you are required to start your round in less than 5 minutes. After this period of time you will be given warning in a tournament chat, and 3 minutes from that point you can get kicked out of the tournament.
    5. If you win a qualifier, make sure to join to the tournament immediately with the link provided for you. After 12 hours the link might be invalid. Do not share the link to anyone else or you might be disqualified.
    6. It is not allowed stream snipe. It is not allowed to draft or play together with another player. In case of qualifying to the final duel, it must be you and only you alone playing that duel. You will be disqualified in case of breaking any of these rules.
    7. In case of unlikely event admins reserve the right to move date and time of the qualifier tournament. Admins reserve the right to make any decisions necessary to keep the tournament running and preserve its integrity. All these decisions are final.

    Sorry for this long essay for the third time, but out of 100 people there are always 99 trying to have fun and 1 guy making all the problems, and it is unfortunately necessary to write something like this down. In case of any problems, message me directly on Steam - Actually Not Ninja

    submitted by /u/StanCifka
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    Deck Guide: Meepo Magic

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 03:50 PM PST

    Hey guys, Swellzong here.
    I've been working on a deck called "Meepo Magic" for a long time and I finally feel that it's been tested enough for me to write a guide about this awesome deck. Some of you may have seen a few games posted here and if you have you know how devastating and fun it can be.

    But can it win? Yes it can.

    The final version I've been playtesting for the last week currently has a winrate of 84,21% (16-3) in Prize Constructed. It has beaten Mono-Blue 4 times out of 5, Mono Red 2 times out of 1 and RG Ramp 2 times out of 2. It's a small sample size but I wanted to include it since this last version is the one I deem most optimized.

    Overall through the deck's entire life cycles I have a 73.44% winrate in Prize Constructed using Ogre Magi (over 64 games).

    The deck is Red/Blue featuring Axe, Legion Commander, Tidehunter, Ogre Magi and Meepo. It plays as a combo deck by drawing a lot (sometimes all) of the cards in your deck and summoning a bunch of Meepo copies and casting Time of Triumph on all of them repeatedly and closing out the game in one turn with blink daggers or two turns by one-shotting the ancient.

    Deck list: https://www.playartifact.com/d/ADCJUoLtLgCEARTGri7AkJlAoiWgQFxAbMBiEQHnVOzAU1lZXBvIE1hZ2lj
    Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MasNRFMlCtE&feature=youtu.be

    General Game plan:
    1. Damaging the enemy tower DOES NOT MATTER. You can easily kill two 40hp tower in one turn when the combo goes off (not that you have to, something will be hitting the enemy tower somehow).
    2. Stall out the game by any means neccessary.
    3. Draw as many cards as possible without letting too much damage through to your towers.
    4. Sometimes you need to sacrifice 1 tower to keep your 2 other towers more healthy. It is much easier to defend 2 tower properly than to try to defend 3 towers and letting 2 or more drop to below 20hp. By keeping 2 tower above 30hp until the combo turn you can usually leave one of them completely open and focus on the combo lane.
    5. Consider if you need to use a Time of Triumph on mana turn 8, sometimes even on 1 hero. Sometimes you have to do this to stay alive and it also makes it easier to clear opposing heroes in the lane you want to combo in (explained further in point 5).
    6. Set up Tidehunter or Aghanim's Sanctum in the lane you want to combo. This opens the option to either use Tidehunter's stun to disable the enemy heroes or use "Duel" to kill an enemy hero (or more) before getting back up to 9 mana with the Aghanim's Sanctum and unleashing the combo.
    7. Unleash the combo. You won't always be alone in a lane so you need to think about what plays your opponent can make to stop your combo. If it's a play that's very likely to happen consider if you can hold out a few more turns in the other lanes for a better combo setup later. You only need one turn with the combo to kill two towers in different lanes if it's done properly.

    Hero choices:
    - Axe is here to provide a strong red body that can help us survive until mana 9. His card Berserker's Call is a valuable tool for clearing a safe lane for the combo once you have a red hero with ToT on it or for clearing up any creeps blocking your heroes after you unleash the combo.
    - Legion Commander has the same role as Axe, but her card is better for unleashing the combo since it only costs 2 mana. This means you can potentially use Duel twice before putting down Aghanim's Sanctum in the same turn to get back up to 9 mana.
    - Tidehunter is an essential key hero in this deck fulfilling three very important roles. He tanks like a champ and lets you stay alive. He can stun a lot of opposing heroes so you can use your combo, or he can stall a lane an extra turn by himself. Lastly his signature card gives initiative which means you don't have to spend main deck cards for initiative.
    - Ogre Magi is the least important hero in the lineup and I have tried swapping him out for a lot of other heroes but he has the highest winrate overall for me. He helps stall against aggro decks with his Ignites and he can copy spells which is super valuable for the card draw spells. If you copy just one of those during a game (we have 5) we're usually very good on the card draw front.
    - Meepo is obviously the star of the deck and without him the whole premise would crumble. He allows us to get off massive ToTs and win the game in one turn.

    Notes about the deck:
    - After using the combo you can move 2 Meepos to another lane and push with just 1 blink dagger by blinking one of the new copies and using "Poof" with the main Meepo to follow the clone.
    - Try to play The Omexe Arena into a lane that you're going to Annihilate later. If the tower in that lane can survive waiting one turn you should even consider giving up initiative for it (if you're certain you can Annihilate it the turn after).
    - If possible against high-damage heroes, sacrifice Ogre and Meepo in consecutive turns right from when they are deployed. I don't mind deploying Ogre Magi in front of even a Bristleback if it means he dies on mana 4 and blocks 8 tower damage. This means he comes back on the Annihilation turn. If Meepo and Ogre always dies in different turns you'll always have Annihilation ready for a new lane.

    If you want to see how the deck plays and get tips on how to beat specific match ups I have uploaded a bunch of games with analytic commentaries on my youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/Swellzong

    Thank you for checking out this guide. If you'd like to see me play the deck in action I will be playing it in the Brainscans.net January+February league on Thursday the 10th at 19:00 CET/1pm EST on my twitch channel here: https://www.twitch.tv/swellzong

    If you have any questions about the deck just ask away, I'd love to see more people succeed with this deck.

    submitted by /u/Swellzong
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    Aleco of DrawTwo.gg regarding the plagiarized mono-red article appearing on the site

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 01:12 PM PST

    Schedule and casters of the upcoming Artifact Mighty Triad tournament from WePlay

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 09:20 AM PST

    Hello guys!

    We would like to announce group stages schedule of the WePlay Artifact Mighty Triad: Agility tournament!

    • Type: constructed
    • Number of Participants: 32
    1. TOP-16 from WePlay MT:S
    2. 2 special invites
    3. 14 winners of Open/Closed Qualifiers

    Group Stage - GSL format - 15-18 of January 15:00 (CET)

    • 8 groups x 4 players
    • TOP-2 from each group advance to Playoffs
    • Matches: Best of 3
    • Registered Decks: 2. !!! Each player must win with 2 different decks to become a match winner! You can't use one combination of colors twice. You can do RU and RG but you can't do RU and UR !!!

    More about the tournament you can read here.

    Casters of the tournament:

    Day 1 - January 15th

    Group A

    Time (CET) Team 1 Team 2
    14:00 Petrify MyGoodMate
    15:00 OMG.Rename Gela
    16:00 winner winner
    17:00 loser loser
    18:00 decider decider

    Group B

    Time (CET) Team 1 Team 2
    19:00 Hoej Mogwai
    20:00 Naiman Miranda
    21:00 winner winner
    22:00 loser loser
    23:00 decider decider

    Day 2 - January 16th

    Group C

    Time (CET) Team 1 Team 2
    14:00 LifeCoach Real_MAN
    15:00 DrHippi Swim
    16:00 winner winner
    17:00 loser loser
    18:00 decider decider

    Group D

    Time (CET) Team 1 Team 2
    19:00 LuckBox VinKelsier
    20:00 Baize MaggoGx
    21:00 winner winner
    22:00 loser loser
    23:00 decider decider

    Day 3 - January 17th

    Group E

    Time (CET) Team 1 Team 2
    14:00 Hyped Shana
    15:00 dpmlicious Berry
    16:00 winner winner
    17:00 loser loser
    18:00 decider decider

    Group F

    Time (CET) Team 1 Team 2
    19:00 Xixo Teddy
    20:00 Lumi Stormlike
    21:00 winner winner
    22:00 loser loser
    23:00 decider decider

    Day 4 - January 18th

    Group G

    Time (CET) Team 1 Team 2
    14:00 MieGod Mugibaby
    15:00 MrYagut Soey
    16:00 winner winner
    17:00 loser loser
    18:00 decider decider

    Group H

    Time (CET) Team 1 Team 2
    19:00 SuperJJ F1asco
    20:00 StrifeCro TAAndyWand
    21:00 winner winner
    22:00 loser loser
    23:00 decider decider

    Prize Pool of the Tournament

    • 1st place - $7.500
    • 2nd place - $4.500
    • 3-4 places - $1.500
    submitted by /u/WePlay_esports
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    Is the game competitively sustainable with less than 1k twitch viewers?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 06:38 PM PST

    Right now artifact regularly drops below 1k viewers, I'd imagine this is not enticing for sponsors looking to invest for tournaments or pro players.

    So what does this mean for artifacts future?

    submitted by /u/TablerMan
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    ARTIFACT - Funny & WTF Moments - EP.12

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 02:14 PM PST

    Valve should reevaluate their design philosophy; or, Why Path of the Bold is the worst card ever

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 07:33 AM PST

    There is a more-or-less well known article by Magic: the Gathering lead designer Mark Rosewater about why bad cards exist. You can read it (here). In short, it enumerates several reasons why Magic prints what many consider "bad" cards, especially at rare.

    I'm here to urge Valve to please, please, please revisit their design philosophy when it comes to creating their set design. Clearly I'm not a lead designer of Magic cards, but in my humble opinion, some of the horrible wastes of digital cardboard that they've printed thus far do more to damage the game than anything else. If a card is so bad that there's no reason why anyone would ever possibly want to include it in their deck *in either constructed or draft*, the card should really be tabled and reworked.

    Case in point: Path of the Bold (the red path, for those unfamiliar). First, compare this card to Mist of Avernus. The former (1) requires substantial work to trigger, (2) really needs to be played in a monocolor deck to reap its benefits, and (3) only targets a single unit. Mists in contrast (1) requires no work to trigger, (2) can be played in any deck and even splashed, and (3) targets literally everything. This isn't even addressing the fact that the worse one is rare and the other uncommon. There's almost no scenario where a person would want Path over Mist in play(obviously there is a corner case where you need the pump NOW and you have the ability to command the pump to a specific unit for that purpose).

    Now Zoochz, you might be saying, this card is meant for a different deck! Say, a monored list with lots of low cost spells to hopefully trigger the ability over and over. **WRONG** I have, believe it or not, made this exact deck--complete with Rising Angers and Heroic Resolves and a complete playset of Paths--and was looking forward to Path pumping things left and right. Boy was I disappointed. Path was easily the weakest link, pathetic and anemic. This was in my very first constructed deck. I would never make such a mistake again. They're even worse in draft, where you're likely to be playing two or even three colors and thus diluting the number of times you can reliably trigger this.

    If Path of the Bold were, say, guaranteed to modify a hero, *maybe* it would be justifiable. Then at least you could contend yourself with buffing your hero for the future in the even of his or her death. But no. You're just as likely to hit a 2/4 creep, a boost which doesn't even do anything significant in the case when it's butting up against another 2/4.

    Please know that I'm not upset about "losing value" in getting a crappy rare. I'm upset that valuable design space was wasted on such an uninspired, unimpressive cycle. In a world where there's only one set out, and a host of monocolored decks running around, the fact that none of these cards are seeing the light of day should be extremely telling. The green Path is the only one that even remotely seems viable, but even that isn't really played and isn't interesting to build around.

    I'm not a lead designer for Magic, or Artifact for that matter, although I have been a beta tester for other CCGs (Duelyst, to be precise). Still, here are just a few, small tweaks that would make this cycle infinitely more playable (obviously I'm not suggesting all of these in tandem):

    * Have them cost 1, or even zero, mana. The effect is no nominal that I don't think them being free is out of the question.

    * Have them target only heroes (the case of the blue, red, and black ones). That way the effect is predictable and lasting. You could change the green one to add armor to continue the theme.

    * Increase the effectiveness of the card. +2 attack, 2 damage, 5 regen, etc.

    * Increase their cost, make them hit all heroes in all lanes.

    These examples all illustrate ways to make these cards unique and potentially viable without being overpowered. **Obviously I haven't playtested these at all, and I'm writing them off-the-cuff.** If you think they're way OP or whatever, then I can only say "sure, that's what playtesting is for."

    My suggestion moving forward: if you're going to print an underpowered rare, at least make it interesting and something I want to build around that, and that when built around, generates value of some kind. Otherwise, why bother? No one benefits by these cards existing as is; certainly not you, since no one is ever going to buy them on the Steam marketplace.

    There are plenty of other cards that I think need a rework, but I'll leave it at that for now. Thoughts? Am I being over-the-top?

    submitted by /u/zoochz
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    [Suggestion] Why we need game replays ASAP

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 04:59 PM PST

    Artifact is a hard, really hard. Sometimes it feels like you didn't make a single mistake, but still had no chance to win. That most likely isn't true, but the solution might have been pretty out of box or simply something you didn't think of in the moment. That's why there are games where you just lose but don't feel like you learned anything.

    With replays, you could go back to that lost game, and see that you actually made some mistakes, learn from them, fix them and become a better player. This is what top players are doing already, maybe by recording their games, or playing against each other and talking the games over. For a player that can't commit that much time to the game but still want's to improve, a simple menu with replays you can skip forward and play with increased speed feels like a necessity.

    submitted by /u/Ival1ce
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    As a person who doesn't usually use chat, sometimes you just can't resist

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 10:47 AM PST

    How will the player base react if the next expansion in 4-5 months is the same price of this one

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 01:13 PM PST

    I'm a constructed only player and it costed 200$ to get my full collection, asking this cause I just saw a comment about it and how the guy would quit if thats the case, well I think I would do the same, hope they go for a more inclusive route.

    PS: saying that there are games that cost more doesnt make artifact cheaper.

    submitted by /u/LegalBerry9
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    A guide on how to analyze decks at a quick glance

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 04:11 PM PST

    What's your highest final damage in a game?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 09:29 PM PST

    $6.75 Mono Black Perfection

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 07:32 PM PST

    Why does the system give xou the same enemy three times in a row?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 09:01 AM PST

    I just played against a mono blue deck and that was a long fight. In the end he won and that was okay.

    After that game I started a new one and got the same guy again, I surrendered since I knew my deck sucks dig against his.

    I waited about 2 mins and went for a new game. The same fucking guy all over again?

    Why does the system still give me the same enemy after a loss and a surrender?

    I had to surrender again, thats actually super frustrating and stupid.

    submitted by /u/Payzz
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    Long haul is good but better long and frequent haul :)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 04:24 PM PST

    I keep vsing the same people in gauntlet... directly after playing them

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 04:39 AM PST

    It's happened twice today.

    One of us is clearly on a different amount of wins after the first game, and yet it matches us.

    I understand the player base is shrinking but the matchmaking really needs to be stricter, queue times be damned.

    submitted by /u/MoistKangaroo
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    Chinese fan made a mod for Artifact with HotS images (dead game + dead game = ???)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 02:07 AM PST

    Artifact website resources request for moderators

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 05:15 PM PST

    Moderators, can we get a pinned post or sidebar with all the Artifact sites? I keep finding new ones that I did not know about with great content and articles like https://artifactdailymeta.com/ . Seems good content is lost quickly here and be nice to have a post that can just go through to click on the links to check out if anything new on their site. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/eklypz
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    Nightly Pauper/Peasant Tournaments (SGT Time) is back!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 08:37 AM PST

    A (Very Incomplete) Review of Artifact Cards

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 05:54 PM PST

    Deck Tech: Red Green Ramp V2.2 (90 seconds) + Game Play

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 06:29 AM PST

    Mr. Page battles Mono Red with Red Green Ramp

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 01:02 PM PST

    I reached 25 and all I got was a lousy t-shirt (with a Selemene print tho)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 06:13 PM PST

    Scrap skillrating and give us Dota2 ranks + mmr

    Posted: 08 Jan 2019 12:01 AM PST

    Played phantom draft for 9 games. 3 wins and 6 loss. Skill rating 1 unchanged during that whole time......what is the point??

    If this is dota2 I probably be instead 1900 MMR (assume start off at 2000mmr ) and guardian rank. I like the title better, I like also that it registers that I am losing MMR and that one day when I get a win streak I can brag on Reddit that I reached divine after being stuck in guardian for along time.

    Please Valve just copy and paste some Dota 2 code and ditched skill ratings.

    Also please show the rank/MMR/skill rating of opponents instead of that Artifact level (which is useless to everyone)

    submitted by /u/gblackdragon
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